Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V.21 - La Drang valley - 2024-01-06 20:46:01 Chatlog
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[2024-01-06 20:46:45] dtk: a more civilzed map
[2024-01-06 20:47:16] dtk: hop in the slick for rapid flag capture happy fun time
[2024-01-06 20:47:37] Nagi Tanka: the bojangle bar in australien ca 2010 life was nive
[2024-01-06 20:47:48] Fragga: lol
[2024-01-06 20:47:50] Nagi Tanka: xmas
[2024-01-06 20:47:51] M.i.r: c6!!!
[2024-01-06 20:48:08] dtk: what are we wearing tonight nagi?
[2024-01-06 20:48:12] DiscoMagpie: oh wow it's the "all left" valley :D
[2024-01-06 20:48:29] Fragga: lol nagi that is a gay bar lol
[2024-01-06 20:48:34] DiscoMagpie: fun map if we have 40 players
[2024-01-06 20:48:34] Fragga: bojangles
[2024-01-06 20:48:42] M.i.r: D/!!!
[2024-01-06 20:48:48] M.i.r: D7!! tank!
[2024-01-06 20:48:53] DiscoMagpie: nagi is at a gay bar?
[2024-01-06 20:49:07] dtk: its called "club nagi"
[2024-01-06 20:49:24] DiscoMagpie: wait how do you know gay bars fragga?
[2024-01-06 20:49:31] DiscoMagpie: that's suspicious
[2024-01-06 20:49:35] Fragga: you told me
[2024-01-06 20:49:41] DiscoMagpie: :O
[2024-01-06 20:50:07] DiscoMagpie: caught in 4k ultra HD
[2024-01-06 20:50:07] Gra$$HoPPer: 2 mice walk by a gar bar
[2024-01-06 20:50:19] DiscoMagpie: what's a gar bar
[2024-01-06 20:50:22] Gra$$HoPPer: one says hey lets go in and get shitfaced
[2024-01-06 20:50:46] Fragga: and?
[2024-01-06 20:50:56] M.i.r: c5 tank
[2024-01-06 20:50:57] DiscoMagpie: he still hasn't explained what a gar bar is
[2024-01-06 20:51:32] M.i.r: c5
[2024-01-06 20:51:44] DiscoMagpie: I think grassy is busy making up the joke
[2024-01-06 20:51:58] M.i.r: d5 tank
[2024-01-06 20:52:02] dtk: this is boring
[2024-01-06 20:52:06] Gra$$HoPPer: it was a richard gere joke
[2024-01-06 20:52:14] DiscoMagpie: maybe you are boring dtk
[2024-01-06 20:52:21] DiscoMagpie: have you considered that?
[2024-01-06 20:52:23] dtk: eat a doink
[2024-01-06 20:52:33] DiscoMagpie: :D
[2024-01-06 20:52:43] dtk: suck these salty nuts
[2024-01-06 20:52:47] dtk: sweet and sour
[2024-01-06 20:52:57] DiscoMagpie: how do you know they're salty
[2024-01-06 20:53:03] DiscoMagpie: have you tasted them yourself? :D
[2024-01-06 20:53:05] dtk: ive tasted them
[2024-01-06 20:53:07] Fragga: he salted them
[2024-01-06 20:53:09] DiscoMagpie: :DDDD
[2024-01-06 20:53:27] dtk: now u will too
[2024-01-06 20:53:48] dtk: now us main has zsu support
[2024-01-06 20:54:09] dtk: gotta clean grass's guts out first
[2024-01-06 20:54:14] Fragga: mr oarange are you playing?
[2024-01-06 20:54:19] Fragga: orange*
[2024-01-06 20:54:32] DiscoMagpie: that was a surprise
[2024-01-06 20:54:35] Nagi Tanka: HIHI
[2024-01-06 20:54:45] DiscoMagpie: look nagi is laughing :D
[2024-01-06 20:54:52] Gra$$HoPPer: klol
[2024-01-06 20:55:08] dtk: laughing about what?
[2024-01-06 20:55:21] DiscoMagpie: about your weewee's lenght
[2024-01-06 20:55:26] dtk: oh no
[2024-01-06 20:55:30] DiscoMagpie: :D
[2024-01-06 20:55:49] dtk: its about how u use it
[2024-01-06 20:56:02] Fragga: ducky Thanks for being an admin with a sense of humour
[2024-01-06 20:56:19] DiscoMagpie: :D
[2024-01-06 20:56:21] dtk: hes not an admin'
[2024-01-06 20:56:28] dtk: hes a registered sex therapist
[2024-01-06 20:56:29] Fragga: isnt he?
[2024-01-06 20:56:30] DiscoMagpie: wanna make sure dtk?
[2024-01-06 20:56:44] Fragga: show him ducky I DARE YA :)
[2024-01-06 20:56:50] dtk: and he has violted HIPPA by talking about my weewee
[2024-01-06 20:56:51] DiscoMagpie: :D
[2024-01-06 20:57:04] DiscoMagpie: the heck is hippa
[2024-01-06 20:57:19] Fragga: only applies to health care workers
[2024-01-06 20:57:21] dtk: privacy laws in the USA regarding medical care
[2024-01-06 20:57:40] dtk: ur next quesion "whats the usa?"
[2024-01-06 20:57:40] DiscoMagpie: usa never had laws
[2024-01-06 20:58:17] DiscoMagpie: :O grassy got killed
[2024-01-06 20:58:26] DiscoMagpie: but his sacrifice has won us the game
[2024-01-06 20:58:33] Fragga: what is the F4 doing?
[2024-01-06 20:59:02] DiscoMagpie: I actually hit him from here
[2024-01-06 20:59:03] dtk: second house
[2024-01-06 20:59:06] dtk: front
[2024-01-06 20:59:06] DiscoMagpie: with the machine gun
[2024-01-06 20:59:19] Nagi Tanka: HIIIHIII
[2024-01-06 20:59:20] dtk: grass surrender and dance for us
[2024-01-06 20:59:21] chandelier: he ded
[2024-01-06 20:59:25] Fragga: camper in tank
[2024-01-06 20:59:37] DiscoMagpie: hee hee
[2024-01-06 20:59:42] dtk: spawn at tunnel
[2024-01-06 20:59:42] Nagi Tanka: maccaroni maccaroni
[2024-01-06 20:59:46] dtk: and dance monkey
[2024-01-06 20:59:52] Nagi Tanka: champion soe
[2024-01-06 20:59:56] DiscoMagpie: ooga booga
[2024-01-06 21:00:06] dtk: never mind
[2024-01-06 21:00:12] Fragga: lol
[2024-01-06 21:00:12] dtk: the jabroni ryoni destroyed it
[2024-01-06 21:00:21] DiscoMagpie: fly your metal birds here GI
[2024-01-06 21:00:35] DiscoMagpie: we will bring them all down GI
[2024-01-06 21:00:39] dtk: silence round eye
[2024-01-06 21:00:43] Gra$$HoPPer: think its time for Dart
[2024-01-06 21:00:49] Gra$$HoPPer: Y Y Y
[2024-01-06 21:00:54] DiscoMagpie: is it really?
[2024-01-06 21:00:57] Nagi Tanka: noooooooooo
[2024-01-06 21:01:02] dtk: operation battle axe
[2024-01-06 21:01:03] DiscoMagpie: oh wow we already have enough votes let's go
[2024-01-06 21:01:09] dtk: n
[2024-01-06 21:01:11] dtk: nay
[2024-01-06 21:01:22] Nagi Tanka: but
[2024-01-06 21:01:28] Nagi Tanka: flaming dart
[2024-01-06 21:01:36] Gra$$HoPPer: Y
[2024-01-06 21:01:41] dtk: mca
[2024-01-06 21:02:20] M.i.r: i think the box is c5/6
[2024-01-06 21:02:22] Gra$$HoPPer: this will take 2 hours
[2024-01-06 21:02:35] DiscoMagpie: are you ready to
[2024-01-06 21:02:47] dtk: mad sus
[2024-01-06 21:02:51] DiscoMagpie: nvm
[2024-01-06 21:03:04] DiscoMagpie: I was gonna blow you up
[2024-01-06 21:03:08] dtk: disco u mad sus
[2024-01-06 21:03:15] DiscoMagpie: sauce?
[2024-01-06 21:03:25] dtk: recorded and reported
[2024-01-06 21:03:29] dtk: enjoy ur ban
[2024-01-06 21:03:35] DiscoMagpie: for being too sexy?
[2024-01-06 21:03:41] Gra$$HoPPer: saigon 68 Y Y Y
[2024-01-06 21:03:42] dtk: !kill .9
[2024-01-06 21:03:52] dtk: !spank .9
[2024-01-06 21:04:09] DiscoMagpie: wanna vote?
[2024-01-06 21:04:26] Gra$$HoPPer: yes
[2024-01-06 21:04:46] DiscoMagpie: we need more votes though :D
[2024-01-06 21:05:10] dtk: gg every1 and happy 4th of july
[2024-01-06 21:05:32] DiscoMagpie: is it that time of the year already?
[2024-01-06 21:05:40] dtk: wth man
[2024-01-06 21:05:47] Fragga: tdk Tk on purpose
[2024-01-06 21:05:49] dtk: fragga just tked me
[2024-01-06 21:06:07] Gra$$HoPPer: well guys im goin to easy prey
[2024-01-06 21:06:11] dtk: fragga this aggression will not stand
[2024-01-06 21:06:13] DiscoMagpie: no you aren't
[2024-01-06 21:06:16] Gra$$HoPPer: this map hurts my feet
[2024-01-06 21:06:43] DiscoMagpie: it'll be over soon
[2024-01-06 21:06:58] DiscoMagpie: ironically we lost
[2024-01-06 21:07:08] dtk: holy bad ping batman
[2024-01-06 21:08:09] Fragga: lol
[2024-01-06 21:08:09] M.i.r: ;)
[2024-01-06 21:08:19] dtk: fragga just got OWNED LMAO
[2024-01-06 21:09:04] Fragga: oh dtk mean deliberate team killer
[2024-01-06 21:09:04] Gra$$HoPPer: borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring
[2024-01-06 21:09:07] DiscoMagpie: dtk speaking in 2010s children language
[2024-01-06 21:09:14] Gra$$HoPPer: cyas
[2024-01-06 21:09:19] DiscoMagpie: no grassy
[2024-01-06 21:09:25] Fragga: cya robbie
[2024-01-06 21:09:31] M.i.r: nice
[2024-01-06 21:09:35] DiscoMagpie: bad boy
[2024-01-06 21:09:37] dtk: must clean knife
[2024-01-06 21:09:48] dtk: wound before it becomes infected
[2024-01-06 21:09:52] M.i.r: ye
[2024-01-06 21:10:39] DiscoMagpie: dtk left too
[2024-01-06 21:11:57] Fragga: lol
[2024-01-06 21:12:03] DiscoMagpie: noo everyone leaving
[2024-01-06 21:12:14] LawsomeGunner: they goin to epd
[2024-01-06 21:12:17] Fragga: shit map thats why
[2024-01-06 21:12:33] DiscoMagpie: why is no one voting then :(
[2024-01-06 21:12:45] M.i.r: thx
[2024-01-06 21:13:27] LawsomeGunner: ha
[2024-01-06 21:13:31] Fragga: lol
[2024-01-06 21:13:31] DiscoMagpie: finally gg

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