Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V.21 - La Drang valley - 2024-03-23 22:31:01 Chatlog
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[2024-03-23 22:32:09] [GER]Moerz77: Y!!! :D
[2024-03-23 22:32:12] Nagi Tanka: why
[2024-03-23 22:32:13] Fragga: change the map
[2024-03-23 22:32:14] Skillz: Bird bird
[2024-03-23 22:32:49] [GER]Moerz77: AFK for a minute. I am up for saigon68
[2024-03-23 22:32:58] DiscoMagpie: vote in process?
[2024-03-23 22:33:13] Fragga: YES change the map we all agree
[2024-03-23 22:33:20] DiscoMagpie: oh okay
[2024-03-23 22:33:27] DiscoMagpie: which map?
[2024-03-23 22:33:35] Fragga: hastinhs
[2024-03-23 22:33:37] dtk: every fucking time i get team switch on this trash garbage map
[2024-03-23 22:33:38] Jum_P: d5 box?
[2024-03-23 22:33:41] Fragga: hastings
[2024-03-23 22:34:00] DiscoMagpie: why is mir silent
[2024-03-23 22:34:09] DiscoMagpie: what if I really changed the map
[2024-03-23 22:34:10] Fragga: DO IT NOOOOOOOOW
[2024-03-23 22:34:18] DiscoMagpie: would he be still silent?
[2024-03-23 22:34:30] DiscoMagpie: oh nevermind map ova
[2024-03-23 22:34:52] Gra$$HoPPer: warden
[2024-03-23 22:34:55] Gra$$HoPPer: Y
[2024-03-23 22:34:58] dtk: n
[2024-03-23 22:34:59] Jum_P: y
[2024-03-23 22:35:00] M.i.r: e5 tunnel
[2024-03-23 22:35:03] DiscoMagpie: y
[2024-03-23 22:35:16] Fragga: Y just change the bloody map
[2024-03-23 22:35:30] Jum_P: flags
[2024-03-23 22:35:38] DiscoMagpie: but we only got 4 :(
[2024-03-23 22:35:40] Fragga: I COMMNAD YOU TO CHANGE THE MAP
[2024-03-23 22:35:46] DiscoMagpie: mir say something
[2024-03-23 22:35:46] Jum_P: u have tunel,Skilz
[2024-03-23 22:35:48] Jum_P: ?
[2024-03-23 22:35:50] dtk: !nextmap
[2024-03-23 22:35:55] Skillz: nop
[2024-03-23 22:35:55] DiscoMagpie: oh map ova
[2024-03-23 22:36:00] Gra$$HoPPer: well im out
[2024-03-23 22:36:01] M.i.r: vote?
[2024-03-23 22:36:08] Fragga: yep im out
[2024-03-23 22:36:09] DiscoMagpie: no don't be out
[2024-03-23 22:36:14] DiscoMagpie: map changing now
[2024-03-23 22:36:21] Gra$$HoPPer: then change map son
[2024-03-23 22:36:25] DiscoMagpie: lang vei is next :(
[2024-03-23 22:36:30] DiscoMagpie: but the map is ova
[2024-03-23 22:36:47] Jum_P: replace it
[2024-03-23 22:37:02] Fragga: ok cya
[2024-03-23 22:37:06] DiscoMagpie: noo
[2024-03-23 22:37:18] Sycho (GER): yes
[2024-03-23 22:37:27] Bartman[KN]: why would you do this
[2024-03-23 22:37:27] Gra$$HoPPer: cya boys and girls
[2024-03-23 22:37:28] Bartman[KN]: ?
[2024-03-23 22:37:28] DiscoMagpie: :(
[2024-03-23 22:37:35] DiscoMagpie: wait guys
[2024-03-23 22:37:42] DiscoMagpie: it's almost over
[2024-03-23 22:37:46] Gra$$HoPPer: 5 seconds
[2024-03-23 22:37:50] DiscoMagpie: see?
[2024-03-23 22:37:50] Gra$$HoPPer: 4
[2024-03-23 22:37:51] M.i.r: vote for saigon with y/n
[2024-03-23 22:37:52] Gra$$HoPPer: 3
[2024-03-23 22:37:54] Gra$$HoPPer: 2
[2024-03-23 22:37:55] Gra$$HoPPer: 1
[2024-03-23 22:38:12] DiscoMagpie: 2
[2024-03-23 22:38:16] DiscoMagpie: :(
[2024-03-23 22:40:15] DiscoMagpie: he couldn't wait 2 minutes
[2024-03-23 22:40:23] DiscoMagpie: but he will be back
[2024-03-23 22:40:26] DiscoMagpie: in 10 minutes
[2024-03-23 22:40:44] DiscoMagpie: that's what I don't understand
[2024-03-23 22:40:49] M.i.r: its ok... more peace for us
[2024-03-23 22:40:56] Fragga: lol
[2024-03-23 22:41:02] DiscoMagpie: never had peace :(
[2024-03-23 22:41:11] DiscoMagpie: war is the only solution
[2024-03-23 22:41:36] Fragga: is the USA having problems with Islam?
[2024-03-23 22:41:37] Nagi Tanka: give up
[2024-03-23 22:41:43] DiscoMagpie: gg
[2024-03-23 22:41:44] Nagi Tanka: NOW
[2024-03-23 22:41:51] [GER]Moerz77: !nextmap

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