Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V.21 - Landing zone Albany - 2024-04-06 22:01:02 Chatlog
Players Clans Character-Types Weapons Vehicles Maps

[2024-04-06 22:02:14] Fragga: spec mode
[2024-04-06 22:02:25] n.o.i.c.e: no helis no fun
[2024-04-06 22:02:36] Fragga: boring map
[2024-04-06 22:02:38] Nagi Tanka: hatta
[2024-04-06 22:02:45] Nagi Tanka: eingekakat
[2024-04-06 22:02:46] DiscoMagpie: everyone's favorite
[2024-04-06 22:02:52] DiscoMagpie: game miller map
[2024-04-06 22:02:59] Jum_P: f5 hill top
[2024-04-06 22:03:08] DiscoMagpie: now would be a good time to vote :D
[2024-04-06 22:03:19] Nagi Tanka: der klene raka
[2024-04-06 22:03:26] Gra$$HoPPer: saigon 68 Y
[2024-04-06 22:03:30] Fragga: not enough will bother or can read
[2024-04-06 22:03:38] DiscoMagpie: vote saigon 68 Y/N
[2024-04-06 22:03:42] DiscoMagpie: y
[2024-04-06 22:03:42] Jum_P: n
[2024-04-06 22:03:43] Fragga: y
[2024-04-06 22:03:45] Bartman[KN]: n
[2024-04-06 22:03:54] Nagi Tanka: die windel s zu klein
[2024-04-06 22:03:54] n.o.i.c.e: IRVINGGG
[2024-04-06 22:04:08] DiscoMagpie: maybe you'd rather skip to khe sahn?
[2024-04-06 22:04:18] Gra$$HoPPer: yes please
[2024-04-06 22:04:31] DiscoMagpie: okay then vote change to khe sahn Y/N
[2024-04-06 22:04:40] Fragga: no
[2024-04-06 22:04:44] Nagi Tanka: nimm doch den bierdeckel
[2024-04-06 22:04:45] Gra$$HoPPer: Y
[2024-04-06 22:04:54] DiscoMagpie: fragga said no it's decided
[2024-04-06 22:04:59] Fragga: lol
[2024-04-06 22:05:01] DiscoMagpie: y
[2024-04-06 22:05:09] Fragga: maybe
[2024-04-06 22:05:13] Nagi Tanka: hehehe
[2024-04-06 22:06:18] Fragga: afkers :(
[2024-04-06 22:06:27] DiscoMagpie: let's kick the entire server
[2024-04-06 22:06:41] Fragga: reboot it to hastings :)
[2024-04-06 22:06:43] DiscoMagpie: y/n
[2024-04-06 22:06:47] Jum_P: red main
[2024-04-06 22:06:50] Gra$$HoPPer: Y
[2024-04-06 22:06:52] DiscoMagpie: :D it's a joke
[2024-04-06 22:07:05] .BR. IRON MAN: hastings y
[2024-04-06 22:07:08] DiscoMagpie: well a vote for hastings wouldn't be
[2024-04-06 22:07:12] Fragga: aint no damn joke son
[2024-04-06 22:07:18] Nagi Tanka: nice funny
[2024-04-06 22:07:26] DiscoMagpie: okay dad
[2024-04-06 22:07:34] DiscoMagpie: see even nagi agrewd
[2024-04-06 22:07:39] Fragga: no pocket money for you this week
[2024-04-06 22:08:01] n.o.i.c.e: lol
[2024-04-06 22:08:04] DiscoMagpie: I'll beat some kid up and take his instead
[2024-04-06 22:08:23] Fragga: thats ok as long as it doesnt come out of my pocket
[2024-04-06 22:08:38] Fragga: whores arent cheap anymore
[2024-04-06 22:08:43] DiscoMagpie: what if he comes out of your pocket?
[2024-04-06 22:08:46] Fragga: ask your mother
[2024-04-06 22:08:53] Bartman[KN]: arghh
[2024-04-06 22:08:54] DiscoMagpie: :OOOOOOOO
[2024-04-06 22:09:15] Fragga: lol
[2024-04-06 22:09:19] Bartman[KN]: he
[2024-04-06 22:09:21] Bartman[KN]: h
[2024-04-06 22:09:23] Nagi Tanka: 1
[2024-04-06 22:09:26] DiscoMagpie: who's here :D
[2024-04-06 22:09:53] Fragga: you
[2024-04-06 22:10:05] DiscoMagpie: I mean which admin
[2024-04-06 22:10:10] Fragga: you
[2024-04-06 22:10:20] DiscoMagpie: and someone else?
[2024-04-06 22:10:26] Fragga: no just you
[2024-04-06 22:10:36] DiscoMagpie: you sure it's not flight?
[2024-04-06 22:10:50] Fragga: yep cause flight isnt an admin lol
[2024-04-06 22:11:04] Bartman[KN]: unreal
[2024-04-06 22:11:10] DiscoMagpie: how do you know that?
[2024-04-06 22:11:23] Fragga: i KNOW EVERYTHING!
[2024-04-06 22:11:33] DiscoMagpie: really now
[2024-04-06 22:11:34] Fragga: I AM GOD
[2024-04-06 22:11:52] DiscoMagpie: what are my pronouns?
[2024-04-06 22:12:03] n.o.i.c.e: AK47 / M16
[2024-04-06 22:12:05] Fragga: d?
[2024-04-06 22:12:14] Fragga: stupid child!
[2024-04-06 22:12:14] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: usa/nva
[2024-04-06 22:12:28] DiscoMagpie: :D
[2024-04-06 22:12:31] Jum_P: in m113
[2024-04-06 22:12:33] Fragga: :)
[2024-04-06 22:12:47] Jum_P: center tunel?
[2024-04-06 22:12:51] DiscoMagpie: I think fragga might be on something stronger than pot
[2024-04-06 22:12:53] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: pipi
[2024-04-06 22:13:00] Fragga: na
[2024-04-06 22:13:01] DiscoMagpie: yes like pipi
[2024-04-06 22:13:19] Fragga: it is nice pot though :)
[2024-04-06 22:13:38] .BR. IRON MAN: nagi
[2024-04-06 22:14:29] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: pipi
[2024-04-06 22:14:33] Fragga: but i dont smoke pot or do any drugs
[2024-04-06 22:14:37] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: kurzsocke
[2024-04-06 22:14:37] Fragga: im a good boy
[2024-04-06 22:14:44] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: no thaty me
[2024-04-06 22:14:49] Fragga: lol
[2024-04-06 22:15:00] Jum_P: f4 flag
[2024-04-06 22:15:22] DiscoMagpie: fight like a man
[2024-04-06 22:15:24] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: iwener dog
[2024-04-06 22:15:29] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: wiener dog
[2024-04-06 22:15:31] n.o.i.c.e: F5 possible mines
[2024-04-06 22:15:31] Fragga: oh ducky you got stabbed
[2024-04-06 22:15:40] DiscoMagpie: stabbed by a gun?
[2024-04-06 22:15:52] DiscoMagpie: fragga you really are on something hard :D
[2024-04-06 22:16:30] Fragga: did the bullet not penetrate your body?
[2024-04-06 22:16:43] Fragga: then you got stabbed by the bullet
[2024-04-06 22:16:53] DiscoMagpie: is everything that penetrates your body called a knife?
[2024-04-06 22:17:16] Fragga: you dont have to be stabbed by a knife to be stabbed
[2024-04-06 22:17:30] Fragga: let me show you :)
[2024-04-06 22:17:44] Fragga: bend over
[2024-04-06 22:17:51] n.o.i.c.e: this map is kind of boring
[2024-04-06 22:18:12] DiscoMagpie: 1 shot son
[2024-04-06 22:18:43] CPAV: ITS VERY MUCH SO noice
[2024-04-06 22:18:52] DiscoMagpie: well we can alwys vote
[2024-04-06 22:19:32] CPAV: it says mapvote disabled lol
[2024-04-06 22:19:41] DiscoMagpie: we vote in chat
[2024-04-06 22:19:54] Fragga: i vote to chat
[2024-04-06 22:20:01] DiscoMagpie: denied
[2024-04-06 22:20:18] Fragga: so mean
[2024-04-06 22:20:22] Fragga: so DEAD lol
[2024-04-06 22:20:25] DiscoMagpie: I'm a girl ;)
[2024-04-06 22:20:32] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: Funny how many so dependant on rockets
[2024-04-06 22:20:35] DiscoMagpie: what do you expect
[2024-04-06 22:20:40] Fragga: lol
[2024-04-06 22:21:03] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: ahahaha
[2024-04-06 22:21:09] Fragga: lol
[2024-04-06 22:21:14] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: bois
[2024-04-06 22:21:14] Gra$$HoPPer: dead hand weiner
[2024-04-06 22:21:15] _Brain Damage_: hey CPAV
[2024-04-06 22:21:16] DiscoMagpie: whoops
[2024-04-06 22:21:23] Fragga: kick the TKer
[2024-04-06 22:21:27] DiscoMagpie: okay
[2024-04-06 22:21:51] Fragga: lol
[2024-04-06 22:21:53] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: dlsooll
[2024-04-06 22:21:53] _Brain Damage_: lol
[2024-04-06 22:21:56] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: lol
[2024-04-06 22:22:03] DiscoMagpie: :D as you can see
[2024-04-06 22:22:10] DiscoMagpie: rules are for everyone :)
[2024-04-06 22:22:40] DiscoMagpie: even for fragga, who's spec all game :D
[2024-04-06 22:22:51] DiscoMagpie: oh wow nagi saw my mines
[2024-04-06 22:22:54] Fragga: im eating now :)
[2024-04-06 22:23:00] DiscoMagpie: and didn't step on them
[2024-04-06 22:23:10] DiscoMagpie: someone record that
[2024-04-06 22:23:17] -[HELLO]-Ryoni: How do you enter spectate mode?
[2024-04-06 22:23:36] DiscoMagpie: you choose it in spawn menu
[2024-04-06 22:23:37] Fragga: ham cheese mustard pickles witha coffee milk shake
[2024-04-06 22:23:45] dtk: fatty
[2024-04-06 22:23:47] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: yum
[2024-04-06 22:23:52] DiscoMagpie: where did the milk come from
[2024-04-06 22:24:00] Fragga: a cow
[2024-04-06 22:24:06] -RageVsMachine: man milk
[2024-04-06 22:24:08] DiscoMagpie: :O
[2024-04-06 22:24:49] DiscoMagpie: time bombies
[2024-04-06 22:25:12] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: ad
[2024-04-06 22:25:34] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: bog boobies
[2024-04-06 22:25:40] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: shutup
[2024-04-06 22:25:43] DiscoMagpie: bog?
[2024-04-06 22:25:46] Fragga: how you die sickboy?
[2024-04-06 22:25:47] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: big
[2024-04-06 22:25:55] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: chancer
[2024-04-06 22:26:05] Gra$$HoPPer: next map please
[2024-04-06 22:26:16] DiscoMagpie: okay dad which one you want
[2024-04-06 22:26:39] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: !restart
[2024-04-06 22:26:48] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: saigon
[2024-04-06 22:26:50] -RageVsMachine: heya tox
[2024-04-06 22:27:22] Nagi Tanka: 10
[2024-04-06 22:27:23] |GF|Duotone GER: sry
[2024-04-06 22:27:28] DiscoMagpie: 9
[2024-04-06 22:27:39] Fragga: 19
[2024-04-06 22:27:53] DiscoMagpie: that's my age
[2024-04-06 22:28:02] Fragga: =30
[2024-04-06 22:28:08] Fragga: +30*
[2024-04-06 22:28:14] Bartman[KN]: not a word ?
[2024-04-06 22:28:23] Bartman[KN]: mr TK
[2024-04-06 22:28:24] DiscoMagpie: fragga only speaks in numbers
[2024-04-06 22:28:30] DiscoMagpie: he dosn't know words
[2024-04-06 22:28:31] Fragga: nine
[2024-04-06 22:28:43] _Brain Damage_: how do u set up minimap pls?
[2024-04-06 22:29:02] DiscoMagpie: it should be on by default
[2024-04-06 22:29:15] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: N?
[2024-04-06 22:29:19] Fragga: use M or N
[2024-04-06 22:29:29] _Brain Damage_: not zooming
[2024-04-06 22:29:35] Fragga: use N
[2024-04-06 22:29:37] _Brain Damage_: like its rotation
[2024-04-06 22:29:37] DiscoMagpie: M is for zoom
[2024-04-06 22:29:54] _Brain Damage_: its current rotation is disturbing
[2024-04-06 22:30:04] Fragga: is it dizzy?
[2024-04-06 22:30:06] _Brain Damage_: I guess u cant like in BF42
[2024-04-06 22:30:08] DiscoMagpie: rotation?
[2024-04-06 22:30:08] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: rotation?
[2024-04-06 22:30:22] _Brain Damage_: yes the way minimap rotates...
[2024-04-06 22:30:32] DiscoMagpie: it doesn't rotate here
[2024-04-06 22:30:37] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: whats the command in 42?
[2024-04-06 22:30:59] _Brain Damage_: in settings u can set it to rotate around u...
[2024-04-06 22:31:09] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: wow had no idea
[2024-04-06 22:31:15] _Brain Damage_: video settings minimap...
[2024-04-06 22:31:26] DiscoMagpie: I never touch the settings
[2024-04-06 22:31:29] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: who are you hand banana
[2024-04-06 22:31:36] dtk: hand banana?
[2024-04-06 22:31:42] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: some new pro
[2024-04-06 22:31:46] Fragga: no you got arrested the last time you did ducky :)
[2024-04-06 22:31:52] dtk: not exactly
[2024-04-06 22:32:06] DiscoMagpie: I said settings?
[2024-04-06 22:32:06] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: name change
[2024-04-06 22:32:11] DiscoMagpie: not women :D
[2024-04-06 22:32:21] dtk: no hand banana is my christain name
[2024-04-06 22:32:21] Fragga: yes but she was underage settings
[2024-04-06 22:32:32] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: good name
[2024-04-06 22:32:37] DiscoMagpie: :O how do you know that
[2024-04-06 22:32:39] dtk: athf reference
[2024-04-06 22:32:45] DiscoMagpie: also gg
[2024-04-06 22:32:49] Fragga: i know all IM GOD
[2024-04-06 22:33:09] DiscoMagpie: so god's australian?
[2024-04-06 22:33:15] Fragga: yes I am
[2024-04-06 22:33:16] _Brain Damage_: brb
[2024-04-06 22:33:43] Fragga: my own country
[2024-04-06 22:33:44] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: I thought god was morgan freeman

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