Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - Operation Game Warden - 2024-06-16 21:12:04 Chatlog
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[2024-06-16 21:13:52] C|BR|OCoveiro: hi allll
[2024-06-16 21:13:55] DiscoMagpie: strong sunday
[2024-06-16 21:14:00] Norge for HIZAKI: hi
[2024-06-16 21:14:01] DiscoMagpie: hi cove
[2024-06-16 21:14:04] Kickapoo: hi cibr
[2024-06-16 21:14:06] C|BR|OCoveiro: fine?
[2024-06-16 21:14:09] C|BR|OCoveiro: fine?
[2024-06-16 21:17:14] ThotDestroyer: I think I have to sleep now
[2024-06-16 21:17:17] ThotDestroyer: cya guys soon
[2024-06-16 21:17:20] DiscoMagpie: it's too early
[2024-06-16 21:17:21] Norge for HIZAKI: b
[2024-06-16 21:17:22] -[HELLO]- paranoid: bb
[2024-06-16 21:17:24] Bartman[KN]: bb
[2024-06-16 21:17:33] DiscoMagpie: fragga only woke up 2 hours ago
[2024-06-16 21:18:37] Fragga: yep :)
[2024-06-16 21:18:43] -[HELLO]- paranoid: he never sleps
[2024-06-16 21:19:19] Rbilly: damn teamswitch
[2024-06-16 21:19:26] Fragga: the dead dont need sleep
[2024-06-16 21:19:32] DiscoMagpie: teamsandwich
[2024-06-16 21:20:05] -[HELLO]- paranoid: billy u want the mi8?
[2024-06-16 21:20:16] Kickapoo: no no disco
[2024-06-16 21:20:19] DiscoMagpie: lol
[2024-06-16 21:20:27] Rbilly: nope
[2024-06-16 21:21:31] DiscoMagpie: nono kick?
[2024-06-16 21:22:29] Turkish Monster: bye all
[2024-06-16 21:22:33] Norge for HIZAKI: b
[2024-06-16 21:22:35] Turkish Monster: sleep time
[2024-06-16 21:22:38] Kickapoo: bye
[2024-06-16 21:22:48] DiscoMagpie: bye turk
[2024-06-16 21:22:53] Turkish Monster: <3
[2024-06-16 21:24:34] -[HELLO]- paranoid: gg
[2024-06-16 21:24:38] DiscoMagpie: :D
[2024-06-16 21:24:49] Norge for HIZAKI: ouch
[2024-06-16 21:25:01] DiscoMagpie: what do you mean gg para
[2024-06-16 21:25:27] Kickapoo: my sunday ping. sigh
[2024-06-16 21:25:44] DiscoMagpie: too many people are praying online?
[2024-06-16 21:25:56] DiscoMagpie: or watching sunday teleevangelist streams?
[2024-06-16 21:25:57] Kickapoo: well I hope so
[2024-06-16 21:26:07] Kickapoo: are those still a thing
[2024-06-16 21:26:12] Kickapoo: very 1987
[2024-06-16 21:26:36] DiscoMagpie: bringing you an I.G.G. message
[2024-06-16 21:26:44] DiscoMagpie: In God's Glory: give me money!
[2024-06-16 21:27:02] DiscoMagpie: I have crucified myself on the cross of luxury
[2024-06-16 21:29:43] Rbilly: thanks
[2024-06-16 21:30:12] DiscoMagpie: no wait I forgot the message
[2024-06-16 21:30:26] DiscoMagpie: it was: feel good! send money!
[2024-06-16 21:30:58] DiscoMagpie: and gg
[2024-06-16 21:31:54] -El Diablo-: nice rb
[2024-06-16 21:31:58] Rbilly: thx
[2024-06-16 21:32:11] DiscoMagpie: no I don't
[2024-06-16 21:33:03] DiscoMagpie: :D
[2024-06-16 21:33:27] DiscoMagpie: next is albany
[2024-06-16 21:33:30] DiscoMagpie: wanna change?
[2024-06-16 21:33:38] Bartman[KN]: n
[2024-06-16 21:34:50] Kickapoo: thank u blue

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