Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - La Drang valley - 2024-06-22 18:19:02 Chatlog
Players Clans Character-Types Weapons Vehicles Maps

[2024-06-22 18:19:47] Gecky: magpie!
[2024-06-22 18:20:09] Gecky: a change of a map!
[2024-06-22 18:21:04] Gecky: jeep to base
[2024-06-22 18:21:28] Player: FUCK
[2024-06-22 18:22:31] DiscoMagpie: hi grassy assy :)
[2024-06-22 18:23:06] SutuliiBandera: hello!
[2024-06-22 18:23:25] Player: bruh
[2024-06-22 18:23:27] Gra$$HoPPer: hola
[2024-06-22 18:23:33] Justice For Hungary: hi
[2024-06-22 18:23:34] Player: hola
[2024-06-22 18:23:40] DiscoMagpie: not talking to me? :)
[2024-06-22 18:23:41] Gecky: F4 F stolen
[2024-06-22 18:23:49] Gra$$HoPPer: fu faggot
[2024-06-22 18:24:21] DiscoMagpie: lol seems like someone still has some issues :)
[2024-06-22 18:25:04] Gecky: i think they put in their tunnel
[2024-06-22 18:26:07] Gra$$HoPPer: fa u gi
[2024-06-22 18:26:49] Gecky: team afk...
[2024-06-22 18:27:51] DiscoMagpie: have nothing to say grassy? :)
[2024-06-22 18:28:06] Gra$$HoPPer: i do
[2024-06-22 18:28:18] Gra$$HoPPer: suck my weiner
[2024-06-22 18:28:18] DiscoMagpie: yeah?
[2024-06-22 18:28:26] DiscoMagpie: :D
[2024-06-22 18:28:34] DiscoMagpie: seems like you failed to notice one thing :)
[2024-06-22 18:28:47] DiscoMagpie: look at my ping lol
[2024-06-22 18:29:04] Gra$$HoPPer: you close by son
[2024-06-22 18:29:15] DiscoMagpie: yes :)
[2024-06-22 18:29:27] DiscoMagpie: watch out tonighy
[2024-06-22 18:29:33] DiscoMagpie: tonight*
[2024-06-22 18:29:47] DiscoMagpie: you might get a visit in your place :)
[2024-06-22 18:31:19] DiscoMagpie: mmmm toast with cheese, ham and cofee
[2024-06-22 18:31:42] Player: thats was my dinner tonight
[2024-06-22 18:33:42] DiscoMagpie: this map sucks ass lol
[2024-06-22 18:33:54] DiscoMagpie: ducky change it
[2024-06-22 18:33:58] Gra$$HoPPer: do you?
[2024-06-22 18:34:07] DiscoMagpie: I heard you do :)
[2024-06-22 18:34:38] DiscoMagpie: your paygirl told me so
[2024-06-22 18:35:12] mR oRanGe : lol
[2024-06-22 18:35:30] mR oRanGe : hi All
[2024-06-22 18:35:36] SutuliiBandera: hello
[2024-06-22 18:35:56] Gra$$HoPPer: hi oj
[2024-06-22 18:36:02] DiscoMagpie: hi orange
[2024-06-22 18:36:15] SutuliiBandera: lol
[2024-06-22 18:36:42] Player: no sabia que podias entrar al chinook
[2024-06-22 18:36:54] Gecky: yep
[2024-06-22 18:36:59] Player: bail out
[2024-06-22 18:38:04] Gecky: we have to destroy that heli
[2024-06-22 18:38:46] SutuliiBandera: brazil power!!!
[2024-06-22 18:40:58] Player: heli down

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