Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - Saigon 68 - 2024-06-22 22:51:01 Chatlog
Players Clans Character-Types Weapons Vehicles Maps

[2024-06-22 22:51:48] pinky: awesome map
[2024-06-22 22:52:03] Skillz: oaaa.. f..
[2024-06-22 22:52:05] M.i.r: skillz realy?
[2024-06-22 22:52:10] DiscoMagpie: oh no
[2024-06-22 22:52:13] -[HELLO]- paranoid: stop ts
[2024-06-22 22:52:13] Skillz: sry
[2024-06-22 22:52:18] M.i.r: np ;)
[2024-06-22 22:52:19] [U-H]Gecky: ohh sewers?
[2024-06-22 22:52:20] DiscoMagpie: everyone already left
[2024-06-22 22:52:26] pinky: i didn't switch
[2024-06-22 22:52:34] DiscoMagpie: oh no
[2024-06-22 22:52:45] DiscoMagpie: fragga and grass are again on the same team
[2024-06-22 22:53:07] -RageVsMachine: star crossed lovers
[2024-06-22 22:53:08] M.i.r: lol pinky
[2024-06-22 22:53:12] pinky: MISSED ME SKILLZY
[2024-06-22 22:53:14] M.i.r: panic?
[2024-06-22 22:53:18] DiscoMagpie: indeed
[2024-06-22 22:53:38] Fragga: rage disco is trying to cause shit lol
[2024-06-22 22:53:40] M.i.r: main
[2024-06-22 22:53:42] pinky: MISSED ME
[2024-06-22 22:53:49] -RageVsMachine: why
[2024-06-22 22:54:07] DiscoMagpie: never had a main
[2024-06-22 22:54:31] DiscoMagpie: such a nice map, ended so quickly
[2024-06-22 22:54:38] Fragga: rage he is trying to get grass and me fighting
[2024-06-22 22:54:50] M.i.r: generator
[2024-06-22 22:55:02] -RageVsMachine: not cool
[2024-06-22 22:55:03] Fragga: he came on earlier using my name to wind grass up
[2024-06-22 22:55:14] -RageVsMachine: isnt he admin?
[2024-06-22 22:55:18] Fragga: yes
[2024-06-22 22:56:04] Sycho (GER): hi all
[2024-06-22 22:56:08] M.i.r: hi
[2024-06-22 22:56:09] DiscoMagpie: hi sy
[2024-06-22 22:56:12] ThotDestroyer: hey man
[2024-06-22 22:56:18] .BR. IRON MAN: o lobisomem
[2024-06-22 22:56:38] Major Denal Douglas: Okay, who pushed me into the caltrops?
[2024-06-22 22:57:03] DiscoMagpie: satan
[2024-06-22 22:57:16] pinky: lol
[2024-06-22 22:57:29] DiscoMagpie: call a televangelist
[2024-06-22 22:57:29] Major Denal Douglas: Considerig it felt like I was shoved in as a sacrifice...
[2024-06-22 22:57:33] pinky: this why you wear steel toe boots
[2024-06-22 22:57:59] Fragga: i have GPs from 1970s with the sole plate pinky
[2024-06-22 22:58:00] M.i.r: damn
[2024-06-22 22:58:02] DiscoMagpie: demon
[2024-06-22 22:58:04] DiscoMagpie: BEGONE!
[2024-06-22 22:58:33] DiscoMagpie: no no dad
[2024-06-22 22:58:55] Jum_P: main
[2024-06-22 22:58:57] -[HELLO]- paranoid: red mai
[2024-06-22 22:58:59] -[HELLO]- paranoid: red main
[2024-06-22 22:59:04] pinky: on way
[2024-06-22 22:59:11] DiscoMagpie: wow nice
[2024-06-22 22:59:19] Sycho (GER): luck
[2024-06-22 22:59:33] -RageVsMachine: skillz doing gods work
[2024-06-22 22:59:42] Skillz: ty
[2024-06-22 22:59:43] pinky: he is a god
[2024-06-22 22:59:50] -[HELLO]- paranoid: DINNER TIME
[2024-06-22 22:59:52] -RageVsMachine: a bfv lord
[2024-06-22 22:59:54] DiscoMagpie: after denal did satan work
[2024-06-22 23:00:09] Major Denal Douglas: Paranoid, I spawned in and you immediately died right in front
[2024-06-22 23:00:11] pinky: did you switch cause mad?
[2024-06-22 23:00:12] Major Denal Douglas: of me, and I was so confused.
[2024-06-22 23:00:36] DiscoMagpie: he was sacrificed to the devil
[2024-06-22 23:00:40] Gra$$HoPPer: hastings Y
[2024-06-22 23:00:47] pinky: N
[2024-06-22 23:00:48] DiscoMagpie: hastings nay
[2024-06-22 23:00:53] Fragga: n
[2024-06-22 23:01:24] DiscoMagpie: grass got shut down by every player
[2024-06-22 23:02:16] pinky: GOOD job Discos
[2024-06-22 23:02:22] Major Denal Douglas: I say "All cleared" and immediately die...
[2024-06-22 23:02:33] DiscoMagpie: I am the shotgun god
[2024-06-22 23:02:50] pinky: i am Chaturbate god
[2024-06-22 23:02:58] DiscoMagpie: denal, when's the last time you went to church?
[2024-06-22 23:03:02] Major Denal Douglas: I forgot the shotgun was even in this map.
[2024-06-22 23:03:06] Major Denal Douglas: Fifteen years ago.
[2024-06-22 23:03:30] .BR. IRON MAN: lol
[2024-06-22 23:03:32] DiscoMagpie: you might wanna book a visit real quick
[2024-06-22 23:03:48] Major Denal Douglas: Church is my living room now. Study every night.
[2024-06-22 23:03:57] DiscoMagpie: so much for being a "shotgun god"
[2024-06-22 23:04:16] pinky: dirty rats tore up my chopper
[2024-06-22 23:04:19] DiscoMagpie: study?
[2024-06-22 23:04:23] DiscoMagpie: study what
[2024-06-22 23:04:30] Major Denal Douglas: Bible study with my wife.
[2024-06-22 23:04:31] pinky: you never had a study
[2024-06-22 23:04:31] -RageVsMachine: the church of the porn hub
[2024-06-22 23:04:39] [U-H]Gecky: Q
[2024-06-22 23:04:40] [U-H]Gecky: W
[2024-06-22 23:04:54] DiscoMagpie: seems like the server has a different idea
[2024-06-22 23:05:15] Gra$$HoPPer: nancied ghey boy
[2024-06-22 23:05:23] DiscoMagpie: oh no
[2024-06-22 23:05:27] M.i.r: hi
[2024-06-22 23:05:32] pinky: hello
[2024-06-22 23:05:37] DiscoMagpie: grass called fragga a word
[2024-06-22 23:05:44] M.i.r: :D
[2024-06-22 23:05:49] Gra$$HoPPer: no i did not
[2024-06-22 23:05:52] DiscoMagpie: it begins :O
[2024-06-22 23:06:01] Gra$$HoPPer: that was for son
[2024-06-22 23:06:10] pinky: wth
[2024-06-22 23:06:16] Fragga: lol
[2024-06-22 23:06:45] Fragga: lol
[2024-06-22 23:06:47] Lokiea: lol
[2024-06-22 23:06:56] M.i.r: ns fragga
[2024-06-22 23:07:02] DiscoMagpie: sometimes I feel like fragga is a real VC
[2024-06-22 23:07:10] M.i.r: nonono bieber
[2024-06-22 23:07:19] pinky: sometimes I feel like a nut
[2024-06-22 23:07:27] DiscoMagpie: sneaky and short and angry and deadly
[2024-06-22 23:07:37] M.i.r: sorry
[2024-06-22 23:07:41] DiscoMagpie: every move he makes is a trap
[2024-06-22 23:08:52] Gra$$HoPPer: no no no
[2024-06-22 23:08:56] pinky: LOL
[2024-06-22 23:09:16] pinky: help FLAG NEAR RED MAIN
[2024-06-22 23:09:17] pinky: HELP
[2024-06-22 23:09:21] DiscoMagpie: HELP
[2024-06-22 23:09:34] DiscoMagpie: ur 2 slow
[2024-06-22 23:09:55] DiscoMagpie: claymore son
[2024-06-22 23:09:57] Lokiea: lol
[2024-06-22 23:09:57] Gra$$HoPPer: hehe
[2024-06-22 23:09:59] .BR. IRON MAN: lol
[2024-06-22 23:10:04] DiscoMagpie: and it's not even mine
[2024-06-22 23:10:11] DiscoMagpie: see?
[2024-06-22 23:10:22] DiscoMagpie: LOL
[2024-06-22 23:10:29] Lokiea: sry tk
[2024-06-22 23:10:35] DiscoMagpie: TK central
[2024-06-22 23:10:42] DiscoMagpie: dear god what is going on
[2024-06-22 23:11:00] pinky: SORRY =
[2024-06-22 23:11:04] DiscoMagpie: everyone is killing everyonme
[2024-06-22 23:11:10] pinky: i had so much smoke coming through jeep window
[2024-06-22 23:11:11] DiscoMagpie: fraggaaaa
[2024-06-22 23:11:34] M.i.r: nis grass
[2024-06-22 23:11:37] M.i.r: nice
[2024-06-22 23:11:39] .BR. IRON MAN: noooo
[2024-06-22 23:11:39] Fragga: thats for the shit stirring :)
[2024-06-22 23:11:51] DiscoMagpie: I can still kick you :)
[2024-06-22 23:11:56] Fragga: i thought i was vc
[2024-06-22 23:12:04] DiscoMagpie: yeah sure :)
[2024-06-22 23:12:10] Fragga: honest injun
[2024-06-22 23:12:17] DiscoMagpie: cajun?
[2024-06-22 23:12:18] ThotDestroyer: nice
[2024-06-22 23:12:25] Major Denal Douglas: Thanks.
[2024-06-22 23:12:27] Fragga: crow
[2024-06-22 23:12:34] DiscoMagpie: caw
[2024-06-22 23:13:06] DiscoMagpie: dancin
[2024-06-22 23:13:13] DiscoMagpie: dance on that
[2024-06-22 23:13:18] DiscoMagpie: lol
[2024-06-22 23:13:20] Gra$$HoPPer: mi8 son
[2024-06-22 23:13:33] DiscoMagpie: fragga
[2024-06-22 23:13:44] DiscoMagpie: if he gets auto kicked you are going too
[2024-06-22 23:14:25] DiscoMagpie: :(
[2024-06-22 23:14:26] Fragga: lol
[2024-06-22 23:14:36] Fragga: gfrrrrr
[2024-06-22 23:14:55] pinky: i hate to see guys get kicked
[2024-06-22 23:15:00] -RageVsMachine: is grrrr silvia
[2024-06-22 23:15:02] M.i.r: wow
[2024-06-22 23:15:04] DiscoMagpie: it's all fragga's fault
[2024-06-22 23:15:22] -[HELLO]- paranoid: IM BACK
[2024-06-22 23:15:27] pinky: HEY
[2024-06-22 23:15:29] pinky: WHO SWITCHED
[2024-06-22 23:15:33] pinky: pARA
[2024-06-22 23:15:58] -[HELLO]- paranoid: i just joined
[2024-06-22 23:15:58] DiscoMagpie: I am now the vc
[2024-06-22 23:16:11] M.i.r: lool
[2024-06-22 23:16:18] pinky: LOL
[2024-06-22 23:16:19] M.i.r: stop the mgod
[2024-06-22 23:16:20] -[HELLO]- paranoid: stop rape
[2024-06-22 23:16:21] Gra$$HoPPer: fragga tk
[2024-06-22 23:16:22] pinky: spray and pray
[2024-06-22 23:16:25] Gra$$HoPPer: kick him
[2024-06-22 23:16:38] pinky: LOL
[2024-06-22 23:16:40] pinky: SKILLZ
[2024-06-22 23:16:46] DiscoMagpie: I will
[2024-06-22 23:16:51] Gra$$HoPPer: 2 nd tk now
[2024-06-22 23:17:15] DiscoMagpie: been too much today
[2024-06-22 23:17:43] -RageVsMachine: almost broski
[2024-06-22 23:17:47] Fragga: lol
[2024-06-22 23:17:50] Major Denal Douglas: Never mind, then.
[2024-06-22 23:17:58] pinky: CAN we get TK turned off
[2024-06-22 23:18:02] DiscoMagpie: fragga stop
[2024-06-22 23:18:18] Jum_P: lol
[2024-06-22 23:18:39] DiscoMagpie: next tk will be a day's ban :(
[2024-06-22 23:18:52] DiscoMagpie: don't make me do this
[2024-06-22 23:18:59] Fragga: lol grass you try to disrupt my game i kill you simple fool
[2024-06-22 23:19:00] pinky: turn off FF
[2024-06-22 23:20:01] DiscoMagpie: and now we're watching live fragga hunting for grass
[2024-06-22 23:20:02] M.i.r: my last round.. hf and cya
[2024-06-22 23:20:16] DiscoMagpie: bye mir
[2024-06-22 23:20:23] Sycho (GER): bb mir
[2024-06-22 23:20:37] Fragga: grass doesnt have the ball to do it while you watch :)
[2024-06-22 23:20:43] M.i.r: sorry
[2024-06-22 23:20:43] Fragga: he is atrans not a man
[2024-06-22 23:20:48] .BR. IRON MAN: np
[2024-06-22 23:21:04] DiscoMagpie: is that true grass?
[2024-06-22 23:21:32] M.i.r: nice para
[2024-06-22 23:21:47] Gra$$HoPPer: whats that

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