Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - Operation Cedar Falls - 2024-06-23 21:14:09 Chatlog
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[2024-06-23 21:15:24] Gecky: Q
[2024-06-23 21:15:31] Fragga: hey Al did you sre disco using my name yesterday?
[2024-06-23 21:15:39] Fragga: ans admin doing that??
[2024-06-23 21:15:43] Fragga: an*
[2024-06-23 21:15:54] x4|Al Gore: wow
[2024-06-23 21:16:02] x4|Al Gore: i didnt know that
[2024-06-23 21:16:06] -[HELLO]- paranoid: can we have a large pepperoni please
[2024-06-23 21:16:14] Fragga: yep an admin using another players name to cause trouble
[2024-06-23 21:16:18] Rbilly: sorry
[2024-06-23 21:16:22] Gecky: man, Q
[2024-06-23 21:16:33] DiscoMagpie: oh how sad
[2024-06-23 21:16:33] x4|Al Gore: thats a new low
[2024-06-23 21:16:43] DiscoMagpie: maybe we should remove him :)
[2024-06-23 21:17:15] Rbilly: wow got switched already
[2024-06-23 21:17:15] DiscoMagpie: I'm starting to symphatize with flight
[2024-06-23 21:17:22] Fragga: he has asked that you and i report him lol
[2024-06-23 21:17:31] .BR. IRON MAN: ???
[2024-06-23 21:17:32] DiscoMagpie: I'm planning on making this place like he did
[2024-06-23 21:17:42] Fragga: he has said you are a trouble making cry baby
[2024-06-23 21:18:01] DiscoMagpie: you got proof for that fragga?
[2024-06-23 21:18:06] DiscoMagpie: that's some hard accusation
[2024-06-23 21:18:22] Fragga: yes its in the logs admin
[2024-06-23 21:18:29] DiscoMagpie: show them to me
[2024-06-23 21:18:45] DiscoMagpie: otherwise I'll have to remove you for framing :)
[2024-06-23 21:18:48] -[HELLO]- paranoid: steinaaa
[2024-06-23 21:18:51] x4|Al Gore: Disco, r u here to play or something else?
[2024-06-23 21:18:56] DiscoMagpie: and you seem rather forgetful
[2024-06-23 21:18:56] Gra$$HoPPer: lets vote for new map
[2024-06-23 21:19:12] -[HELLO]- paranoid: cause u losing grass
[2024-06-23 21:19:14] Fragga: he is here to cause problems with players
[2024-06-23 21:19:15] Gra$$HoPPer: con thien Y
[2024-06-23 21:19:26] DiscoMagpie: I have closed my eyes many, many times for you fragga
[2024-06-23 21:19:37] DiscoMagpie: but you don't remember that of course :)
[2024-06-23 21:19:41] Gra$$HoPPer: and opened your legs son
[2024-06-23 21:19:47] Fragga: lol
[2024-06-23 21:20:04] DiscoMagpie: yes grass but from now onwards we are applying a no tolerance
[2024-06-23 21:20:07] DiscoMagpie: policy for fragga
[2024-06-23 21:20:08] Fragga: a new low for disco to use my name to wind grass up
[2024-06-23 21:20:29] DiscoMagpie: same one when flight was an admin :)
[2024-06-23 21:20:37] -[HELLO]- paranoid: tunnels
[2024-06-23 21:20:53] x4|Al Gore: can we all just play and not chat?
[2024-06-23 21:20:55] Fragga: you seeing all this Al how bias he has become
[2024-06-23 21:21:04] DiscoMagpie: no al you were too focused on chatting last map
[2024-06-23 21:21:07] x4|Al Gore: yes but ignore him
[2024-06-23 21:21:09] DiscoMagpie: when I was "afk" :)
[2024-06-23 21:21:36] -[HELLO]- paranoid: chat more
[2024-06-23 21:21:44] -[HELLO]- paranoid: ahahahaha
[2024-06-23 21:21:47] DiscoMagpie: nah al doesn't want to chat anymore
[2024-06-23 21:21:59] x4|Al Gore: im here to play
[2024-06-23 21:22:00] DiscoMagpie: because it no longer suits him to lead a losing conversation :)
[2024-06-23 21:22:01] -[HELLO]- paranoid: cause hes married
[2024-06-23 21:22:05] x4|Al Gore: and my team is losing
[2024-06-23 21:22:12] DiscoMagpie: why were you so chatty last game then?
[2024-06-23 21:22:25] DiscoMagpie: were you going to be so chatty if I wasn't afk? hm? :)
[2024-06-23 21:22:28] x4|Al Gore: im married to Para yes
[2024-06-23 21:22:36] -[HELLO]- paranoid: i knew it
[2024-06-23 21:22:48] x4|Al Gore: )
[2024-06-23 21:23:02] Gra$$HoPPer: hastings?
[2024-06-23 21:23:08] -[HELLO]- paranoid: saigon
[2024-06-23 21:23:26] x4|Al Gore: this is ending quick, hold your horses
[2024-06-23 21:23:38] Fragga: nah
[2024-06-23 21:23:41] DiscoMagpie: we can't vote grass
[2024-06-23 21:23:49] DiscoMagpie: because al and fragga don't want to :)
[2024-06-23 21:24:15] Fragga: hey AL i think we have upset the baby
[2024-06-23 21:24:27] DiscoMagpie: is that so fragga?
[2024-06-23 21:24:29] x4|Al Gore: shhh
[2024-06-23 21:24:36] DiscoMagpie: I don't think I was the one upset last game
[2024-06-23 21:24:38] x4|Al Gore: shhh both of u
[2024-06-23 21:24:40] DiscoMagpie: because someone was "afk" :)
[2024-06-23 21:24:44] Gra$$HoPPer: kick him for insulting yhe boss
[2024-06-23 21:25:07] -[HELLO]- paranoid: defend mainf
[2024-06-23 21:25:17] DiscoMagpie: seem like someone yet again doesn't have anything to say :)
[2024-06-23 21:25:44] Fragga: lol
[2024-06-23 21:25:46] x4|Al Gore: dtk is gone and peace is back
[2024-06-23 21:25:52] Gra$$HoPPer: i kicked him
[2024-06-23 21:26:00] DiscoMagpie: not while you're here al :)
[2024-06-23 21:26:11] x4|Al Gore: thanks grass
[2024-06-23 21:26:31] -[HELLO]- paranoid: gg
[2024-06-23 21:26:43] DiscoMagpie: yeah gg
[2024-06-23 21:26:48] Fragga: i vote grass for admin
[2024-06-23 21:26:57] x4|Al Gore: oh dear
[2024-06-23 21:27:01] Fragga: lol
[2024-06-23 21:27:08] x4|Al Gore: then we will become a 3 map server
[2024-06-23 21:27:25] DiscoMagpie: that's exactly what yo want anyway
[2024-06-23 21:27:31] -[HELLO]- paranoid: jungle map is next
[2024-06-23 21:27:33] x4|Al Gore: i hate Justine
[2024-06-23 21:27:51] x4|Al Gore: i vote Y for Con Thien
[2024-06-23 21:28:08] Gra$$HoPPer: Y
[2024-06-23 21:28:16] x4|Al Gore: Fragga say Y
[2024-06-23 21:28:19] Rbilly: btr to main
[2024-06-23 21:28:32] Gecky: y
[2024-06-23 21:28:37] x4|Al Gore: Para?
[2024-06-23 21:28:46] Fragga: y
[2024-06-23 21:28:52] x4|Al Gore: thanks mate
[2024-06-23 21:28:55] DiscoMagpie: gg

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