Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - Landing zone Albany - 2024-07-14 18:01:01 Chatlog
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[2024-07-14 18:01:49] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: MAP IS BAD
[2024-07-14 18:01:59] ToXiC.BFVStar: hue68 pease
[2024-07-14 18:02:23] Santa: bad that
[2024-07-14 18:02:28] Tyme Bulm: they turn you into a dinosore, Anusorius rex
[2024-07-14 18:03:01] Santa: you run your mouth also over here
[2024-07-14 18:03:13] Santa: dont call me cheater
[2024-07-14 18:03:15] Tyme Bulm: lol
[2024-07-14 18:03:31] -[HELLO]- paranoid: talking to the moooon
[2024-07-14 18:03:45] Tyme Bulm: wife beater
[2024-07-14 18:04:22] Santa: i will neuk you
[2024-07-14 18:04:48] -[HELLO]- paranoid: ahahahahahahahaha
[2024-07-14 18:04:48] Santa: ahahahha
[2024-07-14 18:05:22] Santa: i make fun of thyme
[2024-07-14 18:05:42] -[HELLO]- paranoid: ahahahahaha
[2024-07-14 18:05:43] Santa: aahahahaha
[2024-07-14 18:05:47] pinky: MAIN
[2024-07-14 18:05:56] Tyme Bulm: hehe
[2024-07-14 18:06:02] Santa: 'he dont understand landmine
[2024-07-14 18:06:12] Tyme Bulm: tunnel here
[2024-07-14 18:06:24] -[HELLO]- paranoid: ahahahahahha
[2024-07-14 18:06:29] pinky: KWHAT hit me
[2024-07-14 18:06:30] Santa: lol
[2024-07-14 18:06:35] Santa: ma dong
[2024-07-14 18:06:41] pinky: oh, tiny
[2024-07-14 18:06:49] Santa: you was down
[2024-07-14 18:06:52] Tyme Bulm: mosquito
[2024-07-14 18:07:03] -[HELLO]- paranoid: loltiny
[2024-07-14 18:07:06] Santa: it has a big punch
[2024-07-14 18:07:07] pinky: lol
[2024-07-14 18:07:14] -[HELLO]- paranoid: he felt in
[2024-07-14 18:07:40] Tyme Bulm: it look like crunchy cheeto
[2024-07-14 18:07:52] Santa: ahahahaha
[2024-07-14 18:08:00] Santa: he dont understand
[2024-07-14 18:08:10] Santa: he think its a powerup7
[2024-07-14 18:08:24] Santa: ahahahaha
[2024-07-14 18:08:27] Tyme Bulm: lol
[2024-07-14 18:08:29] -[HELLO]- paranoid: ahhahahahahahaha
[2024-07-14 18:08:33] Santa: whant an mongrolkahahah
[2024-07-14 18:08:34] -[HELLO]- paranoid: drunk drieer
[2024-07-14 18:08:56] Tyme Bulm: he holler for dollar
[2024-07-14 18:09:00] -[HELLO]- paranoid: put glasses on
[2024-07-14 18:09:07] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: pinky is camper the we base
[2024-07-14 18:09:26] pinky: run
[2024-07-14 18:09:32] Santa: ahahahaha
[2024-07-14 18:10:34] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: toxic is gay
[2024-07-14 18:10:43] ToXiC.BFVStar: how do you know?
[2024-07-14 18:10:50] -[HELLO]- paranoid: smell
[2024-07-14 18:11:34] -[HELLO]- paranoid: ahahaha
[2024-07-14 18:11:37] .BR. IRON MAN: meeeee
[2024-07-14 18:11:55] Santa: when he get stiff he knowa
[2024-07-14 18:12:22] Tyme Bulm: now what?
[2024-07-14 18:12:31] .BR. IRON MAN: cuidado como os gorgonoides
[2024-07-14 18:12:43] -[HELLO]- paranoid: never had a main
[2024-07-14 18:12:45] -[HELLO]- paranoid: boy
[2024-07-14 18:12:49] Santa: eu falo portugues
[2024-07-14 18:13:03] -[HELLO]- paranoid: eu sim
[2024-07-14 18:13:06] Santa: ahahahha
[2024-07-14 18:13:15] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: normal doen vc do brasi?
[2024-07-14 18:13:16] Santa: parabens
[2024-07-14 18:13:28] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: o que gorgonoide
[2024-07-14 18:13:33] Santa: lol
[2024-07-14 18:13:50] .BR. IRON MAN: assiste o filme comando elite
[2024-07-14 18:13:53] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: normal doen vc do brasil?
[2024-07-14 18:13:59] -[HELLO]- paranoid: holanda
[2024-07-14 18:14:01] Tyme Bulm: this is true?
[2024-07-14 18:14:14] Player: jmnnn
[2024-07-14 18:14:15] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: pq vc fala portugues
[2024-07-14 18:14:16] Santa: lol
[2024-07-14 18:14:17] -[HELLO]- paranoid: toma cuidado o que vc fala vai pega ban
[2024-07-14 18:14:20] Santa: si
[2024-07-14 18:14:24] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: eu souz zueira
[2024-07-14 18:14:37] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: quero fazerr parte de algum esquadrao
[2024-07-14 18:14:45] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: gos
[2024-07-14 18:14:49] Santa: eu sous grande
[2024-07-14 18:14:52] .BR. IRON MAN: perdao pequenos guerreiros o nome do filme
[2024-07-14 18:14:52] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: normal doen
[2024-07-14 18:15:00] Santa: lol
[2024-07-14 18:15:08] Santa: no pequeno
[2024-07-14 18:15:08] Tyme Bulm: relax
[2024-07-14 18:15:13] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: pq minha mira nas armas nao aarece apena aviao e heli ptero
[2024-07-14 18:15:15] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: fico sem mpira
[2024-07-14 18:15:22] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: se tivesse mira ia ser um dos melhores
[2024-07-14 18:15:24] -[HELLO]- paranoid: tem que arrumar isso
[2024-07-14 18:15:29] Santa: lol
[2024-07-14 18:15:31] -[HELLO]- paranoid: um bug
[2024-07-14 18:15:40] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: so tenho mira no avioes e helicpter tentei mudar cor cross e n
[2024-07-14 18:15:48] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: sabe como arrima
[2024-07-14 18:15:49] -[HELLO]- paranoid: entra no discord
[2024-07-14 18:15:52] Santa: ey tengo e grande
[2024-07-14 18:15:52] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: arruma?
[2024-07-14 18:15:56] Santa: eu
[2024-07-14 18:15:58] pinky: what bs
[2024-07-14 18:16:01] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: amigo sabe como arrumaa
[2024-07-14 18:16:01] Santa: tenho
[2024-07-14 18:16:09] -[HELLO]- paranoid: entra no discord
[2024-07-14 18:16:09] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: pois eu fico prejudicado nao tneho mira
[2024-07-14 18:16:16] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: por isso vcs me veem pegando so bazuca
[2024-07-14 18:16:22] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: eu so pego bazuca
[2024-07-14 18:16:26] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: pois nao tenho mira
[2024-07-14 18:16:32] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: nos helicptero eu tenho
[2024-07-14 18:16:38] Santa: nao no
[2024-07-14 18:16:54] -[HELLO]- paranoid: entra no forum ou no discord e pede ajuda
[2024-07-14 18:16:54] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: sabe como arrumarem esse bug
[2024-07-14 18:16:58] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: pos ai vou ficar invencivel
[2024-07-14 18:17:04] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: qual discord?
[2024-07-14 18:17:13] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: paranoid do brasil?
[2024-07-14 18:17:19] -[HELLO]- paranoid: nesse site
[2024-07-14 18:17:31] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: eu sou vice campeao brasileiro de f-16 multirole fighter pela
[2024-07-14 18:17:35] -[HELLO]- paranoid: cria uma conta e pede ajuda ou entra no discord l
[2024-07-14 18:17:36] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: ibs ja jogaram esse jogo
[2024-07-14 18:17:44] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: helloclan site gringo npe no forum?
[2024-07-14 18:17:46] -[HELLO]- paranoid:
[2024-07-14 18:17:53] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: blz
[2024-07-14 18:17:57] -[HELLO]- paranoid: o site do servidor
[2024-07-14 18:18:11] -[HELLO]- paranoid: pede ajuda que os cara vo te ajudar
[2024-07-14 18:18:14] .BR. IRON MAN: do nada
[2024-07-14 18:18:17] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: paranaid do brasil?
[2024-07-14 18:18:20] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: blzzz
[2024-07-14 18:18:21] -[HELLO]- paranoid: sim
[2024-07-14 18:18:27] Santa: sim
[2024-07-14 18:18:29] |GF|FeldwebelSTEINER: cheers
[2024-07-14 18:18:36] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: eu to na semana de prova mas logo vou eu evito joga mto viciant
[2024-07-14 18:18:36] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: issso
[2024-07-14 18:18:46] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: paranoid que estado tu mora??
[2024-07-14 18:18:50] -[HELLO]- paranoid: rs
[2024-07-14 18:18:58] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: me ensina como fala que o cara ruim kk no jogo
[2024-07-14 18:19:01] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: em ingles
[2024-07-14 18:19:12] Tyme Bulm: i shop at ingles
[2024-07-14 18:19:20] -[HELLO]- paranoid: fala assim nome do jogador + U SUCKS
[2024-07-14 18:19:27] Santa: eu nao falo igles
[2024-07-14 18:19:31] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: '
[2024-07-14 18:19:36] Santa: lol
[2024-07-14 18:19:36] .BR. IRON MAN: hahaha
[2024-07-14 18:19:40] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: kkk blzz
[2024-07-14 18:19:47] pinky: lol
[2024-07-14 18:19:53] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: paranoid vc de onde?? o normal doen da holanda
[2024-07-14 18:20:02] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: eu sou bom no helicptero
[2024-07-14 18:20:07] Santa: nao holande
[2024-07-14 18:20:20] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: o vdhk player mto bom o pinky tbm no helicoptero
[2024-07-14 18:20:26] Santa: ksim
[2024-07-14 18:20:35] Tyme Bulm: you never see helicopter
[2024-07-14 18:20:39] -[HELLO]- paranoid: so veteranos
[2024-07-14 18:20:49] Santa: tudobem
[2024-07-14 18:21:00] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: sim eu jogava mto isso em 2006 2007 com 17 18 anos
[2024-07-14 18:21:03] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: tenho 35
[2024-07-14 18:21:08] Tyme Bulm: i bounce law off your head
[2024-07-14 18:21:09] Santa: 60
[2024-07-14 18:21:16] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: 60 anos??
[2024-07-14 18:21:22] -[HELLO]- paranoid: eu 22
[2024-07-14 18:21:23] Santa: inch
[2024-07-14 18:21:28] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: legall
[2024-07-14 18:21:31] Santa: lol
[2024-07-14 18:21:33] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: os dos sao da holanda?
[2024-07-14 18:21:38] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: dois?
[2024-07-14 18:21:47] Santa: nao dois
[2024-07-14 18:21:52] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: de onde so
[2024-07-14 18:22:02] -[HELLO]- paranoid: rs
[2024-07-14 18:22:09] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: o que rs?
[2024-07-14 18:22:23] -[HELLO]- paranoid: RS
[2024-07-14 18:22:36] Santa: ahahahaaa
[2024-07-14 18:22:39] -[HELLO]- paranoid: estaddo
[2024-07-14 18:22:43] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: usuck steines
[2024-07-14 18:22:51] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: rio grande do sul??
[2024-07-14 18:22:58] -[HELLO]- paranoid: s
[2024-07-14 18:22:59] Tyme Bulm: watch brazil he is a rainbow ranger
[2024-07-14 18:23:01] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: legal fui em gramado ai ja 2 vezes
[2024-07-14 18:23:03] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: legal
[2024-07-14 18:23:05] |GF|FeldwebelSTEINER: 1st Weizen of the day
[2024-07-14 18:23:11] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: moro em joao pessoa
[2024-07-14 18:23:16] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: mas sou de sp
[2024-07-14 18:23:30] -[HELLO]- paranoid: top
[2024-07-14 18:23:32] Tyme Bulm: hehe
[2024-07-14 18:23:46] Tyme Bulm: weak law
[2024-07-14 18:24:17] BRAZILIAN BOY BEATIFUL: steiner is camper and g.y
[2024-07-14 18:24:22] Santa: 'ahahahh
[2024-07-14 18:24:23] Tyme Bulm: l0l
[2024-07-14 18:25:07] |GF|FeldwebelSTEINER: and dont forget my gay big dick
[2024-07-14 18:25:18] Santa: ahahhha
[2024-07-14 18:25:21] Santa: thx
[2024-07-14 18:25:53] ToXiC.BFVStar: sind die GF eingentlich noch aktiv auf irgendein Piel?
[2024-07-14 18:25:55] ToXiC.BFVStar: Spiel
[2024-07-14 18:26:02] Santa: hahaha
[2024-07-14 18:26:04] Santa: pinky
[2024-07-14 18:26:19] |GF|FeldwebelSTEINER: nein, sind 2009 oder so, quasi aufgelst
[2024-07-14 18:26:24] |GF|FeldwebelSTEINER: ab und an Duo und ich hier
[2024-07-14 18:26:28] Santa: das stimmt
[2024-07-14 18:26:33] ToXiC.BFVStar: ok
[2024-07-14 18:26:42] ToXiC.BFVStar: ich bin PaNaM
[2024-07-14 18:26:58] ToXiC.BFVStar: [BoG] und gEs damals
[2024-07-14 18:27:20] Santa: ahhaha
[2024-07-14 18:27:22] Santa: pinky
[2024-07-14 18:27:24] -[HELLO]- paranoid: AHAHAH
[2024-07-14 18:27:34] -[HELLO]- paranoid: pinky is like nagi
[2024-07-14 18:27:37] -[HELLO]- paranoid: driving mines
[2024-07-14 18:28:22] -[HELLO]- paranoid: ahahahahaha
[2024-07-14 18:28:39] -[HELLO]- paranoid: again
[2024-07-14 18:28:41] |GF|FeldwebelSTEINER: n1
[2024-07-14 18:28:52] Tyme Bulm: he jump like a flea
[2024-07-14 18:28:54] Santa: ahahahha4
[2024-07-14 18:28:57] -[HELLO]- paranoid: ahahahaha
[2024-07-14 18:28:58] ToXiC.BFVStar: 20 jahre her.. aber manchmal trifft man nocz haha
[2024-07-14 18:29:08] ToXiC.BFVStar: trotz US server
[2024-07-14 18:29:12] Tyme Bulm: nasty talk
[2024-07-14 18:29:14] |GF|FeldwebelSTEINER: das stimmt lol
[2024-07-14 18:30:20] Santa: ahahahaha
[2024-07-14 18:30:22] pinky: lol
[2024-07-14 18:32:22] -[HELLO]- paranoid: spain x england
[2024-07-14 18:33:48] Santa: i took main back
[2024-07-14 18:33:59] Tyme Bulm: take trash out please
[2024-07-14 18:34:12] Santa: you are not here
[2024-07-14 18:34:18] Santa: already out
[2024-07-14 18:34:29] -[HELLO]- paranoid: lol
[2024-07-14 18:34:37] Tyme Bulm: i pee on that flag
[2024-07-14 18:34:41] Santa: its over
[2024-07-14 18:34:45] |GF|FeldwebelSTEINER: gg
[2024-07-14 18:34:52] -[HELLO]- paranoid: cause u a dog
[2024-07-14 18:34:55] Tyme Bulm: dont step in it
[2024-07-14 18:34:57] Santa: lol
[2024-07-14 18:35:09] Santa: step in flag you walk strange
[2024-07-14 18:35:38] pinky: HEY WHO SWITCH
[2024-07-14 18:35:39] Tyme Bulm: all flags
[2024-07-14 18:35:43] Santa: not
[2024-07-14 18:35:45] -[HELLO]- paranoid: manke joined
[2024-07-14 18:36:05] Santa: its over

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