Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - Reclaiming Hue - 2024-07-20 23:37:03 Chatlog
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[2024-07-20 23:37:44] dtk: mega suck map
[2024-07-20 23:37:46] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: my map to shine
[2024-07-20 23:37:51] dtk: ofc u nub
[2024-07-20 23:38:31] Fragga: VIVA ISRAEL
[2024-07-20 23:38:34] x4|Al Gore: nice start flight
[2024-07-20 23:38:45] dtk: ofc fragga supports facism
[2024-07-20 23:38:47] Gra$$HoPPer: meow
[2024-07-20 23:38:54] x4|Al Gore: avikhai Israel
[2024-07-20 23:39:35] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: these kids dont know when to stop lol
[2024-07-20 23:39:47] Fragga: isnt that religion not politics?
[2024-07-20 23:39:49] -[HELLO]- paranoid: viva TRUMP
[2024-07-20 23:39:58] x4|Al Gore: flight alcohol is haram brother
[2024-07-20 23:40:03] DiscoMagpie: that's what you get when you have lenient admins
[2024-07-20 23:40:09] DiscoMagpie: para don't add fuel to the fire
[2024-07-20 23:40:14] x4|Al Gore: no politics Para
[2024-07-20 23:40:31] DiscoMagpie: Heilig already told me to "contain" this
[2024-07-20 23:40:34] Gra$$HoPPer: in the eye
[2024-07-20 23:40:37] -[HELLO]- paranoid: ok im sorry
[2024-07-20 23:40:46] .BR. IRON MAN: viva enas!!!
[2024-07-20 23:40:53] x4|Al Gore: np Para
[2024-07-20 23:41:06] -[HELLO]- paranoid: then change ur name
[2024-07-20 23:41:07] x4|Al Gore: viva bfv lords
[2024-07-20 23:41:40] DiscoMagpie: dtk stop shooting me
[2024-07-20 23:41:46] dtk: no
[2024-07-20 23:41:52] Fragga: gumma israel wakka wakka jimaro
[2024-07-20 23:41:53] DiscoMagpie: nnnn-yes
[2024-07-20 23:41:58] x4|Al Gore: Para i didn't say that, admin said no politics
[2024-07-20 23:42:30] x4|Al Gore: read yellow chat admin
[2024-07-20 23:42:31] Fragga: cant we all just get along and play
[2024-07-20 23:42:38] DiscoMagpie: dtk!
[2024-07-20 23:42:39] dtk: can we fragga?
[2024-07-20 23:42:47] -[HELLO]- paranoid: i agree with fragga
[2024-07-20 23:42:56] DiscoMagpie: open up
[2024-07-20 23:43:00] Fragga: i am im not insulting anyone dtk im being gOOD boy :)
[2024-07-20 23:43:11] Jum_P: 1 to pagoda
[2024-07-20 23:43:11] dtk: bs ur a snake
[2024-07-20 23:43:17] Fragga: lol
[2024-07-20 23:43:27] Fragga: BS whats BS?
[2024-07-20 23:43:43] Fragga: bob sled?
[2024-07-20 23:43:54] dtk: like ur lil spiel when u got banned son
[2024-07-20 23:44:05] Fragga: when?
[2024-07-20 23:44:13] dtk: like im racist against u?
[2024-07-20 23:44:15] -[HELLO]- paranoid: its not a ban
[2024-07-20 23:44:19] Fragga: ive been banned so many time over the last 26 yeras
[2024-07-20 23:44:20] dtk: wonderul fiction frags
[2024-07-20 23:44:24] Fragga: 16years*
[2024-07-20 23:44:32] dtk: got me confused for weaeae
[2024-07-20 23:44:48] Fragga: im an abu
[2024-07-20 23:44:51] -[HELLO]- paranoid: i hope dtk doesnt rape in this map too
[2024-07-20 23:44:55] DiscoMagpie: you are my waewae dtk
[2024-07-20 23:45:05] dtk: i hope para gets meaningful employment
[2024-07-20 23:45:16] Gra$$HoPPer: bbq son
[2024-07-20 23:45:18] DiscoMagpie: dtk can't stop raping it's stronger than him
[2024-07-20 23:45:28] DiscoMagpie: tnt dad
[2024-07-20 23:45:36] x4|Al Gore: that hacking post really pissed off some honest players
[2024-07-20 23:45:38] Gra$$HoPPer: u died ma boy
[2024-07-20 23:45:50] -[HELLO]- paranoid: i have a job
[2024-07-20 23:45:56] Fragga: yes some players make other not want to play
[2024-07-20 23:45:57] -[HELLO]- paranoid: i take care o you in jail
[2024-07-20 23:46:01] DiscoMagpie: I took you with me dad
[2024-07-20 23:46:30] Fragga: see you made orange rage quit
[2024-07-20 23:46:38] -[HELLO]- paranoid: iill leave too
[2024-07-20 23:46:45] DiscoMagpie: no you won't
[2024-07-20 23:46:58] -[HELLO]- paranoid: i cant poop in my chair
[2024-07-20 23:46:58] Owlmageddon: this game was orignally scoped by EA as "Burger Battle"
[2024-07-20 23:47:04] -[HELLO]- paranoid: give me a break
[2024-07-20 23:47:08] DiscoMagpie: of course you can
[2024-07-20 23:47:19] -[HELLO]- paranoid: i can but isnt healthy
[2024-07-20 23:47:30] DiscoMagpie: the doctors lie to you anyway
[2024-07-20 23:48:11] -[HELLO]- paranoid: sit
[2024-07-20 23:48:17] DiscoMagpie: yeah dtk sit
[2024-07-20 23:48:38] dtk: lmao rpg ofc
[2024-07-20 23:48:50] dtk: a day ending in y
[2024-07-20 23:48:57] DiscoMagpie: y?
[2024-07-20 23:49:08] Fragga: mondai?
[2024-07-20 23:50:17] DiscoMagpie: man flight is so damn good
[2024-07-20 23:50:22] DiscoMagpie: he's DOMINATING
[2024-07-20 23:50:29] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: i am actually a fkn god at this game
[2024-07-20 23:50:49] x4|Al Gore: r u so impressed?
[2024-07-20 23:51:09] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: al keep ur mouth shut longer than 1 second challenge
[2024-07-20 23:51:09] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: impossible
[2024-07-20 23:51:41] x4|Al Gore: Flight bhaijan did u do ur prayer?
[2024-07-20 23:51:51] Fragga: other bridge gi heading there
[2024-07-20 23:51:51] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: too much stupid BS here, goodbye
[2024-07-20 23:51:56] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: goodluck disco
[2024-07-20 23:52:02] Gra$$HoPPer: thank god
[2024-07-20 23:52:05] DiscoMagpie: starting shi t unprovoked
[2024-07-20 23:52:08] DiscoMagpie: nice al
[2024-07-20 23:52:09] Fragga: yeah Bye bye bordy
[2024-07-20 23:52:11] Gra$$HoPPer: kgood riddance
[2024-07-20 23:53:22] x4|Al Gore: Disco why dod u kick me?
[2024-07-20 23:53:32] DiscoMagpie: as usual, you can't read
[2024-07-20 23:53:43] DiscoMagpie: otherwise you would've read and understood what I said
[2024-07-20 23:53:45] x4|Al Gore: which rule did i break?
[2024-07-20 23:53:45] DiscoMagpie: and what you did
[2024-07-20 23:53:53] DiscoMagpie: let's see
[2024-07-20 23:53:59] DiscoMagpie: insulting players
[2024-07-20 23:54:00] DiscoMagpie: all night?
[2024-07-20 23:54:04] Fragga: said you were kicked for language Al
[2024-07-20 23:54:14] DiscoMagpie: does that ring a bell?
[2024-07-20 23:54:31] x4|Al Gore: So when I joined Lamding Zone and Flight immedietely
[2024-07-20 23:54:42] DiscoMagpie: DOES THAT RING A BELL?
[2024-07-20 23:54:42] x4|Al Gore: started insulting me, u didn't kick him?
[2024-07-20 23:55:20] Owlmageddon: there are like 15 players on here. can we not fight/kick/ban?
[2024-07-20 23:55:21] x4|Al Gore: disco do u feel any shame when u abuse ur powers in ignorance?
[2024-07-20 23:55:51] Fragga: that would take intelligence Al
[2024-07-20 23:56:00] x4|Al Gore: true
[2024-07-20 23:56:21] x4|Al Gore: he kicked me bec his new buddy raged
[2024-07-20 23:56:44] x4|Al Gore: he doesnt kick Flight when he went after me
[2024-07-20 23:56:52] DiscoMagpie: al
[2024-07-20 23:56:57] DiscoMagpie: do you want a ban too?
[2024-07-20 23:57:04] DiscoMagpie: just tell me clearly
[2024-07-20 23:57:17] Fragga: just keep recording Al all will see who is the cause of problem
[2024-07-20 23:57:18] dtk: ban para
[2024-07-20 23:57:22] x4|Al Gore: thats what u have been wanting since 2 months
[2024-07-20 23:57:26] x4|Al Gore: im recording
[2024-07-20 23:57:29] LawsomeGunner: have a good night all the drama on this server anymore is sad
[2024-07-20 23:57:34] LawsomeGunner: take cae
[2024-07-20 23:57:36] DiscoMagpie: I have been wanting?
[2024-07-20 23:57:37] LawsomeGunner: care
[2024-07-20 23:57:40] DiscoMagpie: it's you who started the shit
[2024-07-20 23:57:44] DiscoMagpie: are you that dense?
[2024-07-20 23:57:59] dtk: rip lawsomegunner
[2024-07-20 23:58:10] DiscoMagpie: these two driving off players
[2024-07-20 23:58:16] DiscoMagpie: that's the second player that left because of them
[2024-07-20 23:58:41] DiscoMagpie: I swear I'll both permaban you
[2024-07-20 23:58:46] DiscoMagpie: if you continue this shit
[2024-07-20 23:58:52] dtk: who is both btw
[2024-07-20 23:58:59] Gra$$HoPPer: well ive been watching all of this
[2024-07-20 23:59:03] DiscoMagpie: dtk you shut up you already got banned
[2024-07-20 23:59:12] dtk: just asking son
[2024-07-20 23:59:14] Gra$$HoPPer: admin gotta settle down
[2024-07-20 23:59:21] Owlmageddon: ^^
[2024-07-20 23:59:26] Gra$$HoPPer: no more insults and threats
[2024-07-20 23:59:26] x4|Al Gore: guys, only Flight gets a pass on insulting
[2024-07-20 23:59:31] DiscoMagpie: grass you're walking on the edge here
[2024-07-20 23:59:35] Gra$$HoPPer: of course
[2024-07-20 23:59:43] Gra$$HoPPer: ban me then
[2024-07-20 23:59:48] Gra$$HoPPer: bigshoy
[2024-07-20 23:59:51] x4|Al Gore: ban all of us Disco
[2024-07-20 23:59:55] Gra$$HoPPer: bigshot
[2024-07-20 23:59:55] DiscoMagpie: yo tking their side?
[2024-07-21 00:00:04] x4|Al Gore: just play with Flight and Para every weekend
[2024-07-21 00:00:11] Gra$$HoPPer: absaloots
[2024-07-21 00:00:12] DiscoMagpie: I will
[2024-07-21 00:00:17] DiscoMagpie: you think I give a shit?
[2024-07-21 00:00:35] DiscoMagpie: if that's the only players who don't start drama here
[2024-07-21 00:00:36] dtk: can i get a vibe check?
[2024-07-21 00:00:38] x4|Al Gore: of course u dont
[2024-07-21 00:00:45] Gra$$HoPPer: Mr G is a complete gentlemen
[2024-07-21 00:00:47] DiscoMagpie: yo ucan't be reasoned with
[2024-07-21 00:00:52] DiscoMagpie: grass
[2024-07-21 00:00:58] x4|Al Gore: thank u mr B
[2024-07-21 00:01:02] DiscoMagpie: you are such an opportunist
[2024-07-21 00:01:19] DiscoMagpie: I literaly cannot argue with deranged people
[2024-07-21 00:01:28] Gra$$HoPPer: deranged?
[2024-07-21 00:01:38] Gra$$HoPPer: and you aare an admin??
[2024-07-21 00:01:41] Gra$$HoPPer: WOW
[2024-07-21 00:01:56] x4|Al Gore: wow indeed
[2024-07-21 00:02:01] dtk: vibe check results are in: 1/10
[2024-07-21 00:02:15] Fragga: just when you thought id left lol
[2024-07-21 00:02:20] DiscoMagpie: wowee I said something wrong?
[2024-07-21 00:02:27] dtk: lmao fragga still here
[2024-07-21 00:02:40] x4|Al Gore: kicked Mr B for no reason
[2024-07-21 00:02:42] dtk: wtf
[2024-07-21 00:02:47] DiscoMagpie: you are next al
[2024-07-21 00:02:48] Fragga: im here for you my little buddy dtk :)
[2024-07-21 00:02:52] DiscoMagpie: keep runing your mouth
[2024-07-21 00:03:11] x4|Al Gore: u already kicked me Dear Brother
[2024-07-21 00:03:12] dtk: little buddy? you starting SOMETHING SON!?!?!?!?!
[2024-07-21 00:03:18] DiscoMagpie: I mean a ban
[2024-07-21 00:03:39] x4|Al Gore: will u ban dtk again?
[2024-07-21 00:03:46] Gra$$HoPPer: did that feel good and fuzzy all over?
[2024-07-21 00:03:48] DiscoMagpie: I mean you
[2024-07-21 00:03:58] dtk: im innocent of all charges
[2024-07-21 00:04:01] DiscoMagpie: yeal grass keep going
[2024-07-21 00:04:01] dtk: as per usaul
[2024-07-21 00:04:02] Fragga: just keep that recording going al it will show all
[2024-07-21 00:04:02] bfSoldier: ..
[2024-07-21 00:04:16] x4|Al Gore: welcome back Mr B
[2024-07-21 00:04:26] x4|Al Gore: we are back in 2020
[2024-07-21 00:04:50] DiscoMagpie: you oughta be away from the server
[2024-07-21 00:04:50] DiscoMagpie: for good
[2024-07-21 00:04:59] dtk: The Great HELLO Purge of 2024
[2024-07-21 00:05:09] x4|Al Gore: lol true dtk
[2024-07-21 00:05:16] Fragga: lmfao
[2024-07-21 00:05:24] Gra$$HoPPer: lmfao 2
[2024-07-21 00:05:25] dtk: jesus christ
[2024-07-21 00:05:39] x4|Al Gore: sorry bud

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