Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - Operation Irving - 2024-11-30 21:22:02 Chatlog
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[2024-11-30 21:23:47] Bartman[KN]: n1
[2024-11-30 21:27:07] Skillz: ns
[2024-11-30 21:27:15] Jum_P: replace tunel
[2024-11-30 21:28:21] Skillz: tunnel in main ?
[2024-11-30 21:28:26] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: cant find it
[2024-11-30 21:28:39] Skillz: nighter could I
[2024-11-30 21:29:08] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: kill f4
[2024-11-30 21:29:11] Skillz: F4 down
[2024-11-30 21:29:15] Skillz: quick takt ie
[2024-11-30 21:29:24] -RageVsMachine: wow
[2024-11-30 21:29:36] Skillz: tunnel behind
[2024-11-30 21:30:14] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: 1 down
[2024-11-30 21:30:16] YUG: go get flags
[2024-11-30 21:30:37] YUG: here comes the pain
[2024-11-30 21:30:43] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: CHINOOK IS ABACK
[2024-11-30 21:30:53] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: AAAAND HES REKT
[2024-11-30 21:30:54] Skillz: swimmer just arrived
[2024-11-30 21:30:57] -[HELLO]-Xorsair: lol
[2024-11-30 21:31:06] -[HELLO]-Xorsair: I had to lay her down
[2024-11-30 21:31:26] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: watch for swimmers
[2024-11-30 21:31:57] Skillz: ok..
[2024-11-30 21:32:21] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: LOL they got the jet again
[2024-11-30 21:32:23] Skillz: now I know where the tunnel is
[2024-11-30 21:32:29] -=Int.]-[=- rick: stolen phantom
[2024-11-30 21:32:36] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: heilig has huey??
[2024-11-30 21:32:38] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: kill that guy
[2024-11-30 21:32:49] HeiligWahrheit: please not
[2024-11-30 21:32:55] Jum_P: sniper ta ruins
[2024-11-30 21:33:02] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: swimmers
[2024-11-30 21:34:41] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: plane nub down
[2024-11-30 21:35:56] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: huey usa main
[2024-11-30 21:36:06] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: nva huey
[2024-11-30 21:38:05] -RageVsMachine: bailer beach
[2024-11-30 21:38:20] -[HELLO]-Xorsair: I tink I got him
[2024-11-30 21:39:04] Skillz: to late
[2024-11-30 21:39:09] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: enemy huey
[2024-11-30 21:40:57] MglCan: hi @all
[2024-11-30 21:41:00] -[HELLO]-Xorsair: hi
[2024-11-30 21:41:01] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: WIE GEHTS
[2024-11-30 21:41:03] HeiligWahrheit: hi
[2024-11-30 21:41:03] Bartman[KN]: hello
[2024-11-30 21:42:20] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: watch for swimmers
[2024-11-30 21:42:23] -RageVsMachine: arty hill
[2024-11-30 21:42:32] Skillz: no flags today 4 blue ?
[2024-11-30 21:42:38] -RageVsMachine: n1 ryoni
[2024-11-30 21:42:40] MglCan: sniper near main down
[2024-11-30 21:43:13] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: where rick
[2024-11-30 21:43:23] Hetjan: at last SLAM
[2024-11-30 21:44:03] Skillz: gg
[2024-11-30 21:44:41] Ryoni: PARACHITOST AT HILL
[2024-11-30 21:44:46] -[HELLO]-Xorsair: ALREADY DEAD
[2024-11-30 21:45:08] HeiligWahrheit: tunnel main
[2024-11-30 21:45:12] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: WHERE
[2024-11-30 21:45:21] -[HELLO]-Xorsair: WHERE WHAT?
[2024-11-30 21:45:31] -=Int.]-[=- rick: ns
[2024-11-30 21:45:40] HeiligWahrheit: near hangar i guess
[2024-11-30 21:45:41] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: enemy f4...again...
[2024-11-30 21:45:50] HeiligWahrheit: but its over anyway...
[2024-11-30 21:46:09] -RageVsMachine: blue shouldnt lose this map this badly
[2024-11-30 21:46:14] -[HELLO]-Xorsair: I just shot down a huey gunship if anyone wants to spawn in ove
[2024-11-30 21:46:16] Skillz: no..
[2024-11-30 21:46:23] Skillz: something is wrong at blue
[2024-11-30 21:46:27] -[HELLO]-Xorsair: Thismap is super NVA sided though
[2024-11-30 21:46:30] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: f4...really
[2024-11-30 21:46:46] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: embarassing loss
[2024-11-30 21:46:51] -[HELLO]-Xorsair: GGez
[2024-11-30 21:46:56] Skillz: very
[2024-11-30 21:46:58] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: TUNNEL
[2024-11-30 21:47:05] -[HELLO]-Xorsair: There's no tunnel
[2024-11-30 21:47:06] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: TWO TUNNELS
[2024-11-30 21:47:15] -[HELLO]-Xorsair: You'r just seeing things
[2024-11-30 21:47:41] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: LOL

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