Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - Landing zone Albany - 2024-11-30 22:59:02 Chatlog
Players Clans Character-Types Weapons Vehicles Maps

[2024-11-30 22:59:50] Bartman[KN]: Albany my love
[2024-11-30 22:59:55] Petter-PANG!: finally, some aim
[2024-11-30 23:00:06] HueyBob: it's my worst map
[2024-11-30 23:00:32] Petter-PANG!: no phantoms or helis lol
[2024-11-30 23:00:37] pinky: how so Bob?
[2024-11-30 23:00:45] Gra$$HoPPer: its a crap map
[2024-11-30 23:00:56] Gra$$HoPPer: server emptier
[2024-11-30 23:01:10] HueyBob: would be a better map for tanks
[2024-11-30 23:01:21] pinky: unfortunately, the best maps are at the start
[2024-11-30 23:01:31] Bartman[KN]: was very popular on fsfa 1.2
[2024-11-30 23:01:44] HueyBob: hastings hastings and hastings ;)
[2024-11-30 23:02:30] mR oRanGe : NS
[2024-11-30 23:02:44] HueyBob: Hello should get some SSM's on here
[2024-11-30 23:02:46] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: really
[2024-11-30 23:02:46] pinky: GO HAN
[2024-11-30 23:03:18] Private Rice Eater: hey to
[2024-11-30 23:03:25] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: yeah this map should have tanks and choppers
[2024-11-30 23:03:51] M.i.r: nice
[2024-11-30 23:03:55] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: ty buddy
[2024-11-30 23:04:10] Private Rice Eater: hey tonygamer13 chat with us press K
[2024-11-30 23:05:06] M.i.r: lol
[2024-11-30 23:05:11] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: `
[2024-11-30 23:05:13] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: nice tk
[2024-11-30 23:05:17] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: `
[2024-11-30 23:06:43] M.i.r: eey :D
[2024-11-30 23:06:52] SWAT: hi admin
[2024-11-30 23:06:53] Bordahal: box
[2024-11-30 23:07:05] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: hi
[2024-11-30 23:07:22] SWAT: will you vote saigon 1968 map please
[2024-11-30 23:07:28] pinky: yes
[2024-11-30 23:07:31] Bartman[KN]: y
[2024-11-30 23:07:47] SWAT: we love saigon 1968 map
[2024-11-30 23:07:51] Gra$$HoPPer: Y
[2024-11-30 23:07:53] SWAT: tunnels
[2024-11-30 23:08:02] Private Rice Eater: HAVE A NICE WEEKEND
[2024-11-30 23:08:16] n.o.i.c.e: spawn rampe
[2024-11-30 23:08:24] n.o.i.c.e: rape*
[2024-11-30 23:08:27] pinky: i vote Saigon
[2024-11-30 23:08:35] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: !nextmap
[2024-11-30 23:08:43] SWAT: i want saigon 1968 map. tunnels so enjoying
[2024-11-30 23:09:03] Gra$$HoPPer: dart for $50
[2024-11-30 23:09:08] Gra$$HoPPer: Dart Y
[2024-11-30 23:09:12] pinky: Y
[2024-11-30 23:09:16] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: N
[2024-11-30 23:09:22] Bartman[KN]: n
[2024-11-30 23:09:30] SWAT: saigon
[2024-11-30 23:09:33] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: N
[2024-11-30 23:10:03] SWAT: can you make next map is saigon 1968 mp admin
[2024-11-30 23:10:19] pinky: no they cant
[2024-11-30 23:10:37] pinky: you must suffer through bad maps
[2024-11-30 23:10:38] M.i.r: mapvote?
[2024-11-30 23:10:38] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: sure, unless yall want ho chi mihn
[2024-11-30 23:10:38] Private Rice Eater: ENTER
[2024-11-30 23:10:41] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: we already played it
[2024-11-30 23:10:50] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: fall of saigon Y/N
[2024-11-30 23:10:51] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: Y
[2024-11-30 23:10:57] Captain Mack: y
[2024-11-30 23:10:58] pinky: N
[2024-11-30 23:11:00] -=Int.]-[=- rick: n
[2024-11-30 23:11:00] Bartman[KN]: y
[2024-11-30 23:11:01] cokra: y
[2024-11-30 23:11:51] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: 28 players...impossible to get a vote
[2024-11-30 23:12:00] M.i.r: yep
[2024-11-30 23:12:02] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: make an executive decision admins
[2024-11-30 23:12:08] pinky: its over
[2024-11-30 23:12:20] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: How about we restart the rotation, next several maps will
[2024-11-30 23:12:21] pinky: yeah, and when someone goes complain at HELLO
[2024-11-30 23:12:23] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: empty the srever
[2024-11-30 23:12:23] pinky: they done as admin
[2024-11-30 23:12:34] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: im out if we do new rotation, hastings is crap
[2024-11-30 23:13:06] M.i.r: but then hue ;)
[2024-11-30 23:13:16] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: nah, not sittng through hastings
[2024-11-30 23:13:19] pinky: I want Fall of Saigon
[2024-11-30 23:13:22] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: we already played it
[2024-11-30 23:13:25] M.i.r: :D
[2024-11-30 23:13:39] pinky: Fall of La Choy

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