Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - Reclaiming Hue - 2024-12-14 21:25:01 Chatlog
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[2024-12-14 21:25:40] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: MINES FAST
[2024-12-14 21:25:44] pinky: my fav
[2024-12-14 21:25:58] gooodie boi: sure
[2024-12-14 21:26:18] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: MINES
[2024-12-14 21:26:20] Bartman[KN]: hey all
[2024-12-14 21:26:32] Skillz: Hey Bart
[2024-12-14 21:26:35] -RageVsMachine: hi
[2024-12-14 21:27:39] Hannibal: need mines bridge
[2024-12-14 21:27:54] .BR. IRON MAN: noob vote
[2024-12-14 21:28:11] pinky: they are going to ruin tht feature
[2024-12-14 21:28:15] pinky: that I worked so hard to get
[2024-12-14 21:28:29] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: its a noob feature
[2024-12-14 21:28:38] pinky: not if used properly
[2024-12-14 21:28:49] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: it will never be used properly
[2024-12-14 21:29:05] pinky: it will work when small number of players
[2024-12-14 21:30:21] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: yes im playing
[2024-12-14 21:30:22] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: DONT KICK ME
[2024-12-14 21:30:39] pinky: GUYS
[2024-12-14 21:30:44] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: ...
[2024-12-14 21:30:48] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: fk this
[2024-12-14 21:31:06] pinky: RAGE
[2024-12-14 21:31:38] pinky: NOW watch votes end
[2024-12-14 21:33:09] pinky: every celebrity player now on red
[2024-12-14 21:33:26] gooodie boi: l4 afk
[2024-12-14 21:33:33] -=Int.]-[=- rick: hi all
[2024-12-14 21:33:38] Phal ft. Galaxy Tab S9+: hi
[2024-12-14 21:33:51] Bartman[KN]: hey
[2024-12-14 21:34:50] pinky: PAGODA
[2024-12-14 21:34:56] gooodie boi: ajahaha
[2024-12-14 21:35:06] Phal ft. Galaxy Tab S9+: nepogoda neppgoda
[2024-12-14 21:35:19] [WaPRA]Red comrade: Rus?
[2024-12-14 21:35:40] pinky: NO, he is washing his TP
[2024-12-14 21:36:08] Phal ft. Galaxy Tab S9+: gde to tak, kto tp ishet tebj sredi dozhdjaaaa
[2024-12-14 21:36:55] [WaPRA]Red comrade: nu privet
[2024-12-14 21:37:02] Phal ft. Galaxy Tab S9+: priv
[2024-12-14 21:37:31] Justin Bieber: privet vsem!!
[2024-12-14 21:37:42] Phal ft. Galaxy Tab S9+: zdrastje
[2024-12-14 21:39:10] pinky: there is red dude hiding at Pagoda
[2024-12-14 21:39:58] pinky: i got em
[2024-12-14 21:40:21] Jum_P: temple?
[2024-12-14 21:40:47] pinky: HELP TEMPLE
[2024-12-14 21:41:45] gooodie boi: ohhh
[2024-12-14 21:41:48] gooodie boi: now run
[2024-12-14 21:41:58] gooodie boi: ahahaha
[2024-12-14 21:42:01] pinky: lol
[2024-12-14 21:43:24] pinky: BR did you notice the voting has stopped?
[2024-12-14 21:46:33] gooodie boi: ahahhd
[2024-12-14 21:53:05] Skillz: how many gooks are there in that house?
[2024-12-14 21:53:15] Phal ft. Galaxy Tab S9+: 42
[2024-12-14 21:53:28] Bartman[KN]: lol
[2024-12-14 21:55:19] .BR. IRON MAN: lol rick
[2024-12-14 21:57:29] Jum_P: pagoda tank
[2024-12-14 21:57:48] Phal ft. Galaxy Tab S9+: wt
[2024-12-14 22:00:59] gooodie boi: #8
[2024-12-14 22:01:06] SWAT: why
[2024-12-14 22:01:13] SWAT: i came new
[2024-12-14 22:01:23] -RageVsMachine: which idiot keeps doing kick vote?
[2024-12-14 22:01:41] SWAT: good boi you are my enemy anymore
[2024-12-14 22:01:42] Skillz: because one of these 16 players, are a fool
[2024-12-14 22:01:52] gooodie boi: why
[2024-12-14 22:01:56] gooodie boi: do nothing
[2024-12-14 22:01:57] Skillz: or at least 1 of 16
[2024-12-14 22:01:59] SWAT: you will see
[2024-12-14 22:02:06] gooodie boi: lol
[2024-12-14 22:02:27] gooodie boi: why
[2024-12-14 22:05:05] gooodie boi: ggg
[2024-12-14 22:07:16] gooodie boi: mamamamama
[2024-12-14 22:07:39] gooodie boi: miau

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