Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - Quang Tri 1968 - 2024-12-15 21:33:01 Chatlog
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[2024-12-15 21:33:49] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: shaun
[2024-12-15 21:33:58] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: yah
[2024-12-15 21:34:05] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: can we take a vote for hue nextmap?
[2024-12-15 21:34:15] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: or saigon
[2024-12-15 21:34:17] Jum_P: no
[2024-12-15 21:34:36] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: why not hastings?
[2024-12-15 21:34:54] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: im down for hastings Y/N
[2024-12-15 21:35:00] Bartman[KN]: 7
[2024-12-15 21:35:00] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: no worries
[2024-12-15 21:35:02] Tyme Bulm: n
[2024-12-15 21:35:04] -[HELLO]- paranoid: im down for radicals join
[2024-12-15 21:35:05] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: good games fellas
[2024-12-15 21:35:14] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: maybe catch ya next weekend
[2024-12-15 21:35:16] Phal ft. Galaxy Tab S9+: y
[2024-12-15 21:35:18] -[HELLO]- paranoid: bb
[2024-12-15 21:35:24] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: see ya fellas
[2024-12-15 21:35:25] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: saigon 68 Y/N
[2024-12-15 21:35:27] -[HELLO]- paranoid: c
[2024-12-15 21:35:28] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: have a good week
[2024-12-15 21:35:28] dtk: y
[2024-12-15 21:35:31] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: bb
[2024-12-15 21:35:32] dtk: bb tox
[2024-12-15 21:35:33] Phal ft. Galaxy Tab S9+: saigon n
[2024-12-15 21:35:34] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: y
[2024-12-15 21:35:56] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: if saigon comes on i will stick it out for another
[2024-12-15 21:36:05] -[HELLO]- paranoid: lol
[2024-12-15 21:36:06] -[HELLO]- paranoid: aind u leaving
[2024-12-15 21:36:09] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: !nextmap
[2024-12-15 21:36:10] Tyme Bulm: tht is the best one on the game
[2024-12-15 21:36:24] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: !nextmap
[2024-12-15 21:36:27] -[HELLO]- paranoid: TEAMS
[2024-12-15 21:36:41] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: brb, gotta feed my doggo
[2024-12-15 21:36:49] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: ok, good games fellas i am outti!
[2024-12-15 21:36:54] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: have a good week
[2024-12-15 21:36:55] Tyme Bulm: bb
[2024-12-15 21:36:58] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: bye
[2024-12-15 21:37:02] dtk: l8r
[2024-12-15 21:37:02] -[HELLO]- paranoid: OK MISTER VOTE KIC
[2024-12-15 21:38:13] Tyme Bulm: bamus
[2024-12-15 21:38:18] Tyme Bulm: merry bamus
[2024-12-15 21:39:22] Tyme Bulm: mosca camping at red main
[2024-12-15 21:39:48] Jum_P: like always
[2024-12-15 21:40:23] Tyme Bulm: lol
[2024-12-15 21:40:37] Tyme Bulm: no, been changed twice, i am out
[2024-12-15 21:40:54] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: dtk
[2024-12-15 21:41:01] dtk: yes
[2024-12-15 21:41:06] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: sit
[2024-12-15 21:41:18] dtk: are you bored?
[2024-12-15 21:41:30] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: bored of killing u :)
[2024-12-15 21:44:04] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: hide mir lol
[2024-12-15 21:44:40] M.i.r: repair behind tank
[2024-12-15 21:45:01] Phal ft. Galaxy Tab S9+: u up there
[2024-12-15 21:45:40] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: these tanks bro lmao
[2024-12-15 21:47:01] -[HELLO]- paranoid: WHY is she not replying my texts?
[2024-12-15 21:47:17] dtk: i can only wonder
[2024-12-15 21:47:17] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: stop textig her
[2024-12-15 21:47:33] -[HELLO]- paranoid: i stopped
[2024-12-15 21:47:38] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: good, forget about her
[2024-12-15 21:47:41] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: then she will text
[2024-12-15 21:47:42] -[HELLO]- paranoid: its been 2 weeks since then
[2024-12-15 21:47:49] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: find a different girl
[2024-12-15 21:48:01] -[HELLO]- paranoid: i gave flowers on her birtday
[2024-12-15 21:48:08] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: thats why shes not replying
[2024-12-15 21:48:12] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: dont buy flwers thats gay
[2024-12-15 21:48:19] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: sorry, "lame"
[2024-12-15 21:48:31] -[HELLO]- paranoid: weell im gay if thats means i f her
[2024-12-15 21:48:38] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: LOL
[2024-12-15 21:48:49] |GF|FeldwebelSTEINER: du sau lol
[2024-12-15 21:49:01] M.i.r: machete junge ;)
[2024-12-15 21:49:02] -[HELLO]- paranoid: im just wondering
[2024-12-15 21:49:08] -[HELLO]- paranoid: didnt do anything wrong
[2024-12-15 21:49:34] Bartman[KN]: the only way to win is not to play
[2024-12-15 21:49:50] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: para, u didnt excite her enough
[2024-12-15 21:49:54] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: youre being too nice and needy
[2024-12-15 21:50:08] |GF|FeldwebelSTEINER: gg

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