Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - Operation Hastings - 2024-12-16 00:06:02 Chatlog
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[2024-12-16 00:08:17] .BR. IRON MAN: i will eat
[2024-12-16 00:08:59] -[HELLO]- paranoid: im eating
[2024-12-16 00:09:03] -[HELLO]- paranoid: soup
[2024-12-16 00:09:18] .BR. IRON MAN: eat polenta
[2024-12-16 00:09:37] -[HELLO]- paranoid: tenho pure
[2024-12-16 00:09:43] -[HELLO]- paranoid: massa e salsicho
[2024-12-16 00:09:49] -[HELLO]- paranoid: do almoo
[2024-12-16 00:09:51] Rbilly: Hi grass
[2024-12-16 00:09:57] Gra$$HoPPer: hi rb
[2024-12-16 00:10:05] -[HELLO]- paranoid: go red
[2024-12-16 00:10:11] -[HELLO]- paranoid: nina gy is weak
[2024-12-16 00:10:14] Rbilly: n1
[2024-12-16 00:10:17] -[HELLO]- paranoid: gore is weak
[2024-12-16 00:10:19] Gra$$HoPPer: ty son
[2024-12-16 00:10:21] -[HELLO]- paranoid: he doesnt know ho wto
[2024-12-16 00:10:32] -[HELLO]- paranoid: hannibal alone
[2024-12-16 00:10:40] -[HELLO]- paranoid: even teams
[2024-12-16 00:10:43] x4|Al Gore: yea i sorta forgot how to fly
[2024-12-16 00:10:58] -[HELLO]- paranoid: bs change map to end it
[2024-12-16 00:12:22] .BR. IRON MAN: votei
[2024-12-16 00:12:48] -[HELLO]- paranoid: mata todo mundo
[2024-12-16 00:13:51] -=Int.]-[=- rick: lol
[2024-12-16 00:14:07] .BR. IRON MAN: pedem pra trocar de mapa e acabar com ele
[2024-12-16 00:14:34] x4|Al Gore: back
[2024-12-16 00:14:45] .BR. IRON MAN: ajuda ai paranoid
[2024-12-16 00:15:05] Gra$$HoPPer: stolen huey
[2024-12-16 00:16:05] x4|Al Gore: rick
[2024-12-16 00:16:10] x4|Al Gore: u saw the comment?
[2024-12-16 00:16:16] -=Int.]-[=- rick: noop
[2024-12-16 00:16:24] x4|Al Gore: in forum? Some guy from 2006 remembers u
[2024-12-16 00:16:46] AleX: lol
[2024-12-16 00:16:58] -=Int.]-[=- rick: no idea
[2024-12-16 00:17:01] -=Int.]-[=- rick: name?
[2024-12-16 00:17:19] x4|Al Gore: Dewil
[2024-12-16 00:17:27] x4|Al Gore: see the picture in forum
[2024-12-16 00:17:31] -=Int.]-[=- rick: roger
[2024-12-16 00:17:38] x4|Al Gore: he left a comment on my YT channel
[2024-12-16 00:17:52] x4|Al Gore: Raw Dewil i think his name
[2024-12-16 00:18:13] mR oRanGe : he knows him
[2024-12-16 00:18:18] Hannibal: ur YT channel is classic game ?
[2024-12-16 00:18:39] -=Int.]-[=- rick: dewil
[2024-12-16 00:18:45] -=Int.]-[=- rick: lsounds to me yep
[2024-12-16 00:18:54] -=Int.]-[=- rick: but cant remember why?
[2024-12-16 00:19:27] AleX: wtf
[2024-12-16 00:19:34] AleX: !nextmap
[2024-12-16 00:19:56] Gra$$HoPPer: why take main
[2024-12-16 00:20:08] Gra$$HoPPer: all 3 of us
[2024-12-16 00:20:22] Rbilly: whose the idiot takin mains
[2024-12-16 00:20:29] AleX: imagine changing main flag pos after 30y
[2024-12-16 00:20:36] AleX: 20 sry
[2024-12-16 00:20:55] x4|Al Gore: lol
[2024-12-16 00:21:04] Rbilly: look at ricky rape
[2024-12-16 00:21:19] x4|Al Gore: US main back
[2024-12-16 00:21:25] x4|Al Gore: US main back
[2024-12-16 00:21:29] AleX: Iron you good today?
[2024-12-16 00:21:41] AleX: had a bad day?
[2024-12-16 00:22:09] Gra$$HoPPer: u will be punshed Mr G
[2024-12-16 00:22:32] .BR. IRON MAN: bad ping son
[2024-12-16 00:22:38] x4|Al Gore: didn't know it was u Mr G
[2024-12-16 00:25:59] -[HELLO]- paranoid: hey rad
[2024-12-16 00:26:03] -[HELLO]- paranoid: how u been
[2024-12-16 00:26:12] x4|Al Gore: noice
[2024-12-16 00:26:24] -[HELLO]- paranoid: not you i mean radical
[2024-12-16 00:26:46] AleX: "radicals"
[2024-12-16 00:26:53] AleX: whos talkin?
[2024-12-16 00:27:12] -[HELLO]- paranoid: there he is
[2024-12-16 00:27:26] AleX: hi
[2024-12-16 00:27:46] -[HELLO]- paranoid: gimme choppa
[2024-12-16 00:28:18] -[HELLO]- paranoid: let me ddude
[2024-12-16 00:28:23] Rbilly: hi
[2024-12-16 00:28:42] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: im back
[2024-12-16 00:28:53] -[HELLO]- paranoid: radical is here
[2024-12-16 00:28:59] x4|Al Gore: take it para
[2024-12-16 00:29:01] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: thought he was banned
[2024-12-16 00:29:12] -[HELLO]- paranoid: how was the vacation radical
[2024-12-16 00:29:16] -[HELLO]- paranoid: ok
[2024-12-16 00:29:32] -[HELLO]- paranoid: you can give it to flight he good as well
[2024-12-16 00:29:33] AleX: what vacation?
[2024-12-16 00:29:45] x4|Al Gore: who is flight
[2024-12-16 00:29:50] -[HELLO]- paranoid: 360
[2024-12-16 00:30:37] AleX: flight where are the rule violation videos?
[2024-12-16 00:30:40] .BR. IRON MAN: ping
[2024-12-16 00:30:51] Rbilly: wow iron
[2024-12-16 00:31:02] -[HELLO]- paranoid: what u violate ?
[2024-12-16 00:31:28] AleX: its just 1 rule
[2024-12-16 00:31:57] -[HELLO]- paranoid: plese teall
[2024-12-16 00:31:59] -[HELLO]- paranoid: tell
[2024-12-16 00:32:02] -[HELLO]- paranoid: i was away
[2024-12-16 00:32:38] .BR. IRON MAN: no rick
[2024-12-16 00:32:45] -=Int.]-[=- rick: )
[2024-12-16 00:33:05] Rbilly: tank bridge
[2024-12-16 00:33:09] AleX: ramming shit
[2024-12-16 00:33:15] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: bye noob
[2024-12-16 00:33:16] -[HELLO]- paranoid: lol
[2024-12-16 00:34:08] -[HELLO]- paranoid: language
[2024-12-16 00:34:18] -[HELLO]- paranoid: its uneven now
[2024-12-16 00:34:24] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: ill join usa
[2024-12-16 00:34:33] -[HELLO]- paranoid: ok phal
[2024-12-16 00:34:56] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: ouch
[2024-12-16 00:34:57] x4|Al Gore: who's Alex?
[2024-12-16 00:34:59] mR oRanGe : hehe
[2024-12-16 00:35:10] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: LMAO
[2024-12-16 00:35:20] -[HELLO]- paranoid: xmas
[2024-12-16 00:35:20] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: alex is a person of interest
[2024-12-16 00:35:25] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: dude we have like 5 AFK's at main lol
[2024-12-16 00:36:01] AleX: guys you will not bully me out xD
[2024-12-16 00:36:13] -[HELLO]- paranoid: nbody did
[2024-12-16 00:36:17] -[HELLO]- paranoid: auto
[2024-12-16 00:36:19] AleX: flight enjoy next map :)
[2024-12-16 00:36:26] -[HELLO]- paranoid: language kick
[2024-12-16 00:36:31] AleX: easy provoking
[2024-12-16 00:36:47] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: tunnel B5
[2024-12-16 00:36:53] AleX: the namestealer cant ram next map :)
[2024-12-16 00:37:08] -[HELLO]- paranoid: oh u guys saame side now
[2024-12-16 00:38:59] -[HELLO]- paranoid: should i text her or now
[2024-12-16 00:39:00] -[HELLO]- paranoid: not
[2024-12-16 00:39:56] -=Int.]-[=- rick: ns
[2024-12-16 00:39:56] AleX: lol
[2024-12-16 00:40:03] AleX: no bully I understand
[2024-12-16 00:41:11] Phal ft. Galaxy Tab S9+: gude ras
[2024-12-16 00:41:13] -[HELLO]- paranoid: what rule u talking about
[2024-12-16 00:41:24] -[HELLO]- paranoid: lol
[2024-12-16 00:41:26] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: ouch
[2024-12-16 00:41:29] AleX: sie versuchen uns rauszumobben
[2024-12-16 00:41:30] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: tunnel
[2024-12-16 00:41:35] -[HELLO]- paranoid: engelgesicht
[2024-12-16 00:41:36] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: tunnel B6
[2024-12-16 00:41:44] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: B5*
[2024-12-16 00:41:48] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: way behind temple
[2024-12-16 00:41:53] Phal ft. Galaxy Tab S9+: inwiefern denn konkret?
[2024-12-16 00:42:18] -[HELLO]- paranoid: raus den weg
[2024-12-16 00:42:24] AleX: haben grad abstimmung versucht
[2024-12-16 00:42:37] AleX: grundlos
[2024-12-16 00:42:45] Phal ft. Galaxy Tab S9+: zwecks ?
[2024-12-16 00:42:51] AleX: keine ahnung
[2024-12-16 00:42:57] AleX: werde auch nur gerammt
[2024-12-16 00:42:59] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: tunnel down
[2024-12-16 00:43:05] AleX: ne schande ist das
[2024-12-16 00:43:05] -[HELLO]- paranoid: wie so
[2024-12-16 00:43:24] -[HELLO]- paranoid: stimmt das?
[2024-12-16 00:43:34] AleX: ist mein ernst digger
[2024-12-16 00:43:37] Phal ft. Galaxy Tab S9+: meinst du kickvote oder wie muss ich das verstehen
[2024-12-16 00:43:47] -=Int.]-[=- rick: too many targts
[2024-12-16 00:43:55] Scrappy.NY: i got him
[2024-12-16 00:44:35] AleX: ? agin why?
[2024-12-16 00:44:45] AleX: for what bots?
[2024-12-16 00:44:46] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: ignore
[2024-12-16 00:44:48] -=Int.]-[=- rick: lol
[2024-12-16 00:44:50] x4|Al Gore: noice
[2024-12-16 00:45:02] AleX: shaun
[2024-12-16 00:45:05] -[HELLO]- paranoid: dont get trigerred
[2024-12-16 00:45:07] Phal ft. Galaxy Tab S9+: jo da trollt permanent jeand mit der vote rum
[2024-12-16 00:45:08] AleX: its sucks alot atm
[2024-12-16 00:45:20] AleX: jeder wei wer
[2024-12-16 00:45:36] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: english please, not all german speakers here
[2024-12-16 00:45:51] AleX: nobody talk to you
[2024-12-16 00:46:08] -[HELLO]- paranoid: wow
[2024-12-16 00:46:17] -[HELLO]- paranoid: dtk is here
[2024-12-16 00:46:29] -[HELLO]- paranoid: he see radical and then joined
[2024-12-16 00:46:48] Gra$$HoPPer: 7
[2024-12-16 00:46:48] -[HELLO]- paranoid: ahahahahahaha
[2024-12-16 00:46:49] dtk: really?
[2024-12-16 00:47:03] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: didnt DTK already get kicked? LOL
[2024-12-16 00:47:06] dtk: great idea w/ vote kicking. abused to high hell
[2024-12-16 00:47:15] Rbilly: get rid of the vote to kick bs
[2024-12-16 00:47:16] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: wont last long
[2024-12-16 00:47:29] AleX: great progress in 2024
[2024-12-16 00:47:30] Rbilly: people abuse it constantly
[2024-12-16 00:47:44] -[HELLO]- paranoid: it should have time limit
[2024-12-16 00:47:45] dtk: some people really bored here
[2024-12-16 00:47:54] Phal ft. Galaxy Tab S9+: go
[2024-12-16 00:47:59] -[HELLO]- paranoid: hey dtk long time no see
[2024-12-16 00:48:12] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: ns
[2024-12-16 00:48:16] x4|Al Gore: ty
[2024-12-16 00:48:26] dtk: still abusing power para?
[2024-12-16 00:48:34] -[HELLO]- paranoid: no
[2024-12-16 00:48:39] -[HELLO]- paranoid: u still crying?
[2024-12-16 00:48:46] dtk: you finally grow up?
[2024-12-16 00:49:01] -[HELLO]- paranoid: did u clean the but last time?
[2024-12-16 00:49:19] dtk: when did i hurt you? what started ur obsession w/ me?
[2024-12-16 00:49:21] -[HELLO]- paranoid: still stinks here
[2024-12-16 00:50:12] HueyBob: so sorry
[2024-12-16 00:50:19] -[HELLO]- paranoid: today u say it was war
[2024-12-16 00:50:29] AleX: ich werd ihn nchste runde so derart auseinandernehmen!
[2024-12-16 00:50:41] HueyBob: whats the vote for?
[2024-12-16 00:50:50] -[HELLO]- paranoid: nxt map
[2024-12-16 00:50:54] dtk: in reference to playing irving in full
[2024-12-16 00:51:15] mR oRanGe : bahhhh
[2024-12-16 00:51:16] dtk: flight is probably doing the vote kicks
[2024-12-16 00:51:25] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: check logs
[2024-12-16 00:51:25] -[HELLO]- paranoid: i apologize you for being noob dtk
[2024-12-16 00:51:27] -[HELLO]- paranoid: give me a hug
[2024-12-16 00:51:36] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: im voting 7 each time but im not starting votes
[2024-12-16 00:51:46] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: its para ;)
[2024-12-16 00:51:51] -[HELLO]- paranoid: not m
[2024-12-16 00:51:56] -[HELLO]- paranoid: but 7 all the way
[2024-12-16 00:52:04] AleX: you started 2 times
[2024-12-16 00:52:06] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: always 7 for Radicals or DTK
[2024-12-16 00:52:10] AleX: stop lieing
[2024-12-16 00:52:22] [TKO]Flight447-RIP: not talking to u

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