Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - Quang Tri 1968 - 2025-01-02 19:02:01 Chatlog
Players Clans Character-Types Weapons Vehicles Maps

[2025-01-02 19:10:04] HP: HI 3S
[2025-01-02 19:10:10] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: we need flags
[2025-01-02 19:16:26] Pino =|TC|=: ._.
[2025-01-02 19:17:48] HP: salut Hanni
[2025-01-02 19:18:16] Hannibal: salut HP
[2025-01-02 19:19:24] Pino =|TC|=: i'll wait
[2025-01-02 19:20:03] Pino =|TC|=: what a spaw
[2025-01-02 19:20:05] Pino =|TC|=: spawn
[2025-01-02 19:20:13] Paul Walker: hi all
[2025-01-02 19:20:17] Pino =|TC|=: hi
[2025-01-02 19:20:27] [TKO]agathyus: Hi
[2025-01-02 19:20:32] HP: hi
[2025-01-02 19:22:12] Pino =|TC|=: 5 secods too early
[2025-01-02 19:22:27] Paul Walker: that's what sh said
[2025-01-02 19:22:50] Pino =|TC|=: xd
[2025-01-02 19:25:04] Pino =|TC|=: uuuuuh
[2025-01-02 19:25:07] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: GO BACK USA
[2025-01-02 19:25:19] Pino =|TC|=: why did i switch, sry
[2025-01-02 19:25:22] Pino =|TC|=: LOL ik
[2025-01-02 19:27:54] Pino =|TC|=: k
[2025-01-02 19:28:02] Pino =|TC|=: idk why it does that
[2025-01-02 19:29:39] Pino =|TC|=: XD
[2025-01-02 19:32:07] Pino =|TC|=: ok
[2025-01-02 19:34:36] Paul Walker: heart guy is a bit suspicious
[2025-01-02 19:34:41] Pino =|TC|=: yes
[2025-01-02 19:34:52] HP: YES
[2025-01-02 19:34:59] Paul Walker: he always has a perfect hunch where I am...
[2025-01-02 19:35:27] Paul Walker: again...
[2025-01-02 19:36:05] Pino =|TC|=: <3 you were banned before?
[2025-01-02 19:36:32] Pino =|TC|=: it is not fun ya know
[2025-01-02 19:37:43] Pino =|TC|=: keep it like that
[2025-01-02 19:38:05] Paul Walker: wym?
[2025-01-02 19:38:09] Pino =|TC|=: nvm
[2025-01-02 19:39:08] Paul Walker: whatthe
[2025-01-02 19:39:17] Paul Walker: yeah no way
[2025-01-02 19:41:16] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: GO BACK USA
[2025-01-02 19:41:55] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: PLAYER SE STOP STACKING NVA
[2025-01-02 19:42:27] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: U FN BISH MADE ME FORCED TS
[2025-01-02 19:42:49] Paul Walker: at least we ave a wh one now
[2025-01-02 19:43:12] Pino =|TC|=: bbl next map
[2025-01-02 19:45:16] Hannibal: Oh le HP
[2025-01-02 19:45:43] HP: ah la tu te cache
[2025-01-02 19:46:23] Lt.Sturm: end this map server needs a timer
[2025-01-02 19:46:24] Hannibal: C'tait ma tour magique
[2025-01-02 19:46:30] Paul Walker: yeah
[2025-01-02 19:46:44] HP: pas facile a te trouver
[2025-01-02 19:46:52] Hannibal: lol
[2025-01-02 19:47:23] Pino =|TC|=: ha
[2025-01-02 19:47:27] Paul Walker: !nextmap
[2025-01-02 19:47:38] Paul Walker: !nextmap
[2025-01-02 19:48:02] Paul Walker: what comes next, camvodian incursion?
[2025-01-02 19:48:15] [TKO]agathyus: Dart
[2025-01-02 19:48:26] Paul Walker: ok, I'll stick around for that one
[2025-01-02 19:48:51] Lt.Sturm: cap us out
[2025-01-02 19:48:53] Paul Walker: but yeah, HELLO needs to implement time limits on some maps
[2025-01-02 19:49:05] Lt.Sturm: this server needs timer
[2025-01-02 19:49:16] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: naw
[2025-01-02 19:49:26] Lt.Sturm: dont spawn
[2025-01-02 19:49:27] Paul Walker: can't even vote for map. ridiculous
[2025-01-02 19:49:31] Lt.Sturm: dont spawn
[2025-01-02 19:49:47] Lt.Sturm: hanni afk
[2025-01-02 19:49:51] Cooper: lol
[2025-01-02 19:49:52] Paul Walker: ok, I'll come back in 10 mins for dart. see you guys in a bit
[2025-01-02 19:50:13] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: hes not afk
[2025-01-02 19:50:41] Pino =|TC|=: incriminating
[2025-01-02 19:51:15] Pino =|TC|=: barflyyy :D
[2025-01-02 19:52:00] =KGC= BarFly: ho?
[2025-01-02 19:52:08] HP: hi Bar
[2025-01-02 19:52:08] Pino =|TC|=: hi
[2025-01-02 19:52:11] [TKO]agathyus: Hi
[2025-01-02 19:52:20] =KGC= BarFly: hoy
[2025-01-02 19:52:28] Cooper: )
[2025-01-02 19:52:41] =KGC= BarFly: cat food :)
[2025-01-02 19:53:59] Pino =|TC|=: lol i ran over you
[2025-01-02 19:54:25] Pino =|TC|=: k
[2025-01-02 19:54:51] =KGC= BarFly: run over that 1
[2025-01-02 19:55:59] Pino =|TC|=: where are you i'll run over you
[2025-01-02 19:56:03] HP: nononon
[2025-01-02 19:56:34] Hannibal: tjrs la tour
[2025-01-02 19:56:44] HP: de nouveau
[2025-01-02 19:56:51] Pino =|TC|=: oh come on
[2025-01-02 19:56:54] =KGC= BarFly: lol
[2025-01-02 20:00:53] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: nice try fly
[2025-01-02 20:00:56] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: gg

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