Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - Operation Hastings - 2025-01-18 20:50:01 Chatlog
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[2025-01-18 21:07:38] Lt.Sturm: hi
[2025-01-18 21:14:38] Gra$$HoPPer: OOPS
[2025-01-18 21:14:58] =KGC= BarFly: suddenly I pressed the wrong key
[2025-01-18 21:21:42] Gra$$HoPPer: n1
[2025-01-18 21:21:57] =KGC= BarFly: ty
[2025-01-18 21:22:10] pinky: HI GUYZ
[2025-01-18 21:22:15] =KGC= BarFly: hi
[2025-01-18 21:22:19] Bartman[KN]: hi
[2025-01-18 21:22:24] pinky: yo yo yo
[2025-01-18 21:22:38] =KGC= BarFly: fast 1
[2025-01-18 21:22:45] .BR. IRON MAN: LOL
[2025-01-18 21:22:59] pinky: WE MUST TAKE THEIR MAIN
[2025-01-18 21:23:19] pinky: LET me place tunnel
[2025-01-18 21:24:04] Gra$$HoPPer: oops sry
[2025-01-18 21:24:14] Bartman[KN]: np
[2025-01-18 21:24:15] pinky: old pink saw that coming
[2025-01-18 21:24:26] pinky: you made it easy for me big
[2025-01-18 21:25:04] pinky: need the mig to place the tunnel
[2025-01-18 21:26:21] .BR. IRON MAN: =(
[2025-01-18 21:27:33] Lt.Sturm: ammo
[2025-01-18 21:27:44] Lt.Sturm: no ammo
[2025-01-18 21:28:29] pinky: MY MAIN
[2025-01-18 21:28:29] Gra$$HoPPer: really
[2025-01-18 21:28:32] pinky: boom
[2025-01-18 21:28:39] Gra$$HoPPer: MAIN fools!!!
[2025-01-18 21:28:44] =KGC= BarFly: Nice ping Pinky
[2025-01-18 21:28:57] pinky: the server sits between my legs
[2025-01-18 21:29:22] Bartman[KN]: !nextmap
[2025-01-18 21:29:24] =KGC= BarFly: u should change name with Mr Big :)
[2025-01-18 21:30:21] pinky: gg
[2025-01-18 21:30:25] .BR. IRON MAN: LOL
[2025-01-18 21:30:53] pinky: HELP BLUE MAIN
[2025-01-18 21:31:03] [GER]Moerz77: !nextmao
[2025-01-18 21:31:06] [GER]Moerz77: !nextmap
[2025-01-18 21:31:12] =KGC= BarFly: Don't you like this map?
[2025-01-18 21:31:28] Gra$$HoPPer: well pinky ruined it
[2025-01-18 21:31:31] [GER]Moerz77: nope. i want jungle :D
[2025-01-18 21:31:31] pinky: NO HELP
[2025-01-18 21:31:39] pinky: big you are king of taking main
[2025-01-18 21:31:50] pinky: rules allow for it
[2025-01-18 21:31:52] Gra$$HoPPer: not when 3 players
[2025-01-18 21:31:53] pinky: i go by ther rules
[2025-01-18 21:31:59] pinky: check the rules
[2025-01-18 21:32:06] pinky: I have begged for a rule change
[2025-01-18 21:32:37] pinky: now I take red main
[2025-01-18 21:33:18] pinky: BOOM
[2025-01-18 21:33:19] pinky: LOL
[2025-01-18 21:33:25] .BR. IRON MAN: Nice
[2025-01-18 21:33:27] pinky: YOU SEE THAT
[2025-01-18 21:33:28] pinky: Lol
[2025-01-18 21:33:51] pinky: heading to red main
[2025-01-18 21:34:05] pinky: LOL
[2025-01-18 21:34:12] ilyon90:
[2025-01-18 21:34:15] =KGC= BarFly: u are always welcome
[2025-01-18 21:35:22] [GER]Moerz77: let it gooo. let it goooo
[2025-01-18 21:35:32] pinky: there's a song there somewhere
[2025-01-18 21:36:02] =KGC= BarFly: breakfast at Tiffany's?
[2025-01-18 21:36:04] .BR. IRON MAN: main
[2025-01-18 21:37:51] pinky: haha
[2025-01-18 21:38:01] pinky: missed me
[2025-01-18 21:38:46] pinky: what hit me
[2025-01-18 21:38:48] [GER]Moerz77: junge
[2025-01-18 21:39:30] [GER]Moerz77: kamikaze
[2025-01-18 21:40:29] pinky: COMING
[2025-01-18 21:40:53] [GER]Moerz77: ok please use some tissue
[2025-01-18 21:41:18] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: hi all
[2025-01-18 21:41:19] [GER]Moerz77: what map is next?
[2025-01-18 21:41:27] Bartman[KN]: hey
[2025-01-18 21:41:31] [GER]Moerz77: howdy
[2025-01-18 21:41:37] .BR. IRON MAN: !nextmap
[2025-01-18 21:41:45] Bartman[KN]: !nextmap
[2025-01-18 21:41:49] [GER]Moerz77: pinky!!!
[2025-01-18 21:41:52] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: quang tri 68
[2025-01-18 21:41:57] pinky: MY ONLY GOAL IS TAKE RED MAIN
[2025-01-18 21:42:11] [GER]Moerz77: wwwwhhhhyyy not ho chi :(
[2025-01-18 21:42:32] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: vote for ho chi?
[2025-01-18 21:42:37] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: as next map
[2025-01-18 21:42:39] Bartman[KN]: y
[2025-01-18 21:42:39] pinky: n
[2025-01-18 21:42:59] pinky: rECLAIM
[2025-01-18 21:43:02] ilyon90: heeee
[2025-01-18 21:43:55] .BR. IRON MAN: main!!!!
[2025-01-18 21:44:07] .BR. IRON MAN: main!
[2025-01-18 21:44:22] pinky: TANK headed to red main
[2025-01-18 21:44:50] pinky: need help at red main
[2025-01-18 21:45:02] pinky: need help at red main
[2025-01-18 21:45:31] Justin Bieber: hi
[2025-01-18 21:45:37] pinky: Hey JB
[2025-01-18 21:45:40] .BR. IRON MAN: hi
[2025-01-18 21:45:51] Bartman[KN]: hey
[2025-01-18 21:45:58] ilyon90: nooooooooo
[2025-01-18 21:46:50] [GER]Moerz77: wtf
[2025-01-18 21:46:58] pinky: very temporary - i take red main again
[2025-01-18 21:47:12] [GER]Moerz77: n1
[2025-01-18 21:47:28] Bordahal: ouch
[2025-01-18 21:47:28] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: oops
[2025-01-18 21:47:50] pinky: take me to red main
[2025-01-18 21:47:58] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: lol
[2025-01-18 21:48:08] pinky: they dont want main anyway
[2025-01-18 21:48:20] ilyon90: fas;k\
[2025-01-18 21:48:23] gooodie boi: lol
[2025-01-18 21:48:37] Bartman[KN]: lol
[2025-01-18 21:48:40] gooodie boi: clever
[2025-01-18 21:48:48] pinky: Well BR just ruined our fun
[2025-01-18 21:49:06] ilyon90: =-[;90909/-90909909
[2025-01-18 21:49:22] pinky: Say that again Omar
[2025-01-18 21:49:26] =KGC= BarFly: 5705
[2025-01-18 21:49:28] ilyon90: stooob
[2025-01-18 21:49:45] pinky: LOL
[2025-01-18 21:49:47] =KGC= BarFly: but there's no replay
[2025-01-18 21:49:57] pinky: LAST flag it is allowed
[2025-01-18 21:50:20] ilyon90: hhahhhahahhahahahhahahaa
[2025-01-18 21:50:22] pinky: restart map pleasze
[2025-01-18 21:50:41] .BR. IRON MAN: vote y/n
[2025-01-18 21:50:44] pinky: Y
[2025-01-18 21:50:45] Bartman[KN]: n
[2025-01-18 21:50:49] gooodie boi: ahahaha
[2025-01-18 21:50:50] =KGC= BarFly: so you can take mains again?
[2025-01-18 21:50:51] .BR. IRON MAN: end time

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