Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - Operation Hastings - 2025-02-15 17:45:01 Chatlog
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[2025-02-15 17:49:46] Jarzza =TC=: bravo!
[2025-02-15 17:49:59] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: making chicken noodle soup brb
[2025-02-15 17:50:03] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: 2 minute
[2025-02-15 17:50:04] Jarzza =TC=: hue ballet
[2025-02-15 17:50:13] Jarzza =TC=: alles klar
[2025-02-15 17:51:00] haunman2: man i got a lot of rust to knock off lol
[2025-02-15 17:51:16] Jarzza =TC=: :D little by little
[2025-02-15 17:52:49] pinky: hi guyz
[2025-02-15 17:52:53] Jarzza =TC=: hello
[2025-02-15 17:52:56] .BR. IRON MAN: pinky!!!
[2025-02-15 17:52:58] haunman2: hey
[2025-02-15 17:53:01] pinky: SUP MEN
[2025-02-15 17:54:00] haunman2: trying to knock the rust off pinky lol
[2025-02-15 17:54:19] pinky: i heqr you
[2025-02-15 17:56:47] .BR. IRON MAN: o nooo
[2025-02-15 17:57:14] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: ooops
[2025-02-15 17:57:16] .BR. IRON MAN: pinkuuuuu!!!!
[2025-02-15 17:57:22] Jarzza =TC=: PINGUU
[2025-02-15 17:57:29] .BR. IRON MAN: jesus
[2025-02-15 17:57:32] pinky: what I do?
[2025-02-15 17:57:32] Jarzza =TC=: lol
[2025-02-15 17:57:33] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: lol
[2025-02-15 17:58:38] pinky: missed me
[2025-02-15 18:00:32] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: i need to go gamble today
[2025-02-15 18:01:04] pinky: lol
[2025-02-15 18:03:28] pinky: i cannot be shotted down
[2025-02-15 18:04:22] haunman2: jarzza was trying to tailwhip me on the ground lol
[2025-02-15 18:04:31] Jarzza =TC=: :D
[2025-02-15 18:04:34] Jarzza =TC=: accident
[2025-02-15 18:04:44] haunman2: idk how you didnt crash
[2025-02-15 18:04:51] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: ooo ns
[2025-02-15 18:04:54] Jarzza =TC=: :D
[2025-02-15 18:04:55] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: vn shot
[2025-02-15 18:06:00] Jarzza =TC=: :D what a sight
[2025-02-15 18:06:17] pinky: LOL
[2025-02-15 18:06:18] .BR. IRON MAN: noooooooooooo
[2025-02-15 18:06:27] haunman2: that was wild to watch
[2025-02-15 18:08:22] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: nice
[2025-02-15 18:08:25] Jarzza =TC=: :D
[2025-02-15 18:08:43] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: !nextmap
[2025-02-15 18:09:13] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: cool we have tank wars coming up
[2025-02-15 18:10:29] pinky: LOL
[2025-02-15 18:11:07] pinky: kill stolen MI8
[2025-02-15 18:11:51] .BR. IRON MAN: lol
[2025-02-15 18:12:16] pinky: no stealing CHOPPHS
[2025-02-15 18:12:52] .BR. IRON MAN: wowwww
[2025-02-15 18:13:04] [TKO]agathyus: Hi
[2025-02-15 18:13:08] .BR. IRON MAN: hi
[2025-02-15 18:13:17] haunman2: howdy
[2025-02-15 18:13:30] pinky: HI
[2025-02-15 18:14:31] pinky: shall we re-start this map now tht guys are here?
[2025-02-15 18:14:43] haunman2: diff map?
[2025-02-15 18:15:28] pinky: i don;t care
[2025-02-15 18:16:20] pinky: noob ram
[2025-02-15 18:17:43] Jarzza =TC=: what!???
[2025-02-15 18:18:40] pinky: LOL
[2025-02-15 18:18:44] pinky: GOT me Jarzy
[2025-02-15 18:18:48] Jarzza =TC=: :D
[2025-02-15 18:19:55] pinky: BOOM
[2025-02-15 18:20:02] .BR. IRON MAN: lol
[2025-02-15 18:20:06] Jarzza =TC=: BAN
[2025-02-15 18:20:08] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: ooops
[2025-02-15 18:20:14] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: get the corsair too
[2025-02-15 18:20:16] pinky: IT WAS accident
[2025-02-15 18:20:29] Jarzza =TC=: who the hell are you
[2025-02-15 18:20:51] pinky: ok, I can noob ram too
[2025-02-15 18:21:13] Jarzza =TC=: :D no dont do noob things
[2025-02-15 18:21:21] Jarzza =TC=: basic game
[2025-02-15 18:21:34] pinky: i am in air - look out ram coming
[2025-02-15 18:21:54] pinky: Fat Bear rams - I qill
[2025-02-15 18:22:30] pinky: on way agaih
[2025-02-15 18:28:01] pinky: where Jarzy?
[2025-02-15 18:28:08] haunman2: he elft
[2025-02-15 18:28:09] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: he left
[2025-02-15 18:28:11] haunman2: left
[2025-02-15 18:29:07] pinky: did he leave mad?
[2025-02-15 18:29:12] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: no
[2025-02-15 18:29:17] pinky: k
[2025-02-15 18:31:45] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: cyber raged
[2025-02-15 18:32:15] pinky: WAS he mad at me?
[2025-02-15 18:32:38] haunman2: i think he was a little salty idk tho this my first day here
[2025-02-15 18:33:27] pinky: missed me
[2025-02-15 18:34:17] pinky: where my friend Aggy?
[2025-02-15 18:35:52] pinky: gg
[2025-02-15 18:35:58] haunman2: gg

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