Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - Fall of Saigon - 2025-02-16 19:09:01 Chatlog
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[2025-02-16 19:10:44] Turkish Monster: next map pls
[2025-02-16 19:10:57] Mav3ricK: no
[2025-02-16 19:10:59] Deprecated666: lol
[2025-02-16 19:11:10] Turkish Monster: okey
[2025-02-16 19:11:18] Turkish Monster: yo want this
[2025-02-16 19:11:25] Mav3ricK: yes
[2025-02-16 19:11:36] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: !nextmap
[2025-02-16 19:11:50] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: !nextmap
[2025-02-16 19:11:59] Turkish Monster: !nextmap
[2025-02-16 19:12:32] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: this map gtta go
[2025-02-16 19:12:48] Deprecated666: lol
[2025-02-16 19:13:01] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: people leave when this map comes on
[2025-02-16 19:13:12] Deprecated666: terrible map
[2025-02-16 19:13:13] Mav3ricK: i stay toxy
[2025-02-16 19:13:23] Deprecated666: needs lots of people
[2025-02-16 19:13:27] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: yea but too many leave
[2025-02-16 19:13:42] Mav3ricK: its not gonna last long so be calm
[2025-02-16 19:13:42] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: it used to be a fun map with a bunch of people
[2025-02-16 19:13:53] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: am i not calm?
[2025-02-16 19:13:56] Mav3ricK: look at ticjet drop
[2025-02-16 19:14:14] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: i will puff some and calm even more ig
[2025-02-16 19:14:44] Deprecated666: sounds like a plan
[2025-02-16 19:14:52] Madicken: puff daddy
[2025-02-16 19:14:59] Deprecated666: lol
[2025-02-16 19:16:17] Madicken: always joining the winnig side omar)
[2025-02-16 19:16:32] ilyon90: How to find out the next map ?
[2025-02-16 19:16:34] SasquatchBob: what are the rules on the mains on hello
[2025-02-16 19:16:43] Madicken: press insert key
[2025-02-16 19:16:55] ilyon90: salam alekm
[2025-02-16 19:17:01] [TKO]agathyus: click on map vote and you see the list
[2025-02-16 19:17:03] Turkish Monster: aleikum salam
[2025-02-16 19:17:10] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: i am catholic
[2025-02-16 19:17:20] Madicken: irish?
[2025-02-16 19:17:28] Mav3ricK: toxy is black
[2025-02-16 19:17:29] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: i dont believe in that terrorist sht
[2025-02-16 19:17:38] [TKO]agathyus: exact order of maps
[2025-02-16 19:17:44] -=Int.]-[=- rick: hi all
[2025-02-16 19:17:48] [TKO]agathyus: Hi
[2025-02-16 19:17:51] Madicken: g'day mate
[2025-02-16 19:18:19] Mav3ricK: toxy are you african american right
[2025-02-16 19:18:31] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: lol funny
[2025-02-16 19:18:40] Madicken: i rmember his xfire pic no he aint
[2025-02-16 19:18:50] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: hah xfire
[2025-02-16 19:18:54] Mav3ricK: oh ok
[2025-02-16 19:18:56] ilyon90: phal How to find out the next maaaap ?
[2025-02-16 19:19:04] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: type
[2025-02-16 19:19:06] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: !nextmap
[2025-02-16 19:19:25] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: xfire was a great app for its time
[2025-02-16 19:19:27] -=Int.]-[=- rick: or click supr key
[2025-02-16 19:19:34] Madicken: no dubt
[2025-02-16 19:19:37] -=Int.]-[=- rick: ins i meant
[2025-02-16 19:19:48] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: you had me on xfire? what was your handle?
[2025-02-16 19:19:59] Madicken: vietnam73
[2025-02-16 19:20:05] Madicken: tomazhouse i remember u)
[2025-02-16 19:20:11] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: wow
[2025-02-16 19:20:19] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: thats crazy what a memory
[2025-02-16 19:20:44] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: i mean, xfire hasnt been around for like 12+ years
[2025-02-16 19:21:06] Madicken: i manage to save all my screenshos jut to have hpthat hrd drive
[2025-02-16 19:21:07] Madicken: die on me hucs
[2025-02-16 19:21:18] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: wild
[2025-02-16 19:21:27] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: what was your name back then?
[2025-02-16 19:21:33] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: 73Eastings?
[2025-02-16 19:21:43] gooodie boi: us main
[2025-02-16 19:21:43] Madicken: usmc something
[2025-02-16 19:21:55] gooodie boi: ahahaha
[2025-02-16 19:21:59] Deprecated666: lol
[2025-02-16 19:22:04] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: man, thisis a long time back
[2025-02-16 19:22:04] ilyon90: Does anyone know how ?
[2025-02-16 19:22:14] Madicken: omar
[2025-02-16 19:22:26] Madicken: doyou know insert key
[2025-02-16 19:22:40] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: RcN days
[2025-02-16 19:23:01] ilyon90: noooo phal
[2025-02-16 19:23:24] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: game

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