Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - Operation Cedar Falls - 2025-02-22 21:23:02 Chatlog
Players Clans Character-Types Weapons Vehicles Maps

[2025-02-22 21:24:08] Ka: best menu music ever
[2025-02-22 21:24:28] Turkish Monster: yeah i love too
[2025-02-22 21:24:28] Ka: and loading screen music
[2025-02-22 21:24:37] Turkish Monster: somebody to love
[2025-02-22 21:24:48] Ka: yeah hah
[2025-02-22 21:24:54] Skillz: u can find it a spotify
[2025-02-22 21:25:04] Turkish Monster: whicj music
[2025-02-22 21:25:50] Ka: just all of it
[2025-02-22 21:25:56] MglCan: D5!
[2025-02-22 21:26:01] Ka: the era
[2025-02-22 21:26:49] Skillz: coordinates are gold
[2025-02-22 21:27:00] WhiteDeath: aaah
[2025-02-22 21:27:21] WhiteDeath: min
[2025-02-22 21:27:26] WhiteDeath: main
[2025-02-22 21:27:29] WhiteDeath: sniper
[2025-02-22 21:27:46] Jum_P: e4
[2025-02-22 21:28:04] -RageVsMachine: holy shit
[2025-02-22 21:30:29] Player: tape to m16 aaaaaa7
[2025-02-22 21:33:45] Skillz: its down
[2025-02-22 21:33:52] Gra$$HoPPer: hehe
[2025-02-22 21:33:52] Skillz: damm insect
[2025-02-22 21:36:10] -=A.S.K.E.R=-: pungi
[2025-02-22 21:37:44] Jum_P: btr
[2025-02-22 21:38:28] Skillz: lol
[2025-02-22 21:38:38] redUNITE: zz

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