Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - Operation Irving - 2025-02-22 22:25:02 Chatlog
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[2025-02-22 22:26:12] Jum_P: replace tunels
[2025-02-22 22:26:29] -[HELLO]-LuccaWulf: we stuck here lol
[2025-02-22 22:26:34] -[HELLO]-LuccaWulf: besides the boat
[2025-02-22 22:26:43] Jum_P: far for zsu
[2025-02-22 22:27:14] Skillz: hrmpff
[2025-02-22 22:27:25] HeiligWahrheit: hi all
[2025-02-22 22:27:29] Skillz: Hi
[2025-02-22 22:27:30] Sycho (GER): hi
[2025-02-22 22:27:36] weinox: hi
[2025-02-22 22:27:38] Kickapoo: hi
[2025-02-22 22:27:38] Bartman[KN]: hey
[2025-02-22 22:29:02] Jum_P: where box?
[2025-02-22 22:30:31] Bartman[KN]: ns
[2025-02-22 22:30:41] Sycho (GER): ty
[2025-02-22 22:33:35] Jum_P: f3 sniper
[2025-02-22 22:33:39] Jum_P: near road
[2025-02-22 22:34:48] MglCan: sniper f3 down
[2025-02-22 22:34:51] Skillz: someone pls snip at the ZSU
[2025-02-22 22:35:28] Skillz: u still got it, Lucca
[2025-02-22 22:35:33] -[HELLO]-LuccaWulf: ik
[2025-02-22 22:35:43] -[HELLO]-LuccaWulf: im making a floating spawn point xd
[2025-02-22 22:35:44] -[HELLO]-LuccaWulf: lol
[2025-02-22 22:35:49] -[HELLO]-LuccaWulf: oh
[2025-02-22 22:36:00] -[HELLO]-LuccaWulf: I have to drop it :(
[2025-02-22 22:36:06] Skillz: yep
[2025-02-22 22:36:31] MglCan: tank at f3
[2025-02-22 22:41:20] Jum_P: where box?
[2025-02-22 22:41:50] Kickapoo: i looked way west did not see
[2025-02-22 22:45:22] Kickapoo: watch east flag coming
[2025-02-22 22:45:38] Kickapoo: and helo is here
[2025-02-22 22:53:49] Bartman[KN]: pbr to main
[2025-02-22 22:55:11] Jum_P: ruins sniper
[2025-02-22 22:55:36] -[HELLO]-LuccaWulf: sry
[2025-02-22 22:55:44] -[HELLO]-LuccaWulf: didnt see zsu
[2025-02-22 23:01:07] Paul Walker: gg
[2025-02-22 23:01:22] Kickapoo: another gg
[2025-02-22 23:01:28] -[HELLO]-LuccaWulf: gg
[2025-02-22 23:01:32] Bartman[KN]: gg

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