Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]-Bfv | Allmaps v1.21 - Operation Irving - 2021-02-06 21:24:49 Chatlog
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[2021-02-06 21:26:00] x4|Al Gore: this is nija gv
[2021-02-06 21:26:21] tina: i have to keep it cleannow?
[2021-02-06 21:26:44] silvia : hola ninja
[2021-02-06 21:28:31] <>: TUNNEL
[2021-02-06 21:29:17] tina: silvee dont u think ninja is more cool than gore?
[2021-02-06 21:29:38] silvia : yes more good person
[2021-02-06 21:29:42] tina: i think so
[2021-02-06 21:29:57] <>: F3 TRUCK
[2021-02-06 21:30:02] tina: smells better
[2021-02-06 21:30:06] <>: NAPALM NOW
[2021-02-06 21:30:13] tina: old people not smell good
[2021-02-06 21:30:18] silvia : jajaja
[2021-02-06 21:30:21] -[HELLO]-Vmax: shhh
[2021-02-06 21:30:22] tina: eheheh
[2021-02-06 21:30:33] tina: kida like vmax
[2021-02-06 21:30:37] $nakedoctor: =-(
[2021-02-06 21:30:51] silvia : people old ..all time grrrrrr
[2021-02-06 21:31:01] <>: good shot
[2021-02-06 21:31:02] <>: haha
[2021-02-06 21:31:18] $nakedoctor: so sad now miss SIlvia
[2021-02-06 21:32:03] -[HELLO]-Vmax: no need to pick on us old people
[2021-02-06 21:32:10] tina: heee heeee
[2021-02-06 21:32:20] $nakedoctor: you are still young Vmax
[2021-02-06 21:32:27] -[HELLO]-Vmax: lol nope
[2021-02-06 21:32:45] $nakedoctor: born before 60?
[2021-02-06 21:32:54] -[HELLO]-Vmax: /g yes
[2021-02-06 21:33:01] $nakedoctor: hmm
[2021-02-06 21:33:01] silvia : vmax no old...
[2021-02-06 21:33:12] -[HELLO]-Vmax: I am 62
[2021-02-06 21:33:16] <>: '-'
[2021-02-06 21:33:19] silvia : he admin can kidme
[2021-02-06 21:33:25] BATTLE FROG: chaccaron maccaron
[2021-02-06 21:33:32] tina: omg
[2021-02-06 21:33:34] <>: ?
[2021-02-06 21:33:36] $nakedoctor: older than wardog?
[2021-02-06 21:33:41] $nakedoctor: or smokey?
[2021-02-06 21:33:52] -[HELLO]-Vmax: yes
[2021-02-06 21:34:15] tina: ist gore the oldest
[2021-02-06 21:34:18] $nakedoctor: Wardog is 1 year older than me
[2021-02-06 21:34:46] $nakedoctor: Gore is a very young Sud
[2021-02-06 21:34:49] $nakedoctor: stud
[2021-02-06 21:35:05] BATTLE FROG: toma
[2021-02-06 21:35:10] <>: LOCALIZATION ZSU
[2021-02-06 21:35:10] silvia : 1 year more?... he 94?
[2021-02-06 21:35:22] tina: 2x4 stud?
[2021-02-06 21:35:26] $nakedoctor: 98'
[2021-02-06 21:35:31] BATTLE FROG: moron
[2021-02-06 21:35:35] BATTLE FROG: absolute moron
[2021-02-06 21:35:39] silvia : is joke snake jaja
[2021-02-06 21:35:50] paranoid: yes thats what u sayd when u look in the mirror
[2021-02-06 21:35:53] $nakedoctor: Frog if i throw a stick will you leave?
[2021-02-06 21:36:41] BATTLE FROG: credo
[2021-02-06 21:37:00] <>: D
[2021-02-06 21:37:20] tina: if u crap, then flies come, then from goes
[2021-02-06 21:37:43] <>: DROP TANK IN F3 GO TO ME IN THE HELICOP TINA
[2021-02-06 21:38:23] tina: im busy
[2021-02-06 21:38:41] <>: IN YOUR WAY
[2021-02-06 21:38:51] $nakedoctor: tia baking pie for Silvia
[2021-02-06 21:38:53] <>: I lost
[2021-02-06 21:39:02] silvia : ?
[2021-02-06 21:39:13] silvia : what is ?
[2021-02-06 21:39:48] BATTLE FROG: thats what u get
[2021-02-06 21:40:23] <>: what position?
[2021-02-06 21:41:11] tina: let mehave it
[2021-02-06 21:41:15] tina: ok
[2021-02-06 21:42:24] BATTLE FROG: hahah idiot lost the tank
[2021-02-06 21:42:32] <>: ?
[2021-02-06 21:42:37] <>: respect
[2021-02-06 21:42:50] silvia : frog
[2021-02-06 21:42:55] paranoid: needs a ban
[2021-02-06 21:43:06] $nakedoctor: longer this time
[2021-02-06 21:43:09] <>: sorry
[2021-02-06 21:43:14] x4|Al Gore: i a ninja gy
[2021-02-06 21:43:20] -[HELLO]-Vmax: cya all :)
[2021-02-06 21:43:21] $nakedoctor: we need Admin online
[2021-02-06 21:43:25] tina: how long is a string
[2021-02-06 21:43:30] silvia : adios vmax
[2021-02-06 21:44:04] <>: sorry hahhha
[2021-02-06 21:44:07] <>: omg
[2021-02-06 21:44:17] paranoid: main tank
[2021-02-06 21:44:19] paranoid: tank main
[2021-02-06 21:44:25] silvia : hola ninjaaaaaaaaa
[2021-02-06 21:44:28] tina: are u serious
[2021-02-06 21:44:51] paranoid: LOL
[2021-02-06 21:45:39] tina: omg silvee
[2021-02-06 21:46:07] paranoid: na agua
[2021-02-06 21:46:34] paranoid: 1 in water
[2021-02-06 21:46:45] tina: silvee does nonja scare u
[2021-02-06 21:46:51] <>: hahahhhhha omg
[2021-02-06 21:46:51] BATTLE FROG: valeu
[2021-02-06 21:47:21] paranoid: those parachutes are made in c hina?
[2021-02-06 21:47:46] paranoid: nos barcos
[2021-02-06 21:48:06] paranoid: no fogo
[2021-02-06 21:48:11] paranoid: ahahahaha
[2021-02-06 21:48:16] paranoid: ta morto
[2021-02-06 21:48:48] BATTLE FROG: TOMA
[2021-02-06 21:49:44] BATTLE FROG: eita
[2021-02-06 21:49:49] <>: where is the sheridon?
[2021-02-06 21:50:08] <>: postion
[2021-02-06 21:50:40] <>: bravo? postion???????
[2021-02-06 21:50:50] paranoid: ok bye all
[2021-02-06 21:50:53] paranoid: bed time
[2021-02-06 21:51:00] silvia : aadios
[2021-02-06 21:51:15] paranoid: i have been playin for 11 hours
[2021-02-06 21:51:42] paranoid: tem um tunnel ali
[2021-02-06 21:51:52] <>: onde?
[2021-02-06 21:52:05] tina: u tired baybee
[2021-02-06 21:52:05] paranoid: nas runas
[2021-02-06 21:52:17] paranoid: perto da estrada
[2021-02-06 21:52:34] paranoid: alt + f4
[2021-02-06 21:52:37] silvia : caution hill
[2021-02-06 21:52:53] <>: :d
[2021-02-06 21:53:26] BATTLE FROG: t
[2021-02-06 21:53:36] BATTLE FROG: they got a rats nest behind the hill
[2021-02-06 21:54:27] BATTLE FROG: moron
[2021-02-06 21:54:33] BATTLE FROG: i hope u all die on blue
[2021-02-06 21:54:36] <>: ? bro respect
[2021-02-06 21:54:41] BATTLE FROG: no respect
[2021-02-06 21:54:47] silvia : frog
[2021-02-06 21:54:48] tina: ahhhhhh
[2021-02-06 21:54:53] silvia : caution ok
[2021-02-06 21:56:26] <>: E3
[2021-02-06 21:56:27] <>: E3
[2021-02-06 21:56:34] BATTLE FROG: credo
[2021-02-06 21:56:39] tina: help charcoal
[2021-02-06 21:56:46] <>: IN WAY
[2021-02-06 21:57:42] BATTLE FROG: cabrons
[2021-02-06 21:57:54] silvia : frog you go admin
[2021-02-06 21:58:07] silvia : player frog insults
[2021-02-06 21:58:24] BATTLE FROG: i dont insult i hate allof you
[2021-02-06 21:58:35] <>: OMG
[2021-02-06 21:58:38] tina: omg
[2021-02-06 21:58:40] silvia : you said cabrons
[2021-02-06 21:59:01] silvia : other players said you ... you respet
[2021-02-06 21:59:07] silvia : you no respet
[2021-02-06 21:59:12] tina: what is
[2021-02-06 21:59:12] $nakedoctor: report him miss Silvia.
[2021-02-06 21:59:17] BATTLE FROG: absolutely not
[2021-02-06 21:59:21] $nakedoctor: let him get Looooong ban
[2021-02-06 21:59:24] silvia : yes me then report
[2021-02-06 21:59:30] tina: oh o
[2021-02-06 21:59:43] $nakedoctor: vmax has done nothing
[2021-02-06 21:59:44] BATTLE FROG: write a report
[2021-02-06 21:59:59] silvia : corret me report
[2021-02-06 22:00:06] silvia : you then look
[2021-02-06 22:00:14] BATTLE FROG: i then look yes
[2021-02-06 22:00:18] $nakedoctor: ill support you Miss Slvia
[2021-02-06 22:00:21] silvia : perfet
[2021-02-06 22:00:38] tina: i will buy u choclate doghnuts
[2021-02-06 22:01:12] tina: silvee u like tea or coffee with doughnuts
[2021-02-06 22:01:20] silvia : coffe
[2021-02-06 22:01:31] tina: ok u buy
[2021-02-06 22:01:38] silvia : capuchino
[2021-02-06 22:01:39] G H O R D O BR: HI GALERA
[2021-02-06 22:01:52] $nakedoctor: he was banned monday so it should automatically be longer this
[2021-02-06 22:01:53] tina: oh yes thats even better
[2021-02-06 22:02:31] <>: vem pra nos
[2021-02-06 22:02:55] <>: f4 stoled
[2021-02-06 22:03:23] tina: cation snake f4
[2021-02-06 22:03:26] <>: i cant attack f4, i need one in the main base to attack
[2021-02-06 22:03:32] silvia : ninjaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[2021-02-06 22:04:05] BATTLE FROG: snake shill dont forget to back her up
[2021-02-06 22:04:10] tina: i need that gordon
[2021-02-06 22:04:18] <>: aff
[2021-02-06 22:04:28] <>: gordo vem pa nois :D
[2021-02-06 22:06:37] silvia : atinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[2021-02-06 22:07:11] tina: hehe
[2021-02-06 22:07:15] <>: HELP
[2021-02-06 22:08:04] $nakedoctor: ??
[2021-02-06 22:08:07] <>: F4 DOWN?
[2021-02-06 22:08:11] BATTLE FROG: snake you are a worthless traitor
[2021-02-06 22:08:27] tina: u mad me
[2021-02-06 22:11:00] $nakedoctor: \ruims
[2021-02-06 22:11:03] <>: where is the f4
[2021-02-06 22:11:16] tina: temple
[2021-02-06 22:12:09] $nakedoctor: box at ruins
[2021-02-06 22:12:11] BATTLE FROG: silvia do you know the band Gang of Four?
[2021-02-06 22:12:51] $nakedoctor: miss Silvia just ignore him in chat.
[2021-02-06 22:12:59] $nakedoctor: he will be banned soon
[2021-02-06 22:13:40] <>: information? postion of enemy?
[2021-02-06 22:14:04] silvia : yes... me report .. me ignore he but here now childrens
[2021-02-06 22:14:10] silvia : me said admin
[2021-02-06 22:14:26] BATTLE FROG: no dum dum give me gum gum
[2021-02-06 22:14:38] tina: oh gee
[2021-02-06 22:14:58] <>: go to tank
[2021-02-06 22:15:01] tina: silvee u have pockebook
[2021-02-06 22:15:03] silvia : te voy a dar ban ban ,,, baned
[2021-02-06 22:15:14] tina: what i do
[2021-02-06 22:15:16] silvia : nop
[2021-02-06 22:15:20] BATTLE FROG: me no dum dum give me gum gum
[2021-02-06 22:15:28] silvia : no you no this message for frog
[2021-02-06 22:15:53] tina: omg snake
[2021-02-06 22:15:55] <>: pick f4
[2021-02-06 22:15:55] tina: u ok
[2021-02-06 22:16:01] x4|Al Gore: im back amigo
[2021-02-06 22:16:03] BATTLE FROG: si si
[2021-02-06 22:16:31] x4|Al Gore: you were playing with both Ninjas
[2021-02-06 22:17:16] <>: rage hajah
[2021-02-06 22:17:19] x4|Al Gore: )
[2021-02-06 22:17:28] tina: i just prey snake no steal f4
[2021-02-06 22:17:42] x4|Al Gore: where is silvio
[2021-02-06 22:17:48] silvia : x4 me finish map llok message ok
[2021-02-06 22:17:58] x4|Al Gore: ok, me too
[2021-02-06 22:18:30] x4|Al Gore: what is the time there?
[2021-02-06 22:18:42] tina: if he does will knock me and my box off
[2021-02-06 22:18:47] silvia : very late but need
[2021-02-06 22:19:01] silvia : ahhh we know play ninja
[2021-02-06 22:19:09] silvia : he kill more you
[2021-02-06 22:19:14] x4|Al Gore: yes Ninja time to sleep
[2021-02-06 22:19:35] x4|Al Gore: no dont kill me
[2021-02-06 22:19:36] $nakedoctor: its not very late Miss Silvia . its very early
[2021-02-06 22:19:39] x4|Al Gore: no kill
[2021-02-06 22:19:50] x4|Al Gore: true snake
[2021-02-06 22:19:50] <>: GG

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