Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]-Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - Operation Irving - 2022-03-05 15:18:28 Chatlog
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[2022-03-05 15:20:39] mR oRanGe : the calming take some passengers jerk
[2022-03-05 15:21:34] Rbilly: east flag
[2022-03-05 15:22:35] Bee: is this map over yet
[2022-03-05 15:22:42] Skillz: nop
[2022-03-05 15:25:02] Skillz: F4, pls tjck radar
[2022-03-05 15:25:03] Nagi Tanka: here wingcommander
[2022-03-05 15:25:14] Nagi Tanka: say ?
[2022-03-05 15:25:27] Skillz: ahh.. got him
[2022-03-05 15:25:28] Bee: thats not sus at all
[2022-03-05 15:25:29] Skillz: thx
[2022-03-05 15:25:59] Rbilly: play or leave, make up your mind
[2022-03-05 15:26:49] mR oRanGe : quit tking calming you joke
[2022-03-05 15:27:12] Rbilly: ya he teamkilled me last game
[2022-03-05 15:27:26] mR oRanGe : hes a moron
[2022-03-05 15:27:35] Nagi Tanka: hehehehe
[2022-03-05 15:27:43] Bee: end this map pls
[2022-03-05 15:28:55] x4|Al Gore: so we have a mapender on our team, no wonder we are winning
[2022-03-05 15:31:26] Bee: quit tking
[2022-03-05 15:31:30] Bee: ffs
[2022-03-05 15:32:25] Rbilly: wjp
[2022-03-05 15:32:32] Rbilly: who teamkillin
[2022-03-05 15:32:37] Bee: tko is
[2022-03-05 15:32:49] Skillz: he usully are
[2022-03-05 15:33:21] -RageVsMachine: clam
[2022-03-05 15:33:22] Rbilly: ban him
[2022-03-05 15:33:25] TheCalmingClam: ?
[2022-03-05 15:33:34] Rbilly: he never stops teamkillin
[2022-03-05 15:33:35] -RageVsMachine: u wanna know why i ran by u
[2022-03-05 15:33:40] Nagi Tanka: give up
[2022-03-05 15:33:41] TheCalmingClam: y
[2022-03-05 15:33:45] -RageVsMachine: without shooting
[2022-03-05 15:33:50] Bee: good its over

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