Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - Operation Hastings - 2021-07-06 15:43:09 Chatlog
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[2021-07-06 15:46:48] [Skeletozaure Fr]: Hi mo
[2021-07-06 15:46:49] mohamed: hi
[2021-07-06 15:46:55] mohamed: skelet
[2021-07-06 15:47:12] [Skeletozaure Fr]: i have opened a ticket on discord because szrver was saturated
[2021-07-06 15:47:13] [Skeletozaure Fr]: now it's ok
[2021-07-06 15:47:22] mohamed: ok
[2021-07-06 15:47:27] mohamed: u fly ggood
[2021-07-06 15:47:32] [Skeletozaure Fr]: i'm not sure that people will join now
[2021-07-06 15:47:45] mohamed: silvia wll join
[2021-07-06 15:47:54] [Skeletozaure Fr]: nope :) Tomahawk festroyed me with its Cobra
[2021-07-06 15:48:11] mohamed: what are u mean
[2021-07-06 15:48:26] [Skeletozaure Fr]: i have played a bit few hours ago
[2021-07-06 15:48:40] [Skeletozaure Fr]: and tomahawk was flying the Cobra
[2021-07-06 15:48:41] mohamed: ok look right
[2021-07-06 15:48:53] [Skeletozaure Fr]: pff too hard to kill him :)
[2021-07-06 15:49:05] mohamed: u can trean
[2021-07-06 15:49:06] [Skeletozaure Fr]: hi :)
[2021-07-06 15:49:15] mohamed: u can trean
[2021-07-06 15:49:30] [Skeletozaure Fr]: if u want to train, we can
[2021-07-06 15:49:39] mohamed: ops sorry
[2021-07-06 15:49:50] mohamed: look say me iam toma ok
[2021-07-06 15:49:56] [Skeletozaure Fr]: np
[2021-07-06 15:50:02] mohamed: now shoot me
[2021-07-06 15:50:14] mohamed: iam wll trean u
[2021-07-06 15:50:22] [Skeletozaure Fr]: ok let's go
[2021-07-06 15:50:25] [Skeletozaure Fr]: try troo
[2021-07-06 15:50:32] [Skeletozaure Fr]: try to shoot too
[2021-07-06 15:50:37] mohamed: you say iam toma ok
[2021-07-06 15:50:53] mohamed: now lts fight
[2021-07-06 15:51:06] mohamed: good
[2021-07-06 15:51:15] mohamed: very good
[2021-07-06 15:51:18] mohamed: nice
[2021-07-06 15:51:27] [Skeletozaure Fr]: thx
[2021-07-06 15:51:32] mohamed: ok
[2021-07-06 15:51:35] mohamed: now
[2021-07-06 15:51:45] mohamed: go get one flag
[2021-07-06 15:51:54] mohamed: ok
[2021-07-06 15:51:57] [Skeletozaure Fr]: ok
[2021-07-06 15:52:10] mohamed: me to
[2021-07-06 15:52:20] mohamed: to res pawn
[2021-07-06 15:52:34] mohamed: follow me
[2021-07-06 15:53:39] [Skeletozaure Fr]: and ?
[2021-07-06 15:53:46] mohamed: now try with weapons
[2021-07-06 15:53:54] mohamed: ok
[2021-07-06 15:53:56] [Skeletozaure Fr]: ? try what ?
[2021-07-06 15:54:08] mohamed: with rpg
[2021-07-06 15:54:13] [Skeletozaure Fr]: a knife combat :) ?
[2021-07-06 15:54:13] mohamed: or law
[2021-07-06 15:54:25] mohamed: ok this from trean
[2021-07-06 15:54:33] [Skeletozaure Fr]: don't understand
[2021-07-06 15:54:54] mohamed: iam wll say the too trian you but you say it
[2021-07-06 15:55:09] mohamed: ready
[2021-07-06 15:55:17] [Skeletozaure Fr]: ok
[2021-07-06 15:55:56] mohamed: good
[2021-07-06 15:55:58] [Skeletozaure Fr]: ouch
[2021-07-06 15:56:05] mohamed: come agian
[2021-07-06 15:56:12] mohamed: but dont kll me
[2021-07-06 15:56:14] [Skeletozaure Fr]: okz
[2021-07-06 15:56:50] mohamed: iam distroy the heli to clean the plase
[2021-07-06 15:57:03] mohamed: come
[2021-07-06 15:57:07] mohamed: stop
[2021-07-06 15:57:16] mohamed: dont move
[2021-07-06 15:57:19] [Skeletozaure Fr]: ok
[2021-07-06 15:57:22] mohamed: you want kll me
[2021-07-06 15:57:28] mohamed: right
[2021-07-06 15:57:35] [Skeletozaure Fr]: not really
[2021-07-06 15:57:40] [Skeletozaure Fr]: lol
[2021-07-06 15:57:55] mohamed: go to me and stop and aim on head with knife
[2021-07-06 15:58:12] mohamed: that you win
[2021-07-06 15:58:18] mohamed: ok ready
[2021-07-06 15:58:21] [Skeletozaure Fr]: u mean that with knife, we have to aim at head ?
[2021-07-06 15:58:27] [Skeletozaure Fr]: ok
[2021-07-06 15:58:32] mohamed: 3
[2021-07-06 15:58:34] mohamed: 2
[2021-07-06 15:58:36] mohamed: 1
[2021-07-06 15:58:37] mohamed: go
[2021-07-06 15:58:43] mohamed: yes
[2021-07-06 15:58:44] [Skeletozaure Fr]: it works
[2021-07-06 15:58:47] [Skeletozaure Fr]: lol
[2021-07-06 15:58:48] mohamed: yes
[2021-07-06 15:59:09] mohamed: do not run stop to aim good
[2021-07-06 15:59:11] [Skeletozaure Fr]: i'll leave
[2021-07-06 15:59:16] mohamed: ok good bye
[2021-07-06 15:59:18] [Skeletozaure Fr]: ok
[2021-07-06 15:59:33] [Skeletozaure Fr]: i'm gonna eat
[2021-07-06 15:59:39] mohamed: you wll back
[2021-07-06 15:59:45] [Skeletozaure Fr]: it's 22h00 here
[2021-07-06 15:59:53] mohamed: what you mean
[2021-07-06 16:00:03] [Skeletozaure Fr]: i'm not sure, i'm working tomorrow :)
[2021-07-06 16:00:10] mohamed: ok
[2021-07-06 16:00:13] mohamed: go now
[2021-07-06 16:00:18] mohamed: bye
[2021-07-06 16:00:20] [Skeletozaure Fr]: i mean that it's 10:00 PM
[2021-07-06 16:00:27] [Skeletozaure Fr]: and i'm hungry :
[2021-07-06 16:00:29] [Skeletozaure Fr]: :)
[2021-07-06 16:00:38] [Skeletozaure Fr]: time in Egypt ?
[2021-07-06 16:00:38] mohamed: ok go it you can get back come ok
[2021-07-06 16:00:45] [Skeletozaure Fr]: ok
[2021-07-06 16:00:50] mohamed: bye
[2021-07-06 16:00:53] [Skeletozaure Fr]: bb
[2021-07-06 16:01:18] mohamed: hi ski
[2021-07-06 16:01:34] Skittles: hi
[2021-07-06 16:01:40] Skittles: no onw playing
[2021-07-06 16:01:48] mohamed: what you mean
[2021-07-06 16:02:38] mohamed: gg man
[2021-07-06 16:03:06] mohamed: you are good
[2021-07-06 16:03:22] Skittles: very
[2021-07-06 16:03:25] mohamed: you are very good at heli
[2021-07-06 16:04:30] mohamed: nice
[2021-07-06 16:05:38] mohamed: very nice ski
[2021-07-06 16:06:35] mohamed: how u do that
[2021-07-06 16:06:41] Skittles: fire
[2021-07-06 16:06:48] mohamed: iam fire to
[2021-07-06 16:07:27] Skittles: see
[2021-07-06 16:07:32] mohamed: man iam noob
[2021-07-06 16:07:50] Skittles: where u from?
[2021-07-06 16:07:55] mohamed: egypt
[2021-07-06 16:08:26] mohamed: iam wll trean man
[2021-07-06 16:08:34] mohamed: ok
[2021-07-06 16:08:58] mohamed: how
[2021-07-06 16:08:59] mohamed: how
[2021-07-06 16:09:01] mohamed: ohw
[2021-07-06 16:09:13] mohamed: yes
[2021-07-06 16:09:15] Skittles: n1
[2021-07-06 16:09:23] mohamed: what u mean
[2021-07-06 16:09:31] Skittles: nice 1
[2021-07-06 16:09:37] mohamed: thanks
[2021-07-06 16:09:47] mohamed: iam wll trean now
[2021-07-06 16:10:10] mohamed: how
[2021-07-06 16:10:29] mohamed: STP
[2021-07-06 16:10:42] mohamed: STOP
[2021-07-06 16:10:53] Moerz77 (GER): hi gals
[2021-07-06 16:11:09] mohamed: HI MOE KNIFE BATTLE
[2021-07-06 16:11:37] mohamed: how
[2021-07-06 16:11:47] Skittles: all in the hips
[2021-07-06 16:11:55] mohamed: hips
[2021-07-06 16:12:15] mohamed: what iam come agian
[2021-07-06 16:12:21] mohamed: but the timer
[2021-07-06 16:12:51] mohamed: hey
[2021-07-06 16:12:53] Moerz77 (GER): -.-
[2021-07-06 16:13:05] mohamed: moe you are good man
[2021-07-06 16:14:14] mohamed: nice moe
[2021-07-06 16:14:58] Moerz77 (GER): I THINK MY parachute is broken
[2021-07-06 16:15:13] mohamed: ok iam dead
[2021-07-06 16:16:31] mohamed: hi pip
[2021-07-06 16:16:45] Pipiska: ho
[2021-07-06 16:17:53] mohamed: nice pip
[2021-07-06 16:20:55] mohamed: osama habibi
[2021-07-06 16:21:13] Osama_bin_Smokin: habibi
[2021-07-06 16:21:21] mohamed: help me
[2021-07-06 16:21:24] Sycho (GER): hi all
[2021-07-06 16:21:29] Osama_bin_Smokin: why im heere
[2021-07-06 16:21:31] mohamed: ho
[2021-07-06 16:21:51] mohamed: osama habibi
[2021-07-06 16:22:03] Osama_bin_Smokin: ger will you go USA?
[2021-07-06 16:22:10] Osama_bin_Smokin: mohamed and i are frends
[2021-07-06 16:22:24] mohamed: what are u man
[2021-07-06 16:22:43] mohamed: u mean
[2021-07-06 16:23:10] mohamed: what are u mean osama
[2021-07-06 16:23:19] Osama_bin_Smokin: wanted to be on the same team
[2021-07-06 16:23:35] mohamed: not me outo shitch
[2021-07-06 16:23:57] mohamed: iam wll back osama
[2021-07-06 16:24:05] Osama_bin_Smokin: yea it will even out
[2021-07-06 16:24:06] Osama_bin_Smokin: dale gribble
[2021-07-06 16:24:09] mohamed: ok
[2021-07-06 16:24:15] mohamed: iam sbictator
[2021-07-06 16:24:23] Osama_bin_Smokin: just play US for now
[2021-07-06 16:24:29] Osama_bin_Smokin: you ican switch soon
[2021-07-06 16:24:41] Osama_bin_Smokin: dale gribble has a 7 ping
[2021-07-06 16:24:54] mohamed: np man iam wll be with u
[2021-07-06 16:25:21] mohamed: ok osama
[2021-07-06 16:25:40] mohamed: 5
[2021-07-06 16:25:41] mohamed: 4
[2021-07-06 16:25:43] mohamed: 3
[2021-07-06 16:25:44] mohamed: 2
[2021-07-06 16:25:45] mohamed: 1
[2021-07-06 16:25:54] mohamed: habibi
[2021-07-06 16:26:07] Osama_bin_Smokin: they beating us up
[2021-07-06 16:26:17] mohamed: dont worry

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