Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]-Bfv | Allmaps v1.21 - Hue - 2020-09-12 12:42:27 Chatlog
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[2020-09-12 12:44:22] Santa: hahha dahn again
[2020-09-12 12:44:27] Santa: im still on his mind
[2020-09-12 12:45:13] paranoid: ahaha
[2020-09-12 12:45:17] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: ahahah
[2020-09-12 12:45:20] paranoid: ahaha
[2020-09-12 12:45:25] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: ?? dumb
[2020-09-12 12:45:30] paranoid: ??
[2020-09-12 12:45:54] Santa: wall
[2020-09-12 12:46:11] paranoid: nice
[2020-09-12 12:46:25] Santa: ahahah
[2020-09-12 12:47:28] Santa: ahahhhahaha
[2020-09-12 12:48:25] .BR. IRON MAN: lol
[2020-09-12 12:49:07] Santa: main
[2020-09-12 12:49:11] paranoid: flags
[2020-09-12 12:49:14] paranoid: quack wtf u doing
[2020-09-12 12:49:16] paranoid: help the team
[2020-09-12 12:49:25] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: ok we come
[2020-09-12 12:50:06] Santa: betty at palace snake camping there
[2020-09-12 12:50:12] mR oRanGe : this isi too easy
[2020-09-12 12:50:36] mR oRanGe : oj its a paranoid team
[2020-09-12 12:51:32] paranoid: ahaha
[2020-09-12 12:51:47] paranoid: kill mortar
[2020-09-12 12:52:07] Santa: i did
[2020-09-12 12:52:22] paranoid: take a flag
[2020-09-12 12:53:14] paranoid: isi
[2020-09-12 12:53:19] Santa: lol
[2020-09-12 12:53:51] Santa: 'i got a flag help here
[2020-09-12 12:54:22] Santa: spawn
[2020-09-12 12:55:05] Santa: say thank you
[2020-09-12 12:56:13] paranoid: yes take all falgs
[2020-09-12 12:56:14] Santa: ill take main flag
[2020-09-12 12:56:22] paranoid: i make them busy here
[2020-09-12 12:56:30] Santa: only when you say thank you
[2020-09-12 12:56:35] paranoid: thx
[2020-09-12 12:56:49] STALKER: ty santa hohoho
[2020-09-12 12:57:08] mR oRanGe : watch temple
[2020-09-12 12:57:24] Santa: pp
[2020-09-12 12:57:28] $nakedoctor: then doint run through betties
[2020-09-12 12:59:00] Santa: ha
[2020-09-12 12:59:20] Santa: ahahhhaa
[2020-09-12 13:01:02] paranoid: ahha
[2020-09-12 13:01:09] paranoid: ma temple
[2020-09-12 13:01:15] Santa: ahahahahhhaah
[2020-09-12 13:01:44] OneEye: hi all
[2020-09-12 13:01:48] .BR. IRON MAN: hi
[2020-09-12 13:01:53] Rbilly: hi one
[2020-09-12 13:02:18] mR oRanGe : hey
[2020-09-12 13:02:29] GI4Ever: hi
[2020-09-12 13:02:31] paranoid: bettys
[2020-09-12 13:02:33] paranoid: jump
[2020-09-12 13:02:46] paranoid: ha
[2020-09-12 13:03:28] Santa: ahahahah idiot back
[2020-09-12 13:03:37] mR oRanGe : you losing not me
[2020-09-12 13:03:55] paranoid: who cares about billets
[2020-09-12 13:04:41] paranoid: hhaa
[2020-09-12 13:06:00] paranoid: they never learn
[2020-09-12 13:06:02] $nakedoctor: goodnight laDIES
[2020-09-12 13:06:14] paranoid: yes Mack tube them all
[2020-09-12 13:06:27] Santa: ahahaw
[2020-09-12 13:06:29] paranoid: rage
[2020-09-12 13:07:36] Santa: ahahahahhaa
[2020-09-12 13:08:19] Santa: you blocked
[2020-09-12 13:08:56] paranoid: ahha
[2020-09-12 13:09:02] Santa: main
[2020-09-12 13:09:25] mR oRanGe : hiding in Temple Paranoid
[2020-09-12 13:09:28] mR oRanGe : no balls
[2020-09-12 13:09:39] mR oRanGe : baby balls
[2020-09-12 13:09:40] mR oRanGe : lol
[2020-09-12 13:09:47] paranoid: cry
[2020-09-12 13:09:47] Santa: in your mouth
[2020-09-12 13:10:08] mR oRanGe : thats your specialty Santa no doubt , dont have to tell us we
[2020-09-12 13:10:08] mR oRanGe : already know
[2020-09-12 13:10:21] Santa: you talk about baby balls
[2020-09-12 13:10:27] Santa: its on your mind
[2020-09-12 13:11:59] paranoid: disrupting teams
[2020-09-12 13:12:03] paranoid: kick admin
[2020-09-12 13:12:18] mR oRanGe : shut up I gopt auti switched and switched back
[2020-09-12 13:12:22] mR oRanGe : you cant see that
[2020-09-12 13:12:27] paranoid: thats disrupt
[2020-09-12 13:12:31] STALKER: cant we all just get along?
[2020-09-12 13:12:50] paranoid: respect the balance
[2020-09-12 13:12:52] mR oRanGe : its like preschool today
[2020-09-12 13:13:08] mR oRanGe : all the bitches and kids are on
[2020-09-12 13:13:21] Santa: thats why you here?
[2020-09-12 13:13:38] mR oRanGe : ooo thats so clever Santa you such a word smith
[2020-09-12 13:13:51] STALKER: put ur heads on ur desk and take a nap lol
[2020-09-12 13:13:54] mR oRanGe : I nomnate yo for nobel
[2020-09-12 13:14:01] Santa: baby balls is smart?
[2020-09-12 13:14:18] mR oRanGe : that the truth for dummy
[2020-09-12 13:14:32] mR oRanGe : you go check it out
[2020-09-12 13:14:45] Santa: thats you hobby notmine
[2020-09-12 13:15:03] mR oRanGe : lets pull your chat logs and parse your word choice
[2020-09-12 13:15:04] Santa: i tell the police
[2020-09-12 13:15:16] Santa: not about babys
[2020-09-12 13:15:20] mR oRanGe : all you talk about is ass and balls , LOL
[2020-09-12 13:15:25] DiscoMagpie: hi guys
[2020-09-12 13:15:29] Santa: not babys
[2020-09-12 13:15:35] STALKER: hi
[2020-09-12 13:15:36] Santa: ahahahahh
[2020-09-12 13:15:42] mR oRanGe : hi
[2020-09-12 13:16:02] paranoid: pagoda
[2020-09-12 13:16:10] OneEye: hi
[2020-09-12 13:16:16] DiscoMagpie: we lst
[2020-09-12 13:16:19] paranoid: why the nickname change NME?
[2020-09-12 13:16:25] paranoid: isiw
[2020-09-12 13:16:28] Santa: lol
[2020-09-12 13:16:31] Santa: iron
[2020-09-12 13:16:45] paranoid: something happened NME?
[2020-09-12 13:17:08] .BR. IRON MAN: =)
[2020-09-12 13:18:53] OneEye: lol
[2020-09-12 13:19:01] STALKER: :)
[2020-09-12 13:19:15] STALKER: gg
[2020-09-12 13:19:18] DiscoMagpie: gg
[2020-09-12 13:19:20] mR oRanGe : gg
[2020-09-12 13:19:45] -[HELLO]-TheNME: lol Damn
[2020-09-12 13:19:58] paranoid: nme so silent

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