Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]-Bfv | Allmaps v1.21 - Cambodian Incursion - 2020-09-26 15:23:48 Chatlog
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[2020-09-26 15:26:03] mR oRanGe : hi all
[2020-09-26 15:26:20] -[HELLO]-TheNME: Hi Mr O
[2020-09-26 15:26:24] x4|Al Gore: hi all
[2020-09-26 15:26:30] mR oRanGe : yo
[2020-09-26 15:26:38] -[HELLO]-TheNME: Hi Al
[2020-09-26 15:26:42] Rbilly: hello
[2020-09-26 15:26:47] mR oRanGe : chello
[2020-09-26 15:26:48] x4|Al Gore: looks lie Orange and I got here at the same time
[2020-09-26 15:27:32] mR oRanGe : haed to believe its going to be October in a few
[2020-09-26 15:27:35] mR oRanGe : hard
[2020-09-26 15:27:45] x4|Al Gore: yes
[2020-09-26 15:27:57] Rbilly: ya its goin fast
[2020-09-26 15:28:03] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: loooooooooooool
[2020-09-26 15:28:06] x4|Al Gore: do u sill have heat wave there Orange?
[2020-09-26 15:28:14] mR oRanGe : flying through months
[2020-09-26 15:28:25] mR oRanGe : no , but a new on coming tomorrow
[2020-09-26 15:28:27] .BR. IRON MAN: lol
[2020-09-26 15:28:33] x4|Al Gore: dang
[2020-09-26 15:28:41] mR oRanGe : tripple digits
[2020-09-26 15:28:48] x4|Al Gore: omg
[2020-09-26 15:28:49] mR oRanGe : i hate it
[2020-09-26 15:28:57] mR oRanGe : I dont have AC
[2020-09-26 15:29:24] mR oRanGe : most homes in Nothern CA dont
[2020-09-26 15:30:11] mR oRanGe : Our Utility CO PG&E may be shutting power down for 2 days
[2020-09-26 15:30:19] mR oRanGe : radomly on top of the heat wave
[2020-09-26 15:30:28] x4|Al Gore: so even the AC won't work
[2020-09-26 15:30:36] mR oRanGe : or no fan
[2020-09-26 15:30:42] mR oRanGe : killing us
[2020-09-26 15:30:42] x4|Al Gore: right
[2020-09-26 15:30:59] mR oRanGe : loose all your food in the fridge
[2020-09-26 15:31:14] x4|Al Gore: weve had our share of heatwaves on east coast as well
[2020-09-26 15:31:20] mR oRanGe : I may go buy some Ice blocks and get out my camping coolers
[2020-09-26 15:31:28] mR oRanGe : just incase
[2020-09-26 15:31:45] mR oRanGe : camp indoors , lol
[2020-09-26 15:32:19] x4|Al Gore: are the fires out finally?
[2020-09-26 15:33:01] x4|Al Gore: below u nagi below bridge
[2020-09-26 15:33:02] mR oRanGe : here yes, but in South CA no
[2020-09-26 15:35:53] x4|Al Gore: behind palace Orange
[2020-09-26 15:36:17] x4|Al Gore: orane still in temple
[2020-09-26 15:36:26] .BR. IRON MAN: orange in center
[2020-09-26 15:38:48] x4|Al Gore: 2 guys at brifhe nme AND RBILLY
[2020-09-26 15:39:27] -[HELLO]-TheNME: :)
[2020-09-26 15:40:51] -[HELLO]-TheNME: hehehe
[2020-09-26 15:40:53] x4|Al Gore: lol
[2020-09-26 15:41:24] x4|Al Gore: xin below bridge

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