Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]-Bfv | Allmaps v1.21 - Operation Irving - 2020-12-26 16:25:00 Chatlog
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[2020-12-26 16:28:18] Xin Chao: auto switcho
[2020-12-26 16:32:50] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: missed!
[2020-12-26 16:33:49] Rbilly: they keep blowin it up ice
[2020-12-26 16:33:54] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: Gotcha
[2020-12-26 16:34:15] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: incming Chinhook
[2020-12-26 16:35:08] Tomahawk (URU): no way
[2020-12-26 16:35:17] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: Ouch
[2020-12-26 16:36:24] -=Int.]-[=- rick: boom
[2020-12-26 16:36:24] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: I still got it!
[2020-12-26 16:36:26] GI4Ever: FYI, Gerry died in 2014
[2020-12-26 16:36:39] nhucac: Gerry?
[2020-12-26 16:36:47] GI4Ever: Flowerpower
[2020-12-26 16:36:52] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: A small mix up of names. Yeah...
[2020-12-26 16:37:03] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: I never had the honor of playing a game with him
[2020-12-26 16:38:57] Tomahawk (URU): but you have the honor to play with Christian Abel
[2020-12-26 16:39:04] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: ...
[2020-12-26 16:39:09] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: we don't say that name...
[2020-12-26 16:39:45] =KGC= BarFly: o :)
[2020-12-26 16:41:27] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: Nice music Toma :D
[2020-12-26 16:41:27] Tomahawk (URU): no way
[2020-12-26 16:42:00] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: shaking all over@
[2020-12-26 16:42:08] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: HAHAHAH
[2020-12-26 16:42:11] Tomahawk (URU): hahah
[2020-12-26 16:42:13] nhucac: lolw
[2020-12-26 16:42:26] Tomahawk (URU): lucky shoot
[2020-12-26 16:42:30] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: all good
[2020-12-26 16:42:53] DiscoMagpie: hi guys
[2020-12-26 16:42:56] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: Howdy
[2020-12-26 16:42:58] Tomahawk (URU): o/
[2020-12-26 16:42:58] Rbilly: hi disco
[2020-12-26 16:43:00] nhucac: hi
[2020-12-26 16:43:31] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: By Nagi :D
[2020-12-26 16:43:39] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: And Rick
[2020-12-26 16:43:41] -=Int.]-[=- rick: boom
[2020-12-26 16:44:05] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: I got Batman too!
[2020-12-26 16:45:32] EoK Kustom your face78#: haha
[2020-12-26 16:45:35] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: :D
[2020-12-26 16:46:05] nhucac: box
[2020-12-26 16:46:08] nhucac: d3
[2020-12-26 16:46:38] =KGC= BarFly: surprise :)
[2020-12-26 16:46:41] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: blast
[2020-12-26 16:47:07] nhucac: look map, box at my position
[2020-12-26 16:47:11] DiscoMagpie: need help at hill
[2020-12-26 16:47:13] nhucac: c3/d3
[2020-12-26 16:47:28] Rbilly: 2 helis here
[2020-12-26 16:47:33] -=Int.]-[=- rick: lol
[2020-12-26 16:47:37] DiscoMagpie: need help
[2020-12-26 16:48:07] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: fly swatted
[2020-12-26 16:48:11] nhucac: box destroyed
[2020-12-26 16:48:22] DiscoMagpie: bamus
[2020-12-26 16:48:26] =KGC= BarFly: free falling :)
[2020-12-26 16:48:34] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: where is Etagrats?!
[2020-12-26 16:48:56] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: nevermind I got em
[2020-12-26 16:49:33] DiscoMagpie: help at hill again
[2020-12-26 16:50:17] DiscoMagpie: get wonked
[2020-12-26 16:50:18] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: nice shot
[2020-12-26 16:50:22] DiscoMagpie: thanks
[2020-12-26 16:50:29] nhucac: new box incoming
[2020-12-26 16:50:30] DiscoMagpie: you get wonked too
[2020-12-26 16:50:32] Rbilly: was a long one
[2020-12-26 16:50:40] DiscoMagpie: where is box
[2020-12-26 16:50:48] nhucac: im searching
[2020-12-26 16:51:07] nhucac: west hill again
[2020-12-26 16:51:27] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: :(
[2020-12-26 16:51:34] DiscoMagpie: we lst hill
[2020-12-26 16:52:18] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: dang
[2020-12-26 16:52:31] nhucac: argh no chance
[2020-12-26 16:52:31] =KGC= BarFly: :)
[2020-12-26 16:52:38] nhucac: :-(
[2020-12-26 16:53:05] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: hehe
[2020-12-26 16:53:08] =KGC= BarFly: lol
[2020-12-26 16:53:33] =KGC= BarFly: that was evil
[2020-12-26 16:53:46] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: I was following you with the knife for a while...
[2020-12-26 16:54:01] =KGC= BarFly: I had no idea :)
[2020-12-26 16:54:11] DiscoMagpie: suddenly we lose
[2020-12-26 16:54:14] =KGC= BarFly: don't do that again
[2020-12-26 16:54:24] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: I see how it is etagrats
[2020-12-26 16:55:01] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: I am the sniping warrior here. Don't try snipe me,
[2020-12-26 16:55:03] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: I'll hunt you down
[2020-12-26 16:55:44] EoK Kustom your face78#: lol*
[2020-12-26 16:55:54] DiscoMagpie: lol
[2020-12-26 16:55:57] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: thank you...
[2020-12-26 16:57:01] =KGC= BarFly: hhehe
[2020-12-26 16:57:05] mR oRanGe : hey
[2020-12-26 16:57:27] DiscoMagpie: lol
[2020-12-26 16:57:30] DiscoMagpie: nice one nagi
[2020-12-26 16:58:07] =KGC= BarFly: grrr
[2020-12-26 16:58:09] GI4Ever: f off
[2020-12-26 16:58:40] mR oRanGe : rrrg
[2020-12-26 16:58:49] =KGC= BarFly: those oranges...
[2020-12-26 16:58:50] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: box at F2
[2020-12-26 16:58:54] mR oRanGe : the tides have shifted
[2020-12-26 16:58:57] Tomahawk (URU): 2
[2020-12-26 16:59:48] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: I'ma swat that fly!
[2020-12-26 16:59:57] DiscoMagpie: sniper
[2020-12-26 17:00:00] =KGC= BarFly: lol
[2020-12-26 17:00:11] mR oRanGe : mm I got some pumkin pie
[2020-12-26 17:00:14] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: :?
[2020-12-26 17:00:35] EoK Kustom your face78#: pfff jai fait une fausse manip
[2020-12-26 17:00:43] EoK Kustom your face78#: comment on devient spectateur?
[2020-12-26 17:00:47] =KGC= BarFly: we had pork
[2020-12-26 17:00:56] mR oRanGe : pork pie
[2020-12-26 17:01:00] =KGC= BarFly: lol
[2020-12-26 17:01:02] =KGC= BarFly: no
[2020-12-26 17:01:11] mR oRanGe : pumkin pie desert
[2020-12-26 17:01:33] =KGC= BarFly: we had no desert
[2020-12-26 17:01:47] =KGC= BarFly: red wine ofcourse :)
[2020-12-26 17:01:50] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: ack!
[2020-12-26 17:01:57] mR oRanGe : you never had any desert
[2020-12-26 17:02:12] DiscoMagpie: you never had a main
[2020-12-26 17:02:12] =KGC= BarFly: not very often
[2020-12-26 17:02:15] mR oRanGe : lol
[2020-12-26 17:02:16] Rbilly: box destroyed
[2020-12-26 17:02:34] mR oRanGe : i had some good merlot last night
[2020-12-26 17:03:00] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: anyone see the sniper?
[2020-12-26 17:03:29] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: frack I see him
[2020-12-26 17:03:32] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: no
[2020-12-26 17:05:13] Tomahawk (URU): missed
[2020-12-26 17:06:00] GI4Ever: is there still a sniper problem?
[2020-12-26 17:06:09] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: yes...I can't find him now though
[2020-12-26 17:06:36] -=Int.]-[=- rick: auto ts
[2020-12-26 17:06:39] -=Int.]-[=- rick: (
[2020-12-26 17:07:43] DiscoMagpie: suddenly we lose
[2020-12-26 17:08:09] Tomahawk (URU): fk ns
[2020-12-26 17:08:14] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: haha
[2020-12-26 17:08:17] =KGC= BarFly: u lost from start
[2020-12-26 17:08:17] nhucac: whoooooa
[2020-12-26 17:08:21] DiscoMagpie: gg
[2020-12-26 17:08:45] Rbilly: we were winnin at one point
[2020-12-26 17:08:53] -[HELLO]-IceSkater: Hey Darksull
[2020-12-26 17:08:58] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: bridge

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