Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]-Bfv | Allmaps V1.21 - Quang Tri 1972 - 2022-04-03 21:32:36 Chatlog
Players Clans Character-Types Weapons Vehicles Maps

[2022-04-03 21:33:36] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: dtk coffee
[2022-04-03 21:33:43] dtk: lmao what
[2022-04-03 21:33:43] paranoid: teams
[2022-04-03 21:33:58] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: where u been
[2022-04-03 21:33:59] paranoid: .
[2022-04-03 21:34:08] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: lol para
[2022-04-03 21:34:09] dtk: been working weekends mostly
[2022-04-03 21:34:23] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: weekends
[2022-04-03 21:34:24] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: wth
[2022-04-03 21:34:24] paranoid: work les
[2022-04-03 21:34:31] dtk: i know i know...
[2022-04-03 21:34:37] paranoid: 3 afk
[2022-04-03 21:34:46] Skittles: im 7 days a week this summer going to suck
[2022-04-03 21:34:52] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: you afk wake up or be kicked
[2022-04-03 21:35:13] paranoid: 3 afk
[2022-04-03 21:35:17] Skittles: gg
[2022-04-03 21:35:20] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: gizzore
[2022-04-03 21:35:25] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: alfonse gizzore
[2022-04-03 21:35:30] Matt Foley: this map looks like ukraine
[2022-04-03 21:35:39] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: too soon matt
[2022-04-03 21:35:52] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: 2 nva afk still?
[2022-04-03 21:36:04] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: kick and restart ill join nva
[2022-04-03 21:36:29] nCyde $tep $i$ter: WHY???
[2022-04-03 21:36:36] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: last flag
[2022-04-03 21:36:37] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: rape it
[2022-04-03 21:36:40] x4|Al Gore: im here moe
[2022-04-03 21:36:43] paranoid: i gave up
[2022-04-03 21:36:49] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: ns al gore
[2022-04-03 21:36:50] -[HELLO]-TheNME: M HERE
[2022-04-03 21:36:56] x4|Al Gore: ty
[2022-04-03 21:36:57] nCyde $tep $i$ter: CANT I RAPE THE LAST FLAG???
[2022-04-03 21:37:12] -[HELLO]-TheNME: Had to step outside for a sec :)
[2022-04-03 21:37:29] dtk: take a dump outside?
[2022-04-03 21:37:30] Matt Foley: feed the stray cats
[2022-04-03 21:37:44] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: he aint got no running water
[2022-04-03 21:37:48] dtk: lmao
[2022-04-03 21:37:57] dtk: imagine being poor lol
[2022-04-03 21:37:58] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: times are tough her , we got biden
[2022-04-03 21:38:02] Matt Foley: i have a running nose
[2022-04-03 21:38:43] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: other flags
[2022-04-03 21:38:51] paranoid: HELP CENTER
[2022-04-03 21:38:52] paranoid: HUURY
[2022-04-03 21:38:55] x4|Al Gore: n1 NME
[2022-04-03 21:39:36] dtk: *clears throat*
[2022-04-03 21:39:38] dtk: FUCK
[2022-04-03 21:39:49] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: skit how u feel bout tank
[2022-04-03 21:39:52] Matt Foley: help me sit 360
[2022-04-03 21:40:02] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: last night you were bitching at billy about tank
[2022-04-03 21:40:03] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: and how u feel
[2022-04-03 21:40:21] paranoid: MAIN
[2022-04-03 21:40:31] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: nice job al gore
[2022-04-03 21:40:37] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: fr, nice shootin
[2022-04-03 21:41:18] paranoid: lol
[2022-04-03 21:41:30] paranoid: bamus
[2022-04-03 21:41:32] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: LOL
[2022-04-03 21:41:37] x4|Al Gore: wheres tina?
[2022-04-03 21:41:37] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: lwutanub
[2022-04-03 21:41:52] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: ffs
[2022-04-03 21:41:52] x4|Al Gore: this is her usual hour
[2022-04-03 21:41:56] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: thru that fog like nothin
[2022-04-03 21:41:59] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: nice
[2022-04-03 21:42:00] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: ...
[2022-04-03 21:42:10] dtk: clan war when?
[2022-04-03 21:42:16] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: LOL
[2022-04-03 21:42:29] dtk: UPEO STRONK!
[2022-04-03 21:42:31] paranoid: go take center
[2022-04-03 21:43:19] dtk: sgt slaughtered
[2022-04-03 21:43:24] Matt Foley: make 360 sit
[2022-04-03 21:43:25] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: nned flags
[2022-04-03 21:43:35] paranoid: lol
[2022-04-03 21:43:59] dtk: upeo sucks nuts, can me join 360 again plz
[2022-04-03 21:44:27] paranoid: WAKE UP MR BIG
[2022-04-03 21:44:31] dtk: i need ur blessing papa tox
[2022-04-03 21:44:49] -[HELLO]-TheNME: Doh!@!!
[2022-04-03 21:44:50] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: this guy
[2022-04-03 21:45:02] dtk: 360 has better 401k
[2022-04-03 21:45:18] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: kick afk please
[2022-04-03 21:45:22] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: we have 2
[2022-04-03 21:45:40] Matt Foley: make him sit
[2022-04-03 21:45:59] paranoid: HELP
[2022-04-03 21:46:01] -[HELLO]-TheNME: body armor???
[2022-04-03 21:46:48] paranoid: rpg time
[2022-04-03 21:46:56] dtk: dont be a scurb para
[2022-04-03 21:47:24] -[HELLO]-TheNME: ok screw that
[2022-04-03 21:47:30] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: yea l
[2022-04-03 21:48:37] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: quite the game with that huge ping
[2022-04-03 21:48:49] Skittles: flag
[2022-04-03 21:48:51] paranoid: nooooo came back
[2022-04-03 21:48:59] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: its time to spec
[2022-04-03 21:49:04] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: see how the game changes
[2022-04-03 21:49:04] Matt Foley: make him sit
[2022-04-03 21:49:05] dtk: jesus we suck
[2022-04-03 21:50:43] nCyde $tep $i$ter: WTF
[2022-04-03 21:51:10] paranoid: WAKE UP MR BIG
[2022-04-03 21:52:18] dtk: if ur not using the ak47 as the nva why r u even playing
[2022-04-03 21:52:44] Skittles: im back
[2022-04-03 21:52:54] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: black?
[2022-04-03 21:53:13] Sgt. Slaughter: it's nothing to be ahamed of
[2022-04-03 21:53:19] paranoid: HELP
[2022-04-03 21:53:46] -[HELLO]-TheNME: lol Almost Nice job
[2022-04-03 21:53:51] dtk: YO MY BACK FUCKING HURTS TEAM
[2022-04-03 21:54:02] -[HELLO]-TheNME: lol
[2022-04-03 21:54:13] dtk: crack of my ass
[2022-04-03 21:54:57] nCyde $tep $i$ter: bs
[2022-04-03 21:55:07] Matt Foley: make him sit
[2022-04-03 21:55:09] dtk: die
[2022-04-03 21:55:15] paranoid: lol
[2022-04-03 21:55:15] dtk: UPEO pisses on ur grave
[2022-04-03 21:55:18] dtk: lol
[2022-04-03 21:55:31] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: lol i seen him do it
[2022-04-03 21:55:56] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: blackhawk and boyangles
[2022-04-03 21:56:00] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: boyangels
[2022-04-03 21:56:01] Gra$$HoPPer: get in here Tox ya big old drunk
[2022-04-03 21:56:03] nCyde $tep $i$ter: 1 shot?
[2022-04-03 21:56:15] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: boyAngels
[2022-04-03 21:56:18] dtk: UPEO boylover?
[2022-04-03 21:56:50] dtk: UPEO is partnered with NAMBLA
[2022-04-03 21:57:05] paranoid: blowed myself
[2022-04-03 21:57:08] Matt Foley: help me get big to sit
[2022-04-03 21:57:46] paranoid: no help at all
[2022-04-03 21:57:48] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: nicely played dtk
[2022-04-03 21:57:53] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: got it on video
[2022-04-03 21:57:57] dtk: thank u spirit in the sky
[2022-04-03 21:58:07] x4|Al Gore: hi
[2022-04-03 21:58:19] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: you guys play hard im making some vids
[2022-04-03 21:58:43] dtk: tox is that supposed clan war happening anytime soon?
[2022-04-03 21:58:46] dtk: with hello?
[2022-04-03 21:59:11] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: basically we just need enough members to play against hello
[2022-04-03 21:59:19] paranoid: when
[2022-04-03 21:59:31] dtk: can i come back into the fold?
[2022-04-03 21:59:32] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: they got some real good old school players on deck theyre gona
[2022-04-03 21:59:33] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: call on
[2022-04-03 21:59:45] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: dud
[2022-04-03 21:59:50] paranoid: invite me in
[2022-04-03 22:00:04] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: im sure you will be a part of it para
[2022-04-03 22:00:05] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: no doubt
[2022-04-03 22:00:10] paranoid: nice tk
[2022-04-03 22:00:23] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: 360 needs more members but i gotta be sneaky about recruiting
[2022-04-03 22:00:24] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: lol
[2022-04-03 22:00:34] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: the law states i may not recruit
[2022-04-03 22:00:37] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: cough cough
[2022-04-03 22:00:58] paranoid: invite nagi
[2022-04-03 22:01:01] paranoid: and santa
[2022-04-03 22:01:04] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: lol
[2022-04-03 22:01:09] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: naw we wana win
[2022-04-03 22:01:11] dtk: what if i just slipped those tags back on?
[2022-04-03 22:01:14] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: i mean.... yea
[2022-04-03 22:01:17] Skittles: im back had to make a sandwhich
[2022-04-03 22:01:27] dtk: just... just sneak em on?
[2022-04-03 22:02:26] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: trink was klar ist lieb was rar ist
[2022-04-03 22:02:47] nCyde $tep $i$ter: 'get flags
[2022-04-03 22:03:59] nCyde $tep $i$ter: u guys capping flags or what???
[2022-04-03 22:04:19] -[HELLO]-TheNME: lol
[2022-04-03 22:04:37] Skittles: have been
[2022-04-03 22:05:30] paranoid: 11 pm here
[2022-04-03 22:06:26] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: lol
[2022-04-03 22:06:28] Skittles: should i cap now they are far enuff away
[2022-04-03 22:06:42] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: neighbors garage blew up today
[2022-04-03 22:06:45] -[HELLO]-TheNME: ok guys bettie time BE CAREFUL
[2022-04-03 22:06:48] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: shook my house
[2022-04-03 22:07:00] dtk: gas leak?
[2022-04-03 22:07:13] paranoid: main
[2022-04-03 22:07:14] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: still dont know what the couse was
[2022-04-03 22:07:14] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: cause
[2022-04-03 22:07:16] paranoid: main
[2022-04-03 22:07:25] Skittles: eveyone alright?
[2022-04-03 22:07:34] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: whole garage destroyed, boat destroyed
[2022-04-03 22:07:35] Gra$$HoPPer: loo
[2022-04-03 22:07:41] Sgt. Slaughter: sry
[2022-04-03 22:07:43] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: yea they werent home
[2022-04-03 22:07:47] Gra$$HoPPer: np bro
[2022-04-03 22:08:03] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: i thought we were getting bombed
[2022-04-03 22:08:25] nCyde $tep $i$ter: wtfffff
[2022-04-03 22:08:31] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: seriously armed up quick i was online bfv when it happened
[2022-04-03 22:08:32] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: lol
[2022-04-03 22:08:38] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: thought a bomb went off
[2022-04-03 22:08:51] Skittles: damn
[2022-04-03 22:09:04] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: dtk aim
[2022-04-03 22:09:09] dtk: trying sir
[2022-04-03 22:09:10] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: stop spraying
[2022-04-03 22:09:30] dtk: christ almighty
[2022-04-03 22:09:32] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: to the left to the left
[2022-04-03 22:09:32] nCyde $tep $i$ter: cap flags pls
[2022-04-03 22:09:35] Skittles: do u mind if i take this flag
[2022-04-03 22:09:36] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: everyting ya own
[2022-04-03 22:09:48] Sgt. Slaughter: it's an aimbot, it doesn't matter
[2022-04-03 22:10:08] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: lol
[2022-04-03 22:10:26] dtk: wut
[2022-04-03 22:11:19] Skittles: insurance pay for it
[2022-04-03 22:12:09] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: good rocket bro
[2022-04-03 22:12:32] Gra$$HoPPer: mortar to face
[2022-04-03 22:12:44] dtk: \
[2022-04-03 22:12:46] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: lol
[2022-04-03 22:12:47] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: LOL
[2022-04-03 22:12:52] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: the noobery
[2022-04-03 22:12:56] dtk: WHAT THE FUCK ARE U DOING GORE?
[2022-04-03 22:13:14] dtk: WHAT UR DOING AIN'T WOKRING CHIEF!
[2022-04-03 22:13:45] x4|Al Gore: ?
[2022-04-03 22:13:58] dtk: lmao ur just randomly firing artillery bro
[2022-04-03 22:14:12] nCyde $tep $i$ter: wtf
[2022-04-03 22:14:23] nCyde $tep $i$ter: tank at main
[2022-04-03 22:15:16] Gra$$HoPPer: our first rager
[2022-04-03 22:15:28] Gra$$HoPPer: baby skitts
[2022-04-03 22:15:53] Matt Foley: foreskin
[2022-04-03 22:16:07] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: lol i was zoomed
[2022-04-03 22:16:10] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: lolderrrrrr
[2022-04-03 22:16:39] dtk: Matt
[2022-04-03 22:16:41] dtk: Do
[2022-04-03 22:16:43] dtk: Your
[2022-04-03 22:16:45] dtk: Job
[2022-04-03 22:16:45] Matt Foley: ya
[2022-04-03 22:17:10] nCyde $tep $i$ter: fkn bs cnt
[2022-04-03 22:17:15] mR oRanGe : LOL
[2022-04-03 22:17:28] dtk: daddy chill!
[2022-04-03 22:17:36] dtk: FUCK OFF WITH THE RPG
[2022-04-03 22:17:54] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: LOL
[2022-04-03 22:18:30] nCyde $tep $i$ter: nah mr orange ur so sus
[2022-04-03 22:18:38] -[HELLO]-TheNME: seriously????
[2022-04-03 22:18:40] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: almost nme 2 hp
[2022-04-03 22:18:42] mR oRanGe : whatever
[2022-04-03 22:18:48] mR oRanGe : you make the cal;
[2022-04-03 22:18:50] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: lol yea i was so close to death
[2022-04-03 22:19:14] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: fk
[2022-04-03 22:19:22] -[HELLO]-TheNME: lol there ya go
[2022-04-03 22:19:28] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: i put down the big mug
[2022-04-03 22:20:00] -[HELLO]-TheNME: lol
[2022-04-03 22:20:14] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: access denied
[2022-04-03 22:20:18] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: esp for rpgs
[2022-04-03 22:20:58] Gra$$HoPPer: gonna stab you matt
[2022-04-03 22:21:43] nCyde $tep $i$ter: main?
[2022-04-03 22:22:06] nCyde $tep $i$ter: taks
[2022-04-03 22:22:15] paranoid: bamus
[2022-04-03 22:22:41] dtk: FUCK
[2022-04-03 22:22:46] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: wow wtf reg please
[2022-04-03 22:22:52] Gra$$HoPPer: bad language son
[2022-04-03 22:23:00] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: broken game
[2022-04-03 22:23:01] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: ffs
[2022-04-03 22:23:05] dtk: bag language makes for bad feelings!
[2022-04-03 22:23:20] paranoid: keep it to yourself
[2022-04-03 22:23:21] -[HELLO]-TheNME: Damn Nice
[2022-04-03 22:23:26] dtk: nein
[2022-04-03 22:23:30] dtk: freeze peach
[2022-04-03 22:23:58] Matt Foley: ur fat
[2022-04-03 22:24:01] -[HELLO]-TheNME: Jesus
[2022-04-03 22:24:05] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: yes him
[2022-04-03 22:24:20] -[HELLO]-TheNME: yeah U wish
[2022-04-03 22:24:48] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: srry NME
[2022-04-03 22:25:50] paranoid: close game
[2022-04-03 22:25:52] Gra$$HoPPer: no he isnt
[2022-04-03 22:26:46] mR oRanGe : lol
[2022-04-03 22:26:46] Gra$$HoPPer: sry oj
[2022-04-03 22:26:47] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: nice orange
[2022-04-03 22:26:53] mR oRanGe : no worries
[2022-04-03 22:27:05] mR oRanGe : a flurry of action
[2022-04-03 22:27:19] dtk: what
[2022-04-03 22:27:26] Gra$$HoPPer: gg
[2022-04-03 22:27:29] dtk: gg
[2022-04-03 22:27:36] mR oRanGe : gg
[2022-04-03 22:27:37] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: gg
[2022-04-03 22:27:39] Gra$$HoPPer: too bad we couldnt paly again
[2022-04-03 22:27:47] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: restart?
[2022-04-03 22:27:49] 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47]: please
[2022-04-03 22:28:18] dtk: gg and gn yall

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