Battlefield Vietnam Server Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Players Matthew
Players Clans Character-Types Weapons Vehicles Maps

Playername: Matthew
Last Seen: 2023-09-06 23:19:45
Rounds played: 1124
Total Score: 32708
Total Kills: 17996
Total Deaths: 10924
Total TKs: 140
Awards: Rank 1: 339 Timesx339Rank 2: 251 Timesx251Rank 3: 160 Timesx160
Heals: Matthew spent 5min 10.05sec on healing 26546 Heal-Points to himself
Matthew spent 5.45sec on healing 386 Heal-Points to other Players
Repairs: Matthew spent 12min 3.74sec on repairing 35158 Repair-Points

# Nickname Usage  
1 Matthew 1205

Character Types
# Character Type Usage  
1 NVA_Assault  3124
2 ARVN_Assault  2757
3 USMarine_Assault  2018
4 Vietcong_Assault_Alt  1363
5 USArmy_Assault  811
6 SpecialForces_Assault  525
7 NVA_Engineer_Alt  343
8 NVA_HeavyAssault_Alt  330
9 NVA_HeavyAssault  321
10 Vietcong_HeavyAssault_Alt  166
11 SpecialForces_Assault_Alt  154
12 Vietcong_Assault  116
13 NVA_Engineer  101
14 USMarine_HeavyAssault  91
15 Vietcong_Engineer_Alt  80

# Weapon Kills %  
1 Car15 3057 17.12
2 Ak47 2446 13.70
3 UH1Assault 2127 11.91
4 Mi8 1888 10.58
5 M16 1417 7.94
6 DPM 1229 6.88
7 Cobra 966 5.41
8 Patton 520 2.91
9 T54 491 2.75
10 (none) 416 2.33
11 OH-6 414 2.32
12 F4Phantom 406 2.27
13 KnifeAxis 157 0.88
14 Mat49 152 0.85
15 Sheridan 151 0.85
16 Quad50 147 0.82
17 AkMS 125 0.70
18 PlantationKnife 123 0.69
19 Rpg7v 120 0.67
20 XMGrenadelauncher 112 0.63

Top Victims
# Player Kills %  
1 Gra$$HoPPer 1036 5.80
2 Rbilly 693 3.88
3 Skittles 638 3.57
4 silvia 629 3.52
5 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47] 535 3.00
6 -RageVsMachine 497 2.78
7 tina 423 2.37
8 Bee 406 2.27
9 Nagi Tanka 380 2.13
10 x4|Al Gore 349 1.95

Top Assassins
# Player Kills %  
1 360 Tox!c ft. [AK-47] 856 8.11
2 Gra$$HoPPer 823 7.80
3 Rbilly 481 4.56
4 Skittles 450 4.26
5 -=Int.]-[=- rick 383 3.63
6 Bee 350 3.32
7 silvia 337 3.19
8 Nagi Tanka 216 2.05
9 -RageVsMachine 195 1.85
10 tina 193 1.83

Favorite Vehicles
# Vehicle Time %  
1 UH1Assault 11h 57min 13.48sec 13.64
2 Cobra 10h 56min 36.64sec 12.49
3 Mi8 10h 32min 16.58sec 12.02
4 T54 6h 8min 35.15sec 7.01
5 UAZ 5h 13min 49.79sec 5.97
6 Patton 4h 32min 46.06sec 5.19
7 F4Phantom 4h 2min 16.71sec 4.61
8 Mutt 3h 32min 22.78sec 4.04
9 OH-6 2h 47min 19.53sec 3.18
10 CoPilot_PCO 2h 24min 17.31sec 2.74
11 Mig17 2h 14min 53.52sec 2.56
12 Sheridan 2h 10min 41.21sec 2.48
13 UH1Transport 1h 46min 11.58sec 2.02
14 Quad50 1h 37min 33.22sec 1.85
15 KA-25 1h 19min 24.66sec 1.51
16 PT76 1h 15min 13.84sec 1.43
17 BTR60 1h 11min 8.45sec 1.35
18 ZSU_FlakGunner_PCO1 1h 9min 46.35sec 1.33
19 BTR60GunnerPCO 56min 43.13sec 1.08
20 M113 50min 57.63sec 0.97

Map Performance
# Map Score %  
1 Hue 3984 12.18
2 Reclaiming Hue 3287 10.05
3 Operation Hastings 3021 9.24
4 Saigon 68 2913 8.91
5 Operation Game Warden 2765 8.45
6 Operation Flaming Dart 2598 7.94
7 Operation Irving 2069 6.33
8 Quang Tri 1968 2003 6.12
9 Landing zone Albany 1781 5.45
10 Siege of Khe Sahn 1283 3.92
11 Quang Tri 1972 1275 3.90
12 Fall of Lang Vei 986 3.01
13 Ho Chi Minh trail 965 2.95
14 La Drang valley 915 2.80
15 Defence of Con Thien 875 2.68
16 Operation Cedar Falls 874 2.67
17 Cambodian Incursion 730 2.23
18 Fall of Saigon 384 1.17

Last Games 
Game started Server Name Mod Map GameMode Score Kills Deaths
2023-09-06 22:41:01 -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V.21 bfvietnam Siege of Khe Sahn GPM_COOP 64 41 4
2023-09-06 22:26:02 -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V.21 bfvietnam Ho Chi Minh trail Conquest 52 44 3
2023-09-06 21:56:02 -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V.21 bfvietnam Operation Game Warden GPM_COOP 135 128 0
2023-09-06 21:44:01 -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V.21 bfvietnam Reclaiming Hue Conquest 39 27 1
2023-09-06 21:32:03 -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V.21 bfvietnam Landing zone Albany Conquest 0 0 0
2023-09-05 23:53:01 -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V.21 bfvietnam Cambodian Incursion Conquest 82 63 13
2023-09-05 23:23:01 -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V.21 bfvietnam Defence of Con Thien Conquest 56 36 12
2023-09-05 22:36:02 -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V.21 bfvietnam Saigon 68 Conquest 33 24 7
2023-09-05 00:35:02 -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V.21 bfvietnam Operation Cedar Falls Conquest 85 72 8
2023-09-05 00:19:02 -[HELLO]- Bfv | Allmaps V.21 bfvietnam Hue Conquest 17 6 5

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