Battlefield 1942 Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - bocage_day2 - 2022-11-26 15:51:30 Chatlog
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[2022-11-26 15:54:46] Crash: hi
[2022-11-26 15:54:52] Mozzi: hi
[2022-11-26 15:54:53] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: yo
[2022-11-26 16:00:02] Mozzi: spawn over our base
[2022-11-26 16:00:05] Mozzi: helo
[2022-11-26 16:01:50] Mimo BiH : hi all........
[2022-11-26 16:01:56] Mozzi: hi mimo
[2022-11-26 16:01:57] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: hi
[2022-11-26 16:01:58] Mimo BiH : djesi marsale
[2022-11-26 16:02:34] Mozzi: 2 inf our base
[2022-11-26 16:03:04] Marshal Seks: zdravo mimo
[2022-11-26 16:03:15] Chameleon: nice
[2022-11-26 16:03:50] Chameleon: urgood
[2022-11-26 16:03:53] Mimo BiH : e vanja djesi
[2022-11-26 16:04:33] Crash: n1 mozzi
[2022-11-26 16:05:22] Crash: our abrams mined
[2022-11-26 16:05:28] Chameleon: k
[2022-11-26 16:05:41] Crash: Abrams mined
[2022-11-26 16:07:23] Crash: ow
[2022-11-26 16:07:25] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: sry
[2022-11-26 16:07:32] Mozzi: on brand lol
[2022-11-26 16:07:37] Crash: swapped to even teams up
[2022-11-26 16:10:24] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: hi rab
[2022-11-26 16:10:51] rob: hi mafo, mimo down
[2022-11-26 16:10:51] Mozzi: sorry
[2022-11-26 16:10:59] Mimo BiH : hahaha
[2022-11-26 16:10:59] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: np
[2022-11-26 16:11:05] Mimo BiH : rob up
[2022-11-26 16:11:17] Crash: can seomeone swap please
[2022-11-26 16:11:27] Chameleon: lol
[2022-11-26 16:11:59] thanksmia: hi
[2022-11-26 16:14:45] thanksmia: SAY SOMETHIN HELI
[2022-11-26 16:15:08] thanksmia: OMG
[2022-11-26 16:15:10] thanksmia: STUPID HELIS
[2022-11-26 16:15:58] Chameleon: lol
[2022-11-26 16:16:28] Crash: so i take it, u wont let me steal ur flag then
[2022-11-26 16:18:06] Crash: lucky spawn
[2022-11-26 16:18:19] thanksmia: FUCK U
[2022-11-26 16:18:41] rob: whats wrong mia?
[2022-11-26 16:18:48] Crash: whoah language
[2022-11-26 16:19:57] thanksmia: SAY SOMETHING
[2022-11-26 16:20:10] Crash: damn
[2022-11-26 16:20:13] Crash: soz tk
[2022-11-26 16:21:32] Crash: :D
[2022-11-26 16:21:33] Creeper-X: !nextmap
[2022-11-26 16:21:35] Crash: !nextmap
[2022-11-26 16:21:40] Crash: hi crepper
[2022-11-26 16:21:41] thanksmia: DO ZOOK ENDING
[2022-11-26 16:21:43] Crash: Creeper*
[2022-11-26 16:21:46] Creeper-X: hi all
[2022-11-26 16:21:48] Crash: ok zook ending
[2022-11-26 16:21:52] Mimo BiH : hi
[2022-11-26 16:21:56] Crash: fire zook into sky right before timer ends

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