Battlefield 1942 Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_lostvillage - 2023-01-20 20:34:02 Chatlog
Players Clans Character-Types Weapons Vehicles Maps

[2023-01-20 20:36:27] relfie: someone get with me in the chopper
[2023-01-20 20:36:35] relfie: then jump out to get flag
[2023-01-20 20:39:32] relfie: ill defend
[2023-01-20 20:41:54] _Brain Damage_: hi all
[2023-01-20 20:42:01] sakhi: hi
[2023-01-20 20:42:19] Paul: sry wth
[2023-01-20 20:43:20] relfie: let me fly to him
[2023-01-20 20:43:32] _Brain Damage_: that's gay
[2023-01-20 20:44:12] Paul: fine
[2023-01-20 20:44:23] _Brain Damage_: it's a joke
[2023-01-20 20:44:35] _Brain Damage_: let me fly to her
[2023-01-20 20:46:10] relfie: stupid lag. Sorry
[2023-01-20 20:46:27] _Brain Damage_: restart your stupid router lol
[2023-01-20 20:46:49] _Brain Damage_: it's too hot cause of porn downloading
[2023-01-20 20:46:58] relfie: someone get with me in the chopper
[2023-01-20 20:47:08] _Brain Damage_: ROFL
[2023-01-20 20:48:01] relfie: hahahaha
[2023-01-20 20:50:12] _Brain Damage_: not so lol
[2023-01-20 20:51:24] _Brain Damage_: GJ
[2023-01-20 20:51:26] buck west: nice
[2023-01-20 20:51:32] relfie: well done
[2023-01-20 20:52:03] Paul: standing pkm fest
[2023-01-20 20:53:11] Paul: face
[2023-01-20 20:53:17] Creeper-X: ICU
[2023-01-20 20:53:24] relfie: where is he
[2023-01-20 20:53:34] buck west: dont know
[2023-01-20 20:53:38] buck west: im pinned down
[2023-01-20 20:53:39] Creeper-X: hill right behind helo
[2023-01-20 20:53:56] Greg: lsry
[2023-01-20 20:54:19] Paul: laser neons
[2023-01-20 20:54:58] Brettanomyces: when u see me on first position means my team suck
[2023-01-20 20:54:58] Brettanomyces: big
[2023-01-20 20:55:00] Paul: sry
[2023-01-20 20:55:18] relfie: where is the .50 val
[2023-01-20 20:55:19] Brettanomyces: just saying
[2023-01-20 20:55:24] Greg: ty
[2023-01-20 20:55:25] Creeper-X: im looking
[2023-01-20 20:56:10] Mr. Fox: sry mate
[2023-01-20 20:57:06] Creeper-X: he's mapping
[2023-01-20 20:57:25] _Brain Damage_: brett that's illegal kill :D
[2023-01-20 20:57:56] Brettanomyces: why?
[2023-01-20 20:58:00] Paul: no perfects here
[2023-01-20 20:58:11] Creeper-X: not now lol
[2023-01-20 20:58:16] Mr. Fox: !nextmap
[2023-01-20 20:58:29] _Brain Damage_: pls nas as a revenge map !
[2023-01-20 20:58:44] Paul: fone
[2023-01-20 20:58:46] Paul: err fine
[2023-01-20 20:58:59] Paul: splat
[2023-01-20 20:59:03] Mr. Fox: lol
[2023-01-20 20:59:23] _Brain Damage_: !nextmap
[2023-01-20 20:59:31] sakhi: !nextgoodnight
[2023-01-20 20:59:38] Brettanomyces: gg
[2023-01-20 20:59:41] sakhi: bb
[2023-01-20 20:59:41] Brettanomyces: gn

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