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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_al_nas - 2023-01-29 14:07:02 Chatlog
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[2023-01-29 14:08:33] Basilone: spawn truck west of flag
[2023-01-29 14:10:56] Sleepy Joe: no scoped
[2023-01-29 14:14:00] Trium-spain: )
[2023-01-29 14:15:05] ReakingRIngpiece: lol
[2023-01-29 14:15:59] Trium-spain: sorry jester
[2023-01-29 14:16:35] MimoBiH: hi all...........
[2023-01-29 14:16:40] Basilone: hi
[2023-01-29 14:16:44] Trium-spain: hi mimo
[2023-01-29 14:16:45] ReakingRIngpiece: evening mimo
[2023-01-29 14:16:47] MimoBiH: fisheeeeeee
[2023-01-29 14:16:49] Brettanomyces: run
[2023-01-29 14:17:13] Butcher: heyo
[2023-01-29 14:17:53] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: lol
[2023-01-29 14:18:02] wildcard: hmmm
[2023-01-29 14:18:03] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: i been looking for u
[2023-01-29 14:19:08] Butcher: whoops, sry
[2023-01-29 14:20:35] rob: hi all
[2023-01-29 14:20:45] Butcher: hiya
[2023-01-29 14:20:46] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SORRY
[2023-01-29 14:20:50] MimoBiH: hi robe
[2023-01-29 14:20:58] _Brain Damage_: hi all
[2023-01-29 14:21:03] MimoBiH: hi
[2023-01-29 14:22:24] :): 20 people noice
[2023-01-29 14:22:37] :): lol kraa
[2023-01-29 14:22:40] :): kRad
[2023-01-29 14:22:43] _Brain Damage_: +time plz
[2023-01-29 14:22:46] kRad: oops
[2023-01-29 14:22:54] Butcher: sniper across their river
[2023-01-29 14:22:55] _Brain Damage_: +2hours
[2023-01-29 14:22:57] :): maybe bd
[2023-01-29 14:22:59] :): okay no
[2023-01-29 14:23:10] _Brain Damage_: ROFL
[2023-01-29 14:23:13] buck west: shit sorry
[2023-01-29 14:23:13] :): New Maplist coming tonight :)
[2023-01-29 14:23:24] :): so be ready for that, neww maps into rotation :)
[2023-01-29 14:23:32] _Brain Damage_: more ctf inf !
[2023-01-29 14:23:35] Basilone: k
[2023-01-29 14:23:40] Trium-spain: mimo love
[2023-01-29 14:23:46] rob: oh no, not the maps )
[2023-01-29 14:23:55] :): urban siege ctf will be staying
[2023-01-29 14:24:02] Butcher: hurray!
[2023-01-29 14:24:02] Basilone: good
[2023-01-29 14:24:02] MimoBiH: (
[2023-01-29 14:24:06] Basilone: and this map?
[2023-01-29 14:24:07] _Brain Damage_: fk u river !
[2023-01-29 14:24:15] :): well 5 of our ms never leave
[2023-01-29 14:24:24] :): nas, boage, market, LV, berlin.. etc
[2023-01-29 14:24:28] :): always in
[2023-01-29 14:24:33] :): el al ;)
[2023-01-29 14:24:41] :): i rotate the others
[2023-01-29 14:24:47] _Brain Damage_: lol
[2023-01-29 14:25:13] MimoBiH: NESTALO MI METAKA
[2023-01-29 14:25:18] buck west: gj
[2023-01-29 14:26:06] :): oh butcher did you hear the plans for bots?
[2023-01-29 14:26:12] :): going forward soon
[2023-01-29 14:26:17] Butcher: only in passing
[2023-01-29 14:26:22] Butcher: will the seeder work?
[2023-01-29 14:26:29] :): meant AI
[2023-01-29 14:26:45] :): doing 3v3/4v4/5v5 roughy on maps
[2023-01-29 14:26:50] :): instead of 8/10/12
[2023-01-29 14:26:52] Butcher: aha
[2023-01-29 14:27:10] :): so just a small amount
[2023-01-29 14:27:17] :): should allow for more fun on CQ with our numbers
[2023-01-29 14:27:43] Rick Sanchez: Can you name a bot Ricky dont lose that number
[2023-01-29 14:28:07] :): i'm going to name the bots, since we will only have a few lol
[2023-01-29 14:28:19] :): brb 5 mins
[2023-01-29 14:28:34] wildcard: srry
[2023-01-29 14:28:46] _Brain Damage_: 6 time
[2023-01-29 14:29:08] _Brain Damage_: moire time request !!! for my armies !!!
[2023-01-29 14:29:13] _Brain Damage_: we can win this !
[2023-01-29 14:30:11] _Brain Damage_: terrorista !
[2023-01-29 14:30:52] Rick Sanchez: pull this man his manhood card
[2023-01-29 14:30:52] _Brain Damage_: go for FLAG !!!
[2023-01-29 14:30:54] _Brain Damage_: all
[2023-01-29 14:31:31] Rick Sanchez: add time
[2023-01-29 14:31:36] Rick Sanchez: we can do it
[2023-01-29 14:31:42] _Brain Damage_: +time and we WIN !
[2023-01-29 14:31:48] kRad: accept defeat with dignity
[2023-01-29 14:32:00] _Brain Damage_: we generally do
[2023-01-29 14:32:05] ReakingRIngpiece: LOL
[2023-01-29 14:32:06] :): 5 inz
[2023-01-29 14:32:08] :): minz
[2023-01-29 14:32:10] _Brain Damage_: this is none of a defeat
[2023-01-29 14:32:20] :): while i decide on set a map sundaay maps... ;)
[2023-01-29 14:32:29] :): Too see who makes it in our list tomorrow!
[2023-01-29 14:32:31] Rick Sanchez: we have the dragon man
[2023-01-29 14:32:39] :): last week we did omaha cq and it was a hit
[2023-01-29 14:32:43] _Brain Damage_: BBO why dont u let us go for max score!
[2023-01-29 14:32:44] :): i'll pick one in a few
[2023-01-29 14:32:50] _Brain Damage_: no timemit like?
[2023-01-29 14:32:54] :): negative
[2023-01-29 14:32:55] _Brain Damage_: timelimit
[2023-01-29 14:33:16] :): lol
[2023-01-29 14:33:31] _Brain Damage_: 5 min is nothing
[2023-01-29 14:33:41] _Brain Damage_: wont let us win
[2023-01-29 14:34:06] _Brain Damage_: at least +25 min
[2023-01-29 14:35:05] MimoBiH: AJMO FIH U NAS SERVER
[2023-01-29 14:35:10] ReakingRIngpiece: :(
[2023-01-29 14:35:31] _Brain Damage_: yeah RE+
[2023-01-29 14:36:05] _Brain Damage_: or go Lv for revenge map !
[2023-01-29 14:36:10] _Brain Damage_: then we win
[2023-01-29 14:36:57] Rick Sanchez: ya change the map already, give up
[2023-01-29 14:37:18] _Brain Damage_: ns
[2023-01-29 14:37:41] _Brain Damage_: yeah just swap it!
[2023-01-29 14:38:26] _Brain Damage_: we had no chance to come oever 4 points exepct with lots of xtr
[2023-01-29 14:38:27] _Brain Damage_: time
[2023-01-29 14:38:32] _Brain Damage_: 25 mins or+
[2023-01-29 14:38:45] Rick Sanchez: GTG I have to cook, wife is going to beat me up
[2023-01-29 14:38:48] _Brain Damage_: !nextmap
[2023-01-29 14:38:52] Basilone: cu
[2023-01-29 14:39:13] kRad: yea dont wanna sleep on the couch tonight huh
[2023-01-29 14:39:26] Rick Sanchez: lol
[2023-01-29 14:39:32] _Brain Damage_: democracy? gone? done?
[2023-01-29 14:39:34] Butcher: you get kicked to the couch for not making dinner?
[2023-01-29 14:39:34] :): !nextmap
[2023-01-29 14:39:46] :): bocage day 3 next woooot
[2023-01-29 14:40:00] Rick Sanchez: breakfast
[2023-01-29 14:40:22] Rick Sanchez: Ill just give her 2 eggs and a sausage
[2023-01-29 14:40:41] Butcher: need some fiber with that
[2023-01-29 14:40:52] buck west: she might even be happy just with the sausage..
[2023-01-29 14:41:04] _Brain Damage_: sancho u suck
[2023-01-29 14:41:23] -[HELLO]-JESTER: sorry
[2023-01-29 14:41:24] Rick Sanchez: yes mr yusef
[2023-01-29 14:41:25] kRad: np
[2023-01-29 14:41:52] _Brain Damage_: u deserved that kick from my discord buddies
[2023-01-29 14:41:57] kRad: ever had crispy pork belly with eggs? breakfast of the champion
[2023-01-29 14:42:20] Rick Sanchez: delicious
[2023-01-29 14:42:31] _Brain Damage_: gr8 Job team !!
[2023-01-29 14:42:42] kRad: smoked some yesterday for dinner and had the leftovers 4 bfast

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