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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - el_alamein - 2023-09-09 01:14:01 Chatlog
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[2023-09-09 01:14:41] Crash: ok coll
[2023-09-09 01:14:42] Crash: cool
[2023-09-09 01:16:15] Crash: how did i get 4 pts lol
[2023-09-09 01:16:39] :): ow
[2023-09-09 01:17:20] Crash: lol
[2023-09-09 01:17:22] :): rude
[2023-09-09 01:17:29] TreeHouse: very rude
[2023-09-09 01:17:38] _Roadie: at least my reflexs are getting better.
[2023-09-09 01:17:49] :): only for killing bng
[2023-09-09 01:18:25] :): lol
[2023-09-09 01:19:48] _Roadie: I had Yxng all lined up and he suicided
[2023-09-09 01:19:53] :): lol
[2023-09-09 01:20:15] :): <3
[2023-09-09 01:20:19] _Roadie: atg
[2023-09-09 01:21:04] YxngWxlf: mb
[2023-09-09 01:21:04] YxngWxlf: sh
[2023-09-09 01:21:08] _Roadie: CHIMNEY!!!!!
[2023-09-09 01:21:30] YxngWxlf: my brain is not braining It's quite late here
[2023-09-09 01:21:42] _Roadie: I here that Y
[2023-09-09 01:21:48] :): lool
[2023-09-09 01:22:01] :): lol crash
[2023-09-09 01:22:01] Crash: lol
[2023-09-09 01:23:02] :): 11 crash
[2023-09-09 01:23:05] :): :D
[2023-09-09 01:23:12] Crash: ow
[2023-09-09 01:23:44] _Roadie: admiral is stuck in my tracks and keeps moaning.
[2023-09-09 01:23:57] Crash: :P
[2023-09-09 01:24:00] YxngWxlf: rip
[2023-09-09 01:24:08] YxngWxlf: fastest plane ever
[2023-09-09 01:24:12] :): lmao
[2023-09-09 01:24:14] Crash: :P
[2023-09-09 01:24:49] :): lol
[2023-09-09 01:24:59] _Roadie: two bars left on the tank
[2023-09-09 01:25:15] :): lo
[2023-09-09 01:25:21] _Roadie: edur
[2023-09-09 01:26:11] -[HELLO]-AdmiralTitus: sorry wxlf
[2023-09-09 01:26:18] YxngWxlf: is k
[2023-09-09 01:26:25] :): lLOLOL
[2023-09-09 01:26:28] _Roadie: hehe
[2023-09-09 01:26:56] :): ow
[2023-09-09 01:27:04] Crash: ow
[2023-09-09 01:27:18] -[HELLO]-AdmiralTitus: wow
[2023-09-09 01:27:21] _Roadie: sry bout that
[2023-09-09 01:27:51] _Roadie: sry - practicing for DENIAL
[2023-09-09 01:27:53] :): smack
[2023-09-09 01:27:56] :): hi jerky meat
[2023-09-09 01:28:03] _Roadie: not Rude, but LAME
[2023-09-09 01:28:06] Crash: hi
[2023-09-09 01:29:13] :): ow
[2023-09-09 01:29:17] TreeHouse: ouch
[2023-09-09 01:30:11] TreeHouse: lol
[2023-09-09 01:30:14] Crash: ol
[2023-09-09 01:30:55] jerkymeat: sorry
[2023-09-09 01:31:09] _Roadie: You should be!!!!!!!!! NP ok?
[2023-09-09 01:31:16] jerkymeat: damn
[2023-09-09 01:31:23] Crash: this server aut fkts
[2023-09-09 01:31:29] :): yeah
[2023-09-09 01:31:31] YxngWxlf: frick
[2023-09-09 01:31:32] :): auto forgives
[2023-09-09 01:31:34] Crash: auto ftks
[2023-09-09 01:31:40] YxngWxlf: mb
[2023-09-09 01:31:42] :): smack
[2023-09-09 01:31:45] TreeHouse: haha, nice
[2023-09-09 01:32:34] Crash: lol bang
[2023-09-09 01:32:42] Crash: bang
[2023-09-09 01:32:48] Crash: u shud help jerky with his net issues
[2023-09-09 01:32:56] -[HELLO]-AdmiralTitus: Okay
[2023-09-09 01:33:10] -[HELLO]-AdmiralTitus: I think I'll call it a night
[2023-09-09 01:33:19] _Roadie: Titus - Nooooo
[2023-09-09 01:33:20] Crash: okay ty nite
[2023-09-09 01:33:30] :): nooo
[2023-09-09 01:33:35] _Roadie: or, what timezone are you in....? xD
[2023-09-09 01:33:38] :): 6 minssss
[2023-09-09 01:33:43] :): thn bed
[2023-09-09 01:33:44] YxngWxlf: smart
[2023-09-09 01:33:46] -[HELLO]-AdmiralTitus: Fineeeee
[2023-09-09 01:33:54] -[HELLO]-AdmiralTitus: 6 minutes
[2023-09-09 01:33:58] :): haha
[2023-09-09 01:34:01] :): 12 crash
[2023-09-09 01:34:08] _Roadie: what happened to friday night fights Bang?
[2023-09-09 01:34:18] :): we usually start now XD
[2023-09-09 01:34:23] :): and go till 12 am est
[2023-09-09 01:34:25] :): so 3 more hours
[2023-09-09 01:34:39] :): we hit 16 yesterday but 2 hours from no
[2023-09-09 01:34:39] :): now
[2023-09-09 01:35:04] :): hi BD
[2023-09-09 01:35:06] :): nas in 4
[2023-09-09 01:35:10] _Brain Damage_: hey
[2023-09-09 01:35:35] :): lmfao
[2023-09-09 01:35:35] :): ow
[2023-09-09 01:35:36] Crash: oflmao
[2023-09-09 01:35:37] YxngWxlf: oh hell naw
[2023-09-09 01:35:43] Crash: my grail put him off
[2023-09-09 01:35:57] _Roadie: everyone flying le me tonight?
[2023-09-09 01:36:02] :): yes
[2023-09-09 01:36:16] :): 13 crash .. XD
[2023-09-09 01:36:23] :): aw
[2023-09-09 01:36:24] _Brain Damage_: we had an earthquake dudes
[2023-09-09 01:36:26] TreeHouse: wow
[2023-09-09 01:36:29] TreeHouse: haha
[2023-09-09 01:36:31] _Brain Damage_: 7 on tichter
[2023-09-09 01:36:33] -[HELLO]-AdmiralTitus: mann
[2023-09-09 01:36:39] _Roadie: 7???!!!!!!
[2023-09-09 01:36:47] Crash: 7 on the tickler sclae
[2023-09-09 01:36:48] :): nay cap'n
[2023-09-09 01:36:49] -[HELLO]-AdmiralTitus: the helos handle weird
[2023-09-09 01:36:50] Crash: scale
[2023-09-09 01:36:53] :): lol
[2023-09-09 01:36:55] _Brain Damage_: I felt it here 400 km of epicenter
[2023-09-09 01:37:01] _Roadie: screw that. I was in a 4 one time only....
[2023-09-09 01:37:02] :): damn
[2023-09-09 01:37:08] _Brain Damage_: walls dancing lol they looked liquid
[2023-09-09 01:37:32] Crash: how do u practice safe sx during an earthquake?
[2023-09-09 01:37:35] _Roadie: closet mirrors also even at 4
[2023-09-09 01:37:35] Crash: in a doorway.
[2023-09-09 01:37:59] _Brain Damage_: I ran outside when realized it was real earthquake lol
[2023-09-09 01:38:46] Crash: !nextmap
[2023-09-09 01:38:50] :): nas
[2023-09-09 01:38:53] :): i tink
[2023-09-09 01:38:54] Crash: good
[2023-09-09 01:38:58] Crash: in the mood for al nas
[2023-09-09 01:38:58] :): or we could do lv
[2023-09-09 01:39:07] :): my half brother is getting on
[2023-09-09 01:39:16] :): and chrome should be here
[2023-09-09 01:39:17] _Roadie: not LV pls
[2023-09-09 01:39:26] _Roadie: extend time - quick
[2023-09-09 01:39:28] _Brain Damage_: Mf's
[2023-09-09 01:39:36] _Brain Damage_: Lv h8rs gang
[2023-09-09 01:39:37] TreeHouse: joy!
[2023-09-09 01:39:44] :): ow
[2023-09-09 01:39:45] _Roadie: ow
[2023-09-09 01:39:53] Crash: 5 mins
[2023-09-09 01:40:01] :): oof
[2023-09-09 01:40:05] :): yo
[2023-09-09 01:40:06] :): bd
[2023-09-09 01:40:10] -[HELLO]-AdmiralTitus: well gentlemen
[2023-09-09 01:40:11] :): was eqrthquake in morrocoo
[2023-09-09 01:40:19] -[HELLO]-AdmiralTitus: it has been 6 minutes
[2023-09-09 01:40:24] _Brain Damage_: YEAH I surVIVED BRAVELYYYYY
[2023-09-09 01:40:30] _Brain Damage_: gimme my PINTS
[2023-09-09 01:40:53] _Brain Damage_: I surived earthquke I'm iron man
[2023-09-09 01:41:02] :): earthquake damage
[2023-09-09 01:41:16] Crash: ha
[2023-09-09 01:42:28] :): ow
[2023-09-09 01:42:51] YxngWxlf: Imma go sleep It's jus too late for me , I had like 5+ teamkill
[2023-09-09 01:42:54] YxngWxlf: really sorry for it
[2023-09-09 01:42:59] :): mannnnn
[2023-09-09 01:43:04] YxngWxlf: the tiredness got to me
[2023-09-09 01:43:07] :): e don't care about tk's lol
[2023-09-09 01:43:33] YxngWxlf: are there gonna be some events?
[2023-09-09 01:43:34] _Brain Damage_: it this earthquake worldwide?
[2023-09-09 01:43:40] :): pirates evet
[2023-09-09 01:43:43] :): in 2 weeks
[2023-09-09 01:43:44] _Brain Damage_: guys pls tell me
[2023-09-09 01:43:49] :): idk BD
[2023-09-09 01:43:53] TreeHouse: where is the earthquake?
[2023-09-09 01:43:54] Crash: no earthquake here
[2023-09-09 01:43:58] TreeHouse: not in australia
[2023-09-09 01:43:59] YxngWxlf: I haven't felt anything here
[2023-09-09 01:44:01] Crash: but every woman IVe known
[2023-09-09 01:44:04] Crash: claims ive moved them
[2023-09-09 01:44:09] :): lmao
[2023-09-09 01:44:17] YxngWxlf: women move AWAY from me
[2023-09-09 01:44:29] _Brain Damage_: mom told me it's a stuff that went thrgough the whole planet

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