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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_al_nas - 2023-09-17 03:11:01 Chatlog
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[2023-09-17 03:12:08] _Roadie: hehe, AlNas and I feel the tears coming on....
[2023-09-17 03:12:34] _Roadie: I HAVE MINES on the flag!!!!
[2023-09-17 03:12:48] Rally Monkey: spawn trucj backway our flag now
[2023-09-17 03:13:44] Crash: lol
[2023-09-17 03:13:46] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: np
[2023-09-17 03:13:54] _Roadie: Sry Wolf
[2023-09-17 03:13:58] Crash: eventful start to proceedings
[2023-09-17 03:14:30] Peeper: gj
[2023-09-17 03:14:34] -[HELLO]-JESTER: gj
[2023-09-17 03:14:57] Deadly Squirrel: they were shooting at me i had to run
[2023-09-17 03:15:50] Peeper: humver aound back
[2023-09-17 03:16:13] Peeper: watch for him
[2023-09-17 03:16:18] -[HELLO]-JESTER: got him
[2023-09-17 03:16:21] -[HELLO]-JESTER: gj
[2023-09-17 03:16:22] Peeper: gj
[2023-09-17 03:16:50] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: oops
[2023-09-17 03:16:53] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2023-09-17 03:16:58] Crash: lol
[2023-09-17 03:17:11] Crash: lol
[2023-09-17 03:17:14] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2023-09-17 03:17:27] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: n1
[2023-09-17 03:21:32] Peeper: g`
[2023-09-17 03:23:09] Peeper: gj
[2023-09-17 03:23:12] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: ty
[2023-09-17 03:26:02] Crash: lol
[2023-09-17 03:26:06] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2023-09-17 03:27:07] _Roadie: Jester and a PK, imagine that.... -hehe
[2023-09-17 03:27:14] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lol
[2023-09-17 03:27:28] -[HELLO]-JESTER: come get ya some roadie
[2023-09-17 03:27:45] _Roadie: I'm trying to take careof your flag snatchers...
[2023-09-17 03:28:14] -[HELLO]-JESTER: flag nabbers
[2023-09-17 03:28:27] _Roadie: flag Nabbers, I like that one.
[2023-09-17 03:28:39] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HHEHE
[2023-09-17 03:29:03] _Roadie: Peep I'll distract Jest with chat, you knife him.....
[2023-09-17 03:29:12] Peeper: LOL
[2023-09-17 03:29:13] _Roadie: it werked.....
[2023-09-17 03:30:57] Peeper: lol
[2023-09-17 03:31:28] Deadly Squirrel: g2g cant stay for Axis Victory party
[2023-09-17 03:31:47] _Roadie: what Axis victory would that be???
[2023-09-17 03:31:55] Crash: lol
[2023-09-17 03:32:00] Deadly Squirrel: g'night
[2023-09-17 03:32:17] _Roadie: night
[2023-09-17 03:32:32] Crash: teams
[2023-09-17 03:32:35] Crash: 5 v 2
[2023-09-17 03:32:43] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL 5-2
[2023-09-17 03:32:53] Crash: was 5 v 3 for a while too lol
[2023-09-17 03:33:07] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol sry
[2023-09-17 03:33:07] Crash: lo
[2023-09-17 03:33:10] Peeper: LOL
[2023-09-17 03:33:20] _Roadie: boot 1234
[2023-09-17 03:34:19] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol'd
[2023-09-17 03:34:22] -[HELLO]-JESTER: shit sorry
[2023-09-17 03:34:23] Crash: dont sit there, its a spawn spot jester
[2023-09-17 03:34:51] -[HELLO]-JESTER: didnt know
[2023-09-17 03:35:18] _Roadie: it's worked for him for quite a number of round, I can testify
[2023-09-17 03:35:48] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: gg
[2023-09-17 03:35:51] _Roadie: gg
[2023-09-17 03:35:56] -[HELLO]-JESTER: still
[2023-09-17 03:36:05] Crash: i added 5 mins
[2023-09-17 03:36:14] -[HELLO]-JESTER: still 5-2
[2023-09-17 03:36:20] Crash: 3
[2023-09-17 03:36:33] Peeper: NITE GUYS
[2023-09-17 03:36:38] Crash: nite
[2023-09-17 03:36:39] _Roadie: Who added 5mins? I was going to take a leak
[2023-09-17 03:36:41] -[HELLO]-JESTER: roadie dont count he to old
[2023-09-17 03:36:44] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: later
[2023-09-17 03:36:44] Crash: me
[2023-09-17 03:36:45] _Roadie: Later Peep
[2023-09-17 03:36:49] Crash: just pee in ur pocket
[2023-09-17 03:37:00] -[HELLO]-JESTER: cya
[2023-09-17 03:37:35] _Roadie: Like flying cross country in a private plane... get out the
[2023-09-17 03:37:36] _Roadie: coffee can
[2023-09-17 03:38:19] Crash: rofl
[2023-09-17 03:38:23] Crash: good stunt!
[2023-09-17 03:38:33] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: ty
[2023-09-17 03:38:58] _Roadie: hehe
[2023-09-17 03:39:00] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2023-09-17 03:40:09] Crash: lol
[2023-09-17 03:40:46] Crash: !nextmap
[2023-09-17 03:40:54] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: takin a break

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