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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - berlin - 2023-10-19 03:28:02 Chatlog
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[2023-10-19 03:29:03] -[HELLO]-: boooo
[2023-10-19 03:29:08] -[HELLO]-: dustbowl elite map
[2023-10-19 03:29:27] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lol
[2023-10-19 03:30:43] -[HELLO]-JESTER: yikes
[2023-10-19 03:31:04] Crash: any chefs here
[2023-10-19 03:31:21] Crash: no into cooking good meat?
[2023-10-19 03:31:38] Mr. Fox: pro chef, or hobby chef?
[2023-10-19 03:31:49] Crash: lookng for recommedations
[2023-10-19 03:31:54] Crash: on a good santoku knife
[2023-10-19 03:32:24] Mr. Fox: Wusthof Classic 100%
[2023-10-19 03:32:37] Mr. Fox: unless you are into Japanese style
[2023-10-19 03:32:39] Mr. Fox: brands
[2023-10-19 03:32:46] Crash: yep its either german or jap
[2023-10-19 03:32:51] Mr. Fox: cant beat Wusthof though
[2023-10-19 03:32:54] Crash: probably after a forged one
[2023-10-19 03:33:02] Deadly Squirrel: Ginger-Tereyaki marinated Louisiana Red Fish 16"-19" only
[2023-10-19 03:33:02] Crash: dont wanna pay more than 100 usd tho
[2023-10-19 03:33:06] Deadly Squirrel: on BBQ grill
[2023-10-19 03:33:08] Mr. Fox: they beat most small companies
[2023-10-19 03:33:28] Crash: wusthof?
[2023-10-19 03:33:30] -[HELLO]-JESTER: for a knife!!!!!!!!!!
[2023-10-19 03:33:31] Mr. Fox: might be hard with shipping
[2023-10-19 03:33:59] Mr. Fox: id recommend finding a store to feel them though
[2023-10-19 03:34:08] Mr. Fox: make sure the balance and fit is good for you
[2023-10-19 03:34:20] Crash: yah was wondering abot balance
[2023-10-19 03:34:20] Mr. Fox: then order online
[2023-10-19 03:34:32] Crash: so basically u hold it half way and handle and blade shod
[2023-10-19 03:34:34] Crash: weigh same?
[2023-10-19 03:34:40] Mr. Fox: all the reviews in the world cant replace actually feeling it
[2023-10-19 03:35:00] Mr. Fox: kinda, hold it like you would use it, then lift your back finge
[2023-10-19 03:35:10] Mr. Fox: it should balance on your index finger
[2023-10-19 03:35:16] Crash: ah right
[2023-10-19 03:35:46] -[HELLO]-JESTER: switch hands and stroke real fast will do it crash
[2023-10-19 03:35:52] Mr. Fox: you can also find them used online
[2023-10-19 03:36:04] Crash: doin that riht now jester
[2023-10-19 03:36:07] Mr. Fox: then send them into th company under their lifetime warrenty
[2023-10-19 03:36:27] _Brain Damage_: find what?
[2023-10-19 03:36:27] -[HELLO]-JESTER: li
[2023-10-19 03:36:41] Mr. Fox: they havent changed much in 60+ years, so a used one will be ju
[2023-10-19 03:36:46] Mr. Fox: just as good
[2023-10-19 03:37:17] Mr. Fox: Kai also makes some decent knives at a budget level
[2023-10-19 03:37:26] Deadly Squirrel: srry
[2023-10-19 03:37:27] Creamy Goodness: whoops
[2023-10-19 03:37:27] Mr. Fox: just make sure to get the Jap made, not China
[2023-10-19 03:37:30] Crash: i found out abot wusthof just last nite
[2023-10-19 03:37:33] Crash: yeah
[2023-10-19 03:37:36] Deadly Squirrel: he was getting back up
[2023-10-19 03:37:54] Mr. Fox: i used to work in a cooking store when i was younger
[2023-10-19 03:38:01] Mr. Fox: wusthof is by far the best
[2023-10-19 03:38:20] Mr. Fox: if you can find Cutco out there, they are a good American made
[2023-10-19 03:38:50] Mr. Fox: also expensive though
[2023-10-19 03:39:18] _Brain Damage_: why not just ikea stuff? wha's diff?
[2023-10-19 03:39:35] Mr. Fox: henckels is also decent, but varies a lot between lines
[2023-10-19 03:39:35] Crash: ikea do make som good stuff
[2023-10-19 03:39:43] Mr. Fox: not their knives though
[2023-10-19 03:39:48] Crash: yhats the one i was looking at today
[2023-10-19 03:39:54] Crash: zwiling make em
[2023-10-19 03:39:59] Crash: its heir budget range
[2023-10-19 03:40:05] Mr. Fox: yea, and their good ones are good
[2023-10-19 03:40:15] Mr. Fox: look for made in Spain or Germany
[2023-10-19 03:40:31] Crash: i got offered to buy two zwiling santoku knives
[2023-10-19 03:40:32] Crash: for 100 usd
[2023-10-19 03:40:34] Deadly Squirrel: crap
[2023-10-19 03:40:34] Mr. Fox: they also have china and taiwan made
[2023-10-19 03:40:39] Deadly Squirrel: sry
[2023-10-19 03:40:44] Crash: also span
[2023-10-19 03:40:55] Mr. Fox: look for the Twins logo, not the single man
[2023-10-19 03:41:17] Crash: oh twins
[2023-10-19 03:41:23] Crash: twins polux?
[2023-10-19 03:41:30] Mr. Fox: Shun is my fav asian brand
[2023-10-19 03:41:46] Crash: zwelling twins polux i think i saw today
[2023-10-19 03:41:48] Mr. Fox: twins on their logo
[2023-10-19 03:42:00] Crash: oh yeah
[2023-10-19 03:42:03] Mr. Fox: yea, those are their better line
[2023-10-19 03:42:11] Crash: looks like their doing te eiffel tower lol
[2023-10-19 03:42:24] Mr. Fox: id recommend getting the best quality that you can afford
[2023-10-19 03:42:33] Mr. Fox: as long as it feels good in your hand
[2023-10-19 03:42:46] Crash: guy at flag
[2023-10-19 03:42:51] Mr. Fox: a good knife will still be used by your grandkids
[2023-10-19 03:43:29] -[HELLO]-JESTER: yall must do a lot of cooking
[2023-10-19 03:43:38] Crash: nah im just getting into food prep
[2023-10-19 03:43:38] _Brain Damage_: full of microbes and viruses
[2023-10-19 03:43:56] _Brain Damage_: lol
[2023-10-19 03:44:00] _Brain Damage_: in case of?
[2023-10-19 03:44:01] Mr. Fox: i worked for a cooking store when i was younger
[2023-10-19 03:44:01] Mr. Fox: lol
[2023-10-19 03:44:44] Mr. Fox: lmao
[2023-10-19 03:44:48] -[HELLO]-JESTER: sorry
[2023-10-19 03:44:55] Mr. Fox: np
[2023-10-19 03:44:56] Crash: luck
[2023-10-19 03:45:08] Mr. Fox: lol
[2023-10-19 03:45:08] Crash: FLAG
[2023-10-19 03:45:34] Crash: n1 creamy
[2023-10-19 03:46:50] _Brain Damage_: rat
[2023-10-19 03:46:53] Crash: kisses
[2023-10-19 03:46:58] _Brain Damage_: ;)
[2023-10-19 03:47:16] Deadly Squirrel: Im Not a Rat... I have plumage !
[2023-10-19 03:47:22] Mr. Fox: lmao
[2023-10-19 03:47:27] _Brain Damage_: :)))
[2023-10-19 03:47:30] _Brain Damage_: sry
[2023-10-19 03:47:53] _Brain Damage_: brb beer
[2023-10-19 03:47:53] Crash: lol
[2023-10-19 03:49:59] Deadly Squirrel: do-over we werent ready
[2023-10-19 03:50:22] Crash: who wants mr time
[2023-10-19 03:50:23] Crash: more*
[2023-10-19 03:50:27] Mr. Fox: no
[2023-10-19 03:50:28] Goosey: me
[2023-10-19 03:50:37] _Brain Damage_: I was drinking buddy
[2023-10-19 03:50:38] Crash: anyone else
[2023-10-19 03:50:40] Crash: ?
[2023-10-19 03:50:45] Creamy Goodness: sure
[2023-10-19 03:50:46] _Brain Damage_: I was drinking dude
[2023-10-19 03:51:10] Crash: k added 7mins
[2023-10-19 03:51:11] Goosey: just enough for me to kill a fox
[2023-10-19 03:51:18] Mr. Fox: ; )\
[2023-10-19 03:51:21] Goosey: :D
[2023-10-19 03:51:28] Deadly Squirrel: ftk
[2023-10-19 03:51:31] _Brain Damage_: u can ad +20
[2023-10-19 03:51:36] Deadly Squirrel: well placed !
[2023-10-19 03:51:41] _Brain Damage_: I think most are good with it
[2023-10-19 03:51:44] Deadly Squirrel: srry
[2023-10-19 03:52:06] _Brain Damage_: lol fox
[2023-10-19 03:52:13] Crash: damn cudnt c4 him lol
[2023-10-19 03:52:14] Mr. Fox: sry
[2023-10-19 03:52:35] Mr. Fox: lmao
[2023-10-19 03:52:36] Goosey: haha
[2023-10-19 03:53:08] _Brain Damage_: cheers
[2023-10-19 03:54:07] Mr. Fox: lmao
[2023-10-19 03:54:12] Mr. Fox: didnt expect that
[2023-10-19 03:54:53] Deadly Squirrel: u cant park there no permit
[2023-10-19 03:55:27] Goosey: hey kil!
[2023-10-19 03:55:29] Kilgore: hi
[2023-10-19 03:55:35] _Brain Damage_: hey
[2023-10-19 03:55:51] _Brain Damage_: lt col kilgore or just kilg?
[2023-10-19 03:56:03] Goosey: the real one;)
[2023-10-19 03:56:07] Kilgore: ill switch for teambalance
[2023-10-19 03:56:08] _Brain Damage_: k
[2023-10-19 03:56:18] Crash: aw
[2023-10-19 03:56:18] _Brain Damage_: he lost his rank?
[2023-10-19 03:56:23] Crash: diff guy
[2023-10-19 03:56:37] slick_z: sry
[2023-10-19 03:56:55] Mr. Fox: lmao
[2023-10-19 03:58:53] Crash: lol
[2023-10-19 03:58:56] Crash: !nextmap
[2023-10-19 04:00:20] Mr. Fox: lol
[2023-10-19 04:00:28] Crash: soz
[2023-10-19 04:00:36] Deadly Squirrel: np
[2023-10-19 04:00:43] Crash: were u driving that truck??
[2023-10-19 04:01:06] Mr. Fox: goosd
[2023-10-19 04:01:10] Goosey: :D
[2023-10-19 04:01:28] Crash: gg
[2023-10-19 04:01:30] Crash: el al

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