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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_al_nas - 2023-12-02 00:21:01 Chatlog
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[2023-12-02 00:22:57] Goosey: fresh fudge!
[2023-12-02 00:23:36] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: fiddy across river
[2023-12-02 00:23:59] Goosey: haha
[2023-12-02 00:24:08] Goosey: giggling too much
[2023-12-02 00:24:32] _Brain Damage_: Mr Sanchez
[2023-12-02 00:24:45] Rick Sanchez: what
[2023-12-02 00:24:53] _Brain Damage_: I wanna know your recipe for good avocado
[2023-12-02 00:24:54] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: BD bailed?
[2023-12-02 00:25:07] Crash: boiled
[2023-12-02 00:25:35] Rick Sanchez: just eat it, dice it with beans and feta cheese
[2023-12-02 00:25:44] _Brain Damage_: not guacamole
[2023-12-02 00:26:00] Rick Sanchez: no thats a mexican american BS
[2023-12-02 00:26:17] _Brain Damage_: I dont have beans nor the other thing
[2023-12-02 00:26:21] Crash: oh
[2023-12-02 00:26:22] Crash: lol
[2023-12-02 00:26:34] Crash: i was killing that truck
[2023-12-02 00:26:38] _Brain Damage_: I dont have feta
[2023-12-02 00:26:42] Crash: mm feta
[2023-12-02 00:26:54] Rick Sanchez: no beans? beans are international
[2023-12-02 00:27:05] _Brain Damage_: u dont fkin help famine in afrika sancho mf I reported u
[2023-12-02 00:27:16] _Brain Damage_: to UNICEF
[2023-12-02 00:27:44] _Brain Damage_: I took scrren shots
[2023-12-02 00:27:47] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: technically chick peas are a bean
[2023-12-02 00:27:51] Crash: sht
[2023-12-02 00:27:57] Goosey: lol
[2023-12-02 00:28:08] Goosey: why they called peas then..
[2023-12-02 00:28:28] Crash: told u
[2023-12-02 00:28:28] _Brain Damage_: I fkin dont have peas I gOOOOTAA avocado
[2023-12-02 00:28:31] Rick Sanchez: make a red or black bean soup, drop some fetacheese and avocado
[2023-12-02 00:28:34] _Brain Damage_: I need recipe now !!!
[2023-12-02 00:28:41] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: lol
[2023-12-02 00:28:42] Crash: lol
[2023-12-02 00:28:55] Rick Sanchez: and some tortilla or nacho chips
[2023-12-02 00:29:03] Goosey: tAcoS
[2023-12-02 00:29:09] _Brain Damage_: I'm hungry afrinkan GONNNA human soup of u ALL soon mf's
[2023-12-02 00:29:14] Rick Sanchez: no meat needed
[2023-12-02 00:29:27] Crash: i started doing meal prep
[2023-12-02 00:29:27] _Brain Damage_: sancho meat soup
[2023-12-02 00:29:31] _Brain Damage_: voiled
[2023-12-02 00:29:33] Crash: works out at 2$ per meal
[2023-12-02 00:29:34] _Brain Damage_: boiled
[2023-12-02 00:29:41] _Brain Damage_: 3 days
[2023-12-02 00:29:49] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: i might roast some duck
[2023-12-02 00:29:51] Mr. Fox: bush meat soup
[2023-12-02 00:30:06] _Brain Damage_: afrikapuclipto me
[2023-12-02 00:30:14] Rick Sanchez: in moroco do they put white people on a stick with fire and eat
[2023-12-02 00:30:15] _Brain Damage_:
[2023-12-02 00:30:17] Rick Sanchez: thwm?
[2023-12-02 00:30:24] Rick Sanchez: them
[2023-12-02 00:30:26] Crash: i eat turkey last nite
[2023-12-02 00:30:30] _Brain Damage_: yes human meat
[2023-12-02 00:30:46] _Brain Damage_: from american everyday in afrika markets
[2023-12-02 00:30:52] Goosey: my cousin
[2023-12-02 00:30:52] Rick Sanchez: I eat ass too
[2023-12-02 00:31:07] _Brain Damage_: tourists BBQ with sunglasses
[2023-12-02 00:31:35] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: hi
[2023-12-02 00:31:39] Goosey: hey
[2023-12-02 00:31:42] _Brain Damage_: hi
[2023-12-02 00:32:00] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: nw
[2023-12-02 00:32:03] _Brain Damage_: we were talking about the halaship of human meat
[2023-12-02 00:32:04] Crash: lol
[2023-12-02 00:32:06] _Brain Damage_: yay/nay?
[2023-12-02 00:32:38] Rick Sanchez: one coworker from ethiopia say they dont eat ass in africa
[2023-12-02 00:32:38] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: lol
[2023-12-02 00:32:39] Crash: jeep ging back way
[2023-12-02 00:32:45] zanshin: ]
[2023-12-02 00:32:45] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: tities
[2023-12-02 00:32:46] Goosey: any of you on discord?
[2023-12-02 00:32:55] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: was getting shot by mortar...sorry
[2023-12-02 00:32:57] Rick Sanchez: no water so all ases are dirty
[2023-12-02 00:33:05] Crash: lol
[2023-12-02 00:33:06] -[HELLO]-AdmiralTitus: evening gentlemen
[2023-12-02 00:33:10] _Brain Damage_: I can eat your ASS sancho BBQ"d
[2023-12-02 00:33:12] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: hi
[2023-12-02 00:33:13] Crash: hi titus
[2023-12-02 00:33:21] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: lol
[2023-12-02 00:33:25] Crash: splash
[2023-12-02 00:33:47] _Brain Damage_: but I want avocado tonite, you're lucky
[2023-12-02 00:33:56] Rick Sanchez: no ass for you fox
[2023-12-02 00:34:11] Goosey: waaam
[2023-12-02 00:34:18] Mr. Fox: lol
[2023-12-02 00:34:18] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: lol
[2023-12-02 00:35:05] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: sht sry
[2023-12-02 00:35:06] Crash: nice cap
[2023-12-02 00:35:09] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: lol np
[2023-12-02 00:35:15] Crash: hehe
[2023-12-02 00:35:49] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: lol fo
[2023-12-02 00:36:35] Mr. Fox: lol dam
[2023-12-02 00:37:21] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: i hit cam
[2023-12-02 00:37:40] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: fuckig internet
[2023-12-02 00:38:42] _Brain Damage_: I'm better than that sanchez
[2023-12-02 00:38:52] Goosey: lol
[2023-12-02 00:39:07] Crash: lol wow
[2023-12-02 00:39:08] Goosey: he cooks better than you
[2023-12-02 00:39:22] Crash: lol
[2023-12-02 00:39:30] _Brain Damage_: I worked as chef during my student days.
[2023-12-02 00:39:37] _Brain Damage_: so u never know
[2023-12-02 00:39:46] Crash: really
[2023-12-02 00:39:46] Mr. Fox: chef might be a stretch
[2023-12-02 00:39:48] zanshin: haha
[2023-12-02 00:39:54] Goosey: lol
[2023-12-02 00:39:56] Crash: so what was it like being a chracter on south park anyway
[2023-12-02 00:40:02] _Brain Damage_: yeas +1.5 years in restorant
[2023-12-02 00:40:28] Crash: lol goose
[2023-12-02 00:40:30] Goosey: ha
[2023-12-02 00:40:32] _Brain Damage_: it was like realityn acquiring some skill
[2023-12-02 00:40:58] Rick Sanchez: so did you fall don i=on the oily floor ?
[2023-12-02 00:41:11] _Brain Damage_: nope
[2023-12-02 00:41:15] Rick Sanchez: and damaged your brain
[2023-12-02 00:41:26] _Brain Damage_: at 1st I only washed dishes...
[2023-12-02 00:41:33] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: sorry
[2023-12-02 00:42:24] Mr. Fox: lol sry goos
[2023-12-02 00:42:27] Goosey: :I
[2023-12-02 00:42:28] Goosey: np
[2023-12-02 00:44:35] Crash: soz
[2023-12-02 00:44:38] Goosey: np
[2023-12-02 00:44:40] _Brain Damage_: lol
[2023-12-02 00:44:48] Mr. Fox: lol
[2023-12-02 00:44:50] Mr. Fox: gf
[2023-12-02 00:45:00] Crash: truck
[2023-12-02 00:45:23] Crash: crap
[2023-12-02 00:45:30] Goosey: lol do i have tk on my back;)
[2023-12-02 00:45:30] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: ns
[2023-12-02 00:45:33] Mr. Fox: ty
[2023-12-02 00:45:50] Crash: lol
[2023-12-02 00:45:52] Mr. Fox: lol sry crash
[2023-12-02 00:45:58] _Brain Damage_: dude pls LEEEMMMME CAP
[2023-12-02 00:46:06] _Brain Damage_: I need points in my veins
[2023-12-02 00:46:06] Crash: no way
[2023-12-02 00:46:07] Crash: jose
[2023-12-02 00:46:11] _Brain Damage_: rofl
[2023-12-02 00:46:52] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: flag
[2023-12-02 00:47:20] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2023-12-02 00:47:23] Mr. Fox: lol ns
[2023-12-02 00:47:28] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: ty
[2023-12-02 00:47:39] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: yeh baby
[2023-12-02 00:50:02] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2023-12-02 00:50:16] Goosey: rofl
[2023-12-02 00:50:23] Crash: gg
[2023-12-02 00:50:43] _Brain Damage_: u guys gave no valuable idea for my further dish
[2023-12-02 00:50:53] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: how about a plane free evening?
[2023-12-02 00:50:53] _Brain Damage_: i.eS avocado
[2023-12-02 00:51:01] Goosey: not if all you have at home is avocado
[2023-12-02 00:51:07] _Brain Damage_: yeah INF FOREVER
[2023-12-02 00:51:15] _Brain Damage_: I'm inf man
[2023-12-02 00:51:18] Crash: i prefer a female dish
[2023-12-02 00:51:30] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: gg
[2023-12-02 00:51:33] -[HELLO]-AdmiralTitus: gg

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