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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - berlin - 2023-12-17 01:30:01 Chatlog
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[2023-12-17 01:31:29] xX*(D.I.E)*Xx Nimrod: ahoy
[2023-12-17 01:32:25] Deprecated666: lol
[2023-12-17 01:32:52] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: sonof
[2023-12-17 01:32:58] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: damn
[2023-12-17 01:33:40] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: nice
[2023-12-17 01:34:13] _Brain Damage_: thanks for having banned ferix
[2023-12-17 01:34:19] _Brain Damage_: he dserverd it
[2023-12-17 01:34:32] xX*(D.I.E)*Xx Nimrod: hey brain
[2023-12-17 01:34:37] _Brain Damage_: HEY BD1
[2023-12-17 01:34:42] _Brain Damage_: hey NIBROD
[2023-12-17 01:34:59] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: hola brettz
[2023-12-17 01:35:04] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: hi nimrod
[2023-12-17 01:35:04] _Brain Damage_: shalom
[2023-12-17 01:35:09] Brettanomyces: ola
[2023-12-17 01:35:23] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: lmao
[2023-12-17 01:35:24] Crash: lol
[2023-12-17 01:35:24] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: ow
[2023-12-17 01:35:32] _Brain Damage_: turn oofff pc brett it's shabat
[2023-12-17 01:35:39] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: lmfao BD
[2023-12-17 01:35:50] Brettanomyces: iant no arab
[2023-12-17 01:35:51] _Brain Damage_: xD
[2023-12-17 01:36:01] _Brain Damage_: this world needs my rules
[2023-12-17 01:36:03] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: by gee ibr
[2023-12-17 01:36:06] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: get ibra
[2023-12-17 01:36:29] Brettanomyces: BD you were annoyong at FHSW just chill now ok
[2023-12-17 01:36:42] _Brain Damage_: I want f35 mirror skin mod now
[2023-12-17 01:36:45] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: ow
[2023-12-17 01:36:58] Fer_xr (Spain): yes, shut yur mouth, yu idea ot
[2023-12-17 01:37:06] _Brain Damage_: I'm agnious brett u cant catch me
[2023-12-17 01:37:23] _Brain Damage_: mirrror skin f35 now mod now !!!
[2023-12-17 01:38:00] _Brain Damage_: I I'm against spanish majority here, I'm a resitant, we are opp
[2023-12-17 01:38:04] _Brain Damage_: opposition
[2023-12-17 01:38:28] _Brain Damage_: brett u gotta have moro DNA too so...
[2023-12-17 01:38:32] _Brain Damage_: do DNA test pls
[2023-12-17 01:38:56] _Brain Damage_: u might be 25% from my city iof rabat morocco
[2023-12-17 01:39:01] _Brain Damage_: go check it out
[2023-12-17 01:39:23] Fer_xr (Spain): quit that shit yu racist pig
[2023-12-17 01:39:24] Fer_xr (Spain): lol
[2023-12-17 01:39:47] _Brain Damage_: I'm not racist nor racialist at all it's u
[2023-12-17 01:39:59] ABU: abuuuu
[2023-12-17 01:40:02] ABU: brrr
[2023-12-17 01:40:11] Fer_xr (Spain): yu're the one talking race strings
[2023-12-17 01:40:17] _Brain Damage_: I just found out I'm from spain that's it
[2023-12-17 01:40:32] xX*(D.I.E)*Xx Nimrod: lol
[2023-12-17 01:40:38] _Brain Damage_: my family tree belongs to andalus
[2023-12-17 01:40:41] Fer_xr (Spain): so its on the contrary then
[2023-12-17 01:40:46] _Brain Damage_: what can I do?
[2023-12-17 01:40:48] Chrome3695: Hi
[2023-12-17 01:40:53] Fer_xr (Spain): yu wish lol
[2023-12-17 01:40:55] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: hi chrome!
[2023-12-17 01:41:21] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: ow
[2023-12-17 01:41:23] _Brain Damage_: I dont wish
[2023-12-17 01:41:35] _Brain Damage_: I've never wished, just a fact
[2023-12-17 01:41:40] _Brain Damage_: it's dramatic
[2023-12-17 01:41:50] Fer_xr (Spain): i dont give a fact
[2023-12-17 01:42:09] _Brain Damage_: no one cares about it
[2023-12-17 01:42:25] Fer_xr (Spain): only you
[2023-12-17 01:42:34] Chrome3695: damn
[2023-12-17 01:42:43] _Brain Damage_: there are facts live with them racistly if u wish
[2023-12-17 01:43:17] Fer_xr (Spain): fact you
[2023-12-17 01:43:22] Merry Christmas!: :O
[2023-12-17 01:43:23] _Brain Damage_: sup BD
[2023-12-17 01:43:32] Merry Christmas!: hi BD
[2023-12-17 01:43:32] Fer_xr (Spain): hi bunny
[2023-12-17 01:43:38] Merry Christmas!: yo
[2023-12-17 01:43:43] Merry Christmas!: been a fat minute
[2023-12-17 01:43:46] _Brain Damage_: as u notice tards grew trader...
[2023-12-17 01:43:51] Brettanomyces: alley
[2023-12-17 01:44:24] Deprecated666: lol
[2023-12-17 01:44:54] _Brain Damage_: I'm trying hard to reeduccate this lost boy but
[2023-12-17 01:45:00] _Brain Damage_: there is no hope
[2023-12-17 01:45:11] xX*(D.I.E)*Xx Nimrod: there is another !
[2023-12-17 01:45:12] xX*(D.I.E)*Xx Nimrod: a sister...
[2023-12-17 01:45:15] Merry Christmas!: lol
[2023-12-17 01:45:55] Sgt. Schultz: watch my c4 on the corner
[2023-12-17 01:46:27] Chrome3695: how did that miss
[2023-12-17 01:46:55] Crash: aLLEy
[2023-12-17 01:47:13] Merry Christmas!: :(
[2023-12-17 01:48:19] Chrome3695: F6 F7
[2023-12-17 01:48:36] Chrome3695: i mean, keyboard
[2023-12-17 01:53:01] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: sry
[2023-12-17 01:53:08] Fer_xr (Spain): kick this dude lol
[2023-12-17 01:53:13] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: hi jester
[2023-12-17 01:53:20] Crash: who
[2023-12-17 01:53:22] _Brain Damage_: I m reheating food
[2023-12-17 01:53:25] _Brain Damage_: for afrika
[2023-12-17 01:53:30] -[HELLO]-JESTER: AGAIN
[2023-12-17 01:53:34] _Brain Damage_: hi J
[2023-12-17 01:53:51] Fer_xr (Spain): BBO for tking lol
[2023-12-17 01:53:58] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: lol
[2023-12-17 01:54:01] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: lies
[2023-12-17 01:54:56] Fer_xr (Spain): lag
[2023-12-17 01:55:00] _Brain Damage_: hows things bd
[2023-12-17 01:55:10] Crash: tell bd abot bd
[2023-12-17 01:55:15] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: lmfao
[2023-12-17 01:55:20] _Brain Damage_: I was afraid u died of covod lol
[2023-12-17 01:55:21] Merry Christmas!: good
[2023-12-17 01:55:26] Merry Christmas!: lol no
[2023-12-17 01:55:29] _Brain Damage_: cvoid
[2023-12-17 01:55:38] -[HELLO]-JESTER: 15 BANG
[2023-12-17 01:55:50] Sgt. Schultz: sry
[2023-12-17 01:55:55] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SORRY
[2023-12-17 01:55:55] _Brain Damage_: u disaperaead lol u gootta work for MI6
[2023-12-17 01:56:15] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: indeed ester
[2023-12-17 01:56:23] Crash: lol
[2023-12-17 01:56:43] -[HELLO]-JESTER: ESTER?
[2023-12-17 01:56:47] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: jester ;)
[2023-12-17 01:56:50] Crash: easter time jester
[2023-12-17 01:56:53] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: ^
[2023-12-17 01:56:56] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lol
[2023-12-17 01:57:24] Fer_xr (Spain): lol
[2023-12-17 01:58:05] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: lol
[2023-12-17 01:58:05] Crash: lol
[2023-12-17 01:58:29] xX*(D.I.E)*Xx Nimrod: alley
[2023-12-17 01:58:30] Chrome3695: ol
[2023-12-17 01:58:32] Chrome3695: lol
[2023-12-17 01:58:43] Deprecated666: lol
[2023-12-17 01:59:06] Sgt. Schultz: thats what she said
[2023-12-17 01:59:08] Crash: lol
[2023-12-17 01:59:12] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: son of
[2023-12-17 01:59:17] Crash: a beach
[2023-12-17 02:00:07] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: lol
[2023-12-17 02:00:27] xX*(D.I.E)*Xx Nimrod: n1
[2023-12-17 02:00:32] _Brain Damage_: my name is BRYAN
[2023-12-17 02:00:36] _Brain Damage_: the genius thanks
[2023-12-17 02:00:55] Crash: keep on tryan
[2023-12-17 02:00:56] Crash: bryan
[2023-12-17 02:00:57] _Brain Damage_: cause ferix is jealous
[2023-12-17 02:01:10] _Brain Damage_: racistly jealousy
[2023-12-17 02:01:10] Crash: clearyl
[2023-12-17 02:01:14] Crash: no
[2023-12-17 02:01:38] _Brain Damage_: all spanish are to moros come one
[2023-12-17 02:01:38] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: oh shit
[2023-12-17 02:01:39] _Brain Damage_: on
[2023-12-17 02:01:41] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: ffs
[2023-12-17 02:01:42] Deprecated666: lol
[2023-12-17 02:01:42] Fer_xr (Spain): lol brain yur bad
[2023-12-17 02:01:43] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: sorry dude
[2023-12-17 02:01:44] _Brain Damage_: so obvious
[2023-12-17 02:01:47] Deprecated666: np
[2023-12-17 02:01:49] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: i saw humvee coming at my face
[2023-12-17 02:01:52] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: muscle memory
[2023-12-17 02:01:55] Fer_xr (Spain): especially in DC
[2023-12-17 02:02:04] _Brain Damage_: they always act like superior
[2023-12-17 02:02:08] Deprecated666: i know how it goes, lol
[2023-12-17 02:02:47] BadAim: nice finally got me
[2023-12-17 02:02:51] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: stb!
[2023-12-17 02:02:54] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: stab!
[2023-12-17 02:03:31] Deprecated666: ouch
[2023-12-17 02:03:44] Chrome3695: boom
[2023-12-17 02:04:29] Crash: !nextmap
[2023-12-17 02:04:34] Fer_xr (Spain): hmmm...crash & jester
[2023-12-17 02:04:43] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: new bocage crsh
[2023-12-17 02:04:48] Fer_xr (Spain): bet yu were kissing
[2023-12-17 02:04:52] Crash: vote for it
[2023-12-17 02:04:55] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: !nextmap
[2023-12-17 02:05:41] Deprecated666: sorry
[2023-12-17 02:05:42] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: ow
[2023-12-17 02:05:54] Chrome3695: im blue
[2023-12-17 02:05:59] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: ow
[2023-12-17 02:05:59] xX*(D.I.E)*Xx Nimrod: lol
[2023-12-17 02:06:28] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: k
[2023-12-17 02:06:29] Fer_xr (Spain): dohhh
[2023-12-17 02:06:29] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: lol
[2023-12-17 02:06:40] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: rofl
[2023-12-17 02:06:46] Chrome3695: Enemies in blue
[2023-12-17 02:06:47] Fer_xr (Spain): lol
[2023-12-17 02:07:04] Chrome3695: your worst enemy is your own team
[2023-12-17 02:07:12] Deprecated666: indeed
[2023-12-17 02:07:22] BadAim: car d4
[2023-12-17 02:07:25] Fer_xr (Spain): nade ho
[2023-12-17 02:08:09] _Brain Damage_: I'm rehating food for afrika and some poor spanish
[2023-12-17 02:08:31] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHAT YA HAVING BRAIN?
[2023-12-17 02:08:32] Fer_xr (Spain): yu cuscus eater
[2023-12-17 02:08:41] _Brain Damage_: ferix u should not be to be EU citizen
[2023-12-17 02:08:42] Fer_xr (Spain): cux
[2023-12-17 02:08:43] xX*(D.I.E)*Xx Nimrod: gg
[2023-12-17 02:08:48] Crash: 1 min t go
[2023-12-17 02:08:49] Crash: woohoo
[2023-12-17 02:08:50] _Brain Damage_: u too 3d wordish
[2023-12-17 02:08:56] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: fac
[2023-12-17 02:09:01] xX*(D.I.E)*Xx Nimrod: lols
[2023-12-17 02:09:07] _Brain Damage_: u afrkian DNA
[2023-12-17 02:09:16] Chrome3695: como cuando
[2023-12-17 02:09:16] Brettanomyces: !nextmap
[2023-12-17 02:09:19] Chrome3695: porque
[2023-12-17 02:09:29] Brettanomyces: que pasa
[2023-12-17 02:09:30] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: our latest ctf mod is next :)
[2023-12-17 02:09:32] Chrome3695: no nada
[2023-12-17 02:09:34] xX*(D.I.E)*Xx Nimrod: y quiero taco bell
[2023-12-17 02:09:34] _Brain Damage_: dudes
[2023-12-17 02:09:42] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHAT YOU EATING brain?
[2023-12-17 02:09:42] _Brain Damage_: to many spanish here
[2023-12-17 02:09:47] Fer_xr (Spain): chromeo y julieta
[2023-12-17 02:09:49] Brettanomyces: his dik
[2023-12-17 02:09:53] Chrome3695: si
[2023-12-17 02:09:54] _Brain Damage_: some mixed stuff
[2023-12-17 02:09:58] Crash: gg all
[2023-12-17 02:10:04] Sgt. Schultz: gg
[2023-12-17 02:10:05] _Brain Damage_: hard to describe
[2023-12-17 02:10:05] Crash: gg blue we win woot
[2023-12-17 02:10:06] BadAim: gg
[2023-12-17 02:10:11] Chrome3695: gg
[2023-12-17 02:10:13] -[HELLO]-JESTER: monkey and ox
[2023-12-17 02:10:16] Chrome3695: no we lsstott
[2023-12-17 02:10:18] Chrome3695: leost
[2023-12-17 02:10:24] _Brain Damage_: just salted patisry
[2023-12-17 02:10:31] Fer_xr (Spain): BrainDamage Fag

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