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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_twin_rivers - 2023-12-21 01:25:01 Chatlog
Players Clans Character-Types Weapons Vehicles Maps

[2023-12-21 01:27:21] Mr. Fox: goos!
[2023-12-21 01:27:30] _Brain Damage_: brett :D
[2023-12-21 01:27:30] Goosey: entree .. roast foX!
[2023-12-21 01:27:35] Brettanomyces: kkkkkkkkkkk
[2023-12-21 01:27:36] Mr. Fox: ; )
[2023-12-21 01:27:40] Crash: hi goose
[2023-12-21 01:27:44] Goosey: hey
[2023-12-21 01:27:59] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: goose goose!
[2023-12-21 01:28:02] Goosey: :D
[2023-12-21 01:28:04] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: Hola bretta
[2023-12-21 01:28:04] Crash: we got 30 players here ysterday
[2023-12-21 01:28:10] Lord Humphrey: kwat
[2023-12-21 01:28:17] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: indeed we did
[2023-12-21 01:28:19] Mr. Fox: lol dam
[2023-12-21 01:28:21] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: on this map too lol
[2023-12-21 01:28:24] Crash: yep
[2023-12-21 01:28:27] Brettanomyces: grey goose
[2023-12-21 01:28:31] Mr. Fox: this map > Nas
[2023-12-21 01:28:34] Crash: booze*^
[2023-12-21 01:28:49] Crash: fox: any map with harrier > other maps
[2023-12-21 01:28:55] Crash: :P
[2023-12-21 01:28:57] Mr. Fox: i agree
[2023-12-21 01:29:01] Crash: ^
[2023-12-21 01:29:24] Crash: im working on puttin in
[2023-12-21 01:29:33] Crash: a super warthog in a new map
[2023-12-21 01:29:38] Mr. Fox: lol nice
[2023-12-21 01:29:41] Mr. Fox: what map?
[2023-12-21 01:29:53] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: a what
[2023-12-21 01:30:03] Crash: probably A new El Al with pyramids in it
[2023-12-21 01:30:11] Mr. Fox: sounds cool!
[2023-12-21 01:30:48] Brettanomyces: too drubk to ply
[2023-12-21 01:31:12] _Brain Damage_: I'm too drubk too xDDDD
[2023-12-21 01:31:24] _Brain Damage_: we are the
[2023-12-21 01:31:35] Crash: i got a bottle of woodforde bourbon
[2023-12-21 01:31:40] Crash: and makers mark, unopened
[2023-12-21 01:31:44] Brettanomyces: ican kill but i can die
[2023-12-21 01:31:50] Goosey: hohs bourbon is nice
[2023-12-21 01:31:51] _Brain Damage_: I got empty cans of beers
[2023-12-21 01:31:53] Goosey: hogs
[2023-12-21 01:31:54] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: hi jester
[2023-12-21 01:32:04] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SHHHHHH
[2023-12-21 01:32:06] Brettanomyces: lots of rye wiskey
[2023-12-21 01:32:24] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: rofl
[2023-12-21 01:32:52] Crash: aw
[2023-12-21 01:32:57] Goosey: baha
[2023-12-21 01:32:57] Mr. Fox: lol damit
[2023-12-21 01:33:12] Mr. Fox: thought i cleared the roof lol
[2023-12-21 01:33:19] Crash: didnt realize the gaskin was turbo
[2023-12-21 01:33:23] Goosey: ur belly hit it
[2023-12-21 01:33:29] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: lol
[2023-12-21 01:33:35] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: all turbo i think
[2023-12-21 01:33:44] Brettanomyces: jester
[2023-12-21 01:33:48] Brettanomyces: watch it
[2023-12-21 01:33:57] Brettanomyces: nub
[2023-12-21 01:34:07] _Brain Damage_: hey Jey
[2023-12-21 01:34:19] Mr. Fox: lol
[2023-12-21 01:34:25] buck west: lol
[2023-12-21 01:34:28] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey
[2023-12-21 01:34:29] Crash: i just ralized after all these years
[2023-12-21 01:34:38] Crash: how to get off a ladder when ur stuck
[2023-12-21 01:34:42] Crash: just jump backwards off of it
[2023-12-21 01:34:44] Mr. Fox: jump
[2023-12-21 01:34:44] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: space
[2023-12-21 01:34:46] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: ll
[2023-12-21 01:34:50] Crash: fark now u tell me
[2023-12-21 01:34:50] Mr. Fox: lol
[2023-12-21 01:34:57] Crash: where were you 8 yrs ago
[2023-12-21 01:35:02] Brettanomyces: guey
[2023-12-21 01:35:03] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: on ea
[2023-12-21 01:35:04] Mr. Fox: lmao crash
[2023-12-21 01:35:13] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: XD
[2023-12-21 01:35:29] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: nooo
[2023-12-21 01:35:43] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hahhehehehehehe
[2023-12-21 01:35:44] Goosey: eat that heli
[2023-12-21 01:35:54] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey sum bitch
[2023-12-21 01:36:10] Crash: it summer, beaches
[2023-12-21 01:36:19] Crash: its
[2023-12-21 01:36:55] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: hi dep
[2023-12-21 01:37:03] Deprecated666: howdy Bang
[2023-12-21 01:37:06] _Brain Damage_: still
[2023-12-21 01:37:23] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey dep
[2023-12-21 01:37:28] _Brain Damage_: hey D6
[2023-12-21 01:37:35] Deprecated666: hi Jester
[2023-12-21 01:37:38] Crash: lol
[2023-12-21 01:37:40] Deprecated666: hey Brain
[2023-12-21 01:38:26] Goosey: ah soz
[2023-12-21 01:38:33] Crash: lol
[2023-12-21 01:38:46] Crash: i think my wreckaged killed u
[2023-12-21 01:38:51] Crash: 50 cal sniper
[2023-12-21 01:38:53] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lol
[2023-12-21 01:39:48] Goosey: i touched it..
[2023-12-21 01:40:01] Crash: now I gotta @metoo you
[2023-12-21 01:40:06] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: so did your mom
[2023-12-21 01:40:18] _Roadie: Oh Gee, whereever did Zorro go???
[2023-12-21 01:40:19] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: hi roadie
[2023-12-21 01:40:29] _Roadie: evening All
[2023-12-21 01:40:38] buck west: hi roadie
[2023-12-21 01:40:41] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: almost half wway to 30!
[2023-12-21 01:40:43] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: lolol
[2023-12-21 01:40:47] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey roadis
[2023-12-21 01:41:08] Crash: wow
[2023-12-21 01:41:12] _Brain Damage_: hey
[2023-12-21 01:41:13] Goosey: just dropped in
[2023-12-21 01:41:15] Crash: harsh way to touch someone
[2023-12-21 01:41:19] Goosey: ha
[2023-12-21 01:41:20] Crash: no ph call?
[2023-12-21 01:41:23] _Roadie: that werks Goose, a little hard but werks
[2023-12-21 01:41:40] Goosey: :D
[2023-12-21 01:42:15] _Roadie: Bailer/Baler
[2023-12-21 01:42:25] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: LOL
[2023-12-21 01:42:28] buck west: LOL
[2023-12-21 01:42:35] _Roadie: By you Dep
[2023-12-21 01:42:40] _Brain Damage_: brett u not drunbk
[2023-12-21 01:42:49] _Brain Damage_: liar
[2023-12-21 01:42:50] Brettanomyces: a bit
[2023-12-21 01:43:49] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: hi odd forces
[2023-12-21 01:44:08] Crash: oq
[2023-12-21 01:44:09] Crash: ow
[2023-12-21 01:44:11] [Odd.Forcez]dk: s
[2023-12-21 01:44:14] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: ty
[2023-12-21 01:44:15] [Odd.Forcez]dk: shit sorry
[2023-12-21 01:44:17] [Odd.Forcez]dk: was tking fire
[2023-12-21 01:44:20] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: np
[2023-12-21 01:44:33] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: bonk
[2023-12-21 01:44:34] Deprecated666: lol
[2023-12-21 01:45:24] buck west: n1
[2023-12-21 01:45:28] Mr. Fox: ty
[2023-12-21 01:45:57] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: booo
[2023-12-21 01:46:08] Crash: hi od
[2023-12-21 01:46:20] [Odd.Forcez]dk: la!
[2023-12-21 01:46:47] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: LOL
[2023-12-21 01:46:49] Crash: nooooooooooooooooooo *splat*
[2023-12-21 01:47:35] Deprecated666: ouch
[2023-12-21 01:47:40] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: actual artilery lol
[2023-12-21 01:47:51] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: gimme a spot
[2023-12-21 01:47:56] Deprecated666: lol
[2023-12-21 01:48:17] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: lol fox
[2023-12-21 01:48:23] Mr. Fox: am lagged out
[2023-12-21 01:48:28] Crash: bang 50?
[2023-12-21 01:48:32] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: cal?
[2023-12-21 01:48:35] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: yeah 2 per side
[2023-12-21 01:48:37] _Roadie: usual excuse. lag lag lag
[2023-12-21 01:48:39] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: dunno where tho
[2023-12-21 01:48:41] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: inside bunkere
[2023-12-21 01:48:43] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: ner our flg
[2023-12-21 01:48:44] Crash: no u owe me a 50 bag of dope
[2023-12-21 01:48:50] _Roadie: nag, nag, nag
[2023-12-21 01:48:51] Crash: yeah the 50 cal
[2023-12-21 01:48:59] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: bunker near flag
[2023-12-21 01:49:00] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: one of them
[2023-12-21 01:49:01] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: inside
[2023-12-21 01:49:12] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: do that at their main
[2023-12-21 01:49:13] _Roadie: my flag
[2023-12-21 01:50:01] Crash: good work Odd
[2023-12-21 01:51:03] -[HELLO]-JESTER: damn you
[2023-12-21 01:51:28] Deprecated666: lol
[2023-12-21 01:52:01] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: he blew up my arty lol
[2023-12-21 01:53:34] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: lol
[2023-12-21 01:53:37] Deprecated666: lol
[2023-12-21 01:53:55] buck west: smokin bad dep
[2023-12-21 01:54:24] wildcard: waste
[2023-12-21 01:54:28] wildcard: waste
[2023-12-21 01:54:34] Crash: noooo
[2023-12-21 01:54:38] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: o
[2023-12-21 01:54:46] buck west: nice jester
[2023-12-21 01:54:54] -[HELLO]-JESTER: thanx
[2023-12-21 01:55:03] Brettanomyces: kudos jest u beat fox
[2023-12-21 01:55:06] _Roadie: long distance delivery!
[2023-12-21 01:55:39] -[HELLO]-JESTER: nope i didnt
[2023-12-21 01:57:02] _Roadie: oops..... sry B
[2023-12-21 01:58:17] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: lol
[2023-12-21 01:58:26] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: bad bail
[2023-12-21 01:59:36] _Roadie: wait for me....
[2023-12-21 01:59:44] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: sonofa tree.
[2023-12-21 02:00:20] Deprecated666: lol
[2023-12-21 02:00:40] Crash: ow
[2023-12-21 02:01:13] Deprecated666: damnit, lol
[2023-12-21 02:01:23] buck west: il gun for ya
[2023-12-21 02:01:26] Mr. Fox: lol sry dep
[2023-12-21 02:01:32] Deprecated666: all good, lol
[2023-12-21 02:02:33] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HELLO LADIES
[2023-12-21 02:03:04] Deprecated666: man, youre good :)
[2023-12-21 02:03:12] Mr. Fox: ty
[2023-12-21 02:03:17] Mr. Fox: love my jets
[2023-12-21 02:03:28] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: he loves nas a lot too
[2023-12-21 02:03:34] Mr. Fox: lol bang
[2023-12-21 02:04:58] buck west: n1
[2023-12-21 02:05:00] Crash: activate: some beach defensive measure
[2023-12-21 02:05:00] Mr. Fox: ty
[2023-12-21 02:05:01] Mr. Fox: gf
[2023-12-21 02:05:11] _Roadie: wait
[2023-12-21 02:05:17] _Roadie: WAIT
[2023-12-21 02:05:22] Brettanomyces: !nextmap
[2023-12-21 02:05:35] Crash: drawn game
[2023-12-21 02:05:38] Crash: Who wants more time?
[2023-12-21 02:05:43] Brettanomyces: -
[2023-12-21 02:05:45] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: nooo
[2023-12-21 02:06:16] Deprecated666: sorry
[2023-12-21 02:06:22] _Roadie: NP at all
[2023-12-21 02:06:25] Crash: FLAG
[2023-12-21 02:06:46] [Odd.Forcez]dk: BS
[2023-12-21 02:06:53] [Odd.Forcez]dk: I shot that helo point blank
[2023-12-21 02:07:45] Mr. Fox: ns
[2023-12-21 02:07:45] Brettanomyces: bill on hill
[2023-12-21 02:07:47] -[HELLO]-JESTER: DAMN TREE'
[2023-12-21 02:07:48] Deprecated666: ty
[2023-12-21 02:08:13] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: k
[2023-12-21 02:08:14] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: lol
[2023-12-21 02:08:16] Maddog: hey Ama
[2023-12-21 02:08:18] Maddog: Ama
[2023-12-21 02:08:38] _Roadie: let's try going more than one in the Turbo Helo - what say?
[2023-12-21 02:09:08] Mr. Fox: sa up
[2023-12-21 02:09:10] -[HELLO]-JESTER: you were with me
[2023-12-21 02:10:20] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: gg
[2023-12-21 02:10:21] -[HELLO]- Desert Combat: !nextmap
[2023-12-21 02:10:27] [Odd.Forcez]dk: gg
[2023-12-21 02:10:33] [Odd.Forcez]dk: BRIDGE!

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