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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_twin_rivers - 2024-02-13 01:59:01 Chatlog
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[2024-02-13 02:01:37] CPAV: ns crash
[2024-02-13 02:01:37] tohsdaehmoob: no
[2024-02-13 02:01:43] Mr. Fox: moob, watch your mini map
[2024-02-13 02:01:44] -[HELL0]-Crash: wuv u
[2024-02-13 02:01:48] -[HELL0]-Crash: too
[2024-02-13 02:01:49] CPAV: <3
[2024-02-13 02:01:52] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-02-13 02:01:53] Mr. Fox: you were shootin me
[2024-02-13 02:01:58] tohsdaehmoob: SORRY
[2024-02-13 02:01:59] -[HELL0]-Crash: 4 v 2
[2024-02-13 02:02:05] CPAV: gtg might be on later if u guys still at it
[2024-02-13 02:02:08] -[HELL0]-Crash: but im here, so its like 4-4
[2024-02-13 02:02:15] tohsdaehmoob: I'M VERY PARANOID
[2024-02-13 02:02:18] _Roadie : hehe
[2024-02-13 02:03:05] tohsdaehmoob: SEE?
[2024-02-13 02:03:18] tohsdaehmoob: THAT'S WHY I SHOOT
[2024-02-13 02:03:51] _Brain Damage_: hey dudes
[2024-02-13 02:04:03] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey brain
[2024-02-13 02:04:05] _Brain Damage_: u join TOOO LATE FKIN americans
[2024-02-13 02:04:06] _Roadie : HeyO BD
[2024-02-13 02:04:07] tohsdaehmoob: gaaaaaaaaaaaaay
[2024-02-13 02:04:17] _Brain Damage_: join EARLIER
[2024-02-13 02:04:23] -[HELL0]-Crash: yeah its their fault the world is a sphere
[2024-02-13 02:04:28] _Brain Damage_: time zonz join AFRICA
[2024-02-13 02:04:30] _Roadie : I was on earlier so watch your Monoco
[2024-02-13 02:04:36] _Brain Damage_: USA for AFRICA we are a WORLd
[2024-02-13 02:04:46] _Brain Damage_: lol yeah
[2024-02-13 02:04:50] -[HELL0]-Crash: ok madonna
[2024-02-13 02:05:09] _Brain Damage_: tell it to my HEART
[2024-02-13 02:05:14] -[HELL0]-Crash: ok bonnie tyler
[2024-02-13 02:05:19] tohsdaehmoob: oyeahhhhh
[2024-02-13 02:05:28] tohsdaehmoob: THAT'S how we do it
[2024-02-13 02:05:33] _Brain Damage_: tell me I'm the onlyone
[2024-02-13 02:05:39] -[HELLO]-JESTER: :)
[2024-02-13 02:05:39] tohsdaehmoob: GAH
[2024-02-13 02:05:40] -[HELL0]-Crash: k pat benatar
[2024-02-13 02:05:40] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-02-13 02:05:49] _Brain Damage_: REVIVE 80's music is BIG sh!t now
[2024-02-13 02:06:02] _Brain Damage_: tohs save music pls
[2024-02-13 02:06:03] -[HELL0]-Crash: ok john paul n oates
[2024-02-13 02:06:06] _Brain Damage_: u can do it
[2024-02-13 02:06:15] _Brain Damage_: it's so SHHHT
[2024-02-13 02:06:15] tohsdaehmoob: OK
[2024-02-13 02:06:21] tohsdaehmoob: I TRY
[2024-02-13 02:06:23] _Brain Damage_: thanks man in advance
[2024-02-13 02:06:29] _Brain Damage_: U MUST
[2024-02-13 02:06:35] tohsdaehmoob: YOURE WELCOME IN ADVANCE
[2024-02-13 02:06:36] -[HELL0]-Crash: ok freddie mercury
[2024-02-13 02:06:43] _Brain Damage_: save the world from apocalypse
[2024-02-13 02:06:58] _Brain Damage_: NUKE AUTO-tune at 1st misson
[2024-02-13 02:07:09] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-02-13 02:07:10] -[HELL0]-Crash: brain is the world
[2024-02-13 02:07:11] _Brain Damage_: mission NUKE auto tune NOW foREVER
[2024-02-13 02:07:14] -[HELL0]-Crash: brain is the children
[2024-02-13 02:07:16] tohsdaehmoob: OYEH
[2024-02-13 02:07:23] -[HELL0]-Crash: its true he can make a brighter place
[2024-02-13 02:07:24] _Brain Damage_: YEAH I wanna restore HUMAN?ITY
[2024-02-13 02:07:31] -[HELL0]-Crash: just you and me
[2024-02-13 02:07:51] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2024-02-13 02:07:51] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-02-13 02:07:52] _Brain Damage_: just the 2 of us crash I love u too
[2024-02-13 02:08:25] _Brain Damage_: fk why I'm not jesus return 2000 GRRR I wish I was
[2024-02-13 02:08:34] _Brain Damage_: I fit the role dude
[2024-02-13 02:08:48] tohsdaehmoob: I'VE PUT OUT 3 SOLID ALBUMS ALREADY
[2024-02-13 02:08:49] -[HELL0]-Crash: im the second coming of BD
[2024-02-13 02:08:58] _Brain Damage_: saver of humanity and BF mods
[2024-02-13 02:09:17] _Brain Damage_: and 80's good stuff music
[2024-02-13 02:09:30] -[HELL0]-Crash: whoah oh here she comes,
[2024-02-13 02:09:36] -[HELL0]-Crash: watch out boy, shes a maneater
[2024-02-13 02:09:46] _Brain Damage_: oths be my friend on discord I gotta new doctrine on this SHIIT
[2024-02-13 02:09:50] _Brain Damage_: music culture
[2024-02-13 02:09:53] tohsdaehmoob: AT LEAST ON VALENTINES DAY
[2024-02-13 02:10:01] _Brain Damage_: music is illuminati
[2024-02-13 02:10:15] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-02-13 02:10:17] _Brain Damage_: tohs add me on desicord pls bro
[2024-02-13 02:10:29] _Roadie : not as planned but werked
[2024-02-13 02:10:35] _Brain Damage_: I want us to save the WORLD I got ideas
[2024-02-13 02:10:35] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-02-13 02:10:51] _Brain Damage_: sec
[2024-02-13 02:10:54] tohsdaehmoob: oyeH
[2024-02-13 02:11:16] -[HELLO]-JESTER: how do you add friends on discord
[2024-02-13 02:11:17] _Brain Damage_: braindamage9103
[2024-02-13 02:11:28] _Brain Damage_: u add
[2024-02-13 02:11:30] -[HELLO]-JESTER: ok
[2024-02-13 02:11:30] -[HELL0]-Crash: you have to find them
[2024-02-13 02:11:39] -[HELL0]-Crash: with their name and 4 digit number
[2024-02-13 02:11:42] _Brain Damage_: click on the RIGHt button
[2024-02-13 02:11:45] -[HELL0]-Crash: so mine is Crash 23023
[2024-02-13 02:11:48] -[HELL0]-Crash: Crash 2303
[2024-02-13 02:11:59] -[HELLO]-JESTER: how do you get their number?
[2024-02-13 02:12:06] _Roadie : shouldn't need the number...
[2024-02-13 02:12:06] -[HELL0]-Crash: they tell u
[2024-02-13 02:12:17] _Brain Damage_: my phone number is 011-22254-4537-321
[2024-02-13 02:12:20] -[HELL0]-Crash: yeah u do
[2024-02-13 02:12:20] _Roadie : hit me up on Discord Jes - I'll show you.
[2024-02-13 02:12:25] Mr. Fox: u usually just ask for their number...
[2024-02-13 02:12:33] -[HELLO]-JESTER: ok
[2024-02-13 02:12:49] _Brain Damage_: my my silver credit card numbers : 1235-1514-7865-4543 exp 2030
[2024-02-13 02:13:07] _Brain Damage_: pls copy paste and buy FERRARI4S all
[2024-02-13 02:13:25] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol gf
[2024-02-13 02:13:29] tohsdaehmoob: N1
[2024-02-13 02:13:36] _Roadie : can't afford to keep a bloody Ferrari running
[2024-02-13 02:13:51] _Roadie : that one was on the belly.
[2024-02-13 02:13:53] -[HELL0]-Crash: BD u shd give up ur crusade
[2024-02-13 02:13:53] tohsdaehmoob: HOW'D IT GET SO BLODDY?
[2024-02-13 02:14:01] -[HELL0]-Crash: cos all in all, youre just another brick in the wall
[2024-02-13 02:14:06] _Roadie : crash we gotta fix the harrier....
[2024-02-13 02:14:12] Mr. Fox: my ferrari is always bloody
[2024-02-13 02:14:48] _Brain Damage_: u gotta ferrai?
[2024-02-13 02:14:52] _Brain Damage_: which
[2024-02-13 02:15:06] Mr. Fox: lol no
[2024-02-13 02:15:06] _Brain Damage_: I like the GTO 80's
[2024-02-13 02:15:13] Mr. Fox: i dont even fit in a ferrari
[2024-02-13 02:15:13] -[HELLO]-JESTER: wolf what is your number for discord?
[2024-02-13 02:15:19] _Brain Damage_: she 's so sexy
[2024-02-13 02:15:20] tohsdaehmoob: 10CC
[2024-02-13 02:15:30] _Brain Damage_: yes tohs
[2024-02-13 02:15:31] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-02-13 02:15:44] _Brain Damage_: 10CC is MAgic sound I agreee
[2024-02-13 02:15:47] _Roadie : you just look in the right hand column Jes and make a friend re
[2024-02-13 02:15:48] _Roadie : request
[2024-02-13 02:16:03] _Roadie : very simple
[2024-02-13 02:16:54] _Brain Damage_: TOHS 10cc was genius sound for the era? y/*
[2024-02-13 02:17:02] _Brain Damage_: I'm not in love
[2024-02-13 02:17:08] -[HELLO]-JESTER: when i type in a name it doesnt come up
[2024-02-13 02:17:09] _Roadie : all were
[2024-02-13 02:17:11] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2024-02-13 02:17:11] _Brain Damage_: that pahse sound...
[2024-02-13 02:17:13] tohsdaehmoob: SHORT FLIGHT
[2024-02-13 02:17:16] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-02-13 02:17:21] _Brain Damage_: phaser sound
[2024-02-13 02:18:16] tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2024-02-13 02:18:19] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-02-13 02:18:26] tohsdaehmoob: I GOT HIS TECHNIQUE DOWN
[2024-02-13 02:18:32] _Brain Damage_: what time is it there dudes?
[2024-02-13 02:18:48] _Brain Damage_: here 3
[2024-02-13 02:18:53] Mr. Fox: 6 pm
[2024-02-13 02:18:54] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: 820
[2024-02-13 02:18:54] tohsdaehmoob: 9:30
[2024-02-13 02:18:55] -[HELL0]-Crash: time for u
[2024-02-13 02:18:59] -[HELL0]-Crash: to buy a casio watch
[2024-02-13 02:19:11] _Brain Damage_: fox u californian?
[2024-02-13 02:19:22] _Brain Damage_: lol crash
[2024-02-13 02:19:25] Mr. Fox: yea
[2024-02-13 02:19:31] _Brain Damage_: cool
[2024-02-13 02:19:57] _Brain Damage_: is the situation so bad there? menthanyl zombie apocalyspe?
[2024-02-13 02:20:05] Mr. Fox: only in SF
[2024-02-13 02:20:09] -[HELL0]-Crash: thats all ua
[2024-02-13 02:20:11] -[HELL0]-Crash: usa
[2024-02-13 02:20:11] _Brain Damage_: sad
[2024-02-13 02:20:26] _Brain Damage_: SF was a gem in USa :(
[2024-02-13 02:20:31] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2024-02-13 02:20:33] -[HELL0]-Crash: USA is one big episode of the walkng dead
[2024-02-13 02:20:37] Mr. Fox: SF is a sh it hole
[2024-02-13 02:20:46] tohsdaehmoob: GOT 10 INCHES OF SNOW COMING OVERNIGHT
[2024-02-13 02:20:47] Mr. Fox: human sh it too
[2024-02-13 02:21:02] _Brain Damage_: but u will rebuild it right?$ make SF great again?
[2024-02-13 02:21:04] _Roadie : keep the snow by you pls
[2024-02-13 02:21:17] -[HELLO]-JESTER: where are you live shot
[2024-02-13 02:21:35] _Brain Damage_: vancouver too is junk apocalypse city I heard
[2024-02-13 02:21:44] -[HELL0]-Crash: ive never seen snow
[2024-02-13 02:21:54] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2024-02-13 02:21:57] _Brain Damage_: I dreamed of Western Canada when I was there lol
[2024-02-13 02:21:59] Mr. Fox: never gone up to the snow crash?
[2024-02-13 02:22:04] -[HELL0]-Crash: nah
[2024-02-13 02:22:07] Mr. Fox: to far?
[2024-02-13 02:22:17] _Brain Damage_: yes very
[2024-02-13 02:22:19] -[HELL0]-Crash: i live near a beach wher all the women wear bikinis
[2024-02-13 02:22:21] -[HELL0]-Crash: take as long as u need
[2024-02-13 02:22:31] _Brain Damage_: it was a possible long term project
[2024-02-13 02:22:33] tohsdaehmoob: SORRY BRAH
[2024-02-13 02:22:45] Mr. Fox: me too, but i can get to the snow in 2-3 hours
[2024-02-13 02:23:21] tohsdaehmoob: SMOKED THAT GUY UP GOOD
[2024-02-13 02:23:55] _Brain Damage_: add me dudes on discord ok?
[2024-02-13 02:24:15] _Brain Damage_: not all I'm selective, only some of you :D
[2024-02-13 02:24:56] _Brain Damage_: toohs add me I wanna exchange muscial ideas with you
[2024-02-13 02:25:11] _Brain Damage_: add me pls braindamage9103
[2024-02-13 02:25:21] tohsdaehmoob: I'M CONSIDERING DISCORD SOON
[2024-02-13 02:25:33] -[HELL0]-Crash: dont
[2024-02-13 02:25:40] _Brain Damage_: it's crap china spy thing whatever
[2024-02-13 02:25:42] -[HELL0]-Crash: ill have to talk to u
[2024-02-13 02:25:50] -[HELL0]-Crash: jks
[2024-02-13 02:25:50] tohsdaehmoob: WHY?
[2024-02-13 02:25:56] _Brain Damage_: we wont' share the nuke schemes or whatver
[2024-02-13 02:25:58] tohsdaehmoob: OH I SEE ;)
[2024-02-13 02:26:01] -[HELLO]-JESTER: discord is crash?
[2024-02-13 02:26:02] -[HELL0]-Crash: :P
[2024-02-13 02:26:08] _Brain Damage_: cause it's owned by TENCENT !
[2024-02-13 02:26:12] _Brain Damage_: google it
[2024-02-13 02:26:22] -[HELL0]-Crash: literally everyone that plays this game is on discord
[2024-02-13 02:26:36] tohsdaehmoob: NOT MOOB
[2024-02-13 02:26:44] -[HELL0]-Crash: no
[2024-02-13 02:26:44] _Brain Damage_: I suspect all big stuff in chinnnn-*a belongs to CCP
[2024-02-13 02:26:47] -[HELLO]-JESTER: crash is dicord crap?
[2024-02-13 02:26:49] -[HELL0]-Crash: they have an anti man
[2024-02-13 02:26:52] -[HELL0]-Crash: boob policy
[2024-02-13 02:26:54] _Brain Damage_: it fkin does
[2024-02-13 02:27:08] _Brain Damage_: check Jack Ma's bio ;)
[2024-02-13 02:27:15] tohsdaehmoob: WAIT I CAN'T SEE TITS ON dISCORD
[2024-02-13 02:27:15] _Brain Damage_: GULAG
[2024-02-13 02:27:17] -[HELL0]-Crash: g
[2024-02-13 02:27:28] tohsdaehmoob: WHAT THE HELL IS THE POINT OF IT
[2024-02-13 02:27:31] -[HELL0]-Crash: no
[2024-02-13 02:27:32] tohsdaehmoob: ALL TECH IS PORN

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