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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_lostvillage - 2024-02-13 02:28:01 Chatlog
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[2024-02-13 02:30:31] _Brain Damage_: Jey disrocd?
[2024-02-13 02:31:32] Mr. Fox: l;ol
[2024-02-13 02:31:50] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-02-13 02:32:33] _Brain Damage_: WB oIHS
[2024-02-13 02:32:39] _Brain Damage_: ehy ROADIE
[2024-02-13 02:32:44] _Brain Damage_: hey
[2024-02-13 02:32:51] _Roadie : hey
[2024-02-13 02:33:01] _Brain Damage_: my fav map
[2024-02-13 02:33:03] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-02-13 02:33:04] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2024-02-13 02:33:08] Mr. Fox: did it land on you?
[2024-02-13 02:33:11] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: yup
[2024-02-13 02:33:11] tohsdaehmoob: NOT FOR LONG
[2024-02-13 02:33:16] Mr. Fox: ouch
[2024-02-13 02:33:16] _Brain Damage_: ROFL
[2024-02-13 02:33:25] Mr. Fox: of all places to land
[2024-02-13 02:33:26] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-02-13 02:33:28] _Brain Damage_: save the music ROHS
[2024-02-13 02:33:31] _Brain Damage_: TOHS
[2024-02-13 02:33:34] tohsdaehmoob: I AM!
[2024-02-13 02:33:39] tohsdaehmoob: 3 ALBUMS!
[2024-02-13 02:33:41] -[HELLO]-JESTER: cmon 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777
[2024-02-13 02:33:42] _Brain Damage_: e did bunks CTF
[2024-02-13 02:33:49] _Brain Damage_: soryy
[2024-02-13 02:33:57] _Brain Damage_: join earlier J
[2024-02-13 02:33:58] Killer_KahnDavey: Hello is this EA Tech Support? I just downloaded your game
[2024-02-13 02:33:58] -[HELLO]-JESTER: no we havent
[2024-02-13 02:34:08] Killer_KahnDavey: and it seems that it's 22 years old
[2024-02-13 02:34:22] Mr. Fox: major splash
[2024-02-13 02:34:24] -[HELLO]-JESTER: yes it is
[2024-02-13 02:34:52] _Roadie : back in 21 minutes
[2024-02-13 02:34:52] -[HELLO]-JESTER: i think its older than that
[2024-02-13 02:35:02] _Brain Damage_: loog peee?
[2024-02-13 02:35:07] Killer_KahnDavey: how wuude
[2024-02-13 02:35:20] _Brain Damage_: why 21 minutes we wanna KNOW NOW
[2024-02-13 02:35:31] Mr. Fox: because then the map will be over
[2024-02-13 02:35:32] _Brain Damage_: that's too long for a loooong pee
[2024-02-13 02:35:42] _Brain Damage_: ah ok
[2024-02-13 02:35:44] Killer_KahnDavey: gotta figure out how to make text large again
[2024-02-13 02:36:54] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-02-13 02:36:57] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: ol
[2024-02-13 02:37:19] -[HELL0]-Crash: its 5 v 3
[2024-02-13 02:38:46] Killer_KahnDavey: owoot
[2024-02-13 02:38:48] _Brain Damage_: GJ
[2024-02-13 02:38:48] Killer_KahnDavey: KKD for the flg
[2024-02-13 02:38:51] Killer_KahnDavey: ok i'll switch
[2024-02-13 02:39:23] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2024-02-13 02:39:28] Killer_KahnDavey: OYEAH
[2024-02-13 02:39:36] tohsdaehmoob: ]BOOYAH
[2024-02-13 02:39:38] -[HELL0]-Crash: ....
[2024-02-13 02:39:47] -[HELL0]-Crash: get your manboobs off my helo tohs
[2024-02-13 02:39:52] _Brain Damage_: heyoo KKd
[2024-02-13 02:39:55] BadAim: roadeieieieieie
[2024-02-13 02:39:59] Killer_KahnDavey: heyooooooOoOOooOO
[2024-02-13 02:40:13] Killer_KahnDavey: YodelayheeyoOooooOOOOo
[2024-02-13 02:40:18] _Brain Damage_: xd
[2024-02-13 02:40:28] _Brain Damage_: you're drunk
[2024-02-13 02:40:38] Killer_KahnDavey: nay, i be sober, landlubber
[2024-02-13 02:41:13] tohsdaehmoob: hoooooo-eri
[2024-02-13 02:41:33] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-02-13 02:41:34] Killer_KahnDavey: geepers
[2024-02-13 02:41:38] Killer_KahnDavey: lol that was unexpected
[2024-02-13 02:41:40] -[HELL0]-Crash: CRAAAAASH
[2024-02-13 02:41:46] -[HELL0]-Crash: not with me
[2024-02-13 02:41:46] Killer_KahnDavey: into me.... YEAH
[2024-02-13 02:42:26] Killer_KahnDavey: dang
[2024-02-13 02:42:35] Killer_KahnDavey: GET OUR FLAGH BACK
[2024-02-13 02:42:42] -[HELL0]-Crash: no dont
[2024-02-13 02:42:46] -[HELL0]-Crash: let me hace it
[2024-02-13 02:42:47] Killer_KahnDavey: please?
[2024-02-13 02:42:50] -[HELL0]-Crash: ill wash it
[2024-02-13 02:42:54] Killer_KahnDavey: ok then
[2024-02-13 02:43:03] -[HELL0]-Crash: ill even fold it neatly for yas
[2024-02-13 02:43:21] Killer_KahnDavey: gosh
[2024-02-13 02:43:24] Killer_KahnDavey: ns
[2024-02-13 02:43:35] Killer_KahnDavey: yeah, i'll need a neatly folded flag now that i'm ded
[2024-02-13 02:44:04] Killer_KahnDavey: knife expert
[2024-02-13 02:44:06] Killer_KahnDavey: keeel him
[2024-02-13 02:44:07] Killer_KahnDavey: nice
[2024-02-13 02:44:08] -[HELL0]-Crash: aw
[2024-02-13 02:44:12] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-02-13 02:44:17] tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2024-02-13 02:44:21] tohsdaehmoob: thanks for buggy
[2024-02-13 02:44:23] Killer_KahnDavey: nice
[2024-02-13 02:44:31] Killer_KahnDavey: is it a rubber baby buggy?
[2024-02-13 02:44:34] -[HELL0]-Crash: ironically the best quality knives are folded
[2024-02-13 02:44:34] -[HELL0]-Crash: n
[2024-02-13 02:44:38] Killer_KahnDavey: \with bumpers?
[2024-02-13 02:44:40] -[HELL0]-Crash: in the manufacturing process
[2024-02-13 02:44:49] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY DAVE AND T BAR
[2024-02-13 02:44:49] Killer_KahnDavey: why is that ironic?
[2024-02-13 02:44:57] T-Bar: jey
[2024-02-13 02:45:00] Farmer Dave: Hey!
[2024-02-13 02:45:03] Killer_KahnDavey: nice
[2024-02-13 02:45:06] -[HELL0]-Crash: its unexpected
[2024-02-13 02:45:14] Killer_KahnDavey: i guess it IS ironic
[2024-02-13 02:45:26] Killer_KahnDavey: use of words expressing something other than their literal
[2024-02-13 02:45:26] Killer_KahnDavey: intention
[2024-02-13 02:45:42] _Brain Damage_: hi SANCHO
[2024-02-13 02:45:50] _Brain Damage_: I KNOW it's you
[2024-02-13 02:46:01] sanchez: hey pussy
[2024-02-13 02:46:02] _Brain Damage_: 600000 million virgin
[2024-02-13 02:46:06] Killer_KahnDavey: boom
[2024-02-13 02:46:09] -[HELL0]-Crash: and knives dont bend
[2024-02-13 02:46:12] -[HELL0]-Crash: like a flag,
[2024-02-13 02:46:14] _Brain Damage_: hahaha still a bad boy
[2024-02-13 02:46:15] tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2024-02-13 02:46:21] _Brain Damage_: u said a bad word
[2024-02-13 02:46:22] -[HELL0]-Crash: but ironically both fold
[2024-02-13 02:46:34] _Brain Damage_: MAdonna sancho
[2024-02-13 02:46:41] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAh
[2024-02-13 02:46:47] _Brain Damage_: I'm here
[2024-02-13 02:47:04] _Brain Damage_: I gotta reheat food soon though for me and sancho
[2024-02-13 02:47:16] BadAim: ns
[2024-02-13 02:47:30] sanchez: make a sandwish beech
[2024-02-13 02:47:37] Killer_KahnDavey: so close
[2024-02-13 02:47:48] tohsdaehmoob: gah
[2024-02-13 02:47:58] _Brain Damage_: sancho u not 60 y o virgiu
[2024-02-13 02:47:59] Killer_KahnDavey: hey Tohs
[2024-02-13 02:48:04] Killer_KahnDavey: use the left wing
[2024-02-13 02:48:07] _Brain Damage_: u dirty 80 bitche
[2024-02-13 02:48:17] Killer_KahnDavey: lol shoot my chute wouldn't open
[2024-02-13 02:48:21] tohsdaehmoob: GAH
[2024-02-13 02:48:29] Killer_KahnDavey: i hit F like.... oh right I remapped my chute
[2024-02-13 02:48:33] Killer_KahnDavey: and then reformatted
[2024-02-13 02:48:35] _Brain Damage_: he's a male dudes
[2024-02-13 02:48:35] tohsdaehmoob: ooOOh
[2024-02-13 02:48:40] -[HELL0]-Crash: 9
[2024-02-13 02:48:48] _Brain Damage_: dont fall in love with player
[2024-02-13 02:48:50] Killer_KahnDavey: i remapped mine to F.... SOOO MUCH BETTER
[2024-02-13 02:48:52] -[HELL0]-Crash: chute is 9 key
[2024-02-13 02:48:59] Killer_KahnDavey: not for me
[2024-02-13 02:49:00] Killer_KahnDavey: 9 is for chumps
[2024-02-13 02:49:02] Killer_KahnDavey: F is for winners
[2024-02-13 02:49:05] sanchez: dull kife
[2024-02-13 02:49:09] -[HELL0]-Crash: i just mash all the keys around 9 lol
[2024-02-13 02:49:14] Killer_KahnDavey: try it; you'll thank me
[2024-02-13 02:49:18] _Brain Damage_: player 10 is an imposter dirty shemale 90 million years old now
[2024-02-13 02:49:21] Farmer Dave: that is what I do
[2024-02-13 02:49:26] Killer_KahnDavey: lol i know but it was always so stressful
[2024-02-13 02:49:28] -[HELL0]-Crash: nah i use F for kneal
[2024-02-13 02:49:33] _Brain Damage_: fake femelae
[2024-02-13 02:49:42] tohsdaehmoob: ouch
[2024-02-13 02:49:45] Killer_KahnDavey: you kneel with F? Not CTRL?
[2024-02-13 02:49:50] _Brain Damage_: I USE F for CHute
[2024-02-13 02:50:06] _Brain Damage_: usucks dudes I got the best set up
[2024-02-13 02:50:09] -[HELL0]-Crash: well Fu Man Chu
[2024-02-13 02:50:10] Killer_KahnDavey: good on ya, Brain
[2024-02-13 02:50:17] Killer_KahnDavey: what's your setup?
[2024-02-13 02:50:23] _Brain Damage_: Kboard
[2024-02-13 02:50:35] _Brain Damage_: Ctrl for knee
[2024-02-13 02:50:36] Killer_KahnDavey: What is arabic letter for F?
[2024-02-13 02:50:39] Killer_KahnDavey: nine swooshes?
[2024-02-13 02:50:42] _Brain Damage_: so natutural
[2024-02-13 02:51:03] _Brain Damage_: and Alt left for proning again so natural
[2024-02-13 02:51:13] -[HELL0]-Crash: shift key and F for kneal
[2024-02-13 02:51:22] -[HELL0]-Crash: either not same time
[2024-02-13 02:51:36] _Brain Damage_: ktry my setttings
[2024-02-13 02:51:37] Killer_KahnDavey: I use Z for prone
[2024-02-13 02:51:42] Killer_KahnDavey: feels good, man
[2024-02-13 02:51:57] -[HELL0]-Crash: Z?
[2024-02-13 02:51:59] -[HELL0]-Crash: weirdo
[2024-02-13 02:52:01] Killer_KahnDavey: i gotta fix this unreadable text.
[2024-02-13 02:52:05] _Brain Damage_: no it's bad KKD I can tell u why
[2024-02-13 02:52:06] Killer_KahnDavey: YEAH MAN WHAT YOU WANNA DO AZBOUT IT?
[2024-02-13 02:52:08] Killer_KahnDavey: LETS FIGHT
[2024-02-13 02:52:14] -[HELL0]-Crash: yep outside now
[2024-02-13 02:52:19] Killer_KahnDavey: lol
[2024-02-13 02:52:22] -[HELL0]-Crash: put ur mothers handbag down first
[2024-02-13 02:52:26] -[HELL0]-Crash: :P
[2024-02-13 02:52:30] tohsdaehmoob: OOO u got boned!
[2024-02-13 02:52:32] Killer_KahnDavey: THIS IS AN HEIRLOOM!
[2024-02-13 02:52:40] _Brain Damage_: my Kb settings are the fastest most intuitive
[2024-02-13 02:52:57] _Brain Damage_: they look like a human body
[2024-02-13 02:53:01] Killer_KahnDavey: Why is ALT better?
[2024-02-13 02:53:21] _Brain Damage_: discord pm KKd I will tell u why long answer
[2024-02-13 02:53:23] tohsdaehmoob: human bodies are intuitive?
[2024-02-13 02:53:31] Farmer Dave: !nextmap
[2024-02-13 02:53:47] Killer_KahnDavey: dang lagged to death
[2024-02-13 02:54:03] _Brain Damage_: yes my KB settings look like a a body scheme a much a s possibl
[2024-02-13 02:54:27] _Brain Damage_: my KB schemes respond to hands and body architecture
[2024-02-13 02:54:55] -[HELL0]-Crash: CAPED tohs OH YEAH
[2024-02-13 02:54:57] -[HELL0]-Crash: capped*
[2024-02-13 02:54:59] _Brain Damage_: sounds complicated maybe! if u try it u get the idea
[2024-02-13 02:55:19] _Brain Damage_: my KB setting s are the best in the world I'm sure they are
[2024-02-13 02:55:50] _Brain Damage_: cause I'm not a a great player, I just optimize everything I ca
[2024-02-13 02:55:51] _Brain Damage_: I can
[2024-02-13 02:55:53] Killer_KahnDavey: then tell us
[2024-02-13 02:56:03] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAHHHHHHHHHHHH
[2024-02-13 02:56:11] _Brain Damage_: in PM KKd it would be too long here
[2024-02-13 02:56:17] Killer_KahnDavey: yeah thats fine
[2024-02-13 02:56:25] _Brain Damage_: SOrry Jey I'mMA a genius
[2024-02-13 02:56:29] _Brain Damage_: I'm sorry

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