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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - berlin - 2024-03-05 02:44:01 Chatlog
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[2024-03-05 02:44:41] xXStriiiimmmXx: be back in a few
[2024-03-05 02:44:49] xXStriiiimmmXx: gotta check my wife's "cake"
[2024-03-05 02:44:50] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: What happened to LV?
[2024-03-05 02:45:53] ATF_TankPanZeR *: two back door
[2024-03-05 02:46:22] _Brain Damage_: sancho can u go blue I wanna kill
[2024-03-05 02:46:42] _Brain Damage_: u I gotta appetite for killing trators
[2024-03-05 02:46:50] _Brain Damage_: u kapilist
[2024-03-05 02:46:59] k: BD you reached wrdcount limit for today.
[2024-03-05 02:47:05] _Brain Damage_: no GI in mu TEEAM
[2024-03-05 02:47:29] _Brain Damage_: how shamefull you are GANBO
[2024-03-05 02:47:45] k: BD I swear last warning.
[2024-03-05 02:47:49] k: Stop typing or gone.
[2024-03-05 02:47:51] _Brain Damage_: u always ask me in private to seed and now u wanna kick me?
[2024-03-05 02:48:03] _Brain Damage_: I wont
[2024-03-05 02:48:08] k: thats fine
[2024-03-05 02:48:21] ATF_Commodore64 ||: sorry tk
[2024-03-05 02:48:29] k: 3rd ranked server whether you're here clogging chat or not ;)
[2024-03-05 02:48:34] _Brain Damage_: will never allow you to SU me up
[2024-03-05 02:48:40] k: but we don't come here to type 7 hours a night.
[2024-03-05 02:48:43] Rick Sanchez: if i was adm I would kick you for 10hrs go to sleep brain
[2024-03-05 02:48:57] _Brain Damage_: u have no reason sancho
[2024-03-05 02:49:23] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Bahhh you suck lol
[2024-03-05 02:49:25] _Brain Damage_: u cant just kick me for nothing bango
[2024-03-05 02:49:30] k: A frisbee for ya! ;)
[2024-03-05 02:49:38] k: BD i've told you to shut up 3 times.
[2024-03-05 02:49:46] k: Not listening to admins is a reason. thanks.
[2024-03-05 02:49:47] _Brain Damage_: whyN
[2024-03-05 02:49:56] _Brain Damage_: others can speak not me?
[2024-03-05 02:49:58] k: Because you type to much.
[2024-03-05 02:50:04] k: No one is typing as much as you.
[2024-03-05 02:50:04] _Brain Damage_: I dont
[2024-03-05 02:50:16] _Brain Damage_: u typed more than me
[2024-03-05 02:50:26] _Brain Damage_: much more
[2024-03-05 02:50:31] _Brain Damage_: much more
[2024-03-05 02:50:31] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Ahhh bummer
[2024-03-05 02:50:48] k: Hi king , hi tohs.
[2024-03-05 02:50:56] tohsdaehmoob: hiya
[2024-03-05 02:51:16] ATF_King * : hi bud
[2024-03-05 02:51:54] tohsdaehmoob: oYEAH
[2024-03-05 02:52:54] ATF_TankPanZeR *: that was pure team work!!!
[2024-03-05 02:53:02] ATF_TankPanZeR *: great job!
[2024-03-05 02:53:07] k: you in voice?
[2024-03-05 02:53:33] tohsdaehmoob: gah
[2024-03-05 02:53:37] k: :)
[2024-03-05 02:54:10] k: lmao
[2024-03-05 02:54:12] ATF_Commodore64 ||: lol wow
[2024-03-05 02:54:17] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: lol
[2024-03-05 02:54:35] Sgt. Schultz: dammit
[2024-03-05 02:55:08] Sgt. Schultz: i get auto switched to a team with more players wth
[2024-03-05 02:55:17] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: lol
[2024-03-05 02:55:21] Sgt. Schultz: then some ahole kills me while i'm typing
[2024-03-05 02:55:23] ATF_TankPanZeR *: for my people alalalalal
[2024-03-05 02:55:44] T-Bar: hey i resemble that asshole
[2024-03-05 02:55:58] ATF_TankPanZeR *: is it smelly
[2024-03-05 02:56:13] ATF_Commodore64 ||: infamous brown eye
[2024-03-05 02:56:16] Sgt. Schultz: i meant auger hole when i said ahole, get out the gutter
[2024-03-05 02:56:52] Rick Sanchez: brain is too quiet now, he is planting a bomb in the server
[2024-03-05 02:57:13] BadAim: TOHS
[2024-03-05 02:57:28] tohsdaehmoob: yo
[2024-03-05 02:57:58] k: hehe
[2024-03-05 02:59:13] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: lucky shot.
[2024-03-05 02:59:19] Sgt. Schultz: yeah
[2024-03-05 02:59:30] tohsdaehmoob: better get some flags, hoez
[2024-03-05 02:59:41] tohsdaehmoob: BOOYAH
[2024-03-05 02:59:57] tohsdaehmoob: BOOOYAH
[2024-03-05 03:00:08] ATF_Commodore64 ||: ]got me
[2024-03-05 03:00:14] tohsdaehmoob: BOOM goes the dynamie
[2024-03-05 03:00:46] T-Bar: boobyes
[2024-03-05 03:01:13] ATF_Commodore64 ||: ns
[2024-03-05 03:01:16] tohsdaehmoob: BOOM goes the dynamite
[2024-03-05 03:01:18] k: ty
[2024-03-05 03:03:23] k: lo
[2024-03-05 03:03:38] ATF_TankPanZeR *: FOR MYPEOPLE ALALALAL
[2024-03-05 03:03:52] T-Bar: trucks are mined
[2024-03-05 03:03:56] k: thanks
[2024-03-05 03:03:59] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: ty
[2024-03-05 03:04:00] tohsdaehmoob: lies
[2024-03-05 03:04:25] Sgt. Schultz: what timing!
[2024-03-05 03:05:14] ATF_Commodore64 ||: ns
[2024-03-05 03:05:21] tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2024-03-05 03:05:24] tohsdaehmoob: home depot
[2024-03-05 03:05:39] Mr. Fox: sry
[2024-03-05 03:06:39] ATF_Commodore64 ||: !nextmap
[2024-03-05 03:08:33] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2024-03-05 03:08:40] BadAim: imma getchu for that
[2024-03-05 03:08:50] tohsdaehmoob: you say that a lot
[2024-03-05 03:09:25] k: booo
[2024-03-05 03:09:30] ATF_Commodore64 ||: lol
[2024-03-05 03:09:52] BadAim: i was scratching my back
[2024-03-05 03:10:02] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2024-03-05 03:10:11] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2024-03-05 03:10:30] tohsdaehmoob: maybe BadAim will save you
[2024-03-05 03:10:36] tohsdaehmoob: or maybe he will shave you
[2024-03-05 03:10:53] Sgt. Schultz: sry
[2024-03-05 03:11:22] zanshin: flg
[2024-03-05 03:12:18] T-Bar: sru
[2024-03-05 03:12:29] ATF_Commodore64 ||: i forgive you,
[2024-03-05 03:12:51] tohsdaehmoob: pickup mined
[2024-03-05 03:13:36] ATF_Commodore64 ||: sorry man
[2024-03-05 03:13:38] _Brain Damage_: hey I'm back dudes !
[2024-03-05 03:13:40] BadAim: lmao np
[2024-03-05 03:13:46] ATF_Commodore64 ||: i sneezed
[2024-03-05 03:13:58] BadAim: thats hilarious
[2024-03-05 03:14:05] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2024-03-05 03:14:17] tohsdaehmoob: OH NO
[2024-03-05 03:14:17] T-Bar: jahah
[2024-03-05 03:14:18] B L I T Z K R I E G: retard
[2024-03-05 03:14:34] B L I T Z K R I E G: u blew up mobile spawn point uretard
[2024-03-05 03:14:35] k: hi j3
[2024-03-05 03:14:39] J3Flyer: hi
[2024-03-05 03:14:47] tohsdaehmoob: so sue me
[2024-03-05 03:15:20] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: my fault
[2024-03-05 03:15:21] tohsdaehmoob: ai ai ai
[2024-03-05 03:15:29] k: tohs maybe run red over
[2024-03-05 03:15:36] k: not our guys?
[2024-03-05 03:15:36] J3Flyer: become a lawyer and can sue everyone
[2024-03-05 03:15:43] tohsdaehmoob: you heard wolf
[2024-03-05 03:15:55] B L I T Z K R I E G: he tk me twice then tk night wolf
[2024-03-05 03:15:56] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: my bad
[2024-03-05 03:16:05] tohsdaehmoob: but i'm circumsised
[2024-03-05 03:16:20] J3Flyer: your curomsized?
[2024-03-05 03:16:21] BadAim: GOTCHA
[2024-03-05 03:16:30] tohsdaehmoob: of course
[2024-03-05 03:16:50] Mr. Fox: flag
[2024-03-05 03:17:12] TGE_Pit Viper: hello everyone please JOIN TGE server
[2024-03-05 03:17:17] TGE_Pit Viper: best server in the world fuck this one
[2024-03-05 03:17:23] B L I T Z K R I E G: TGE is homosexual server
[2024-03-05 03:17:36] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Wait.
[2024-03-05 03:17:38] k: I'm on it.
[2024-03-05 03:17:41] k: Don't worry.
[2024-03-05 03:17:42] ATF_TankPanZeR *: lmfoa
[2024-03-05 03:17:56] k: It's same troll as before
[2024-03-05 03:18:01] ATF_TankPanZeR *: BangBang
[2024-03-05 03:18:02] BadAim: out of ammo lol
[2024-03-05 03:18:03] k: yeah
[2024-03-05 03:18:04] ATF_TankPanZeR *: okay cool
[2024-03-05 03:18:08] k: I know ;)
[2024-03-05 03:18:10] k: hehe
[2024-03-05 03:18:12] ATF_TankPanZeR *: thank you
[2024-03-05 03:18:15] k: you guys on voice?
[2024-03-05 03:18:20] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: I can be
[2024-03-05 03:18:21] ATF_TankPanZeR *: on TS
[2024-03-05 03:18:28] ATF_TankPanZeR *: can meet on discord
[2024-03-05 03:18:34] k: imma join the hello discord VC
[2024-03-05 03:18:35] wildcard: good thing for me
[2024-03-05 03:18:35] xXStriiiimmmXx: afks ruin this server
[2024-03-05 03:18:36] xXStriiiimmmXx: lolol
[2024-03-05 03:18:42] k: says you lol
[2024-03-05 03:18:45] k: !ban shame
[2024-03-05 03:18:46] B L I T Z K R I E G: TGE = Transgender Gay Endomorphs
[2024-03-05 03:18:49] Rick Sanchez: oh yeaha
[2024-03-05 03:18:52] B L I T Z K R I E G: im on vc
[2024-03-05 03:18:57] xXStriiiimmmXx: oh great...blitz
[2024-03-05 03:18:58] tohsdaehmoob: home depot getting aggressive
[2024-03-05 03:19:03] TGE_Pit Viper: BAN KING NOW
[2024-03-05 03:19:07] BadAim: yooo hey blitz!
[2024-03-05 03:19:11] TGE_Pit Viper: HE IS BANNED FROM MY SERVER
[2024-03-05 03:19:12] B L I T Z K R I E G: sup man
[2024-03-05 03:19:13] k: yeah yeah fake pit
[2024-03-05 03:19:21] ATF_King * : bite me viper
[2024-03-05 03:19:22] TGE_Pit Viper: FUCK KING HE IS BANNED FROM TGE
[2024-03-05 03:19:32] J3Flyer: low iq, ha
[2024-03-05 03:19:34] xXStriiiimmmXx: for low iq lol

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