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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_lostvillage_nopara - 2024-03-19 01:09:02 Chatlog
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[2024-03-19 01:10:52] Mr. Fox: !bang
[2024-03-19 01:27:01] T-Bar: lol
[2024-03-19 01:27:01] Mr. Fox: oh
[2024-03-19 01:27:03] T-Bar: fun
[2024-03-19 01:27:03] Mr. Fox: hi T
[2024-03-19 01:27:06] T-Bar: hey
[2024-03-19 01:27:12] Mr. Fox: didnt see you come in
[2024-03-19 01:27:21] Mr. Fox: i was busy wasting bots
[2024-03-19 01:27:22] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-03-19 01:27:28] T-Bar: i see
[2024-03-19 01:27:51] Mr. Fox: we can vote a diff map if youd like
[2024-03-19 01:28:11] T-Bar: this fine
[2024-03-19 01:28:16] Mr. Fox: ok
[2024-03-19 01:28:22] Mr. Fox: i wont camp your main any mor
[2024-03-19 01:28:32] T-Bar: cool
[2024-03-19 01:28:50] T-Bar: who's this :P on blue
[2024-03-19 01:28:55] Mr. Fox: bangbang
[2024-03-19 01:29:01] T-Bar: ah
[2024-03-19 01:29:06] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-03-19 01:29:07] T-Bar: lol
[2024-03-19 01:29:27] Mr. Fox: come in bang
[2024-03-19 01:30:57] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: dont see you on the list
[2024-03-19 01:31:18] Mr. Fox: really?
[2024-03-19 01:31:22] Mr. Fox: that weird
[2024-03-19 01:31:52] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: i see you though above me
[2024-03-19 01:32:52] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: i see monkey, but not you fox
[2024-03-19 01:33:28] T-Bar: that was such a long wak to get it
[2024-03-19 01:33:34] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-03-19 01:33:37] Mr. Fox: yes it is
[2024-03-19 01:33:51] Mr. Fox: should have taken the base lol
[2024-03-19 01:33:54] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: hey
[2024-03-19 01:34:08] Mr. Fox: theres the bongbong
[2024-03-19 01:34:12] T-Bar: true did n't think about it
[2024-03-19 01:34:16] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: boom booms
[2024-03-19 01:34:49] Mr. Fox: bonkbonkpow
[2024-03-19 01:35:08] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Howdy
[2024-03-19 01:35:10] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: hey
[2024-03-19 01:35:14] _Brain Damage_: heyt
[2024-03-19 01:35:16] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: hi bd
[2024-03-19 01:35:17] _Brain Damage_: all
[2024-03-19 01:35:18] T-Bar: hey
[2024-03-19 01:35:20] _Brain Damage_: yo
[2024-03-19 01:35:38] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: can y'all see fox on the list?
[2024-03-19 01:35:44] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: no
[2024-03-19 01:35:45] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: i can't
[2024-03-19 01:35:47] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: llol
[2024-03-19 01:35:53] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: but it registers him in
[2024-03-19 01:35:55] Mr. Fox: thats so weird
[2024-03-19 01:35:55] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: stealth haq
[2024-03-19 01:36:03] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: he's in his den
[2024-03-19 01:36:09] Mr. Fox: maybe because my score was aldready maxed when you joined?
[2024-03-19 01:36:18] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: oh it was that
[2024-03-19 01:36:18] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: then
[2024-03-19 01:36:20] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: 255
[2024-03-19 01:36:23] Mr. Fox: yea
[2024-03-19 01:36:28] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: yeah that's why
[2024-03-19 01:37:15] Gecky: hi
[2024-03-19 01:37:32] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: yo
[2024-03-19 01:37:54] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: can't see your missiles too
[2024-03-19 01:37:57] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: wtf
[2024-03-19 01:37:58] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-03-19 01:38:01] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: who said that
[2024-03-19 01:38:02] Gecky: same
[2024-03-19 01:38:05] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: roadie probably
[2024-03-19 01:38:09] Mr. Fox: im so disruptive
[2024-03-19 01:38:12] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: lmfao
[2024-03-19 01:38:19] Mr. Fox: road or crash
[2024-03-19 01:38:51] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: wtf
[2024-03-19 01:38:53] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: can't kill you
[2024-03-19 01:39:00] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: oh
[2024-03-19 01:39:01] Mr. Fox: ns
[2024-03-19 01:39:01] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: there we go
[2024-03-19 01:39:13] Sgt. Schultz: a lot of spawn camping happens on this server
[2024-03-19 01:39:20] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: you see him flying though?
[2024-03-19 01:39:26] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: well we play ctf a lot
[2024-03-19 01:39:32] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: that's where people camp
[2024-03-19 01:39:47] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: !nextmap
[2024-03-19 01:40:10] _Brain Damage_: can we coop BFP event now pls
[2024-03-19 01:40:12] _Brain Damage_: play
[2024-03-19 01:40:18] _Brain Damage_: )))
[2024-03-19 01:40:20] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: huh
[2024-03-19 01:40:27] [TRIBUNAL] Tom Servo: battlefield pirates is cool
[2024-03-19 01:40:35] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: indeed
[2024-03-19 01:40:37] Mr. Fox: thers road
[2024-03-19 01:40:44] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: roadzter
[2024-03-19 01:40:48] Sgt. Schultz: pretty cool but it gets old fast
[2024-03-19 01:40:48] _Brain Damage_: yeah for one map it's fun... then it becomes boring
[2024-03-19 01:40:51] _Roadie : with the crappy ping
[2024-03-19 01:41:09] T-Bar: so weird i dont hear it shoot
[2024-03-19 01:41:14] Mr. Fox: lol death bubbled
[2024-03-19 01:41:17] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: *S*
[2024-03-19 01:41:19] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: yeah
[2024-03-19 01:41:20] _Roadie : (medic)
[2024-03-19 01:41:23] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: he maxed out the score
[2024-03-19 01:41:26] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: so he's glitched
[2024-03-19 01:41:27] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: i think
[2024-03-19 01:41:28] Mr. Fox: none of you see the missles?
[2024-03-19 01:41:31] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: no
[2024-03-19 01:41:33] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: it's blank
[2024-03-19 01:41:34] _Brain Damage_: !nextmap
[2024-03-19 01:41:35] T-Bar: fox is getting the kill
[2024-03-19 01:41:41] Mr. Fox: bizare
[2024-03-19 01:41:47] Gecky: this is not BF 3 sir
[2024-03-19 01:41:56] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: who remembers when this town was flat?
[2024-03-19 01:42:16] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: hm?

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