Battlefield 1942 Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_desertshield - 2024-05-06 00:03:01 Chatlog
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[2024-05-06 00:41:52] wildcard: why are you in our main?
[2024-05-06 00:42:46] Mjr D Zaster: ok to fire on things firing on us ??
[2024-05-06 00:42:47] Peeper: i thought he can attack any fire from main
[2024-05-06 00:43:26] wildcard: yeah maybe idk
[2024-05-06 00:43:48] wildcard: from in main though?
[2024-05-06 00:44:15] Peeper: now you want to complicate things..LOL
[2024-05-06 00:44:25] Mjr D Zaster: next time i'll do it from the air Wild
[2024-05-06 00:44:26] wildcard: )
[2024-05-06 00:45:11] wildcard: I think
[2024-05-06 00:46:05] wildcard: I think its mixed here who cares and who does not
[2024-05-06 00:46:58] wildcard: Does not really matter to me just trying to make you feel bad
[2024-05-06 00:48:11] Mjr D Zaster: if anyone is launching missles from anywhere i'm going to try
[2024-05-06 00:52:01] wildcard: fking stuart olivar

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