Battlefield 1942 Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_lostvillage - 2024-05-12 02:46:02 Chatlog
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[2024-05-12 02:47:38] -[HELLO]-JESTER: gj
[2024-05-12 02:47:42] Peeper: ty
[2024-05-12 02:47:49] Peeper: sprung one on em
[2024-05-12 02:47:55] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lol
[2024-05-12 02:48:17] -[HELLO]-JESTER: where is everyone?
[2024-05-12 02:48:41] Peeper: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[2024-05-12 02:50:41] Peeper: gj
[2024-05-12 02:50:46] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: ty
[2024-05-12 02:52:20] _Brain Damage_: HEY DUDES
[2024-05-12 02:52:30] _Brain Damage_: WELCOME TO AEMRICA
[2024-05-12 02:52:58] _Brain Damage_: brett
[2024-05-12 02:53:09] Brettanomyces: wah
[2024-05-12 02:53:15] _Brain Damage_: your score is too low sory no green card for ya
[2024-05-12 02:53:20] _Brain Damage_: I'm sorry
[2024-05-12 02:53:56] _Brain Damage_: brett u told me u play music or u just drink refined beers?
[2024-05-12 02:54:10] _Brain Damage_: dude
[2024-05-12 02:54:29] _Brain Damage_: I was aving a friendly conversation
[2024-05-12 02:54:49] _Brain Damage_: no more pity
[2024-05-12 02:55:07] _Brain Damage_: brett u play an instrument?
[2024-05-12 02:55:33] _Brain Damage_: instument harrassment?
[2024-05-12 02:55:35] _Brain Damage_: lol
[2024-05-12 02:55:41] -[HELLO]-JESTER: AST TIME YOU PRACTIC
[2024-05-12 02:56:02] -[HELLO]-JESTER: YOUR SKIN FLUTE
[2024-05-12 02:56:13] _Brain Damage_: JEY u play an instrument? excpet massturbation?
[2024-05-12 02:56:52] _Brain Damage_: DUDES i JUST got a 32 mini kb
[2024-05-12 02:57:25] _Brain Damage_: looks like nothing, it plays like beethoven ROFL I'm AAA nub at
[2024-05-12 02:57:36] _Brain Damage_: pls dont cap
[2024-05-12 02:57:45] _Brain Damage_: for humanitarian reason
[2024-05-12 02:57:52] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHY NOT CAP
[2024-05-12 02:57:54] _Brain Damage_: plsz
[2024-05-12 02:58:05] _Brain Damage_: cause I'm begging him not to cap
[2024-05-12 02:58:09] Goosey: lol
[2024-05-12 02:58:18] -[HELLO]-JESTER: oh
[2024-05-12 02:59:21] Peeper: gj
[2024-05-12 02:59:23] _Brain Damage_: life is hard
[2024-05-12 02:59:56] _Brain Damage_: bad I was drinking my last drop of beer
[2024-05-12 03:00:05] _Brain Damage_: u didnt let me drink it ;
[2024-05-12 03:00:05] Goosey: i have plenty
[2024-05-12 03:00:29] _Brain Damage_: plenty of sex dolls? made in japan?
[2024-05-12 03:00:33] _Brain Damage_: u serious?
[2024-05-12 03:00:46] Goosey: ah i said beer..
[2024-05-12 03:00:50] Malakoph: factory roof
[2024-05-12 03:00:52] _Brain Damage_: h
[2024-05-12 03:00:59] _Brain Damage_: cheers man
[2024-05-12 03:01:40] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2024-05-12 03:01:40] Goosey: ns
[2024-05-12 03:01:44] _Brain Damage_: balance teams dudes dont be the lamest
[2024-05-12 03:01:52] _Brain Damage_: we already lose
[2024-05-12 03:01:58] General Skoal: Need more players bang
[2024-05-12 03:01:59] _Brain Damage_: WHAT a man
[2024-05-12 03:02:07] _Brain Damage_: he suicided for joining us
[2024-05-12 03:02:12] -[HELLO]-JESTER: they balance
[2024-05-12 03:02:19] _Brain Damage_: give him a posthume medal
[2024-05-12 03:02:29] General Skoal: no I mean the server needs more players
[2024-05-12 03:02:42] -[HELLO]-JESTER: yes
[2024-05-12 03:02:52] _Brain Damage_: I want more BALANCE I WANNA WIN THIS WAR
[2024-05-12 03:03:01] -[HELL0]-Crash: hi all
[2024-05-12 03:03:02] _Brain Damage_: CRASH JOIN US
[2024-05-12 03:03:09] _Brain Damage_: if u want billions
[2024-05-12 03:03:12] -[HELL0]-Crash: join he dark side?
[2024-05-12 03:03:17] -[HELL0]-Crash: but im a jedi
[2024-05-12 03:03:22] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey crash
[2024-05-12 03:03:24] _Brain Damage_: oil side is gold
[2024-05-12 03:03:40] _Brain Damage_: join us if u want trillions
[2024-05-12 03:03:48] -[HELL0]-Crash: cheapskate!
[2024-05-12 03:03:55] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lol
[2024-05-12 03:03:56] _Brain Damage_: quadrillions?
[2024-05-12 03:04:07] -[HELL0]-Crash: now youre talking
[2024-05-12 03:04:17] _Brain Damage_: quadratrizillions
[2024-05-12 03:04:27] _Brain Damage_: of jopeks
[2024-05-12 03:04:32] _Brain Damage_: kopek money
[2024-05-12 03:04:41] _Brain Damage_: google kopek money ROFL
[2024-05-12 03:05:10] _Brain Damage_: GJ TEAM
[2024-05-12 03:05:16] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-05-12 03:05:20] -[HELLO]-JESTER: gj goosey
[2024-05-12 03:05:22] _Brain Damage_: SADDAM WILL GIVE U A KISS
[2024-05-12 03:05:28] -[HELL0]-Crash: dont encourage him!
[2024-05-12 03:05:35] Goosey: lol
[2024-05-12 03:05:51] _Brain Damage_: we gonna win
[2024-05-12 03:05:53] -[HELL0]-Crash: kiss who?
[2024-05-12 03:05:55] _Brain Damage_: I gotta plan
[2024-05-12 03:06:30] _Brain Damage_: mala I h8 y bro
[2024-05-12 03:06:39] Malakoph: ty lol
[2024-05-12 03:06:56] -[HELL0]-Crash: two 24 year olds ..
[2024-05-12 03:06:57] _Brain Damage_: I'm sure u used a unique trick with your rolling ball mouse
[2024-05-12 03:07:11] _Brain Damage_: shouldnt be allowed
[2024-05-12 03:07:19] _Brain Damage_: hardware glitch
[2024-05-12 03:07:24] -[HELL0]-Crash: dunno
[2024-05-12 03:07:35] -[HELL0]-Crash: but i do know moobs sounds better with a ballgag
[2024-05-12 03:07:45] Goosey: oops soz again Ton
[2024-05-12 03:07:53] [r.e.i.c.h.]Ton: all g
[2024-05-12 03:08:13] _Brain Damage_: WOOOOOOHHHO
[2024-05-12 03:08:17] _Brain Damage_: 007 style
[2024-05-12 03:08:31] _Brain Damage_: u guys all missed with nub rockets
[2024-05-12 03:08:37] _Brain Damage_: cause I deviated
[2024-05-12 03:08:50] Peeper: one morw
[2024-05-12 03:08:52] General Skoal: hows aboot pirates 8)
[2024-05-12 03:09:06] -[HELL0]-Crash: no i buy my games legally
[2024-05-12 03:09:16] _Brain Damage_: liies
[2024-05-12 03:09:23] -[HELL0]-Crash: yeaaaargh
[2024-05-12 03:09:30] _Brain Damage_: we know everything crashpapers !
[2024-05-12 03:09:39] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: sry about knife
[2024-05-12 03:09:40] _Brain Damage_: on wikileaks
[2024-05-12 03:09:43] -[HELL0]-Crash: ur thinking of the panama papers
[2024-05-12 03:09:52] _Brain Damage_: lol
[2024-05-12 03:09:54] General Skoal: lmao crash, Airplane! reference detected
[2024-05-12 03:10:03] Goosey: lol
[2024-05-12 03:10:26] _Brain Damage_: we need medic ib team
[2024-05-12 03:10:46] -[HELL0]-Crash: bang shud just swap ur DPVs for toyotas
[2024-05-12 03:11:08] Peeper: crao ]
[2024-05-12 03:11:08] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2024-05-12 03:11:10] _Brain Damage_: or both mixed is better
[2024-05-12 03:11:11] Goosey: :I
[2024-05-12 03:11:33] _Brain Damage_: also few humvees would add strategic action
[2024-05-12 03:11:48] _Brain Damage_: imagine tow's, or mini guns lolol
[2024-05-12 03:12:05] _Brain Damage_: mini gun would make the game imposssible to play I guess
[2024-05-12 03:12:11] _Brain Damage_: but tow's are fun
[2024-05-12 03:12:19] -[HELL0]-Crash: how about a handheld scud?
[2024-05-12 03:12:36] _Brain Damage_: I was serious dude
[2024-05-12 03:12:40] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-05-12 03:12:52] _Brain Damage_: I got some good ideas
[2024-05-12 03:12:58] Malakoph: jet packs
[2024-05-12 03:13:05] _Brain Damage_: dudes
[2024-05-12 03:13:13] _Brain Damage_: respect all principles
[2024-05-12 03:13:21] _Brain Damage_: gameplay reality 1st
[2024-05-12 03:13:32] _Brain Damage_: no custom stuff
[2024-05-12 03:13:34] _Brain Damage_: etc
[2024-05-12 03:13:39] _Brain Damage_: keep it simple
[2024-05-12 03:13:43] Malakoph: secret weapons had them why not here
[2024-05-12 03:13:51] -[HELL0]-Crash: had what
[2024-05-12 03:13:51] _Brain Damage_: which
[2024-05-12 03:14:08] _Brain Damage_: flyong soldiers?.
[2024-05-12 03:14:34] Malakoph: city maps would be challem
[2024-05-12 03:14:46] -[HELL0]-Crash: "they fly now?" They fly now!"
[2024-05-12 03:14:53] -[HELL0]-Crash: hey this aint star wars!
[2024-05-12 03:15:18] Malakoph: lol
[2024-05-12 03:15:42] _Brain Damage_: had what mala?
[2024-05-12 03:15:43] -[HELLO]-JESTER: gj
[2024-05-12 03:15:55] Malakoph: ?
[2024-05-12 03:16:05] _Brain Damage_: SW
[2024-05-12 03:16:07] -[HELL0]-Crash: u mentioned secret weps
[2024-05-12 03:16:14] -[HELL0]-Crash: he asked which weps
[2024-05-12 03:16:21] _Brain Damage_: ye
[2024-05-12 03:16:27] _Brain Damage_: whic weapons
[2024-05-12 03:16:31] Malakoph: yes the jet packs there

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