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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_twin_rivers - 2024-05-22 01:43:02 Chatlog
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[2024-05-22 01:44:19] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-05-22 01:44:21] [r.e.i.c.h.]Ton: lol
[2024-05-22 01:44:26] [r.e.i.c.h.]Ton: nice landing
[2024-05-22 01:44:28] -[HELLO]-JESTER: DAM SANDBAGS
[2024-05-22 01:44:47] Mr. Fox: sry
[2024-05-22 01:46:22] -[HELL0]-Crash: good cap
[2024-05-22 01:46:24] -[HELL0]-Crash: and cover
[2024-05-22 01:47:18] -[HELLO]-JESTER: I SAW YA COMING FOX
[2024-05-22 01:47:24] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-05-22 01:47:33] -[HELL0]-Crash: u pervo
[2024-05-22 01:47:39] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-05-22 01:47:45] -[HELL0]-Crash: :P
[2024-05-22 01:48:42] Rick Sanchez: sorrrrrry
[2024-05-22 01:48:46] Mr. Fox: np
[2024-05-22 01:48:47] Brettanomyces: FU
[2024-05-22 01:49:34] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY MOOB
[2024-05-22 01:49:37] tohsdaehmoob: HIYA
[2024-05-22 01:50:54] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-05-22 01:50:59] Sgt. Schultz: :)
[2024-05-22 01:52:41] Mr. Fox: sry
[2024-05-22 01:53:18] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey roadie
[2024-05-22 01:53:23] _Roadie : evening all
[2024-05-22 01:53:34] Sgt. Schultz: crap sry
[2024-05-22 01:53:47] wildcard: hi Roadie
[2024-05-22 01:53:49] [r.e.i.c.h.]Ton: bro, fluing Frogfoot is a bad idea as a US airforce
[2024-05-22 01:54:13] _Roadie : hey WC
[2024-05-22 01:54:55] -[HELL0]-Crash: 50 cal sniper in our main
[2024-05-22 01:55:12] _Brain Damage_: hi all
[2024-05-22 01:55:26] Rick Sanchez: hey Omar
[2024-05-22 01:55:32] _Brain Damage_: shalom hamas
[2024-05-22 01:55:44] tohsdaehmoob: nEXT week is Felony Week! OYEAH
[2024-05-22 01:55:58] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2024-05-22 01:56:02] Rick Sanchez: jimmy felong
[2024-05-22 01:56:04] _Brain Damage_: hey tohs what was the song you cited yestereday?
[2024-05-22 01:56:14] _Brain Damage_: FELA kuti
[2024-05-22 01:56:16] tohsdaehmoob: which one?
[2024-05-22 01:56:31] _Brain Damage_: u said the guitar played by kb sounds good
[2024-05-22 01:56:55] tohsdaehmoob: Oh, Miami Vice theme song
[2024-05-22 01:57:00] _Brain Damage_: k THANKS
[2024-05-22 01:57:04] _Brain Damage_: 1 sec
[2024-05-22 01:57:05] _Roadie : there's a theme song
[2024-05-22 01:57:09] _Brain Damage_: gonna check now
[2024-05-22 01:57:17] _Roadie : don't do it Jes
[2024-05-22 01:57:18] Mr. Fox: chair?
[2024-05-22 01:57:19] -[HELL0]-Crash: what
[2024-05-22 01:57:22] ATF_TankPanZeR *: THEY STICKY MESS
[2024-05-22 01:57:24] Mr. Fox: the wheel chair
[2024-05-22 01:57:28] Sgt. Schultz: she won't move?
[2024-05-22 01:57:29] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL WHY?
[2024-05-22 01:57:34] CPAV: haha fox
[2024-05-22 01:57:36] ATF_TankPanZeR *: LMAO FOX
[2024-05-22 01:58:00] -[HELL0]-Crash: u sick phuc
[2024-05-22 01:58:01] tohsdaehmoob: there we go
[2024-05-22 01:58:04] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOLW
[2024-05-22 01:58:08] _Roadie : did Moob just go boom
[2024-05-22 01:58:09] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-05-22 01:58:32] Rick Sanchez: it is called crocketts theme Omar
[2024-05-22 01:58:45] Rick Sanchez: it was on GTA vive city
[2024-05-22 01:58:50] Rick Sanchez: vice
[2024-05-22 01:59:00] tohsdaehmoob: man and boy walking through the woods, boy starts crying...
[2024-05-22 01:59:07] wildcard: i need repairs
[2024-05-22 01:59:10] tohsdaehmoob: "mister i don't like it here, i'm scared"
[2024-05-22 01:59:12] Brettanomyces: lag 1 x 0 brett
[2024-05-22 01:59:25] tohsdaehmoob: man- you think you got it bad? I have to walk home alone
[2024-05-22 01:59:29] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEHEHHEHEHEHH
[2024-05-22 02:00:00] -[HELL0]-Crash: TY JESTER FOR WAITING
[2024-05-22 02:00:03] -[HELLO]-JESTER: DONT GET IT
[2024-05-22 02:00:07] Rick Sanchez: serial killer
[2024-05-22 02:00:12] tohsdaehmoob: he raped and killed the boy
[2024-05-22 02:00:35] Rick Sanchez: Roberts Picton was stabbed in jail
[2024-05-22 02:00:37] _Roadie : ty
[2024-05-22 02:00:42] -[HELL0]-Crash: who
[2024-05-22 02:00:46] Rick Sanchez: the pig farmer
[2024-05-22 02:00:48] _Brain Damage_: true it sounds pretty realistic considering the year
[2024-05-22 02:00:49] tohsdaehmoob: who what?
[2024-05-22 02:00:56] _Roadie : oops
[2024-05-22 02:00:57] _Brain Damage_: miami vice
[2024-05-22 02:01:04] _Brain Damage_: even the solo is kb?
[2024-05-22 02:01:04] _Roadie : I flew in a no fly sone
[2024-05-22 02:01:07] Sgt. Schultz: sry right between my target and me
[2024-05-22 02:01:09] tohsdaehmoob: yup
[2024-05-22 02:01:15] _Brain Damage_: they did great
[2024-05-22 02:01:23] _Roadie : yep Sorry about that Schultz
[2024-05-22 02:01:30] tohsdaehmoob: that guy is a synth wiz
[2024-05-22 02:01:32] _Brain Damage_: what's really hard to recreate is acoustic guitar
[2024-05-22 02:01:41] _Brain Damage_: yeah true
[2024-05-22 02:01:48] wildcard: repairs
[2024-05-22 02:01:52] Peeper: SORRY
[2024-05-22 02:01:52] -[HELLO]-JESTER: OH GOD BRAIN NOT AGAIN
[2024-05-22 02:01:53] CPAV: lol
[2024-05-22 02:01:59] CPAV: isaid hold ur fire a bunch haha
[2024-05-22 02:01:59] _Brain Damage_: hey dude
[2024-05-22 02:02:09] _Brain Damage_: u missed me that much
[2024-05-22 02:02:22] CPAV: not as much as blitzkrieg
[2024-05-22 02:02:28] _Roadie : fox keeps stealing my targets, (thankfully) ...
[2024-05-22 02:02:46] tohsdaehmoob: DIKHOLE
[2024-05-22 02:02:58] Peeper: GJ
[2024-05-22 02:02:59] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-05-22 02:03:06] wildcard: repairs
[2024-05-22 02:03:13] Rick Sanchez: hey Omar my I was told there is millions of cats in Rabat
[2024-05-22 02:03:16] -[HELLO]-JESTER: THANX
[2024-05-22 02:03:37] _Brain Damage_: yes they found fancy to feed them
[2024-05-22 02:03:38] Sgt. Schultz: sry
[2024-05-22 02:03:41] Mr. Fox: lol np
[2024-05-22 02:03:45] _Brain Damage_: when I was young they used to torture them
[2024-05-22 02:03:52] Mr. Fox: shoot the other 1
[2024-05-22 02:03:53] Brettanomyces: lel
[2024-05-22 02:03:55] tohsdaehmoob: OYEH
[2024-05-22 02:03:58] CPAV: vulcan on hill by flag
[2024-05-22 02:03:59] _Brain Damage_: it's stupid to feed feral cats
[2024-05-22 02:04:08] -[HELL0]-Crash: to dogs
[2024-05-22 02:04:08] _Brain Damage_: counter-productive
[2024-05-22 02:04:22] Rick Sanchez: my sister was in morocco
[2024-05-22 02:04:24] Brettanomyces: !nextmap
[2024-05-22 02:04:25] CPAV: my cats kill mice
[2024-05-22 02:04:28] _Brain Damage_: u were in rabat?
[2024-05-22 02:04:34] [TRIBUNAL] Tom Servo: its also stupid to feed homeless crackheads
[2024-05-22 02:04:35] -[HELL0]-Crash: in australia feral cats kill the cute Koalas
[2024-05-22 02:04:40] Brettanomyces: sister he said
[2024-05-22 02:04:48] Rick Sanchez: I tried to hook you up with her
[2024-05-22 02:04:53] tohsdaehmoob: cats are better
[2024-05-22 02:04:56] _Brain Damage_: you're coke traffiquand sancho?
[2024-05-22 02:05:05] Brettanomyces: a nice cuban girl
[2024-05-22 02:05:31] Rick Sanchez: cubans have big juicy ass
[2024-05-22 02:05:36] _Brain Damage_: u heard about cubans fighting in ukraine?
[2024-05-22 02:05:50] _Brain Damage_: russian side
[2024-05-22 02:05:50] -[HELL0]-Crash: cigars attack people?
[2024-05-22 02:05:51] _Roadie : a little sloppy that time Jes
[2024-05-22 02:06:04] Rick Sanchez: lots of colombian and mexican mercenaries
[2024-05-22 02:06:14] _Brain Damage_: they fought us during the Sand War
[2024-05-22 02:06:15] Sgt. Schultz: homo
[2024-05-22 02:06:16] Brettanomyces: cubans goes where one offers food
[2024-05-22 02:06:19] Rick Sanchez: Ukraine pays better than cartels
[2024-05-22 02:06:20] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2024-05-22 02:06:23] _Brain Damage_: brang by algerians lol
[2024-05-22 02:06:29] _Brain Damage_: we kicked their ass
[2024-05-22 02:07:06] _Brain Damage_: did u know that sanchez?
[2024-05-22 02:07:20] _Brain Damage_: cubans in sahra fighting us POLIZARIO side
[2024-05-22 02:07:24] Rick Sanchez: seriously, NATO pays better than the cartels
[2024-05-22 02:07:31] _Brain Damage_: FK sorry dude
[2024-05-22 02:07:38] Sgt. Schultz: np
[2024-05-22 02:07:42] Rick Sanchez: so lots of hsipanics fighters in Ukraine
[2024-05-22 02:07:46] -[HELL0]-Crash: cuban cigars re fighting russians??
[2024-05-22 02:07:51] Sgt. Schultz: did i fool you bombing our hangar?
[2024-05-22 02:07:57] _Brain Damage_: they fight for putin sanchez
[2024-05-22 02:08:01] Rick Sanchez: giving them cancer
[2024-05-22 02:08:02] _Brain Damage_: they kill ukrainians
[2024-05-22 02:08:20] _Roadie : roof
[2024-05-22 02:08:21] Rick Sanchez: even the sun is frying them in varadero
[2024-05-22 02:08:23] _Brain Damage_: oyhahha
[2024-05-22 02:08:25] Brettanomyces: ded
[2024-05-22 02:08:56] Sgt. Schultz: do you like orange pekoe teabags?
[2024-05-22 02:09:00] Mr. Fox: bad sa
[2024-05-22 02:09:09] Mr. Fox: sry mate
[2024-05-22 02:09:12] Hellraz0r: allg
[2024-05-22 02:09:46] Mr. Fox: enemy sa3 up
[2024-05-22 02:09:53] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2024-05-22 02:09:55] -[HELLO]-JESTER: BRAIN YOU LIKE TEA BAGGIN?
[2024-05-22 02:10:10] -[HELL0]-Crash: tea baggee or bagger
[2024-05-22 02:10:12] _Brain Damage_: ?
[2024-05-22 02:10:21] _Brain Damage_: driking tea? or tisane?
[2024-05-22 02:10:26] Sgt. Schultz: at least i got king
[2024-05-22 02:10:31] Rick Sanchez: no jus being tea bagged
[2024-05-22 02:10:35] Brettanomyces: oyeah
[2024-05-22 02:10:37] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SO YOU LIKE TEE BAGGIN
[2024-05-22 02:10:42] _Brain Damage_: what is that sexual?
[2024-05-22 02:10:55] -[HELLO]-JESTER: KIND OF
[2024-05-22 02:10:59] Rick Sanchez: its haram
[2024-05-22 02:11:05] Sgt. Schultz: you know how you dip a teabag into a cup?
[2024-05-22 02:11:07] Brettanomyces: more
[2024-05-22 02:11:08] _Brain Damage_: describe it in few words pls
[2024-05-22 02:11:36] _Brain Damage_: then u put in your ass?
[2024-05-22 02:11:39] Rick Sanchez: his ball sacks ur mouth
[2024-05-22 02:11:49] Sgt. Schultz: you "dip" your bag over your victim
[2024-05-22 02:11:51] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HAIR AND ALL
[2024-05-22 02:12:05] Sgt. Schultz: bag = scrotum
[2024-05-22 02:12:17] tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2024-05-22 02:12:24] _Brain Damage_: testicle penetration?
[2024-05-22 02:12:29] Hellraz0r: oyeah
[2024-05-22 02:12:32] -[HELLO]-JESTER: ORALY
[2024-05-22 02:12:37] _Brain Damage_: oh
[2024-05-22 02:12:42] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-05-22 02:12:48] _Brain Damage_: dunno never tried
[2024-05-22 02:12:51] tohsdaehmoob: god i miss sucking balls
[2024-05-22 02:13:06] Sgt. Schultz: that's what she said
[2024-05-22 02:13:12] _Brain Damage_: how diff than reg felation is it?
[2024-05-22 02:13:16] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: and he's gone
[2024-05-22 02:13:21] -[HELLO]-JESTER: GUYS MOUTH
[2024-05-22 02:13:26] tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2024-05-22 02:13:35] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHO IS?
[2024-05-22 02:13:43] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: moob - ignore
[2024-05-22 02:13:44] tohsdaehmoob: jester is weird tonight
[2024-05-22 02:13:51] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-05-22 02:13:52] _Brain Damage_: h's horny
[2024-05-22 02:13:59] Sgt. Schultz: always
[2024-05-22 02:14:10] Sgt. Schultz: horny horny homo
[2024-05-22 02:14:20] Sgt. Schultz: like hungry hungry hippo
[2024-05-22 02:14:22] -[HELL0]-Crash: gg
[2024-05-22 02:14:26] Mr. Fox: gg
[2024-05-22 02:14:26] -[HELL0]-Crash: I set urban next

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