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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - el_alamein - 2024-05-24 03:18:01 Chatlog
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[2024-05-24 03:19:03] Mr. Fox: bongbong!
[2024-05-24 03:19:32] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: anyone know how fox is getting on top of buildings with no ladd
[2024-05-24 03:19:35] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: ladders?
[2024-05-24 03:20:31] Capt_Jack: some you can climb
[2024-05-24 03:21:02] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: i tried on nas earlier whe it was way up there
[2024-05-24 03:21:20] -[HELL0]-Crash: ptk
[2024-05-24 03:21:21] tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2024-05-24 03:21:22] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: just now in berlin...he was on top of the building in the main
[2024-05-24 03:21:25] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: main intersection
[2024-05-24 03:21:45] BlinkofanEye: ow
[2024-05-24 03:21:50] tohsdaehmoob: oh did i mention i'm drunk?
[2024-05-24 03:22:04] -[HELL0]-Crash: when r u not
[2024-05-24 03:22:10] -[HELLO]-JESTER: as usual
[2024-05-24 03:22:14] -[HELL0]-Crash: ^
[2024-05-24 03:22:18] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey blinko
[2024-05-24 03:22:21] BlinkofanEye: sup
[2024-05-24 03:22:23] BlinkofanEye: got my joystick
[2024-05-24 03:22:27] tohsdaehmoob: thursdays
[2024-05-24 03:22:34] tohsdaehmoob: that don't end in a Y
[2024-05-24 03:22:36] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: that must be why your wife's under my desk
[2024-05-24 03:22:46] Rick Sanchez: OH YEAH
[2024-05-24 03:22:46] Arbiter6452: that bird is something else....
[2024-05-24 03:22:46] Capt_Jack: fn cponnectipn
[2024-05-24 03:22:47] tohsdaehmoob: oh snap
[2024-05-24 03:23:37] CPAV: hahaha
[2024-05-24 03:24:54] -[HELLO]-JESTER: woohoo long shot
[2024-05-24 03:25:01] -[HELL0]-Crash: crap
[2024-05-24 03:25:32] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey grazier
[2024-05-24 03:25:40] CPAV: hi lester
[2024-05-24 03:25:52] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey cpav
[2024-05-24 03:26:05] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey beligerent
[2024-05-24 03:26:09] belligerent: hey
[2024-05-24 03:26:12] -[HELL0]-Crash: hi
[2024-05-24 03:26:23] Graizer: heya tohs
[2024-05-24 03:26:37] -[HELL0]-Crash: guy in hangar again
[2024-05-24 03:26:38] tohsdaehmoob: GRAIZ
[2024-05-24 03:26:56] -[HELL0]-Crash: haha gotcha that time jester
[2024-05-24 03:27:04] -[HELLO]-JESTER: yep
[2024-05-24 03:27:07] -[HELL0]-Crash: grailing our planes lol
[2024-05-24 03:27:14] -[HELL0]-Crash: from our runway
[2024-05-24 03:27:28] CPAV: na
[2024-05-24 03:27:29] CPAV: ns
[2024-05-24 03:27:43] Graizer: LET ME HAVE THE HELICOPTER
[2024-05-24 03:27:46] Graizer: HE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU
[2024-05-24 03:27:53] CPAV: ffs
[2024-05-24 03:27:55] Graizer: pls
[2024-05-24 03:28:00] -[HELL0]-Crash: u have to put a quarter in the slot first
[2024-05-24 03:28:22] tohsdaehmoob: dangit
[2024-05-24 03:28:45] -[HELL0]-Crash: if brains were dynamite, u wudnt have enuf to blow ur nose Tohs
[2024-05-24 03:29:21] tohsdaehmoob: that's why i get your mom to do it
[2024-05-24 03:29:24] tohsdaehmoob: oh, you said NOSE
[2024-05-24 03:29:33] Mr. Fox: bail
[2024-05-24 03:29:37] Mr. Fox: you can make it
[2024-05-24 03:30:04] -[HELLO]-JESTER: heheheheheh
[2024-05-24 03:30:06] Graizer: GET THE FLAG
[2024-05-24 03:30:07] tohsdaehmoob: BOOYAH
[2024-05-24 03:30:10] Graizer: gona die
[2024-05-24 03:30:19] Rick Sanchez: OH YEAH
[2024-05-24 03:30:20] -[HELL0]-Crash: n1 graz
[2024-05-24 03:30:25] -[HELL0]-Crash: wasnt sure where he was
[2024-05-24 03:30:28] Graizer: yeah boiiiii
[2024-05-24 03:31:03] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2024-05-24 03:31:05] Mr. Fox: tank pad
[2024-05-24 03:31:28] CPAV: ns
[2024-05-24 03:31:52] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-05-24 03:31:57] -[HELLO]-JESTER: you sob
[2024-05-24 03:32:06] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-05-24 03:32:10] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lol
[2024-05-24 03:32:14] -[HELL0]-Crash: u idiot
[2024-05-24 03:32:20] Mr. Fox: kick moob
[2024-05-24 03:32:35] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: he IS retarded...he's protected
[2024-05-24 03:32:36] tohsdaehmoob: press E, you dildo
[2024-05-24 03:33:04] -[HELL0]-Crash: all good
[2024-05-24 03:33:17] -[HELL0]-Crash: ur suposed to fly by my side, not AT me u noob
[2024-05-24 03:33:18] Arbiter6452: ROFL if you free fall enough you fart
[2024-05-24 03:33:33] -[HELL0]-Crash: yeah u hav to be pretty high tho
[2024-05-24 03:33:35] -[HELLO]-JESTER: yes you do
[2024-05-24 03:33:45] tohsdaehmoob: Crash is unable to figure out the swoop pickup
[2024-05-24 03:33:51] Arbiter6452: thats funny
[2024-05-24 03:34:09] -[HELL0]-Crash: FOX tank
[2024-05-24 03:34:20] -[HELL0]-Crash: dead
[2024-05-24 03:34:23] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-05-24 03:34:31] tohsdaehmoob: it takes coordination my friend
[2024-05-24 03:34:35] tohsdaehmoob: you'll get it one day
[2024-05-24 03:34:40] Arbiter6452: I Was bouncing off the atmosphere
[2024-05-24 03:35:09] Arbiter6452: What is the height cieling for this game anyway
[2024-05-24 03:35:09] tohsdaehmoob: PYEAH
[2024-05-24 03:35:28] Mr. Fox: there isnt 1
[2024-05-24 03:35:52] -[HELL0]-Crash: u crash i kick u
[2024-05-24 03:36:26] tohsdaehmoob: huh?
[2024-05-24 03:36:34] Capt_Jack: DID YOU GE HIMjESTER
[2024-05-24 03:37:06] -[HELL0]-Crash: aw just let me mine jster in peace!
[2024-05-24 03:37:36] CPAV: weener
[2024-05-24 03:37:37] Arbiter6452: OMG HELP!
[2024-05-24 03:37:54] Arbiter6452: I am in a flat spin in a bank and I can't stop it
[2024-05-24 03:38:02] CPAV: just bail
[2024-05-24 03:38:05] Graizer: lol
[2024-05-24 03:38:11] Arbiter6452: I bailed
[2024-05-24 03:38:20] Arbiter6452: I can't fly hellie
[2024-05-24 03:38:21] Graizer: playing defense in capture the flag is fake news
[2024-05-24 03:38:22] CPAV: nice
[2024-05-24 03:38:44] Arbiter6452: what is the trick?
[2024-05-24 03:38:55] -[HELL0]-Crash: fake booze
[2024-05-24 03:38:58] Arbiter6452: I saw someone fly a little bird flat like a jet
[2024-05-24 03:39:07] -[HELL0]-Crash: turbo
[2024-05-24 03:39:13] -[HELL0]-Crash: the jeeps and lil bird are turbo
[2024-05-24 03:39:15] -[HELL0]-Crash: right click mouse
[2024-05-24 03:39:21] -[HELL0]-Crash: try it
[2024-05-24 03:39:28] -[HELL0]-Crash: just this map on server
[2024-05-24 03:39:41] Mr. Fox: and Twins
[2024-05-24 03:39:45] Mr. Fox: and Bocage
[2024-05-24 03:39:55] -[HELL0]-Crash: arbit jump in little bird
[2024-05-24 03:40:04] -[HELL0]-Crash: no right click mouse
[2024-05-24 03:40:08] -[HELL0]-Crash: now*
[2024-05-24 03:41:11] Arbiter6452: OMG I am flying!
[2024-05-24 03:41:29] tohsdaehmoob: suck it
[2024-05-24 03:41:53] Arbiter6452: thats only little bird, I can fly that lol
[2024-05-24 03:41:53] CPAV: lol
[2024-05-24 03:42:04] CPAV: CPAV: 0 TANKS: 3
[2024-05-24 03:42:14] CPAV: or 30
[2024-05-24 03:42:18] -[HELL0]-Crash: 300
[2024-05-24 03:42:23] Capt_Jack: STAY OF THE HANGAR
[2024-05-24 03:42:26] CPAV: yeah its my first time paying
[2024-05-24 03:42:30] CPAV: be nice im new
[2024-05-24 03:42:36] -[HELL0]-Crash: ^
[2024-05-24 03:42:40] tohsdaehmoob: he pays for it EVERY time
[2024-05-24 03:42:41] -[HELL0]-Crash: new for a buick
[2024-05-24 03:42:43] tohsdaehmoob: lies
[2024-05-24 03:42:48] CPAV: i have an old buick
[2024-05-24 03:43:03] Capt_Jack: i had a 56 specia;
[2024-05-24 03:43:53] -[HELL0]-Crash: CPAV is spethal and born in '56
[2024-05-24 03:44:12] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: fox's radar
[2024-05-24 03:44:15] Graizer: why dont you talk to CPAV's real voice
[2024-05-24 03:44:24] Graizer: you're going to have to face your fears one day crash
[2024-05-24 03:44:24] -[HELLO]-JESTER: wow kilgore
[2024-05-24 03:44:33] Graizer: come now we're om
[2024-05-24 03:44:35] Graizer: on*
[2024-05-24 03:44:37] -[HELL0]-Crash: cpav'?
[2024-05-24 03:44:39] Kilgore: :)
[2024-05-24 03:44:40] Graizer: tohstoo
[2024-05-24 03:44:46] Graizer: we need OHHHYEAAAAH
[2024-05-24 03:44:49] -[HELL0]-Crash: ive heard thai hookers b4
[2024-05-24 03:46:02] Malakoph: 2 tanks
[2024-05-24 03:46:17] -[HELL0]-Crash: hahahaha
[2024-05-24 03:48:06] Mr. Fox: gg
[2024-05-24 03:48:06] -[HELL0]-Crash: jester ur dead
[2024-05-24 03:48:28] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: the cluster bomb map is done...finally
[2024-05-24 03:48:28] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey bang

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