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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - el_alamein - 2024-05-25 00:35:03 Chatlog
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[2024-05-25 00:36:06] _Brain Damage_: gotta reheat fried soles
[2024-05-25 00:36:12] Mr. Fox: soles?
[2024-05-25 00:36:16] _Brain Damage_: lol I always reheat food
[2024-05-25 00:36:26] Mr. Fox: lol yes you do
[2024-05-25 00:36:29] _Brain Damage_: yes u dont say soles for flat white fish?
[2024-05-25 00:36:36] Mr. Fox: ooh ok
[2024-05-25 00:36:53] Mr. Fox: i dont eat fish
[2024-05-25 00:36:58] _Brain Damage_: maybe it's the wrong word I tend to use too mnay french word wh
[2024-05-25 00:37:04] _Brain Damage_: they are mostly the same
[2024-05-25 00:37:12] _Brain Damage_: ah u vegan woke etc...?
[2024-05-25 00:37:12] Mr. Fox: i know what you are talking about
[2024-05-25 00:37:15] _Brain Damage_: lol
[2024-05-25 00:37:19] Mr. Fox: lmao
[2024-05-25 00:37:20] Mr. Fox: no
[2024-05-25 00:37:25] Mr. Fox: just dont like fish
[2024-05-25 00:37:26] _Brain Damage_: WOKE VEGAN FOX
[2024-05-25 00:37:29] _Brain Damage_: k lol
[2024-05-25 00:37:37] _Brain Damage_: gender neutral
[2024-05-25 00:37:54] _Brain Damage_: post millenial cybeborg
[2024-05-25 00:37:58] Sgt. Schultz: i think we have a quorum
[2024-05-25 00:37:59] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-05-25 00:38:11] Mr. Fox: hey sgt
[2024-05-25 00:38:15] _Brain Damage_: hey sgt
[2024-05-25 00:38:16] Sgt. Schultz: hi fox
[2024-05-25 00:38:19] Mr. Fox: a quorum indeed
[2024-05-25 00:38:21] Sgt. Schultz: other guys
[2024-05-25 00:38:36] Sgt. Schultz: if moob shows up we'll have a queerum
[2024-05-25 00:38:41] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-05-25 00:39:35] _Brain Damage_: u thinks next gens would be cyborgs?
[2024-05-25 00:39:35] Sgt. Schultz: oh bang afk
[2024-05-25 00:39:46] Mr. Fox: bangs always afk
[2024-05-25 00:39:47] _Brain Damage_: with implemeted elctro stuff?
[2024-05-25 00:40:06] Mr. Fox: next gen? no
[2024-05-25 00:40:14] _Brain Damage_: nexy gens..
[2024-05-25 00:40:17] Mr. Fox: maybe the 1 after
[2024-05-25 00:40:19] _Brain Damage_: next gens
[2024-05-25 00:40:20] Sgt. Schultz: i'll just practice
[2024-05-25 00:40:38] _Brain Damage_: lol crazy elon wanna pt cpu's in our brains
[2024-05-25 00:40:42] _Brain Damage_: I hate the idea
[2024-05-25 00:40:49] Mr. Fox: BD, want to trade teams?
[2024-05-25 00:40:51] _Brain Damage_: it's a mad idea
[2024-05-25 00:40:59] _Brain Damage_: sure no problem
[2024-05-25 00:41:02] Sgt. Schultz: you're programmed to hate the idea
[2024-05-25 00:41:16] _Brain Damage_: why programmed?
[2024-05-25 00:41:26] Sgt. Schultz: from that cpu in your head
[2024-05-25 00:41:37] Sgt. Schultz: sorry, i thought you knew
[2024-05-25 00:41:37] _Brain Damage_: I lived outside the Western World in morcco
[2024-05-25 00:41:49] _Brain Damage_: up to 20 where I was under exposed
[2024-05-25 00:41:58] _Brain Damage_: we lived in house outside city
[2024-05-25 00:42:08] _Brain Damage_: in alsmost desert neighborhood
[2024-05-25 00:42:29] _Brain Damage_: very litte social exposition etc..
[2024-05-25 00:42:33] _Brain Damage_: no internet .
[2024-05-25 00:42:36] _Brain Damage_: indeed
[2024-05-25 00:42:58] _Brain Damage_: I'm very objective and neutral on things
[2024-05-25 00:43:12] Capt_Jack: good evening all
[2024-05-25 00:43:14] Mr. Fox: hey jack
[2024-05-25 00:43:15] _Brain Damage_: I'm not like av humans I'm like a Xpac
[2024-05-25 00:43:16] Sgt. Schultz: hey
[2024-05-25 00:43:19] _Brain Damage_: Kpacs
[2024-05-25 00:43:28] Mr. Fox: ns!
[2024-05-25 00:43:32] _Brain Damage_: Alien from another planet really !
[2024-05-25 00:43:47] _Brain Damage_: hey WEOLCOME to FRIDAY night EVENT
[2024-05-25 00:43:48] Sgt. Schultz: i found that you don't have to be all that close, just lined up
[2024-05-25 00:44:03] Mr. Fox: yea, its like a huge shotgun blasyt
[2024-05-25 00:44:32] _Brain Damage_: u got it man? what I told u about myself?
[2024-05-25 00:44:42] _Brain Damage_: I'm more like an alien to humans
[2024-05-25 00:44:49] Mr. Fox: lmao
[2024-05-25 00:44:52] Sgt. Schultz: oops
[2024-05-25 00:44:52] Mr. Fox: that didnt work
[2024-05-25 00:44:54] _Brain Damage_: I dont master their codes
[2024-05-25 00:45:08] _Brain Damage_: I'm a stranger to humans
[2024-05-25 00:45:11] _Brain Damage_: human kind
[2024-05-25 00:45:14] Sgt. Schultz: i made that happen through mindpower
[2024-05-25 00:45:58] _Brain Damage_: THANKS FOR OOINT RESPECT bro
[2024-05-25 00:46:07] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-05-25 00:46:10] Sgt. Schultz: OYEAH
[2024-05-25 00:46:12] Sgt. Schultz: lol
[2024-05-25 00:46:28] _Brain Damage_: I wanna exchange all my to bicoins b4 I die
[2024-05-25 00:46:43] _Brain Damage_: allpoints earned in my life since 2003
[2024-05-25 00:47:24] _Brain Damage_: dude
[2024-05-25 00:47:35] _Brain Damage_: u were running on a wall
[2024-05-25 00:48:11] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-05-25 00:48:13] Mr. Fox: ns
[2024-05-25 00:48:16] Sgt. Schultz: :) nice spawn
[2024-05-25 00:48:16] TuskenPsychoSquad: damn where is everyoneQ?
[2024-05-25 00:48:25] Mr. Fox: its still early
[2024-05-25 00:48:30] TuskenPsychoSquad: pfft
[2024-05-25 00:48:35] Mr. Fox: give em 30 mins
[2024-05-25 00:49:14] TuskenPsychoSquad: XD
[2024-05-25 00:49:22] _Brain Damage_: walk
[2024-05-25 00:49:50] Sgt. Schultz: missed
[2024-05-25 00:50:03] Sgt. Schultz: lol
[2024-05-25 00:50:03] Mr. Fox: ; )
[2024-05-25 00:52:25] Capt_Jack: aasight in my muke w
[2024-05-25 00:52:38] Mr. Fox: brb
[2024-05-25 00:52:44] Sgt. Schultz: no hurry
[2024-05-25 00:52:47] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-05-25 00:52:48] _Brain Damage_: u gonna reheat food?
[2024-05-25 00:52:49] Sgt. Schultz: lol
[2024-05-25 00:53:05] Capt_Jack: let me know where it lands
[2024-05-25 00:55:33] _Brain Damage_: MEEP GJ
[2024-05-25 00:57:56] Mr. Fox: lmao
[2024-05-25 00:58:27] Mr. Fox: pheeeeew
[2024-05-25 00:59:10] Mr. Fox: lol rude
[2024-05-25 00:59:15] Sgt. Schultz: yep
[2024-05-25 00:59:44] Mr. Fox: hey wc
[2024-05-25 00:59:52] wildcard: hi fox
[2024-05-25 01:01:02] Mr. Fox: bd afk?
[2024-05-25 01:01:13] Sgt. Schultz: idk
[2024-05-25 01:01:52] Mr. Fox: ns
[2024-05-25 01:02:19] wildcard: ty
[2024-05-25 01:02:28] Mr. Fox: didnt think it would aim that high lol
[2024-05-25 01:02:31] _Brain Damage_: hey WC
[2024-05-25 01:02:46] _Brain Damage_: what u had for dinner I WANNA KNOW NOW for CIA
[2024-05-25 01:03:06] _Brain Damage_: FSB
[2024-05-25 01:03:16] _Brain Damage_: mossad
[2024-05-25 01:03:28] _Brain Damage_: MI6
[2024-05-25 01:05:33] Mr. Fox: falling outta the sky

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