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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - el_alamein - 2024-05-26 02:38:02 Chatlog
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[2024-05-26 02:39:48] Lord Humphrey: ty fox
[2024-05-26 02:39:53] _Brain Damage_: I had potato salad
[2024-05-26 02:40:13] _Brain Damage_: I want u all to know that
[2024-05-26 02:40:17] Lord Humphrey: i had 3 cigs for lunch
[2024-05-26 02:40:20] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lol
[2024-05-26 02:40:21] Rick Sanchez: toss salad
[2024-05-26 02:40:25] Sgt. Schultz: i love potato salad
[2024-05-26 02:40:28] _Brain Damage_: cigsarretesN
[2024-05-26 02:40:31] _Brain Damage_: u mean?
[2024-05-26 02:40:35] Sgt. Schultz: but it has to be the good kind, like i make
[2024-05-26 02:40:43] UNITED: sry
[2024-05-26 02:40:43] _Brain Damage_: yeah with oignons parlseyl
[2024-05-26 02:40:52] _Brain Damage_: I love potato things
[2024-05-26 02:40:53] Lord Humphrey: yes hand rolled and with embalmbing fluids
[2024-05-26 02:41:02] _Brain Damage_: I likes potato asses
[2024-05-26 02:41:22] _Brain Damage_: swiss raclette with potaites mium delicious
[2024-05-26 02:41:24] Rick Sanchez: onion asses are better
[2024-05-26 02:41:26] _Brain Damage_: and charcuterie
[2024-05-26 02:41:28] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hehehehehee
[2024-05-26 02:41:31] Brettanomyces: too high scud
[2024-05-26 02:41:38] Mr. Fox: learning from moob
[2024-05-26 02:41:41] _Brain Damage_: potato asses are more bumby
[2024-05-26 02:41:46] -[HELLO]-JESTER: yep
[2024-05-26 02:41:49] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-05-26 02:41:59] -[HELLO]-JESTER: where is moob and blink
[2024-05-26 02:42:01] _Brain Damage_: I wanna potato wife NOW
[2024-05-26 02:42:08] Rick Sanchez: 44 inches diameter
[2024-05-26 02:42:28] -[HELL0]-Crash: moob i pan handling
[2024-05-26 02:42:36] -[HELL0]-Crash: and blink is turning tricks at an old folks home
[2024-05-26 02:42:43] _Brain Damage_: I got CPU bus
[2024-05-26 02:42:52] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lol
[2024-05-26 02:42:53] _Brain Damage_: lags as if toohot
[2024-05-26 02:43:05] jerkymeat: sorry
[2024-05-26 02:43:10] -[HELL0]-Crash: np
[2024-05-26 02:43:11] _Brain Damage_: BS it's a recent CPU 11 gen I9
[2024-05-26 02:43:30] _Roadie : vpn time
[2024-05-26 02:43:30] _Brain Damage_: the chassis is BS overheats from day 1 almost
[2024-05-26 02:43:47] Rick Sanchez: arab ladies have big onion ass
[2024-05-26 02:43:50] -[HELLO]-JESTER: ass jack
[2024-05-26 02:43:54] Capt_Jack: lol
[2024-05-26 02:44:02] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: i think muslim vests
[2024-05-26 02:44:07] Lord Humphrey: nvidia chips are cool but $NVDA is cpp;er
[2024-05-26 02:44:12] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: very explosive pricing
[2024-05-26 02:44:20] _Brain Damage_: they got water melon asses and potato brasses
[2024-05-26 02:44:21] Rick Sanchez: they hide bombs
[2024-05-26 02:44:41] _Brain Damage_: those are hezbollah u met in school sanchez
[2024-05-26 02:44:48] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: i have a friend is is middle eastern and muslim
[2024-05-26 02:44:53] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: has more racist muslims jokes than i do
[2024-05-26 02:45:08] _Brain Damage_: tell us one joke pls
[2024-05-26 02:45:17] _Brain Damage_: about arbas and terrorists
[2024-05-26 02:45:20] Lord Humphrey: why are the streets of paris lined with trees
[2024-05-26 02:45:30] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: the twin towers ordered two peperoni pizzas
[2024-05-26 02:45:34] Rick Sanchez: why jews have big noses
[2024-05-26 02:45:36] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: but they only got two plain
[2024-05-26 02:45:47] _Brain Damage_: 1 joke at the time DUDES !!!
[2024-05-26 02:45:47] Rick Sanchez: becouse air is free
[2024-05-26 02:45:48] {BuDs} Shootin' Tex: Ihave a joke
[2024-05-26 02:45:50] -[HELLO]-JESTER: not funny
[2024-05-26 02:46:03] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: say your joke TEX
[2024-05-26 02:46:37] {BuDs} Shootin' Tex: so a black guy, a mexican and a white guy find a genie and all
[2024-05-26 02:46:38] {BuDs} Shootin' Tex: get one joke
[2024-05-26 02:46:47] _Brain Damage_: I got a nice but it's not translatable to english only french
[2024-05-26 02:47:01] Mr. Fox: sry
[2024-05-26 02:47:15] {BuDs} Shootin' Tex: the black guy says he wishes all his people were back in africa
[2024-05-26 02:47:15] {BuDs} Shootin' Tex: and happy
[2024-05-26 02:47:24] _Brain Damage_: lol
[2024-05-26 02:47:25] _Roadie : I'll go get Honey, she speaks French.
[2024-05-26 02:47:37] {BuDs} Shootin' Tex: the mexican wishes all his people were back in mexioo and happy
[2024-05-26 02:47:45] _Brain Damage_: lol
[2024-05-26 02:48:00] {BuDs} Shootin' Tex: and the white guy says youre telling me all the mexicans and
[2024-05-26 02:48:17] {BuDs} Shootin' Tex: all the black people are back in mexico and africa?
[2024-05-26 02:48:18] _Roadie : On the SA3 - hit the Armor, don't detnotate.
[2024-05-26 02:48:26] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: ha
[2024-05-26 02:48:33] {BuDs} Shootin' Tex: the white guy says, ill have a COKE!
[2024-05-26 02:48:41] -[HELL0]-Crash: soz
[2024-05-26 02:48:46] -[HELL0]-Crash: was there a guy at tha radar tower
[2024-05-26 02:48:52] Sgt. Schultz: nice, blue team couldn't do that
[2024-05-26 02:49:02] Sgt. Schultz: yes, but i killed him
[2024-05-26 02:49:24] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-05-26 02:49:34] _Roadie : 1-2 splatt
[2024-05-26 02:49:38] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-05-26 02:49:40] {BuDs} ZachAttack: how tf you kiss that heli and not die
[2024-05-26 02:49:54] Rick Sanchez: the white guy wished it was Wednesday so he can have
[2024-05-26 02:50:10] General Skoal: this is pretty non woke, nice crowd
[2024-05-26 02:50:13] Lord Humphrey: ok ok i got one, why are streets of paris lined with trees
[2024-05-26 02:50:16] Rick Sanchez: a 99c chees burger at mc daonals
[2024-05-26 02:50:26] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: skoal i seen moon gamers kicked you today lol
[2024-05-26 02:50:37] Lord Humphrey: because german like to march in the shade
[2024-05-26 02:50:52] _Roadie : hehe
[2024-05-26 02:50:53] General Skoal: thanks to biden a 99cent cheesburger doesent exist
[2024-05-26 02:50:55] -[HELLO]-JESTER: kicked who?
[2024-05-26 02:51:06] _Roadie : BS Skoal
[2024-05-26 02:51:09] Lord Humphrey: i went to moongmares jail for 2 weeks
[2024-05-26 02:51:11] -[HELL0]-Crash: biden is a neo con
[2024-05-26 02:51:18] Sgt. Schultz: just be happy a cheeseburger still exists
[2024-05-26 02:51:26] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: they kicked schoal today because he left
[2024-05-26 02:51:28] -[HELL0]-Crash: mcdonlads
[2024-05-26 02:51:31] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: to use the bathroom
[2024-05-26 02:51:31] -[HELL0]-Crash: price has risen
[2024-05-26 02:51:32] General Skoal: Rick Sanchez? by chance the former 7 news dude in miami?
[2024-05-26 02:51:47] Lord Humphrey: sry jerky
[2024-05-26 02:51:50] Sgt. Schultz: fancy flyin!
[2024-05-26 02:51:50] Lord Humphrey: i hosed yoi
[2024-05-26 02:51:51] UNITED: shit sry
[2024-05-26 02:52:05] Rick Sanchez: I am not a cuban worm
[2024-05-26 02:52:22] _Brain Damage_: sancho I heard a joke about salvador buy Salvaran in Ted ex
[2024-05-26 02:52:23] _Brain Damage_: conference
[2024-05-26 02:52:32] _Brain Damage_: salvadorian
[2024-05-26 02:52:34] -[HELLO]-JESTER: where is red 50 csl>
[2024-05-26 02:52:37] General Skoal: would you know he was cuban?
[2024-05-26 02:52:41] _Brain Damage_: u wanna hear it?
[2024-05-26 02:52:48] General Skoal: Sanchez can be preurto rican too
[2024-05-26 02:52:52] General Skoal: or mexican
[2024-05-26 02:52:58] xX*(D.I.E)*Xx Nimrod: ahoy !
[2024-05-26 02:53:06] -[HELL0]-Crash: hi nimrod
[2024-05-26 02:53:08] Rick Sanchez: all cuban in good jobs in florida are worms
[2024-05-26 02:53:15] _Roadie : thought it was here
[2024-05-26 02:53:21] Lord Humphrey: jerky you smoked my iced ass
[2024-05-26 02:53:21] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: cubans have good cigars
[2024-05-26 02:53:29] -[HELLO]-JESTER: BANG where is red 50 cal?
[2024-05-26 02:53:32] _Brain Damage_: he said we are salvadorian... We are Mexicans for Mexico
[2024-05-26 02:53:38] Brettanomyces: and no food
[2024-05-26 02:53:41] General Skoal: id
[2024-05-26 02:53:46] _Brain Damage_: Mexican's Mexico xD
[2024-05-26 02:53:46] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: viva la mexico
[2024-05-26 02:53:50] _Brain Damage_: short gr8 joke
[2024-05-26 02:53:59] General Skoal: Idk, this rick sanchez got away with DUI manslaughter
[2024-05-26 02:54:10] _Brain Damage_: DUI?
[2024-05-26 02:54:11] General Skoal: smart move he did, fled scene, cracked beer in yard
[2024-05-26 02:54:12] Rick Sanchez: see
[2024-05-26 02:54:16] Lord Humphrey: jerky you ate my ace
[2024-05-26 02:54:23] General Skoal: couldnt prove he was drunk
[2024-05-26 02:54:31] jerkymeat: doesn't sound good on paper
[2024-05-26 02:54:43] Lord Humphrey: paper , it was in the felsh!!!
[2024-05-26 02:54:48] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: mexicans dont have papers
[2024-05-26 02:54:52] -[HELLO]-JESTER: RED TEAM WHARE IS 50 CAL?
[2024-05-26 02:54:53] General Skoal: he was a local news anchor coming home from a dolphins game
[2024-05-26 02:54:56] -[HELL0]-Crash: oh yeah
[2024-05-26 02:54:59] Rick Sanchez: he must be rubio or ted cruz related
[2024-05-26 02:55:15] General Skoal: nope, just rick sanchez
[2024-05-26 02:55:23] General Skoal: hates Trump
[2024-05-26 02:55:30] -[HELL0]-Crash: im rick sanchez biatch!
[2024-05-26 02:55:40] -[HELL0]-Crash: yeah,, doesnt sound as cool as rick james
[2024-05-26 02:55:56] -[HELLO]-JESTER: DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE 50 CAL IS?
[2024-05-26 02:55:58] General Skoal: granted Rick from Rick n Morty is also Rick Sanchez
[2024-05-26 02:56:00] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: heard general skoal has i cant breathe T shirts
[2024-05-26 02:56:08] Rick Sanchez: crash love little richard
[2024-05-26 02:56:13] -[HELL0]-Crash: no idea
[2024-05-26 02:56:13] _Roadie : hit armor with the SA3...
[2024-05-26 02:56:14] General Skoal: oh hell no
[2024-05-26 02:56:19] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: lol
[2024-05-26 02:56:25] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: black lives matter!
[2024-05-26 02:56:28] Rick Sanchez: shut up
[2024-05-26 02:56:28] Mr. Fox: ns
[2024-05-26 02:56:28] _Brain Damage_: who doesny like Little Richard?
[2024-05-26 02:56:31] General Skoal: actually, we do have an I cant breath face mask
[2024-05-26 02:56:34] -[HELL0]-Crash: ty
[2024-05-26 02:56:35] _Brain Damage_: a LUCCCICLLLA
[2024-05-26 02:56:44] -[HELL0]-Crash: name is famous songs
[2024-05-26 02:56:46] -[HELL0]-Crash: his
[2024-05-26 02:56:48] _Brain Damage_: uhhh LUCCCIILLLLEAAAH
[2024-05-26 02:56:55] General Skoal: got it in 2020 for travelling thru atalanta lmao
[2024-05-26 02:56:56] _Brain Damage_: lucille or so
[2024-05-26 02:57:02] _Brain Damage_: and another wait
[2024-05-26 02:57:14] jerkymeat: shit
[2024-05-26 02:57:18] jerkymeat: sorry
[2024-05-26 02:57:19] General Skoal: shite
[2024-05-26 02:57:20] -[HELL0]-Crash: did he do - good golly miss molly
[2024-05-26 02:57:20] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL NP
[2024-05-26 02:57:25] _Brain Damage_: a song that sounds like Jailbreakby Elvis..
[2024-05-26 02:57:25] General Skoal: me beer empty
[2024-05-26 02:57:31] _Brain Damage_: yeah
[2024-05-26 02:57:33] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: \elvis is still alive
[2024-05-26 02:57:38] _Brain Damage_: goooooog molly misss HOOLLy
[2024-05-26 02:57:52] General Skoal: and Tupac is still dead
[2024-05-26 02:57:52] -[HELL0]-Crash: no its good golly miss molly
[2024-05-26 02:58:00] _Brain Damage_: yes in secret island with reptilains JImi and Illuminati and Sa
[2024-05-26 02:58:07] -[HELLO]-JESTER: GOOD GOLLY MISS HOLLY LOL
[2024-05-26 02:58:09] _Roadie : and boy was he pissed this week when they tried to steal
[2024-05-26 02:58:12] _Roadie : Graceland....
[2024-05-26 02:58:18] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: we need to bring coolio back
[2024-05-26 02:58:31] _Brain Damage_: good body miss wholie
[2024-05-26 02:58:40] -[HELL0]-Crash: OH YEAH
[2024-05-26 02:58:54] Rick Sanchez: he likes iy in the coolio
[2024-05-26 02:58:56] _Brain Damage_: ANUNAKI modded raptilians
[2024-05-26 02:59:18] _Brain Damage_: I'm sure u guys believe that flat is round...
[2024-05-26 02:59:23] _Brain Damage_: dont WATCH TV they lie to u
[2024-05-26 02:59:35] Capt_Jack: FACTORY
[2024-05-26 02:59:35] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: no earth is round but the earth is in the middle
[2024-05-26 02:59:35] _Roadie : did you find the rifle yet Jes?
[2024-05-26 02:59:35] -[HELL0]-Crash: the world is flat?
[2024-05-26 02:59:40] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: of the solar system of course
[2024-05-26 02:59:46] -[HELLO]-JESTER: NO
[2024-05-26 02:59:51] _Brain Damage_: YEP proven flat EARTH
[2024-05-26 02:59:57] _Roadie : tank pad bldg???
[2024-05-26 03:00:06] _Brain Damage_: u remember Rocket guy they killed him cause he was about
[2024-05-26 03:00:11] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: its a fish eye lenz nasa uses to make it look round
[2024-05-26 03:00:15] -[HELLO]-JESTER: ok thanx
[2024-05-26 03:00:15] _Brain Damage_: to prove the flatness ofEarth ROFLMAO
[2024-05-26 03:00:31] _Brain Damage_: ANUNAKI are coming back soon
[2024-05-26 03:00:36] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: the earth is flatter than my wifes chest
[2024-05-26 03:00:46] _Brain Damage_: lol
[2024-05-26 03:00:59] _Brain Damage_: at least she has a potato bumber
[2024-05-26 03:01:09] Mr. Fox: danny!
[2024-05-26 03:01:19] -[HELL0]-Crash: we'd need pics for proof
[2024-05-26 03:01:27] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: check pornhub
[2024-05-26 03:01:35] -[HELL0]-Crash: ^
[2024-05-26 03:01:37] -[HELLO]-JESTER: not here commodore
[2024-05-26 03:01:42] Mr. Fox: ON IT!!
[2024-05-26 03:01:45] _Brain Damage_: pornhub is russian stuff it's FSB
[2024-05-26 03:01:54] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: whats FSB?
[2024-05-26 03:02:04] _Brain Damage_: discord is Tencent, it's chinese ;)
[2024-05-26 03:02:06] -[HELL0]-Crash: like KGB
[2024-05-26 03:02:11] _Brain Damage_: FSB = new KGB ;)
[2024-05-26 03:02:12] _Roadie : russian CIA
[2024-05-26 03:02:12] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: ohhh
[2024-05-26 03:02:32] _Brain Damage_: after USSR collapse it was rebamed FSB
[2024-05-26 03:02:48] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: russia will rise again
[2024-05-26 03:02:55] -[HELLO]-JESTER: brett has it
[2024-05-26 03:03:00] _Brain Damage_: again? when was last time?
[2024-05-26 03:03:10] -[HELL0]-Crash: russian alliacne is stronger than usa/uk/nato
[2024-05-26 03:03:10] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: they retook chernobyl
[2024-05-26 03:03:31] _Brain Damage_: at all commodore
[2024-05-26 03:03:43] _Brain Damage_: not strong at all bro
[2024-05-26 03:03:46] GI DANNY JOE: sorry
[2024-05-26 03:03:51] _Brain Damage_: they have no common values
[2024-05-26 03:03:57] _Brain Damage_: they are not universal ;)
[2024-05-26 03:04:03] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHY YOU SAY THAT CRASH?
[2024-05-26 03:04:10] -[HELL0]-Crash: its true
[2024-05-26 03:04:12] _Brain Damage_: wetern world's values are universal and exportable
[2024-05-26 03:04:15] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: my buddy from college lives there...from here
[2024-05-26 03:04:15] Rick Sanchez: lololol
[2024-05-26 03:04:17] -[HELL0]-Crash: Brics is now richer than g7
[2024-05-26 03:04:27] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: he asked why my country is giving weapons to his enemy
[2024-05-26 03:04:30] xX*(D.I.E)*Xx Nimrod: !nextmap
[2024-05-26 03:04:31] -[HELL0]-Crash: and dominated by imf etc
[2024-05-26 03:04:33] -[HELL0]-Crash: and wef
[2024-05-26 03:04:34] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHO?
[2024-05-26 03:04:35] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: we no longer talk
[2024-05-26 03:04:37] _Brain Damage_: they got only more money so?
[2024-05-26 03:04:52] -[HELL0]-Crash: more resources, gold, oil, land, populaton
[2024-05-26 03:04:53] _Brain Damage_: not per capita... and no norms, standards, values etc
[2024-05-26 03:04:55] _Brain Damage_: refinement..
[2024-05-26 03:04:56] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: hes a good man,,,he got drafted
[2024-05-26 03:04:57] -[HELLO]-JESTER: why you think russia is so strong?
[2024-05-26 03:05:00] -[HELL0]-Crash: you kno, the stuff u need to win wars
[2024-05-26 03:05:18] _Brain Damage_: Russia isnt even a country for me
[2024-05-26 03:05:24] _Brain Damage_: it's NOT will never be
[2024-05-26 03:05:30] -[HELL0]-Crash: why
[2024-05-26 03:05:37] -[HELLO]-JESTER: russia is getti g arms from n korea and iran
[2024-05-26 03:05:37] -[HELL0]-Crash: u dont like bolsheviks?
[2024-05-26 03:05:38] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: what about belarus
[2024-05-26 03:05:52] _Brain Damage_: nothing unites peoples excpet tyrnny for centuries there...
[2024-05-26 03:05:58] -[HELL0]-Crash: 8 we just did al nas
[2024-05-26 03:06:05] _Brain Damage_: nothing positive unites them... all peoples in RUssia
[2024-05-26 03:06:07] -[HELL0]-Crash: Bocage ctf is next
[2024-05-26 03:06:10] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: and little boys,,,,remember catholic churches
[2024-05-26 03:06:14] {BuDs} ZachAttack: conq is next
[2024-05-26 03:06:27] Rick Sanchez: lololol
[2024-05-26 03:06:31] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey wolf hey blink
[2024-05-26 03:06:44] _Roadie : sry
[2024-05-26 03:06:56] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: general skoal,,,,lin was proud she kicked you on moon today
[2024-05-26 03:06:57] Rick Sanchez: 7 for blink
[2024-05-26 03:07:26] GI DANNY JOE: s pass
[2024-05-26 03:07:30] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey danny joe
[2024-05-26 03:07:35] -[HELL0]-Crash: !nextmap
[2024-05-26 03:07:47] -[HELL0]-Crash: in the mood for bocage
[2024-05-26 03:07:55] _Roadie : I still can't find a .50 cal Jes
[2024-05-26 03:07:56] _Brain Damage_: if they had to win world domination, they would fight each like
[2024-05-26 03:08:07] Sgt. Schultz: inf by tanks
[2024-05-26 03:08:10] _Brain Damage_: CRAZY let's say china, russia..
[2024-05-26 03:08:31] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: i wouldnt fuck with chia
[2024-05-26 03:08:33] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: china

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