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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - gazala - 2024-05-26 04:40:02 Chatlog
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[2024-05-26 04:40:42] -[HELL0]-Crash: GAZALA conquest!
[2024-05-26 04:40:50] _Roadie : 889
[2024-05-26 04:40:52] -[HELL0]-Crash: 8
[2024-05-26 04:41:00] BlinkofanEye: fackin nas wh0re3s
[2024-05-26 04:41:06] -[HELL0]-Crash: u^
[2024-05-26 04:41:09] BlinkofanEye: wasnt me
[2024-05-26 04:41:13] -[HELL0]-Crash: sure sure
[2024-05-26 04:41:15] BlinkofanEye: i was edging
[2024-05-26 04:41:22] BlinkofanEye: to pronhub previews
[2024-05-26 04:41:28] CPAV: crash is a professional buttsniffer
[2024-05-26 04:41:33] BlinkofanEye: alwas edge betweeb maops
[2024-05-26 04:41:38] BlinkofanEye: keeps you sharp
[2024-05-26 04:41:41] BlinkofanEye: xD
[2024-05-26 04:42:00] _Roadie : that's why you have two 'puters going xsS
[2024-05-26 04:42:08] BlinkofanEye: naw phon
[2024-05-26 04:42:10] BlinkofanEye: phone
[2024-05-26 04:42:28] Rick Sanchez: whats ur favority porn star blinko
[2024-05-26 04:42:35] Rick Sanchez: mandingo
[2024-05-26 04:42:35] BlinkofanEye: ur mom
[2024-05-26 04:42:40] BlinkofanEye: but 20 years ago
[2024-05-26 04:43:11] CPAV: lol ns
[2024-05-26 04:43:37] BlinkofanEye: f
[2024-05-26 04:43:42] BlinkofanEye: i dont have a fav sanch
[2024-05-26 04:43:48] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: use a mouse
[2024-05-26 04:43:49] BlinkofanEye: i like that india chick with dreads
[2024-05-26 04:43:50] BlinkofanEye: i duno
[2024-05-26 04:43:52] BlinkofanEye: lol mofo
[2024-05-26 04:43:53] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey cpav
[2024-05-26 04:43:54] BlinkofanEye: i am
[2024-05-26 04:44:00] BlinkofanEye: indiva
[2024-05-26 04:44:02] BlinkofanEye: indica
[2024-05-26 04:44:04] _Roadie : damnette Kill - I'd just got there
[2024-05-26 04:44:09] BlinkofanEye: indica flower
[2024-05-26 04:44:24] _Roadie : pass me some pls Blink
[2024-05-26 04:44:26] Rick Sanchez: i LIKE CHIQUITA LOPEZ
[2024-05-26 04:44:36] Rick Sanchez: and Lupe Fuentez
[2024-05-26 04:45:01] BlinkofanEye: she ok
[2024-05-26 04:45:02] Sgt. Schultz: how about consuela garcia?
[2024-05-26 04:45:10] Rick Sanchez: better than your mom
[2024-05-26 04:45:12] CPAV: w$nker
[2024-05-26 04:45:16] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: i like making love in thr green grass
[2024-05-26 04:45:23] BlinkofanEye: consuela is my maid
[2024-05-26 04:45:35] OWLCAT: need more lemon pledge
[2024-05-26 04:45:45] _Roadie : let's go find Killa
[2024-05-26 04:45:46] Rick Sanchez: si
[2024-05-26 04:45:55] BlinkofanEye: at walmart tonight kids got carded for seafoam
[2024-05-26 04:46:02] BlinkofanEye: he was like " i just wanna clean my car engine"
[2024-05-26 04:46:03] BlinkofanEye: rofl
[2024-05-26 04:46:05] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lol
[2024-05-26 04:46:09] KillaB-: sht sorry
[2024-05-26 04:46:22] Malakoph: srry
[2024-05-26 04:46:24] BlinkofanEye: how you gt high off sea foam
[2024-05-26 04:46:26] chuk evil sandwich guy: NP
[2024-05-26 04:46:32] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: sfy
[2024-05-26 04:46:35] [BOP] Raven: np
[2024-05-26 04:46:39] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: sry
[2024-05-26 04:46:43] Sgt. Schultz: np
[2024-05-26 04:46:44] BlinkofanEye: get high road
[2024-05-26 04:46:53] OWLCAT: gg all
[2024-05-26 04:46:57] OWLCAT: have a good night
[2024-05-26 04:47:03] CPAV: gg
[2024-05-26 04:47:08] _Roadie : ltr
[2024-05-26 04:47:09] BlinkofanEye: fack
[2024-05-26 04:47:11] _Brain Damage_: an owl sleeping at night???
[2024-05-26 04:47:11] BlinkofanEye: meant smaw lol
[2024-05-26 04:47:16] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: se u in a mim owl
[2024-05-26 04:47:16] BlinkofanEye: im out cyall
[2024-05-26 04:47:18] _Brain Damage_: fake owl
[2024-05-26 04:47:21] BlinkofanEye: gotta do research
[2024-05-26 04:47:28] BlinkofanEye: on female anatomy
[2024-05-26 04:47:31] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: im out gg\
[2024-05-26 04:47:34] -[HELLO]-JESTER: you get carded for redi whip its like cool whip but in
[2024-05-26 04:47:43] -[HELL0]-Crash: 8
[2024-05-26 04:47:50] -[HELLO]-JESTER: can like squeeze cheese
[2024-05-26 04:47:55] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: rab or owl tonight?
[2024-05-26 04:48:21] BlinkofanEye: ns
[2024-05-26 04:48:29] {BuDs} Eightball: OUR chopper roadie!!!!
[2024-05-26 04:48:31] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: laterz
[2024-05-26 04:48:39] _Roadie : where?
[2024-05-26 04:49:01] {BuDs} Eightball: what you were shooting at
[2024-05-26 04:49:07] CPAV: pissant!
[2024-05-26 04:49:10] -[HELL0]-Crash: oh yeah!
[2024-05-26 04:49:16] _Roadie : he left to repair
[2024-05-26 04:49:24] CPAV: i fart in your general sirection
[2024-05-26 04:49:29] CPAV: direction
[2024-05-26 04:49:34] CPAV: erectio n
[2024-05-26 04:49:55] _Brain Damage_: hi CPAV
[2024-05-26 04:50:02] CPAV: lol hi hippo!
[2024-05-26 04:50:15] _Brain Damage_: shalom sabbat bro
[2024-05-26 04:50:25] CPAV: happy jew day!
[2024-05-26 04:50:42] _Roadie : get low Jes
[2024-05-26 04:50:53] _Brain Damage_: kI'm nihilist postmodern atheist apocalyptist sorry
[2024-05-26 04:50:56] -[HELLO]-JESTER: im in bmp2
[2024-05-26 04:51:07] -[HELL0]-Crash: i hippow
[2024-05-26 04:51:09] _Brain Damage_: I' believe in coackroaches and veggies
[2024-05-26 04:51:14] _Roadie : I know. You left me stranded without support
[2024-05-26 04:51:17] _Brain Damage_: humans done
[2024-05-26 04:51:20] -[HELL0]-Crash: hey hippo
[2024-05-26 04:51:24] _Brain Damage_: yo
[2024-05-26 04:51:32] -[HELL0]-Crash: have u taken ur hippopotamus oath?
[2024-05-26 04:51:43] CPAV: who re you hippo lol?
[2024-05-26 04:51:45] _Brain Damage_: indeed daily drug
[2024-05-26 04:51:49] CPAV: you play other naME?
[2024-05-26 04:51:52] _Brain Damage_: what is oath?
[2024-05-26 04:52:05] chuk evil sandwich guy: sry
[2024-05-26 04:52:13] _Brain Damage_: I'm african hippo I dont speak english very well
[2024-05-26 04:52:17] _Brain Damage_: just learning
[2024-05-26 04:52:28] _Brain Damage_: just learning
[2024-05-26 04:52:33] _Brain Damage_: what is oath?
[2024-05-26 04:52:54] -[HELL0]-Crash: oath
[2024-05-26 04:52:59] -[HELL0]-Crash: its like oath and barley
[2024-05-26 04:53:03] _Brain Damage_: u dunno what is me
[2024-05-26 04:53:07] _Brain Damage_: HA
[2024-05-26 04:53:13] _Brain Damage_: google me
[2024-05-26 04:53:21] _Brain Damage_: I'm known
[2024-05-26 04:53:48] _Roadie : gg's, nite all
[2024-05-26 04:53:59] tigerswaggerman: sorry
[2024-05-26 04:54:23] -[HELLO]-JESTER: nite
[2024-05-26 04:54:33] {BuDs} Eightball: l8r
[2024-05-26 04:54:56] Sgt. Schultz: how did red get an a10?
[2024-05-26 04:55:06] Malakoph: spells
[2024-05-26 04:55:09] -[HELL0]-Crash: credit card and ur moms signature
[2024-05-26 04:55:15] Malakoph: same as apache
[2024-05-26 04:55:34] -[HELL0]-Crash: remember the hidden base?
[2024-05-26 04:55:44] Rick Sanchez: BS brain
[2024-05-26 04:55:54] _Brain Damage_: I'm not brain
[2024-05-26 04:55:59] Sgt. Schultz: a10 there?
[2024-05-26 04:56:01] _Brain Damage_: I'm brain in genius mode
[2024-05-26 04:56:05] CPAV: LOL
[2024-05-26 04:56:09] _Brain Damage_: google my name
[2024-05-26 04:56:15] Rick Sanchez: you are no Brain
[2024-05-26 04:56:38] _Brain Damage_: I can detroy 100's of u at chess crush the nubs theory
[2024-05-26 04:56:52] _Brain Damage_: I hope there is no GM in here, only tards it seems
[2024-05-26 04:56:56] _Brain Damage_: no one plays chess lol
[2024-05-26 04:58:15] _Brain Damage_: I wanna checkmate u 10 times in row sanchez
[2024-05-26 04:58:23] {BuDs} Shootin' Tex: move
[2024-05-26 04:58:27] _Brain Damage_: or 20 times in a row CHALLENGE
[2024-05-26 04:58:28] {BuDs} Shootin' Tex: dumbass move
[2024-05-26 04:58:42] _Brain Damage_: all CHECKMATE
[2024-05-26 04:58:50] _Brain Damage_: challenge
[2024-05-26 04:59:08] _Brain Damage_: in A ROW
[2024-05-26 04:59:08] Rick Sanchez: brain have you ever being Analized
[2024-05-26 04:59:16] B L I T Z K R I E G: HAHHA
[2024-05-26 04:59:22] _Brain Damage_: psychitrically yes
[2024-05-26 04:59:24] Sgt. Schultz: half my team is loitering on the runway waiting for planes
[2024-05-26 04:59:29] Rick Sanchez: by a brack doctor
[2024-05-26 04:59:35] B L I T Z K R I E G: Brain Damage have you ever been penetrated by a man?
[2024-05-26 04:59:36] CPAV: HAHAHA RICK
[2024-05-26 04:59:40] {BuDs} ZachAttack: where tf else to spawn
[2024-05-26 04:59:41] _Brain Damage_: forced to by crimnal parents
[2024-05-26 04:59:50] CPAV: HE SAID YES...HES BEEN ANALIZED
[2024-05-26 04:59:59] _Brain Damage_: and guess what? I have been diagnosed NOTHING all the times
[2024-05-26 05:00:05] _Brain Damage_: perfectly rational thanks!
[2024-05-26 05:00:17] Rick Sanchez: was the psicologist a black man
[2024-05-26 05:00:22] -[HELL0]-Crash: ns raven
[2024-05-26 05:00:28] [BOP] Raven: ty
[2024-05-26 05:00:28] {BuDs} ZachAttack: hes barely on the spectrum
[2024-05-26 05:00:42] -[HELL0]-Crash: blue team getting grape
[2024-05-26 05:00:44] Rick Sanchez: on the red zone
[2024-05-26 05:00:51] _Brain Damage_: THAT4S communist racism sancho u fkin castrists neo leninist
[2024-05-26 05:01:04] Rick Sanchez: lol
[2024-05-26 05:01:09] B L I T Z K R I E G: Brain Damage have you ever had gay thoughts?
[2024-05-26 05:01:19] -[HELL0]-Crash: E7 bailer
[2024-05-26 05:01:32] -*boom*-: dead
[2024-05-26 05:01:33] _Brain Damage_: yes I wnna fk your mom 's ass retard prick
[2024-05-26 05:02:00] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lol dam brain thats harsh
[2024-05-26 05:02:10] Rick Sanchez: who are you talking to Omar
[2024-05-26 05:02:21] -[HELL0]-Crash: u just said u wanted to have sx with his moms prick
[2024-05-26 05:02:40] -[HELLO]-JESTER: no her asss
[2024-05-26 05:02:44] Rick Sanchez: me, no fu
[2024-05-26 05:02:48] _Brain Damage_: blitz you're irrelevant to me. not funny nor interresting
[2024-05-26 05:02:57] _Brain Damage_: I don't want to be your friend.
[2024-05-26 05:03:07] B L I T Z K R I E G: :(
[2024-05-26 05:03:15] Rick Sanchez: never bring moms or religions
[2024-05-26 05:03:24] Rick Sanchez: not cool
[2024-05-26 05:03:25] _Brain Damage_: yeah go fk yourslef mf live with scumbad
[2024-05-26 05:03:33] _Brain Damage_: piece of sh*t
[2024-05-26 05:03:34] -[HELL0]-Crash: bd language
[2024-05-26 05:03:41] CPAV: MELTDOWN?
[2024-05-26 05:03:41] B L I T Z K R I E G: :(
[2024-05-26 05:03:55] _Brain Damage_: I h8 him and he's still trying to be friend with me
[2024-05-26 05:04:01] CPAV: i make fk to your face
[2024-05-26 05:04:01] _Brain Damage_: I dont wanna know him
[2024-05-26 05:04:04] Rick Sanchez: some guys crossed the line
[2024-05-26 05:04:10] _Brain Damage_: yeah he did
[2024-05-26 05:04:19] _Brain Damage_: those are no jokes
[2024-05-26 05:04:32] [BOP] Raven: Mac was i shooting you there in the apache?
[2024-05-26 05:04:42] _Brain Damage_: nothing but disturbing puro=pose
[2024-05-26 05:05:03] _Brain Damage_: we all say lots of BS for joking and +/- accepted by pairs
[2024-05-26 05:05:03] Rick Sanchez: my mom is dead and even if they mention it I know they dont
[2024-05-26 05:05:07] Rick Sanchez: mean it brain
[2024-05-26 05:05:18] _Brain Damage_: he's not,I'm sorry I refuse I protest I will really report u
[2024-05-26 05:05:28] Rick Sanchez: those are just words
[2024-05-26 05:05:28] B L I T Z K R I E G: Brain Damage do you jack off to the pic of klaus schwab
[2024-05-26 05:05:29] B L I T Z K R I E G: in lingerie?
[2024-05-26 05:05:47] -[HELL0]-Crash: who is that
[2024-05-26 05:05:56] _Brain Damage_: sometimes we talk seriously sanchez.. Im not 100% talking crazy
[2024-05-26 05:05:59] Kilgore: are you guys drunk rn?
[2024-05-26 05:06:06] CPAV: yes
[2024-05-26 05:06:12] -[HELL0]-Crash: i hope so kilgor lol
[2024-05-26 05:06:19] _Brain Damage_: I drink I'm not always drunk, not often actually
[2024-05-26 05:06:30] Rick Sanchez: brain yu know I am cool to you
[2024-05-26 05:06:35] Kilgore: like drunk or sh8t-house wasted? lol
[2024-05-26 05:06:37] _Brain Damage_: I dont like to be drunk..; I just think water is piss
[2024-05-26 05:06:51] -[HELL0]-Crash: water is piss?
[2024-05-26 05:06:56] B L I T Z K R I E G: !nexmap
[2024-05-26 05:07:04] _Brain Damage_: I love sanchez I know u much I really love the man u are
[2024-05-26 05:07:04] Rick Sanchez: he likes the royal shower
[2024-05-26 05:07:05] -[HELLO]-JESTER: i dont drink at all been 10 or 11 years since i had a dr
[2024-05-26 05:07:07] [BOP] Raven: sorry
[2024-05-26 05:07:07] B L I T Z K R I E G: !nextmap
[2024-05-26 05:07:22] _Brain Damage_: heterosexuaaly like brotherhood love not gayness
[2024-05-26 05:07:28] B L I T Z K R I E G: BrainDamage dont make suck dick
[2024-05-26 05:07:44] CPAV: blitz is just being a f*g who cares
[2024-05-26 05:07:46] Kilgore: nooo, anything but TR
[2024-05-26 05:07:47] _Brain Damage_: you're a very good man SANCHEZ NOBEL PRIZE MF's NOW !!
[2024-05-26 05:07:52] _Brain Damage_: SANCHO FOR PRESIDENT !!
[2024-05-26 05:08:21] _Brain Damage_: I feel good and bad intentions that's all what counts
[2024-05-26 05:08:21] Rick Sanchez: I will execute this Motherfkrs
[2024-05-26 05:08:39] Rick Sanchez: when I become president
[2024-05-26 05:08:49] _Brain Damage_: dont bring the apucalypto lode SANCHO u gonna have
[2024-05-26 05:09:05] _Brain Damage_: PTSD victims
[2024-05-26 05:09:25] Rick Sanchez: I will go play Squad now
[2024-05-26 05:09:28] _Brain Damage_: no APOCALYPTO MODE not allowed there are children
[2024-05-26 05:09:33] _Brain Damage_: snub
[2024-05-26 05:09:46] Rick Sanchez: wife is mad so I dont have to go to bed earlier
[2024-05-26 05:09:50] Rick Sanchez: lol.olol
[2024-05-26 05:09:57] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lol
[2024-05-26 05:10:11] -[HELLO]-JESTER: you do it on purpose?
[2024-05-26 05:10:12] _Brain Damage_: sancho will taste a beer b4 dying ever? or never forever?
[2024-05-26 05:10:13] -[HELL0]-Crash: i set inshallah valley
[2024-05-26 05:10:27] Rick Sanchez: I will sleep on the sofa with my 2 chihuahuas
[2024-05-26 05:10:36] -[HELLO]-JESTER: oh not that crash

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