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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - berlin - 2024-06-05 02:21:02 Chatlog
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[2024-06-05 02:22:04] _Brain Damage_: u almost made a new mod BBO lol
[2024-06-05 02:22:11] Why gametracker ass: yeah
[2024-06-05 02:22:19] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-06-05 02:22:29] _Brain Damage_: DC-bo mod
[2024-06-05 02:22:30] BlinkofanEye: ai gotta go get an oatmeal creampie
[2024-06-05 02:23:33] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: get the new maps ladies :)
[2024-06-05 02:25:23] -[HELLO]-JESTER: where is moob and roadie?
[2024-06-05 02:25:39] _Brain Damage_: FK
[2024-06-05 02:25:56] BlinkofanEye: they got arrested by HUAC
[2024-06-05 02:25:57] _Brain Damage_: why is 4erkut a bad word?
[2024-06-05 02:26:03] _Brain Damage_: witha B
[2024-06-05 02:26:05] _Brain Damage_: lol
[2024-06-05 02:26:22] _Brain Damage_: Imgonna get banned again
[2024-06-05 02:26:29] _Brain Damage_: for too many bad words
[2024-06-05 02:26:30] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lol
[2024-06-05 02:26:36] _Brain Damage_: inquisitions rules
[2024-06-05 02:26:46] BlinkofanEye: rkut
[2024-06-05 02:26:49] BlinkofanEye: erkut
[2024-06-05 02:26:51] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-06-05 02:26:55] _Brain Damage_: why is it a bad?
[2024-06-05 02:26:57] _Brain Damage_: word
[2024-06-05 02:27:07] BlinkofanEye: he probalb hurt bangs feelings
[2024-06-05 02:27:10] _Brain Damage_: the russian plane what it codename?
[2024-06-05 02:27:12] BlinkofanEye: sory jest
[2024-06-05 02:27:17] -[HELLO]-JESTER: np ass
[2024-06-05 02:27:19] _Brain Damage_: zit's bs plane
[2024-06-05 02:27:33] _Brain Damage_: never been anything but a bad prototype
[2024-06-05 02:28:02] _Brain Damage_: although impressive
[2024-06-05 02:28:13] BlinkofanEye: fack
[2024-06-05 02:28:32] _Brain Damage_: hi crash
[2024-06-05 02:28:53] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey crash
[2024-06-05 02:28:57] BlinkofanEye: ROL
[2024-06-05 02:29:03] BlinkofanEye: miission accomplished
[2024-06-05 02:29:35] BlinkofanEye: AFCKING
[2024-06-05 02:29:46] BlinkofanEye: VIVA LAMERICA
[2024-06-05 02:29:59] _Brain Damage_: VIVA LAFRIKA
[2024-06-05 02:29:59] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: sorry dropped mines al over on me capture lol
[2024-06-05 02:30:47] BlinkofanEye: :P:
[2024-06-05 02:30:49] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-06-05 02:31:46] -[HELLO]-JESTER: mood is that you
[2024-06-05 02:31:51] Brettanomyces: hello boys
[2024-06-05 02:31:54] BlinkofanEye: ayo
[2024-06-05 02:31:58] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey brett
[2024-06-05 02:31:59] Brettanomyces: bang
[2024-06-05 02:32:00] _Brain Damage_: bad gang
[2024-06-05 02:32:09] BlinkofanEye: ns
[2024-06-05 02:32:29] _Brain Damage_: salam aleyk habibi bretta
[2024-06-05 02:32:29] Brettanomyces: cant dl the mappack
[2024-06-05 02:32:54] jerkymeat: have a good birthday, jest?
[2024-06-05 02:33:06] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-06-05 02:33:11] BlinkofanEye: fooking
[2024-06-05 02:33:12] -[HELLO]-JESTER: yes ty
[2024-06-05 02:33:14] Brettanomyces: sit
[2024-06-05 02:33:16] BlinkofanEye: how old jester
[2024-06-05 02:33:21] -[HELLO]-JESTER: 63
[2024-06-05 02:33:26] BlinkofanEye: nice
[2024-06-05 02:33:37] BlinkofanEye: another cancer
[2024-06-05 02:33:39] BlinkofanEye: kid
[2024-06-05 02:33:39] -[HELLO]-JESTER: old
[2024-06-05 02:33:39] BlinkofanEye: i mean
[2024-06-05 02:33:51] BlinkofanEye: im june baby too
[2024-06-05 02:33:54] -[HELLO]-JESTER: yep thats me
[2024-06-05 02:33:58] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: me too
[2024-06-05 02:34:57] BlinkofanEye: rofl chaos
[2024-06-05 02:35:04] _Brain Damage_: strategy
[2024-06-05 02:35:11] BlinkofanEye: f
[2024-06-05 02:35:15] Brettanomyces: sit
[2024-06-05 02:35:29] Farmer Dave: flag
[2024-06-05 02:35:51] Brettanomyces: BANG!!
[2024-06-05 02:36:43] BlinkofanEye: gatted
[2024-06-05 02:36:47] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey peeps and rouse
[2024-06-05 02:36:55] BlinkofanEye: FACK
[2024-06-05 02:37:07] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hello ALL MY LADIES :)\
[2024-06-05 02:37:11] Mr. Fox: howdy maam
[2024-06-05 02:37:15] BlinkofanEye: hello kween
[2024-06-05 02:37:23] -[HELLO]-JESTER: STFU NOT YOU
[2024-06-05 02:37:33] Brettanomyces: jester u are older than spin?
[2024-06-05 02:37:34] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-06-05 02:37:35] _Brain Damage_: where is SANCHO HE MUST play
[2024-06-05 02:37:42] Mr. Fox: l
[2024-06-05 02:37:43] BlinkofanEye: hes doanloading last map lol
[2024-06-05 02:37:45] -[HELLO]-JESTER: I GUESS
[2024-06-05 02:37:54] _Brain Damage_: it took me like 1 min
[2024-06-05 02:37:59] _Brain Damage_: or less
[2024-06-05 02:38:08] BlinkofanEye: who knows
[2024-06-05 02:38:11] Brettanomyces: i lost my acess to the website
[2024-06-05 02:38:19] BlinkofanEye: god im tired of being sick
[2024-06-05 02:38:27] _Brain Damage_: he's download 24k portrait of Jean-Paul 2
[2024-06-05 02:38:43] Brettanomyces: blinko how the lil girl?
[2024-06-05 02:38:49] BlinkofanEye: in germany
[2024-06-05 02:38:50] BlinkofanEye: with mom
[2024-06-05 02:38:53] BlinkofanEye: visiing for a month
[2024-06-05 02:39:02] BlinkofanEye: i was psyched for vacation and now im sick and injured
[2024-06-05 02:39:03] BlinkofanEye: but shes great
[2024-06-05 02:39:06] BlinkofanEye: shes a crazy fak
[2024-06-05 02:39:07] Brettanomyces: is she ok?
[2024-06-05 02:39:22] BlinkofanEye: yeh i mean she has her disability but is what it is
[2024-06-05 02:39:22] Brettanomyces: shes what now? 4?
[2024-06-05 02:39:27] BlinkofanEye: yup
[2024-06-05 02:39:39] BlinkofanEye: wifes like 6 months preg too
[2024-06-05 02:39:43] BlinkofanEye: FML
[2024-06-05 02:39:55] BlinkofanEye: boy this time
[2024-06-05 02:39:58] Brettanomyces: wow buy a tv blinko
[2024-06-05 02:40:04] BlinkofanEye: lol why
[2024-06-05 02:40:13] _Brain Damage_: bring him TO DCF NOW blink
[2024-06-05 02:40:14] -[HELLO]-JESTER: your wife prego blink
[2024-06-05 02:40:17] BlinkofanEye: yes
[2024-06-05 02:40:18] Brettanomyces: too many kids
[2024-06-05 02:40:21] BlinkofanEye: just 2
[2024-06-05 02:40:22] Peeper: blink u know how to get a possum pregnant?
[2024-06-05 02:40:22] _Brain Damage_: brink your boy to DC
[2024-06-05 02:40:26] slick_z: ouh
[2024-06-05 02:40:37] -[HELLO]-JESTER: 2 already?
[2024-06-05 02:40:42] BlinkofanEye: willb e 2 with secon
[2024-06-05 02:40:44] BlinkofanEye: second
[2024-06-05 02:40:45] Brettanomyces: got to girls
[2024-06-05 02:40:49] Brettanomyces: 2
[2024-06-05 02:40:51] -[HELLO]-JESTER: ok
[2024-06-05 02:40:55] BlinkofanEye: ns
[2024-06-05 02:40:59] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: 'orry
[2024-06-05 02:41:06] Farmer Dave: np
[2024-06-05 02:41:10] -[HELLO]-JESTER: me too both grown tho
[2024-06-05 02:41:14] Farmer Dave: bad guy in front of you
[2024-06-05 02:42:02] BlinkofanEye: get him
[2024-06-05 02:42:04] BlinkofanEye: cuthim off
[2024-06-05 02:42:15] _Brain Damage_: DUUUDe
[2024-06-05 02:42:18] BlinkofanEye: gj
[2024-06-05 02:42:19] _Brain Damage_: I wans about to cap
[2024-06-05 02:42:24] rousejob: sry
[2024-06-05 02:42:26] _Brain Damage_: and have sertonin
[2024-06-05 02:42:32] _Brain Damage_: )))
[2024-06-05 02:42:53] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-06-05 02:42:57] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey razor
[2024-06-05 02:43:05] Hellraz0r: yo jester
[2024-06-05 02:43:12] _Brain Damage_: u saying hi to my mouse?
[2024-06-05 02:43:17] _Brain Damage_: itz razor too
[2024-06-05 02:43:33] _Brain Damage_: entry level one, but it dont break
[2024-06-05 02:43:43] BlinkofanEye: fookng
[2024-06-05 02:43:57] _Brain Damage_: I love rats stuff that last 100's yers
[2024-06-05 02:44:12] BlinkofanEye: PWNT
[2024-06-05 02:44:20] BlinkofanEye: ns
[2024-06-05 02:44:26] Farmer Dave: thi8er spawn just north of our base
[2024-06-05 02:44:36] _Brain Damage_: did I describe u how I clean my kb blink?
[2024-06-05 02:44:44] BlinkofanEye: no
[2024-06-05 02:44:58] _Brain Damage_: bought little vaccum for kb
[2024-06-05 02:45:04] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: sorry
[2024-06-05 02:45:13] _Brain Damage_: and then put all keys on soap bath
[2024-06-05 02:45:25] _Brain Damage_: looked like new after and still working
[2024-06-05 02:45:28] BlinkofanEye: gay
[2024-06-05 02:45:36] _Brain Damage_: my 1st kb that last +2 years
[2024-06-05 02:46:02] -[HELLO]-JESTER: i neeed new one suggestions?
[2024-06-05 02:46:05] _Brain Damage_: 10 $ chinese vaccum for kb's it worth it
[2024-06-05 02:46:13] BlinkofanEye: what kind of switches youlike
[2024-06-05 02:46:19] BlinkofanEye: mechanical, scissor, etc
[2024-06-05 02:46:29] -[HELLO]-JESTER: dont care i dont know
[2024-06-05 02:46:36] BlinkofanEye: what are you used to
[2024-06-05 02:46:38] _Brain Damage_: my kb is g213 it's pseudo mechanical I think
[2024-06-05 02:46:44] -[HELLO]-JESTER: mechanical
[2024-06-05 02:46:53] BlinkofanEye: cant help you there maybe bd can
[2024-06-05 02:46:54] BlinkofanEye: i dont like mechanical
[2024-06-05 02:47:07] -[HELLO]-JESTER: ill try either
[2024-06-05 02:47:12] BlinkofanEye: i use a k780
[2024-06-05 02:47:15] BlinkofanEye: from logitech
[2024-06-05 02:47:17] _Brain Damage_: I like my IBM kb though sounded like a typing machine
[2024-06-05 02:47:20] -[HELLO]-JESTER: doeswnt matter to me
[2024-06-05 02:47:21] BlinkofanEye: feel like a nice laptop keyboard, low travel
[2024-06-05 02:47:22] _Brain Damage_: liked...
[2024-06-05 02:47:24] BlinkofanEye: i can type super fat on it
[2024-06-05 02:47:45] _Brain Damage_: you're typing is fat blink
[2024-06-05 02:47:52] BlinkofanEye: so t8icc
[2024-06-05 02:47:53] BlinkofanEye: ticc
[2024-06-05 02:47:55] BlinkofanEye: THIFCCC
[2024-06-05 02:48:01] BlinkofanEye: no misaeke
[2024-06-05 02:48:01] Drunken JimBo: sorry
[2024-06-05 02:48:05] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: np
[2024-06-05 02:48:22] -[HELLO]-JESTER: brands?
[2024-06-05 02:48:28] BlinkofanEye: logitech
[2024-06-05 02:48:33] BlinkofanEye: nice bill
[2024-06-05 02:48:39] BlinkofanEye: it has round keys lol
[2024-06-05 02:48:42] BlinkofanEye: but good for spacing
[2024-06-05 02:48:47] BlinkofanEye: so i dont make mistakes ever
[2024-06-05 02:48:47] BlinkofanEye: no
[2024-06-05 02:48:48] BlinkofanEye: not
[2024-06-05 02:49:05] BlinkofanEye: theyre like 60 buks
[2024-06-05 02:49:15] -[HELLO]-JESTER: is jimbo moob?
[2024-06-05 02:49:24] -[HELLO]-JESTER: brand>
[2024-06-05 02:49:31] Mr. Fox: too high of score for moob
[2024-06-05 02:49:33] BlinkofanEye: i just said logitech k780
[2024-06-05 02:49:36] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-06-05 02:49:43] Mr. Fox: moob is typically in the -2 range
[2024-06-05 02:49:45] -[HELLO]-JESTER: ok
[2024-06-05 02:49:45] BlinkofanEye: faking bill
[2024-06-05 02:49:49] BlinkofanEye: rof fox
[2024-06-05 02:49:50] _Brain Damage_: did u buy k780?
[2024-06-05 02:49:51] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lol
[2024-06-05 02:49:56] BlinkofanEye: im on my third i think
[2024-06-05 02:49:56] Drunken JimBo: sorry
[2024-06-05 02:49:59] slick_z: oh no
[2024-06-05 02:50:00] Peeper: np\
[2024-06-05 02:50:00] BlinkofanEye: in like 8 years
[2024-06-05 02:50:03] _Brain Damage_: are u a billionaire blink?
[2024-06-05 02:50:07] BlinkofanEye: lol why
[2024-06-05 02:50:13] BlinkofanEye: im a thousandaire
[2024-06-05 02:50:17] _Brain Damage_: piano and k780
[2024-06-05 02:50:21] BlinkofanEye: rofl
[2024-06-05 02:50:23] _Brain Damage_: u gotta be rich bro
[2024-06-05 02:50:30] BlinkofanEye: i wish
[2024-06-05 02:50:33] BlinkofanEye: im rich in spirit
[2024-06-05 02:50:39] _Brain Damage_: and house travels bla bla u are not poor
[2024-06-05 02:50:50] BlinkofanEye: hose travels?
[2024-06-05 02:51:03] _Brain Damage_: u live in house and u travel a lot
[2024-06-05 02:51:12] _Brain Damage_: house with piano
[2024-06-05 02:51:14] BlinkofanEye: not really
[2024-06-05 02:51:25] BlinkofanEye: i just work part time
[2024-06-05 02:51:27] BlinkofanEye: and hve a lot of time

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