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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_al_nas - 2024-06-09 04:09:01 Chatlog
Players Clans Character-Types Weapons Vehicles Maps

[2024-06-09 04:10:04] Arbiter6452: what the hell
[2024-06-09 04:10:10] Costa: this really is the DC map of all time
[2024-06-09 04:10:26] -[HELL0]-Crash: dude u shud see my version
[2024-06-09 04:10:33] Costa: i remember it
[2024-06-09 04:10:40] -[HELL0]-Crash: thats the one i want u to see
[2024-06-09 04:10:58] -[HELL0]-Crash: i notice that the underground tunnels
[2024-06-09 04:11:09] -[HELL0]-Crash: and a player can see someon in tunnel from above
[2024-06-09 04:11:16] tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2024-06-09 04:11:16] Costa: :O
[2024-06-09 04:11:19] -[HELL0]-Crash: so i changd some "Environment mapping" settings
[2024-06-09 04:11:26] -[HELL0]-Crash: and i wanna test it but i cant do it myself
[2024-06-09 04:11:34] Costa: like the envmap?
[2024-06-09 04:11:36] Costa: the textures?
[2024-06-09 04:11:44] -[HELL0]-Crash: the actual mesh
[2024-06-09 04:11:47] Costa: oh shit
[2024-06-09 04:11:50] -[HELL0]-Crash: i set it to
[2024-06-09 04:11:59] -[HELL0]-Crash: two sided and env mapping to on
[2024-06-09 04:12:38] -[HELL0]-Crash: brought that big flat thin mesh into blender
[2024-06-09 04:12:45] -[HELL0]-Crash: and then changed it, then brought it back in as a custom
[2024-06-09 04:12:52] Costa: thats crazy
[2024-06-09 04:13:01] tohsdaehmoob: Nope
[2024-06-09 04:13:03] Costa: didnt know you could even edit the envmap mesh itself
[2024-06-09 04:13:04] tohsdaehmoob: WTF
[2024-06-09 04:13:12] Goosey: ur foot wa sticking out
[2024-06-09 04:13:15] -[HELL0]-Crash: yep
[2024-06-09 04:13:25] Goosey: :I
[2024-06-09 04:13:26] tohsdaehmoob: ooooh u SOB
[2024-06-09 04:13:33] -[HELL0]-Crash: it was one sided and env map set to 0 by default
[2024-06-09 04:13:41] Goosey: im giggling a little mooby
[2024-06-09 04:13:52] tohsdaehmoob: i'll cut u
[2024-06-09 04:13:56] Goosey: lolol
[2024-06-09 04:14:01] -[HELLO]-JESTER: sorry
[2024-06-09 04:14:06] -[HELL0]-Crash: u cudnt cut a deck of cards, sober moobs
[2024-06-09 04:14:17] -[HELL0]-Crash: :D
[2024-06-09 04:14:29] Costa: sober is not me right now :DDDDD
[2024-06-09 04:14:34] _Brain Damage_: hi dudes
[2024-06-09 04:14:35] _Brain Damage_: hi dudes
[2024-06-09 04:14:35] tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2024-06-09 04:16:08] _Brain Damage_: FU sancho u didnt join VC chacnnel
[2024-06-09 04:16:13] _Brain Damage_: sissy
[2024-06-09 04:16:16] Sgt. Schultz: get the flag
[2024-06-09 04:16:32] _Brain Damage_: you dont have a sexy voice I guess
[2024-06-09 04:16:59] -[HELL0]-Crash: our team is stacked
[2024-06-09 04:17:04] -[HELL0]-Crash: bigger than anna nicole smith
[2024-06-09 04:17:16] tohsdaehmoob: oyEAH
[2024-06-09 04:17:47] ouchie_giver: shoot
[2024-06-09 04:18:17] General Skoal: moob go voice on kriegs
[2024-06-09 04:18:23] General Skoal: on with graiz
[2024-06-09 04:18:27] General Skoal: on with graiz
[2024-06-09 04:18:42] tohsdaehmoob: i gotta go to bed
[2024-06-09 04:18:47] tohsdaehmoob: someone
[2024-06-09 04:18:51] -[HELLO]-JESTER: no you dont
[2024-06-09 04:18:53] Arbiter6452: its saturday night dude lol
[2024-06-09 04:18:54] tohsdaehmoob: as beautiful as me
[2024-06-09 04:18:59] tohsdaehmoob: needs beauty sleep
[2024-06-09 04:19:23] General Skoal: your about as beutiful as kamalas arsehole
[2024-06-09 04:19:32] tohsdaehmoob: self-employed people don't get weekends
[2024-06-09 04:19:46] tohsdaehmoob: i got video editing in the morning
[2024-06-09 04:19:49] Arbiter6452: What is with the Camel? can't drive it
[2024-06-09 04:20:00] Costa: camel gives health and ammo
[2024-06-09 04:20:02] tohsdaehmoob: yeah but you can f**k it
[2024-06-09 04:20:07] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: llol
[2024-06-09 04:20:10] Goosey: gently
[2024-06-09 04:20:22] tohsdaehmoob: one at a time, boys
[2024-06-09 04:20:25] tohsdaehmoob: she needs rest
[2024-06-09 04:20:28] Goosey: lol
[2024-06-09 04:20:29] Costa: camel is easily the greatest thing in the entire DC mod
[2024-06-09 04:20:31] General Skoal: you should chug with me n graiz moon
[2024-06-09 04:20:44] General Skoal: moob*
[2024-06-09 04:20:49] tohsdaehmoob: i'm on my last sip of wine
[2024-06-09 04:20:56] -[HELL0]-Crash: get a job moobs
[2024-06-09 04:21:05] Gecky: jguyyyujujn
[2024-06-09 04:21:13] General Skoal: lemme send ya some TRUMP vodka
[2024-06-09 04:21:45] _Roadie : I always wondered who da fug bought that piss
[2024-06-09 04:22:03] tohsdaehmoob: same ones who bought the moldy steaks
[2024-06-09 04:22:21] tohsdaehmoob: or the college MBA
[2024-06-09 04:22:22] _Roadie : and went to the university????
[2024-06-09 04:22:46] -[HELL0]-Crash: ive seen rich me eat crumbs off the floor
[2024-06-09 04:22:47] Sgt. Schultz: roof by flag
[2024-06-09 04:22:50] -[HELL0]-Crash: anal retentive as fk
[2024-06-09 04:23:00] -[HELL0]-Crash: men*
[2024-06-09 04:23:56] _Roadie : taht was a new spot there Jes
[2024-06-09 04:24:09] tohsdaehmoob: yay
[2024-06-09 04:24:09] Arbiter6452: ROFL
[2024-06-09 04:24:10] -[HELLO]-JESTER: yep
[2024-06-09 04:24:24] -[HELLO]-JESTER: how you find me
[2024-06-09 04:24:26] Rick Sanchez: lolololol
[2024-06-09 04:24:40] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: Bhilly
[2024-06-09 04:24:58] _Roadie : sound
[2024-06-09 04:25:11] _Roadie : the crack of the rifle
[2024-06-09 04:25:24] dhs: SORRY
[2024-06-09 04:25:29] _Roadie : K np
[2024-06-09 04:25:30] -[HELLO]-JESTER: oh
[2024-06-09 04:25:47] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAHHHHHH
[2024-06-09 04:25:47] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol crash
[2024-06-09 04:25:51] -[HELL0]-Crash: lll
[2024-06-09 04:26:02] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: nice score moob you retard
[2024-06-09 04:26:12] tohsdaehmoob: Haww butthurt
[2024-06-09 04:26:27] -[HELL0]-Crash: moobs
[2024-06-09 04:26:29] _Roadie : don't fix it!!!!!
[2024-06-09 04:26:34] _Roadie : wdddddd
[2024-06-09 04:26:36] -[HELL0]-Crash: do u know who shecky grounds is
[2024-06-09 04:26:56] tohsdaehmoob: 69, like Kilgore's mom
[2024-06-09 04:27:11] Goosey: ugh n1
[2024-06-09 04:27:15] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: TY
[2024-06-09 04:27:30] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2024-06-09 04:27:42] Goosey: knees sore yet jester;)
[2024-06-09 04:27:52] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lol nope
[2024-06-09 04:28:32] _Roadie : yepper - time for rest. gn all
[2024-06-09 04:28:34] tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2024-06-09 04:28:48] Goosey: hgahga
[2024-06-09 04:29:43] tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2024-06-09 04:29:45] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: oh billy
[2024-06-09 04:29:53] tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2024-06-09 04:30:04] -[HELL0]-Crash: lo
[2024-06-09 04:30:05] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: slart
[2024-06-09 04:30:07] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: yes?
[2024-06-09 04:31:08] tohsdaehmoob: i think they surrendered
[2024-06-09 04:31:41] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: retard
[2024-06-09 04:32:04] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: retard
[2024-06-09 04:32:13] tohsdaehmoob: lol so butthurt
[2024-06-09 04:32:34] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: are you?
[2024-06-09 04:32:51] Goosey: u two need to hug it out
[2024-06-09 04:32:59] -[HELL0]-Crash: no tongue this time tho
[2024-06-09 04:33:03] Goosey: lol
[2024-06-09 04:33:41] ouchie_giver: !nextmap
[2024-06-09 04:34:19] tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2024-06-09 04:35:39] tohsdaehmoob: suck it
[2024-06-09 04:35:41] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: O NO
[2024-06-09 04:35:46] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: F ME I GOT SOME BLOODLUST FOR U BILLY
[2024-06-09 04:36:04] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: lol
[2024-06-09 04:36:24] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2024-06-09 04:36:32] tohsdaehmoob: we win
[2024-06-09 04:36:44] tohsdaehmoob: moob MVP
[2024-06-09 04:36:51] Goosey: again!
[2024-06-09 04:37:21] tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2024-06-09 04:37:36] Goosey: soz
[2024-06-09 04:37:37] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-06-09 04:37:38] Goosey: tk
[2024-06-09 04:37:41] -[HELL0]-Crash: \ffs under u
[2024-06-09 04:37:57] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey ffs
[2024-06-09 04:38:02] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey spank
[2024-06-09 04:38:03] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: rgr
[2024-06-09 04:38:03] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-06-09 04:38:08] -[HELLO]-UltraSpankA: sorry
[2024-06-09 04:38:11] Costa: np
[2024-06-09 04:38:22] -[HELLO]-UltraSpankA: what up!
[2024-06-09 04:38:26] tohsdaehmoob: Add a whoo-ah!
[2024-06-09 04:39:50] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: mother ducker
[2024-06-09 04:39:53] Goosey: :D
[2024-06-09 04:40:22] tohsdaehmoob: Killgore still butthurt, or did he calm down?
[2024-06-09 04:40:39] -[HELL0]-Crash: DUNNO did u use lube
[2024-06-09 04:40:47] -[HELL0]-Crash: jks
[2024-06-09 04:40:51] tohsdaehmoob: crisco
[2024-06-09 04:40:54] -[HELL0]-Crash: eew
[2024-06-09 04:41:05] -[HELL0]-Crash: oh sht soz
[2024-06-09 04:41:07] tohsdaehmoob: i like to keep it old-school
[2024-06-09 04:42:10] Sgt. Schultz: sry
[2024-06-09 04:42:21] tohsdaehmoob: nothing but the finest Crisco and Poppers for Killgore booty
[2024-06-09 04:42:26] Why gametracker ass: Guess who fixed the internet to work..
[2024-06-09 04:42:34] Costa: BANG
[2024-06-09 04:42:42] Costa: SORRY
[2024-06-09 04:42:43] -[HELL0]-Crash: ur motel 6 boss?
[2024-06-09 04:42:44] Why gametracker ass: ayoooo
[2024-06-09 04:42:48] tohsdaehmoob: make with the map pack!
[2024-06-09 04:42:57] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: moobs score hasn't changed in 5 minutes
[2024-06-09 04:42:58] Why gametracker ass: 100 ping lol
[2024-06-09 04:43:02] Why gametracker ass: UTAH ping woooo
[2024-06-09 04:43:07] tohsdaehmoob: yep, still butthurt
[2024-06-09 04:43:09] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: ns
[2024-06-09 04:43:21] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: why are you butt hurt?
[2024-06-09 04:43:32] Goosey: heh
[2024-06-09 04:43:37] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: because once again you have the worst score?
[2024-06-09 04:43:38] tohsdaehmoob: i know you are, but what am i?
[2024-06-09 04:43:41] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: too much billy?
[2024-06-09 04:44:21] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey bang
[2024-06-09 04:44:24] Why gametracker ass: hey hey
[2024-06-09 04:44:43] rousejob: hey
[2024-06-09 04:44:44] Goosey: lol
[2024-06-09 04:44:48] tohsdaehmoob: ooohhh GOOSED
[2024-06-09 04:44:52] Goosey: :D
[2024-06-09 04:45:04] Why gametracker ass: costa
[2024-06-09 04:45:07] Costa: hi
[2024-06-09 04:45:12] Why gametracker ass: 8000 feet for me
[2024-06-09 04:45:13] -[HELLO]-JESTER: bang thought you didny have ibternet
[2024-06-09 04:45:14] Why gametracker ass: here
[2024-06-09 04:45:17] Why gametracker ass: yeah
[2024-06-09 04:45:19] Why gametracker ass: fixed t
[2024-06-09 04:45:20] Why gametracker ass: lol
[2024-06-09 04:45:26] tohsdaehmoob: OMG i'm GOOOOD
[2024-06-09 04:45:27] Why gametracker ass: got lucky
[2024-06-09 04:45:30] Costa: mantis?
[2024-06-09 04:45:39] Why gametracker ass: mantis what
[2024-06-09 04:45:43] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey rouse
[2024-06-09 04:45:45] Costa: you fixed it?
[2024-06-09 04:45:50] Why gametracker ass: no was talking to jessy
[2024-06-09 04:45:54] Costa: oh
[2024-06-09 04:45:54] Why gametracker ass: lol
[2024-06-09 04:46:00] Why gametracker ass: i said 8000 feet
[2024-06-09 04:46:02] Why gametracker ass: for me
[2024-06-09 04:46:04] Costa: nvm i drunk af
[2024-06-09 04:46:04] Why gametracker ass: elevation rn
[2024-06-09 04:46:06] Costa: lol
[2024-06-09 04:46:07] Sgt. Schultz: lol
[2024-06-09 04:46:36] Why gametracker ass: Anyone play in the pirates event earlier today?
[2024-06-09 04:46:54] Goosey: nah
[2024-06-09 04:47:01] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hell no lol
[2024-06-09 04:47:06] ouchie_giver: like battlefield pirates?
[2024-06-09 04:47:20] -[HELL0]-Crash: i didnt play pirates
[2024-06-09 04:47:27] -[HELL0]-Crash: but amber heard threw a bottle at me and shat
[2024-06-09 04:47:28] -[HELL0]-Crash: in my bed
[2024-06-09 04:47:42] Why gametracker ass: yeah saw we had 28 or so at the peak
[2024-06-09 04:47:44] Why gametracker ass: :)
[2024-06-09 04:48:02] tohsdaehmoob: damn, i was at a Pride event
[2024-06-09 04:48:17] Why gametracker ass: get tested.
[2024-06-09 04:48:23] Sgt. Schultz: i went to a shame event
[2024-06-09 04:48:24] tohsdaehmoob: lol
[2024-06-09 04:48:29] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: oh billy
[2024-06-09 04:48:39] tohsdaehmoob: good news, i pASSed
[2024-06-09 04:49:00] tohsdaehmoob: with flying rainbow colors
[2024-06-09 04:49:05] Why gametracker ass: lmao
[2024-06-09 04:49:09] Ragnarok: sorry
[2024-06-09 04:49:18] Goosey: :D
[2024-06-09 04:49:21] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: )
[2024-06-09 04:49:26] tohsdaehmoob: i was the distraction
[2024-06-09 04:49:36] -[HELLO]-JESTER: NEXT MAP
[2024-06-09 04:49:56] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey blitz
[2024-06-09 04:49:58] B L I T Z K R I E G: damn i could really use a rousejob right now
[2024-06-09 04:50:01] Gecky: !nextmap
[2024-06-09 04:50:11] Goosey: we all could blitz
[2024-06-09 04:50:14] -[HELLO]-JESTER: its getting started late
[2024-06-09 04:50:20] B L I T Z K R I E G: HAHAHAHA
[2024-06-09 04:50:23] tohsdaehmoob: someone tell Killgore's mom to rub his belly
[2024-06-09 04:50:26] tohsdaehmoob: it calms him down

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